For those who believe in the Divine

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please help me understand how God could let this happen? I am so utterly depressed and disappointed. I can't even begin to make the effort to go pray or meditate or anything. My head is reeling and my world has fallen apart.

Finding 12 jurors (and some alternates) who believe KC's innocence is statistically improbable. If they had taken a week or so, if they had found her guilty of atleast manslaughter, if she got off on a technicality then ok but this is just almost impossible.

I wanna say this is a miracle (as in an event that occurs against all odds but unfortunately it is a very terrible event)How could God let the impossible happen? Does this mean that he has forgiven her? That she has been given a second chance at life??? Strange thoughts occur to me: has sociopathic Casey repented and God forgiven her??? I can't believe how this happened or why it did. Not a blade of grass moves without the Will of the Divine. Is this really God's will that she be FREE? That she be free, be rich, be famous?


Please don't blame God for this. He has given us all free will to make our own choices.
Unfortunately alot of people have chosen to be blind to the truth.
God will never take away our own free will.
Satan is alive & well in this world but his time is short.
Didn't Jesus say that " it is easier for a camel to go through they eye of a needle then for a rich man to enter heaven" I understand what he meant.
Didn't Job pray for only enough money to make him comfortable & not a penny more lest he forget about God?
They can have their riches. I would rather have my saviour.
Didn't Satan promise Jesus all the power & riches in this world if he would follow him?
Money is the root of all evil in this world. People lie, cheat & kill for it.
It is their choice in the end, not Gods...
Casey is going to learn something from all of this. She will never be free in the true sense of the word. She will always know what she did. She will always need to watch her back as just like in prison. Some revengeful person may take it upon themselves to dole out justice to her. She may earn some money from media appearances but she owes a large sum to the Fed govt for back taxes on the photo money. The media will quit wanting Casey eventually. She'll be shunned by much of society and be forever condemned as long as she lives. God gave men free will. The jury did this, not God but God will have the last word.

I agree! God gave us all free will, to teach us certain lessons. Casey will be judged by him, he has a plan.
There is always free will. Horrible,evil things happen every day.
I think we need to take away the positive and move forward.
There is an awful lot of positive energy,thoughts and prayers generated from this huge following at WS. Many of us have become friends.
TES has been high lighted and I hope has received donations and volunteers from our Forum.
Maybe other parents are seeing the warning signs in their children and are doing something about it,instead of enabling them
Perhaps many Caylee's have been saved because of this case.

I would love to see us do something positive in Caylee's name .
Mark Klass's Foundation
Missing Kids networks
Maybe even something for parents who have a Casey and don't know what to do.
please help me understand how God could let this happen? I am so utterly depressed and disappointed. I can't even begin to make the effort to go pray or meditate or anything. My head is reeling and my world has fallen apart.

Finding 12 jurors (and some alternates) who believe KC's innocence is statistically improbable. If they had taken a week or so, if they had found her guilty of atleast manslaughter, if she got off on a technicality then ok but this is just almost impossible.

I wanna say this is a miracle (as in an event that occurs against all odds but unfortunately it is a very terrible event)How could God let the impossible happen? Does this mean that he has forgiven her? That she has been given a second chance at life??? Strange thoughts occur to me: has sociopathic Casey repented and God forgiven her??? I can't believe how this happened or why it did. Not a blade of grass moves without the Will of the Divine. Is this really God's will that she be FREE? That she be free, be rich, be famous?


Remember that God is the ultimate judge, and eternity lasts far longer than our time on earth (it's unending.) So whatever justice is lacking on earth is not nearly as important as God's justice. He allows us to make our own decisions. The jurors used their free will to come to this conclusion. But it does not affect the soul of little Caylee, and if she does not repent, it does not change God's justice towards Casey. He is the ultimate judge, far beyond the judges and juries on earth. Justice is ALWAYS served in the end for those who do not repent of their sins. And that is a permanent justice.

Also, God can, and has many times, turned evil into something good (starting with the torture and death of His very own Son, which then led to the salvation of the world.) How many positive things may come from this case? Would we have had America's Most Wanted all of these years of Adam Walsh had not been murdered and the killer never found? Would we have Amber alerts now if not for a little girl named Amber? How many have been saved because of just those two things? How much justice has been served just from these? There are numerous other laws and such that have saved countless lives because of the death of one. Just like billions might be saved due to the death of God's innocent Child, countless others have been and will be saved due to the repercussion from the death, and injustice, of an innocent person. God can turn ANYTHING towards good, and He has, and He will continue to do so until the end of days.
I think most of you know my 15 year old son committed suicide.
His birth mother consumed alcohol throughout her pregnancy . He was impulsive because the part of the brain that filters impulsive behaviors is damaged by alcohol.
We had three children and adopted 4 more,all dealing with consequences of prenatal issues. Our youngest has major medical and developmental issues,the oldest almost none.
We rarely dwell on the why's. We deal with now and with the future and it brings great joy and satisfaction. It's the only way I know how to live and get through day to day :grouphug:
Like most everyone else, I was in total disbelief yesterday when that verdict was read--really close to tears. A brilliant prosecutorial team gave it everything they had, only to be slapped in the face. In fact, I watched LDB's closing several times, cheering like I was at a football game. Brilliant logic just cannot reach some people.

But right now, after praying and thinking, I've given it all to God. Like George, I figuratively wash my hands. What's been decided cannot be undecided. But this young woman is on dangerous ground by reentering the world with her unchanged, unrepented sociopathic tendencies, IMO. Things cannot end well for her. Sociopathy combined with risk-taking and a sense of invulnerability will create a prison for her that may be far worse than the pen in Fla.
Remember that God is the ultimate judge, and eternity lasts far longer than our time on earth (it's unending.) So whatever justice is lacking on earth is not nearly as important as God's justice. He allows us to make our own decisions. The jurors used their free will to come to this conclusion. But it does not affect the soul of little Caylee, and if she does not repent, it does not change God's justice towards Casey. He is the ultimate judge, far beyond the judges and juries on earth. Justice is ALWAYS served in the end for those who do not repent of their sins. And that is a permanent justice.

Also, God can, and has many times, turned evil into something good (starting with the torture and death of His very own Son, which then led to the salvation of the world.) How many positive things may come from this case? Would we have had America's Most Wanted all of these years of Adam Walsh had not been murdered and the killer never found? Would we have Amber alerts now if not for a little girl named Amber? How many have been saved because of just those two things? How much justice has been served just from these? There are numerous other laws and such that have saved countless lives because of the death of one. Just like billions might be saved due to the death of God's innocent Child, countless others have been and will be saved due to the repercussion from the death, and injustice, of an innocent person. God can turn ANYTHING towards good, and He has, and He will continue to do so until the end of days.

This is a really good explanation for those who believe.
Bad things happen.. but everything happens for a reason.
Barrysgirl, just wanted to say personally that THAT was a GREAT post!!

ITA and thats what i was about to write myself
One time a few years ago, a dear friend of mine died at the age of 34 in a car accident. She was sweet, kind and a giver. Truly one of God's angels on earth. In prayer I asked God, "Why, did you take her Lord and why do you let some of the really rotten folks continue to live. Couldn't you have taken one of them?"

A still quiet voice said to me, "I let the mean, onery ones live longer in hopes that they will come to know me. "****" already knew me, and desired to live happily with me in heaven."

You can take it for what it was, but it has given me a great deal of comfort when I see evil folks that seem to "get by with murder."

There is always hope, there is no sin that, confessed, will not be forgiven. There is hope for ICA, OJ, as long as they are alive.

God does not need a jury. He does not sleep. He knows what happened that day. He saw it. She WILL pay.

Meanwhile, Jesus will hold Caylee tight. She will never have to face the evils of this world again.

God is good all the time.
This is my first post here, but I do read daily, almost all day long. :) I just want to chime in quickly if it's alright.

For those that believe in God and his ways, has it occurred to anyone that maybe... juuusssttt maybe, there is really something else that we don't see going on? Or Should I say, it is possible that she really didn't murder her daughter and didn't deserve the sentence that was nearly imposed on her? No one will ever truly know what happened, no matter what, but God does. It's possible that the story of her knowing what happened but not being the cause is entirely true and God couldn't let her life be ended as well, for something that would simply be another injustice. I don't mean to start a debate at all. I have no ill intention in saying this. But I'm one of those people that look at all angles of things and I think that's entirely possible. I believe that if she honestly, in cold blood, murdered her child and deliberately ended that childs life, God wouldnt have let her walk. BUT, God works in mysterious ways and we will not know until we get there as well and can ask him ourselves.

IMO your thoughts are very well expressed, but its quite possible that God allowed ICA to go free while knowing she is guilty. His justice is not always immediate:

"Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, the hearts of the sons of men are fully set to do evil."

"Though a sinner does evil a hundred times and his days are prolonged, yet surely I know that it will be well with those who fear God."

---Ecclesiates 8:11-12.

"God will bring to light what darkness hides, and will disclose everyone's inward motives." He has "fixed a day when He will judge the world righteously."

---I Cor. 4:5 and Acts 17:30.

On an eternal scale, ICA's future, temporal life is an almost infinitely small blip on the screen. God allows fallible, human tribunals to temporarily delay justice (as occurred with Barabbas---Luke 22:13-25). But eventually,

"He will execute His sentence upon the earth, He will close His account with people completely, rigorously cutting it short in His justice."

---Rom. 9:28.

ICA apparently has her tunnel vision focused on this brief, temporal life, while she wears blinders concerning her eternal destiny. God looks at things from an eternal perspective. He will ultimately square away little Caylee's account.

This is a very tough question. I have a little scenario in my head that helps me deal with this particular issue. Casey's turn to leave this Earth comes. She stands before God. He says "Casey, there's someone here who wants to see you."

And standing before her is her daughter. And God says to Caylee "Caylee, do you have anything you want to say to your Mother?"

Caylee says "I forgive you. I love you."

Then God speaks: "Casey, I am not going to judge you. For on this day, I am going to ask that you judge yourself."

Now think about it. How difficult would that be? God knows what is in our hearts.
I believe God allows things to happen and most of the time I don't know why. I trust he knows what he's doing. As hard as that is.
It is very possible that there was no murder.
But they did discard the body of the baby in a junk yard - and that too is a sin.

IMO this is a critical and perceptive point. If GA indeed covered up Caylee's pool drowning death, he must have felt their was culpable negligence to hide, and then ICA, by facilitating that type of cover up, is guilty of obstruction of justice.

By not calling trained paramedics to immediately come to check Caylee's medical status (and possibly to save her), ICA is also guilty of child neglect. She did not do all that was reasonably within her power to benefit her child.

If Florida and/or federal law does not hold ICA accountable for these infractions, then the current system of law itself is flawed.

While God's ways are at times mysterious (as with Job), He promises an ultimate, proper resolution to human injustice.
IMO this is a critical and perceptive point. If GA indeed covered up Caylee's pool drowning death, he must have felt their was culpable negligence to hide, and then ICA, by facilitating that type of cover up, is guilty of obstruction of justice.

By not calling trained paramedics to immediately come to check Caylee's medical status (and possibly to save her), ICA is also guilty of child neglect. She did not do all that was reasonably within her power to benefit her child.

If Florida and/or federal law does not hold ICA accountable for these infractions, then the current system of law itself is flawed.

While God's ways are at times mysterious (as with Job), He promises an ultimate, proper resolution to human injustice.

We will never really know what happened. We will always be guessing at best.
Maybe by the time KC saw Caylee in the pool there was no baby to save, it may have been really too late.

Some of us have a little more insight, but that does not matter, because knowing 1/2 the truth
does not shed light on the entire story. ONLY GOD knows what really happened.
But GA did clean it up, (wish that could be proven but it can not)
and the Family did discard the body, instead of giving the baby a proper burial.
This is a very tough question. I have a little scenario in my head that helps me deal with this particular issue. Casey's turn to leave this Earth comes. She stands before God. He says "Casey, there's someone here who wants to see you."

And standing before her is her daughter. And God says to Caylee "Caylee, do you have anything you want to say to your Mother?"

Caylee says "I forgive you. I love you."

Then God speaks: "Casey, I am not going to judge you. For on this day, I am going to ask that you judge yourself."

Now think about it. How difficult would that be? God knows what is in our hearts.

That is all very nice, if it was an accident.
But some come here with Karma from a past life, which we know nothing about.
I do believe in Cause and Effect, and sometimes the effect does not make sense to us,
and other times the effect is received in the next lifetime.
If it was an accident – not so sure that God wants to punish them at all.
God does not work with Human Laws.

I do not believe that it was murder.
Rose, don't let this travesty of earthly justice affect your faith or make you question God's will. That is the devil at work right there. Yes, KC gamed the system and beat the odds and got away with murder. Here. She will walk free soon out of the courthouse, and we know that isn't fair, to little Caylee, to her parents, to society at large. It's terribly unfair, and we can't accept it. But we must, nevertheless. For better or worse, this is our justice system, with all its flaws and foibles of human nature that on occasion cause the guilty to go free and the innocent to be jailed. It's all we've got, and it's imperfect.

But we who believe can take comfort in the knowledge that KC will one day face a different judge in a celestial court where her lies will get her no quarter and there will be no lawyer to protect her. Take some small comfort in that, Rose and keep your faith strong.
Thank you all for your beautiful posts. I welcome varied religious views (and those of you who don't believe in God, it's interesting to hear your thoughts as well)I'm going to save all your replies and read them when I feel a bit jaded.

This trial had me so preoccupied that I spent little time " on things above" I spent far too much on earthly things, wretched things.

Thank you for reminding me to trust in God in all his ways, even when it's hard to understand. He may have forgiven Casey or she may have a lot of suffering left, who knows? I will always keep Caylee and those that fought for her in my heart. I pray that I can learn to be kinder and more compassionate to others. I feel like Caylee was a 'gentle spirit' and I would like to live the rest of my days as a 'gentle spirit' too.

And oh yes, all the money/fame/power in the world cannot provide a fraction of the happiness that comes from having a true and deep relationship with God.

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