Forensic Astrology - AVEION LEWIS 2y.o.-missing 1/14/10 Roanoke VA

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Aug 20, 2008
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Once again we see a special needs child allegedly abducted.

1. Four children ages 4 & under in home under care of stepfather, one of which (Aveion) is a special needs child.

2. Child Protective Services previously called into home to investigate alleged abuse (failure to feed).

3. Caretaker (stepfather) alleges 3 men broke into apt., knocked him out, bound & gagged 4 y.o. girl, left other two children unharmed, abducted Aveion, left behind ransom note (written on back of medical bill in apt.). Expensive electronic equipment (TV) not taken.

Does anyone else see a disturbing pattern, similar perhaps to Daisja Weaver and Hasanni Campbell cases?

Aveion's natal sunrise chart shows potential abuse markers:

1. Possible SUN square MOON
2. Possible MOON sesquiquadrate PLUTO
3. MARS sesquiquadrate SATURN (HUGE abuse marker)
4. VENUS opposite SATURN (could denote lack of valuing, lack of love)

News articles state the incident occurred between 4:40 - 5:00 pm. The 4:40 pm Event Chart does not line up well with Aveion's (sunrise) natal and Secondary Progressed charts, suggesting that whatever happened occurred prior to this time.


Cancer, the sign of family/mothering/nurturing, rises on the Event Chart, with ruler MOON in Fateful Degree (same degree as the NODES), applying conjunct SUN (malefic NEW MOON), opposite Chart ASCENDANT, Peregrine, in Detriment, Combust.

Event Chart 8th House Cusp = 06 Aquarius, partile conjuncts Aveion's natal SUN, and Arabic Part of FATALITY 26 Pisces conjuncts Event MIDHEAVEN 29 Pisces, which itself is conjunct malefic Fixed Star SCHEAT within 1 minute of Arc.

Event MARS 15 Leo Retrograde squares Aveion's natal (sunrise) MOON 13 Taurus, and Event SUN 24 Capricorn inconjuncts his Secondary Progressed MOON. Aveion's Secondary Progressed SUN at 09 Aquarius is partile conjunct his natal CHIRON (wounding/harm).

It is a JUPITER day, MERCURY hour. MERCURY rules radix 3rd House (the information/statement/facts) and 4th House (parent). MERCURY at 05 Capricorn is Retrograde (secretive) and conjunct PLUTO in the 6th House of Caretaking.

I get the sense there is more to this story. If anyone comes across stepfather's birth information, please supply.

Brandon Real Lockett - DOB - 10/8 (from Roanoke City Court Records - no year given). His MS says he's 24 yrs. old
I am biting my nails, anxiously awaiting step dads chart!

blessings to our FA's, ya'll are wonderful!
Brandon Real Lockett - DOB - 10/8 (from Roanoke City Court Records - no year given). His MS says he's 24 yrs. old

I am biting my nails, anxiously awaiting step dads chart!

blessings to our FA's, ya'll are wonderful!

We are not sure of stepfather's birth date. It has been called to my attention that some sources list his age as 24, others as 25. There is also confusion regarding month/date. Although Oct. 8 has been frequently cited, August 10 has also been observed. I am reluctant to cast charts under these conditions........

I do note, however, stepfather seems to have nothing other than traffic violations on his record, which is somewhat relieving.

On the other hand, the 4:40 pm chart suggests 'more to the story,' possible deceptive reporting by parent. Which leads me to mention, earliest news reports clearly stated the alleged incident took place between 4:40 - 5:00 pm on Thursday, 1/14/2010. Later news articles, however, referenced stepfather's own testimony that the event took place 'shortly before 6:30 pm' ---

News sources had reported (early on) that police responded @ 6:41 pm.

A chart cast for 6:17 pm ('shortly before 6:30 pm', per stepfather) makes sickening connections with little Aveion's natal (sunrise) chart, which as I pointed out in previous post, shows severe abuse markers. However, I still have this nagging feeling something may have occurred well before even 4:40 pm.

If we can verify stepfather's birth information, I will look at his chart. In the meantime, if anyone can find mother's birth information, that would be worth looking at, as well.

will this work for a last seen time?

--Incident Information
Missing Person Circumstance Text : AMBER ALERT - Child was last seen at 2162 King Charles Av SE, Roanoke, Virginia. Suspects were seen hanging around outside the victim's home even after stepfather asked the three males to go away from the back of their residence. Unknown if armed. A note was left requesting money. May be traveling in a 90's Blazer Chevy , White. unknown. ANYONE HAVING INFORMATION SHOULD CONTACT: Roanoke Police Department at 1-540-853-2211 or Virginia State Police at 1-800-822-4453
Missing Person Last Seen Date : 2010-01-14
Missing Person Last Seen Time : 17:00:00

does the 'severe abuse markers' tell us if the abuse is related to Aveions health defect that has resulted in the child being put in foster care previously or like physical abuse (hope you know what I mean.. not enough coffee this morning!)

will keep looking for more info.. thanks so far Soulscape!
The 5:00 pm Last Seen chart is as troubling, if not more so, than the 4:40 pm chart, and we now have BL's DOB verified as 10/8/1985.

Charts indicate that the 'kidnapping' was staged and it is highly doubtful that little Aveion is still with us.

I am preparing charts / commentary & will post before the evening is out.

Thanks to all who supplied information.

Respectfully snipped:
Charts indicate that the 'kidnapping' was staged and it is highly doubtful that little Aveion is still with us.


Several of us have come to that conclusion earlier this afternoon... Sad, sad situation. Thank you for all the work you have done and are doing on Aveion.
As mentioned above, Aveion Lewis was born with a planetary pattern that shows potential for abuse. As I noted previously:

1. Possible SUN square MOON
2. Possible MOON sesquiquadrate PLUTO
3. MARS sesquiquadrate SATURN (HUGE abuse marker)
4. VENUS opposite SATURN (could denote lack of valuing, lack of love)

Because we are working with a sunrise chart, the MOON position is likely inexact (sunrise chart gives 13 Taurus) and ASCENDANT, MIDHEAVEN and House cusps are unreliable. That notwithstanding, I read sunrise charts symbolically and often find they give compelling insights.


Aveion's natal SUN at 06 Aquarius is in detriment and, other than a conjunction to CHIRON, weakly aspected. A natal SUN that receives little to no support can be problematic, at best describing a person who finds it difficult to work in sync with his world/ environment.

SUN conjunct CHIRON often describes wounding (CHIRON) of the Essential Self (SUN). In Aquarius, this might make him 'different' and/or it could even indicate 'rejection' of some sort. We have heard Aveion was previously removed from his home due to alleged failure to feed / failure to provide medical care and/or medication, and we know Aveion is a special needs child which also would be described well astrologically by SUN conjunct CHIRON.

More unpleasant, MARS sesquiquadrate SATURN applies no matter what time of day Aveion was born. This is a brutality aspect (either as perp or victim). Notice Aveion's natal SATURN is retrograde, often found in charts of individuals who have problematic relationships with their father / father-figure. His SATURN is also opposed VENUS which can (but doesn't have to) indicate a serious lack (SATURN Rx) of nurturing/ love/ affection (VENUS), and SATURN opposite MERCURY could denote depression / failure to thrive.

His natal (sunrise) MOON isn't in great shape either, afflicted by MERCURY, JUPITER, NEPTUNE, PLUTO and CHIRON, which could suggest issues with the mother, wounded digestion/absorption of nutrients and the like, but since we can't rely on the sunrise position, I'm not going to dwell on it.

CERES, another significator of mothering/nurturing/nutrition, is perhaps sextile MOON and definitely conjunct URANUS regardless of birth time, possibly further describing potential for erratic mothering/nurturing and/or the problems he has digesting/absorbing/processing nutrients.

Reading the chart symbolically, I note ALGOL 26 Taurus is close conjunct the 4th House End of Life cusp, which, under the circumstances, makes me nervous.

I will continue commentary in a subsequent post.

The 4:40 pm Last Seen chart discussed above showed 16 Cancer Rising with malefic SOUTH NODE in the 1st House, certainly suggestive of something very bad happening in the home.

Lord 1, the MOON, at 20 Capricorn was shown to be in absolutely terrible, perhaps fatal, condition. The 8th House of Death Cusp was partile exact little Aveion's natal SUN 06 Aquarius, and, as I have pointed out twice now, the same sign on Testimony House 3 and Parental House 4 with interception in House 4 caused me to wonder whether the stepfather had been truthful in his description of what happened.

The 5:00 pm Last Seen chart, however, is worse.


20 Cancer rises, now exactly conjunct the malefic SOUTH NODE with Lord 1 the MOON exactly opposed and in Fateful Degree, foretelling catastrophe/tragedy/fatality. As before, MOON is peregrine (helpless), in detriment, applying conjunct SUN (malefic NEW MOON) and combust.

We almost need go no further... something horrifically tragic, perhaps fatal, has occurred.

SATURN, the natural indicator of Death and, in this chart, Lord 8 of Death, is partile conjunct the 4th House of Endings cusp.

Arabic Parts give further clues:

MURDER1 19:37 Libra squares MOON

MURDER2 21:16 Aries squares MOON

ASSAULT1 20:24 Cancer conjuncts ASC and opposes MOON

TERMINATION 18:55 Leo inconjuncts MOON

CATASTROPHE 19:20 Virgo trines MOON

The Point of Death 15:20 Aquarius partile opposes MARS, a vicious malefic, at 15:25 Leo Rx.

Next, I looked at a quad wheel showing Aveion's natal, Tertiary Progressed, his stepfather's natal and the 5:00 pm Last Seen. Because as I write this, the stepfather has still not been declared a POI, I am not including BL's natal chart in the graphic below, although I have indicated relevant placements outside the wheel.


Natally, Brandon has a MARS-VENUS conjunction 17 - 20 Virgo as focal point of a T-square involving URANUS (14 Sagittarius) opposed CHIRON (14 Gemini) exact --- all in mutable signs (highly unstable). The outlet point would be approx. 14-17 Pisces. Additionally, Brandon has a sorely afflicted MOON (based on sunrise position), further suggesting instability, as well as difficulty in ability to nurture.

On 1/14/2010, transit MARS 15 Leo Rx triggered the entire pattern by trining BL's natal URANUS. Unfortunately, on that date, little Aveion's Tertiary Progressed SUN at 16 Pisces was the outlet.

Part of DEATH in Event Chart 11 Leo squares Aveion's natal (sunrise) MOON 13 Taurus and squares BL's (sunrise) VERTEX 12 Taurus and NODES 10 Taurus/Scorpio.

The last Solar Eclipse prior to the incident at 29 Cancer partile conjuncts BL's natal (sunrise) MOON and parallels Event MARS exact 0:00, with MARS being the trigger discussed two paragraphs above.

Event MIDHEAVEN 04 Aries partile opposes Aveion's Tertiary Progressed VERTEX (a fate indicator) 04 Libra and Event SATURN, which at 04 Libra is partile conjunct the Event 4th House of Endings cusp. SATURN rules the 8th House of Death in this chart, the cusp of which is 11:04 Aquarius, which is partile opposed Event Part of Death 11 Leo.

Mutable grand crosses are highly unstable. This one, triggered into action by transit MARS with Aveion's Tertiary Progressed SUN as outlet point, could have been fatal, with a 'kidnapping' staged as a cover-up.

Respectfully snipped

Arabic Parts give further clues:

MURDER1 19:37 Libra squares MOON

MURDER2 21:16 Aries squares MOON

I'm still really new to this side of I hope my question isn't out of line or sounds stupid...

The above Murder1 - and - Murder2

Does this mean that there are 2 people possibly involved in this? Or does this mean that there was a possibility of 2 different events that could have brought harm to this child?

Thank you!
Respectfully snipped

I'm still really new to this side of I hope my question isn't out of line or sounds stupid...

The above Murder1 - and - Murder2

Does this mean that there are 2 people possibly involved in this? Or does this mean that there was a possibility of 2 different events that could have brought harm to this child?

Thank you!

Part of MURDER1 is typically used in day charts (from sunrise to sunset) and MURDER2 in night charts (from sunset to sunrise). I always look at both. I have found no correlation with two perps / two events.

Family of Aveion Lewis reacts to his death and faked abduction
Published: January 19, 2010
Updated: January 20, 2010
“All indications are Aveion was deceased prior to the 911 call made on the 14th,“ says Roanoke Police Chief Joe Gaskins.

Aveion’s body still hasn’t been found. Tuesday night the Lockett home was an active crime scene and Chris Ward, Aveion’s Uncle, was still in shock even though he didn’t believe Lockett’s story from the beginning. “We had already put this together when it hit, but I’m not prepared for it.“

Police are calling this a death investigation at this time, not a murder. Lockett is being questioned but has not been officially charged. For some family members, there still isn’t a sense of closure. “They still haven’t found his body,“ said Ward.

Video: Family of Aveion Lewis reacts to his death and faked abduction 2:15

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Charges filed in Aveion Lewis case
Published: January 19, 2010
Updated: January 20, 2010
Wed. 1:28 p.m. Roanoke City Police have filed charges against Brandon Lockett. According to a press release, he has been charged with felony child neglect, improper disposal of a human body, and obstruction of justice. Police continue to search for the body of 2-yr old Aveion Malik Lewis.

5:50 p.m.

News release update from Roanoke City Police Dept.

On January 14, 2010, the Roanoke Police Department received a report of the abduction of Aveion Malik Lewis from the 2100 block of King Charles Avenue.

Since then, the department has investigated the reported abduction and received varying degrees of cooperation from key persons in the investigation; which lead police to question the validity of information received from some individuals.

As a result, investigators began to focus on the possibility that Brandon Lockett, Aveion’ step-father was not providing accurate details. Based on conflicting statements given, and significant developments within the last 24 hours, police determined that it was necessary to expand the previous and ongoing ground search.

As the search progressed, Police were advised that the reported abduction did not occur.

It is with great regret and sadness that the Roanoke Police Department announces that our investigation has moved from an abduction to an investigation into the death of Aveion Malik Lewis.

All indications are that Aveion was deceased prior to the 911 call made on January 14. This information has been provided by Brandon Lockett. Unfortunately, police do not yet have a known location of Aveion’s body. The expanded ground search, which began this morning will continue in an effort locate Aveion.

Investigators are working to obtain more information surrounding the circumstances of Aveion’s death, and those details cannot be released at this time.

During this investigation we have received overwhelming support and cooperation from the public, and the Roanoke Police Department thanks everyone for their cooperation. The department asks for the public’s continued support, assistance, and cooperation.

This investigation is ongoing, and anyone with additional information regarding this investigation should call the Roanoke Police Department.

The department thanks the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Virginia State Police, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, and numerous public safety agencies and search teams from across the state and outside Virginia.

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Aveion Lewis update: Stepfather charged, search for body continues
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Roanoke police have charged the stepfather of Aveion Malik Lewis with child neglect, improper disposal of a human body and obstruction of justice, police said in a news release this afternoon.

Brandon Lockett had told police that on Thursday three men knocked him out and abducted his 2-year-old stepson. On Tuesday, he told police that the child was dead even before he was reported missing.

Police are continuing to search for the toddler's body and have not released information on how Aveion might have died.

Video Included In Article-Press conference: Police believe 2-year-old Aveion Lewis is dead

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Missing 2-year-old Aveion Lewis is dead, police told
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The search for Aveion Lewis took an abrupt turn Tuesday when the 2-year-old boy's stepfather told investigators that the toddler is dead, Roanoke Police Chief Joe Gaskins said at a news conference.

The stepfather, Brandon Lockett, was being held Tuesday for questioning, Gaskins said. The boy's mother, Morgan Lockett, also has been questioned.

Wednesday, Roanoke police charged Brandon Lockett with child neglect, improper disposal of a human body and obstruction of justice. Police did not release information on how Aveion might have died.

During the investigation, police received varying degrees of cooperation from people they interviewed, Gaskins said. That led them to question the validity of the information they were receiving, especially from Brandon Lockett, Gaskins said.

On Tuesday, Lockett told police that Aveion was dead even before the family reported the abduction, according to Roanoke police spokeswoman Aisha Johnson.

Police on Tuesday expanded the search for the toddler's body, and they will continue searching today.

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Roanoke Police charge Aveion Lewis’ step-father
Published: January 20, 2010
Updated: January 20, 2010
Dogs and recovery crews searched the ground and the banks of the Roanoke River Wednesday, focusing on a two mile area surrounding Lockett’s home. Captain Curtis Davis with the Roanoke Police Department, says more than one hundred people at any given time are out searching. “There is a dedicated team constantly on this trying to find the body.“

“We use grid maps to determine certain lengths to search and then we look at terrain. All of this to find where a person could go in there.“

As of Wednesday afternoon, recovery crews have come up empty handed and Captain Davis says Brandon Lockett isn’t helping much on that end.

“I’m very frustrated. We’re not getting much information and I’m frustrated with some of the information we are getting then were not successful when we get it.“

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Soulscape, I am anxiously awaiting any info charts you can share on dad. Since he is apparently not cooperating with LE on sharing the location of Aveions remains, I am wondering if you are able to get any idea's on where those remains might be located. Not sure if that is something you can see in the charts.

My heart is breaking for this little guy. He never had a chance with his bio mom and step dad.
Soulscape, I am anxiously awaiting any info charts you can share on dad. Since he is apparently not cooperating with LE on sharing the location of Aveions remains, I am wondering if you are able to get any idea's on where those remains might be located. Not sure if that is something you can see in the charts.

My heart is breaking for this little guy. He never had a chance with his bio mom and step dad.

Stepfather's chart will not tell us where he put Aveion. Last Seen positions of MOON (Aveion's significator) and SUN (dispositor of Part of Death and Part of Find) suggest due WEST (or conversely, EAST), within approx. 4 miles of home. Possibly near a playground or recreational area, entertainment center, restaurant district & the like (both Part of Death and Part of Find in the sign Leo, associated with such things). Very possibly buried/ at earth level/ shallow grave (SUN & MOON in Capricorn, an Earth sign). Chart does not suggest water....

IIRC, men bury children and woman put them in containers and head for water.........
read that in a book.........
According to the google map -

East would take one directly into the woods behind Jamestown Place

West would take one back into the City - passing an industrial area - neighborhoods - before dumping one out on Franklin Road where there aren't too many restaurants - just a few fast food places, there is a stripper bar....

I'm really at a loss...but am betting that child is in the woods and it's also possible he could have gotten to Mill Mountain - at least some part of it - which has a park and zoo.
Missing Roanoke toddler&#8217;s stepfather charged with neglect
Published: January 21, 2010
The stepfather of a missing Roanoke toddler has been charged with felony child neglect.

Roanoke police said 24-year-old Brandon Lockett also was charged yesterday with improper disposal of a human body and obstruction of justice.

Police continued to search wooded areas and the banks of the Roanoke River for the body of 2-year-old Aveion Malik Lewis.

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Former Macon man charged with several crimes in Va.
Thursday, Jan. 21, 2010
Tuesday, Lockett told police the toddler was dead before he was reported missing. That same day, police said that they questioned Lockett&#8217;s story, according to a news release.

Lockett is being held at the Roanoke City Jail without bond.

Other charges may be presented before a grand jury in February, Roanoke Commonwealth&#8217;s Attorney Don Caldwell told the Roanoke newspaper.

Although searches continued Wednesday, Aveion&#8217;s body hasn&#8217;t been found.

Virginia court records show that Lockett married the boy&#8217;s mother in April 2008.

Before the marriage, Georgia court records describe several run-ins that Lockett had with the law in Bibb County.

Bibb County State Court records show Lockett pleaded guilty to family violence-related simple battery and criminal trespass in 2006 and 2007. The victim was described in court records as the mother of Lockett&#8217;s infant child, a different woman than Aveion. He was sentenced to probation.

Lockett also was charged with obstructing a law enforcement officer Aug. 21, 2006, for running away from police. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 10 days in jail, according to court records.

On March 13, 2007, his probation was revoked because he failed to report for probation. Lockett was ordered to serve 60 days in jail and then return to probation, according to the records.

Lockett was indicted in Bibb County Superior Court on June 13, 2007, on charges that he possessed marijuana and cocaine with intent to distribute the cocaine, according to court records.

He pleaded guilty to simple possession of cocaine July 10, 2007, and was sentenced to three years on probation, according to court records.

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Stepfather charged in Aveion Lewis case; 2-year-old missing boy's body still sought
Brandon Lockett, who has a history of violence, has been charged in the child's disappearance.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
UPDATED JAN. 21: Roanoke police have temporarily postponed the search for Aveion Lewis due to the winter weather. If you have any information about the case, call 853-2212.

As the search for Aveion Lewis' body continued Wednesday, Roanoke police charged his stepfather in the toddler's disappearance.

Brandon Lockett, 24, is charged with felony child neglect, improper disposal of a human body and obstruction of justice.

Other charges may be considered by the grand jury in February, Roanoke Commonwealth's Attorney Donald Caldwell said.

Lockett's criminal record tracks back to Georgia, where court records show that, among other convictions, he was found guilty in 2006 of striking the mother of his child with a candleholder.

Police have not released any information on how the boy may have died, and his body had not been found as of Wednesday night.

Neither Caldwell nor Roanoke police Capt. Curtis Davis would explain why Lockett has been charged with child neglect, or whether that led to the toddler's death, because of the ongoing investigation.

"The charges are appropriate for what we have developed at this time," Davis said.

Lockett has been cooperating in some aspects of the investigation but not others, Davis said.

Lockett has a criminal record in Georgia, where he is still on probation for possession of cocaine, according to court documents.

He also has a history of violence.

Lockett is being held at the Roanoke City Jail without bond.

Freezing rain is expected today, which could hamper search efforts.

Davis said police would continue following up on leads even in inclement weather.

"Until we find him, we're going to continue working this case as much as we possibly can," Davis said.

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Warrant: Aveion Lewis case investigated as homicide; toddler had been in foster care
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Police are investigating the death of Roanoke toddler Aveion Lewis as a homicide, and he was living in an unstable home life that at one time prompted authorities to put the child in foster care, according to details in a search warrant unsealed today.

On Wednesday, police charged Lockett with felony child neglect, improper disposal of a human body, and obstruction of justice. Aveion's mother, Morgan Lockett, has been interviewed by police but has not been charged.

The search warrant, filed Wednesday in Roanoke City Circuit Court, says that Aveion was born with a medical problem that required surgery to remove part of his intestines. As a result, he had a strict feeding schedule and needed medication.

When he was 14 months old, he weighed less than nine pounds, and authorities found that his parents were not following the medical instructions for his care, the search warrant says.

Aveion was removed from his home for 16 months, in which time he doubled his weight, according to the document.

He returned to his parent's home on King Charles Avenue in Southeast Roanoke in September, according the search warrant.

At that time, the Locketts were having financial problems and they were taking care of three other children, according to the document.

The police's investigation has indicated that Aveion recently suffered burns on both legs from a home heater, the search warrant says. The toddler did not receive medical treatment because of his prior history with the Department of Social Services. The search warrant says Aveion was described as having a "high threshold for pain."

Police searched the Lockett's home and took a number of items including cell phones, a handwritten letter, children's clothing, a pillow, a mattress, a green leafy substance, baby bottles, and prescription medicine.

The FBI is helping the police investigate Aveion's death, and it provided statistics about cases of false allegations to cover up the death of a child. Those statistics, which were included in the search warrant, are as follows:

-- In 44 percent of the cases, there is a history of previous physical abuse or maltreatment
-- In 53 percent of the cases, there was a prolonged period of separation from the parents
-- In 41 percent of the cases the victim had been described by the offender as being "difficult" or "different"
-- In 92 percent of the cases, the families have other domestic problems including financial, drug related, multiple toddlers and family violence issues

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CHIP devastated by Aveion Lewis scenario
Published: January 21, 2010
Updated: January 21, 2010
&#8220;We did find him to be considerably underweight,&#8220; said Robin Haldiman, CEO of Child Health Investment Partnership.

CHIP enrolled Aveion and case managed him while he was in foster care. &#8220;When he was placed in foster care he grew and thrived and became developmentally on target.&#8220; Several months ago, Aveion was sent back to live with his biological mother and stepfather, Brandon Lockett. Lockett is now charged with neglect, improper disposal of a body and obstruction of justice.

&#8220;We are all so devastated that this happened and that he ended up back in the home.&#8220;

Haldiman says the situation Aveion found himself in isn&#8217;t that rare. &#8220;The staff deals with these awful situations more than we would like to.&#8220;

&#8220;We have to advocate for tougher laws against child abuse and tougher laws to terminate parental rights.&#8220;

Video: CHIP devastated by Aveion Lewis scenario 2:11

Video: Roanoke Police charge Aveion Lewis' step-father

Video: Family of Aveion Lewis reacts to his death and faked abduction

Video: #2Family of Aveion Lewis reacts to his death and faked abduction

Video: After 150+ tips, still no sign of missing Roanoke toddler Aveion Lewis...

Video: Search continues for local toddler

Video: Headlines from Roanoke

Video: Family of Aveion Lewis speaks out

Video: AMBER ALERT issued for missing child

Video: BREAKING NEWS: Roanoke Police searching for missing child

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Warrants Reveal Toddler Had Troubling Home Life
01/21/10 6:02 pm
Roanoke police have suspended their search for the body of little Aveion Lewis, because of the weather. They'll pick up the search again when things clear.

Meanwhile, there is new information about Aveion's disappearance and his stepfather. Brandon Lockett is now in jail, charged in connection with the boy's death. One of the more startling accusations is that Brandon Lockett may have been setting his alibi in motion at least a day before Avieon was reported missing.

Lockett's neighbor, James Tyree claims Lockett was already setting the stage for Avieon's abduction a full day before the boy went missing.

"He tried to say he had an anonymous call. He showed me his phone. Yes it had an anonymous call... but I thought that was suspicious," Tyree said.

Suspicious because, as Tyree describes it, Lockett claimed the call came from the would-be kidnapper.

"I think he was trying to set the whole situation up himself."

According to courts documents, police searched the Lockett's home looking for several items including guns, bullets, tools used to dismember or maim, as well as books or other media related to child kidnappings.

Video: Warrants Reveal Toddler Had Troubling Home Life
Roanoke police have suspended their search for the body of little Aveion Lewis, because of the weather. They'll pick up the search again when things clear.

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Stepfather Charged in Toddler&#8217;s Death
posted 01/20/10 7:04 pm
There are new developments in the case of a missing Roanoke toddler who police now say is dead.

Roanoke Police charged Avieon Lewis' stepfather with child abuse, neglect, illegal transport of a dead body, and obstruction of justice.

Video: Stepfather Charged in Toddler&#8217;s Death

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Search For 2-year-old Expands
posted 01/19/10 12:57 pm
Around noon Tuesday, crews and volunteers started searching areas around Roanoke beyond the vacinity where Aveion Malik Lewis disappeared from Thursday.

Crews are searching using boats on the Roanoke River to search the banks and the water for any signs of the toddler. Search dogs are also scouring the area.

Morgan and Brandon Lockett plead for their son's return.

Video: Parents Give Details of 2-Year-Old&#8217;s Disappearance

Video: FBI Joins Search for 2-Year-Old


Search Resumes For Body Of Roanoke Toddler
Jan 22, 2010 9:44 am US/Eastern
Investigators have resumed their search for the body of a missing Roanoke toddler.

Police said Friday that teams are searching an area around the home, including the Roanoke River, for the boy's remains.

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Police: 2-year-old Aveion Lewis' death a homicide
Aveion Lewis had been returned to his home in September after spending 16 months in foster care, according to a search warrant.
Friday, January 22, 2010
UPDATED JAN. 22: Investigators have resumed their search for Aveion Lewis. Police said Friday that teams are searching an area around the home, including the Roanoke River, for the boy's remains.

A search warrant unsealed Thursday in the case of Aveion Lewis describes his death as a homicide and his short life as one of neglect.

The 2-year-old had recently suffered blistering burns on both legs from a heater, and did not receive medical care for those injuries, the search warrant says.

Before that, he'd been placed in foster care for 16 months, the document said.

Aveion, who would have turned 3 later this month, was removed from his home for 16 months, in which time he doubled his weight, according to the document.

He returned to his parents' home on King Charles Avenue in Southeast Roanoke in September, according to the search warrant.

*2-Videos Included In Article!

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Roanoke's social services releases more details about Aveion Lewis case
Friday, January 22, 2010
Roanoke's Social Services Department released the following statement this afternoon regarding the case of Roanoke toddler Aveion Lewis:

Roanoke, VA - Information regarding Child Protective Services (CPS) reports and investigations is protected from disclosure by the Code of Virginia. The Department of Social Services is precluded from releasing this information except in cases of child fatality or near fatality. At this time the Roanoke Police Department has modified their investigation of Aveion Lewis from abduction to a fatality.

For this reason, the Department of Social Services is permitted to release limited information.

The following is an overview of the activities of the Department with respect to the toddler and his family.

Aveion's case first came to the Department's attention on May 2, 2008, when a report was received by the Child Protective Services unit. The report stated that Aveion was being neglected by his mother, Morgan Lockett, and that he was severely underweight. Social workers from Roanoke's Department of Social Services responded immediately to the report. The child was taken into protective custody in order to obtain needed medical treatment.

On May 5, 2008, CPS workers, as required by law, sought an emergency removal order from the City of Roanoke's Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court so that the child could remain in foster care.

Aveion remained in a foster home placement until March 31, 2009.

During this time, the Department coordinated services in a plan approved, and periodically reviewed, by the court. These services included obtaining information to assist in an assessment of the family's needs, which led to the provision of an 18-week domestic violence alternatives program for Mr. Lockett, which he completed, and a parenting education class for both parents, also completed.

Aveion received various medical and rehabilitative services during his time in foster care. He had supervised visitation with Mr. and Mrs. Lockett.

As a result of the Locketts' compliance with the service plan, extended visitation in their home was initiated with a clinical in-home therapist in December 2008. The therapist was in the home for 20 to 30 hours per month observing the Locketts' parenting, reinforcing and teaching good parenting practices, as well as observing Aveion's adjustment.

On March 31, 2009, Aveion was returned to Mr. and Mrs. Lockett's full-time care while the Department retained legal custody. The in-home therapy continued throughout this trial placement.

Additionally, Aveion's foster care social worker continued to make regular visits to the home, both announced and unannounced, to observe how the child was adjusting, and to ascertain that Aveion continued to be healthy and have his medical and nutritional needs met. This trial return home placement was continued for six months, and on Sept. 19, 2009, upon recommendation by the Department, the court returned legal custody of Aveion to Mrs. Lockett.

On Jan. 14, 2010, the Department learned of Aveion's reported abduction. A new child protective services investigation was initiated related to the purported abduction and subsequent death investigation. Since that time, the Department is, and has been, cooperating with the Roanoke Police in their criminal investigation.

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Dept. Of Social Services releases information on Aveion Lewis
Published: January 22, 2010
Updated: January 22, 2010
Back in 2008, Aveion was taken from the home of his stepfather, Brandon Lockett and his biological mother Morgan Lockett for &#8220;failure to thrive&#8221;. He was then put into foster care. At 14 months old he weighed only nine pounds.

Friday, the Department of Social Services tells Ten On Your Side while Aveion was in foster care, Brandon Lockett was ordered to take domestic violence alternative classes and Morgan Lockett a parenting education class, all while having supervised visitation.

Because they complied, Social Services says in December 2008, the Lockett&#8217;s were granted extended visitation rights. In March 2009, full care with department legal custody and visits by a social worker. Then on September 19th, Social Services recommended legal custody of Aveion to his mother.

Social Services says a new child protective services investigation is underway and they are cooperating with police.

Social Services for the full version of the release

Video: Dept. Of Social Services releases information on Aveion Lewis 2:07


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