Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #9

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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #8
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 7
[ame=""]Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 7 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 6
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 5
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #4
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #3
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #2
[ame=""]Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #1
[ame=""]Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #1 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
I have copied a few of the discussions from our Astrologers to save you from having to flip back thru the previous thread.

TUBA #677 of #8
Mentioned in the past but repeating for good measure: please help us everybody, if we miss any critical degrees in the charts we post. They are so important. 0, 13, 26 of Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. 4 and 17 of II, Virgo, Sag & Pisces. 9 and 21 of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. It is easy to neglect these in discussion but they add great emphasis and often explain why a signal event occurred. Thanks!

TUBA #673 of #8
Travel hazards and computer glitches, implicating Mercury, also involve Vulcan all the weeks experienced to date in February. Mercury has been transiting opposite Vulcan, a body inside Mercury's orbit and very affecting. Vulcan produces vehement eccentricity of mental and communicative character in this relationship and some, cursing, identify this trait in their p.c. these days.

TUBA #672 of #8
Let's continue to pray for the safety of travelers because the danger is very sharp until late February 16. Another bad locus in time is when Mars conjoins Neptune on March 4.

TUBA #627 of #8
Jno Kasen filed his mystery motions on the day of the eclipse Monday and I'm glad. I reviewed the chart for the prisoner's counter suit and his new filing moved Pluto up to a degree within five of the midheaven. That is far more fitting than having Jupiter up there. Jupiter from the first counter claim chart has now left the 10th H. and moved on into H. 11. Pluto up there at the MC rules the H. of homicide. When he filed on Monday, Mercury was sextile Mars in the murder House and that was his best aspect.

Then there is the issue of the eclipse itself. Not so swift to file mystery motions under an eclipse, especially one where the Sun conjoins Neptune. Sort of blasts your whole suit. This gentleman esquire is not involved in the criminal case and after the latest discovery will consider himself well out of it.

SOULSCAPE #556 of #8

Did Casey Watch the Memorial?

According to news reports, Jose Baez visited KC the morning of Caylee's memorial service, laptop computer in hand. Upon leaving the jail, he declined to comment on whether KC watched.

The Stars say she did.
See chart here:

13 Aries rises, so close to KC's natal VENUS I suspect Jose entered the room a minute earlier. It is a MARS day, VENUS hour, Aries rises. I give L1 to Jose (MARS) and L7 to KC (VENUS). How appropriate.

VENUS (KC) sits in the 12th House of Imprisonment with access to the Internet (URANUS within the 12th House). VENUS (KC) sextiles MARS (Jose), so KC has the opportunity to access his computer.

MERCURY the computer applies conjunct MARS (Jose) and parellels MARS within 1 minute of arc. He has the computer in hand.

If KC is Lord 7, the turned 1st, then her child is 5 houses past, the turned 5th, here Aquarius, radix House 11, ruled by SATURN located in the Child's 8th House of Death (radix 6th) with MOON within.

VENUS (KC) parallels SATURN (Caylee) which is exact opposed URANUS the Internet (and also parallel to VENUS). Parallels act as conjunctions...

VENUS (KC) sextiles JUPITER the Memorial 2 degrees 7 minutes applying.

FORTUNE in KC's 1st House (radix 7H) is critical at 26 Libra and exactly square MERCURY the computer also critical at 26 Capricorn.

End of the Matter MOON will conjunct SATURN (Caylee), oppose URANUS (the Internet) and trine MERCURY (the laptop computer) all before going Void of Course.

Jose can try to bamboozle us, but we know KC watched and it set her off, because VENUS in Aries is angry and VENUS (KC) is semi-square CHIRON (hurt, damage), inconjunct the MOON and square PLUTO (violent, overwhelming emotion). Since KC's turned 10th House is Cancer, a mute sign, we heard nothing of her activity.

TUBA #584 of #8
Salvarenga's horary from February 5 is about the prints on the rubbery and preservative duct tape and after the December 11 CSI scene was established, I know I wrote about prints on the tape circa December 16. This latter chart analysis must be on the calendar. It is on the calendar at December 17.

TUBA- chart for Casey filing of Counter-suit 11/10/09
Somebody suggested in one of the threads here, that "CMA" may have been the iron on lettering found at the remains site, and that being the reason for Lee's use of it. Just their theory, but made me go "hmmm".
Mentally reviewing some of Prisoner's statements like "I am 100% innocent." Or, "I would never do anything to harm my child." "She is the last person I saw my child with, yes."

She is not just tossing one across the officers. She serves up a deep dish of layered plumpers, cover and bake until golden. And this has been a family favorite for years---being held up at gun point while trying to repay her father (thousands of dollars at issue) being one example.

Mercury on Samuel Weymss' degree of deception, Mercury square Uranus, Mercury square Mars and all as tight as paper on the wall. Those were from birth. For heightened effect, Uranus in the heavens dead bang on Mercury, Saturn opposing. For all the mistakes you make in your life, console yourself that you did nothing approaching this with your transits!
TUBA #673 of #8
Travel hazards and computer glitches, implicating Mercury, also involve Vulcan all the weeks experienced to date in February. Mercury has been transiting opposite Vulcan, a body inside Mercury's orbit and very affecting. Vulcan produces vehement eccentricity of mental and communicative character in this relationship and some, cursing, identify this trait in their p.c. these days.

That is so true Tuba...remember my PM to you yesterday? I got a warning that I had a trojan, spam. & a couple other things but didn't look at them all! Instead shut down everything made sure everything was up to date & scanned my PC with every software I have but it came up Ok! :clap: :clap:

I'll check tonight but she does repeat right before all of the repeats of NG shows. They
air all the way till the last one being NG at 5am CT time here in MI & I know JVM is on at 4am before the last NG at 5am. NG airs 8pm, 10pm, 12am, 2am & 5am. So I would try & check the hrs before this list of NG repeats for JVM show!

I hope this makes sense I still need more caffeine! LOL I just woke back up...went back to sleep at 10am disappointed to not find the docs released yet! :banghead:

I wonder if Baez is glad some of the news media has had the focus taken to the Haleigh case & the plane crash? It's so sad they haven't found Haleigh yet & each day it looks worse to find her ok. I have read the astro thread about her & feel the outcome will be a sad one. If Baez is glad to have a distraction taken off of Casey he should be embaressed for himself.

I woke up at 3am to the news of the plane crash & stayed up a bit before being able to go back to sleep before putting up the current thread.

So very sorry to hear of the plane crash in your community. My thoughts and prayers are with the victims' families and your community of Buffalo. I have heard that people in your area are strong and caring. I am confident that that there will be comfort and healing in the days ahead.
Soulscape, I seem to remember another very significant airplane crash in Buffalo and not that long ago, few yrs. You probably have the chart for the incorporation of the city? These events are very agitating, I know. Your workplace should make it a very casual Friday. Not a good ending to the week; I'm sad this happened.
Norton noticed me yesterday that my computer was attacked too, Angel. I am stifling a powerful yen for yet another pot of coffee. Alert: Mars approaching Jupiter, Mars approaching Jupiter. Cannot give in to these urges.
Soulscape, I seem to remember another very significant airplane crash in Buffalo and not that long ago, few yrs. You probably have the chart for the incorporation of the city? These events are very agitating, I know. Your workplace should make it a very casual Friday. Not a good ending to the week; I'm sad this happened.

Transiting NODES conjunct Incorporation ASC/DSC (with transit SOUTH NODE partile conjunct Incorporation ASCENDANT!)

Several NEPTUNE and PLUTO hits to natal. Transit URANUS and Midheaven posited in Incorporation 8th House of Death. Transit MARS in Aquarius conjunct Incorporation SOUTH NODE.

This is Housemouse's forte --- maybe she can speak to it on the Mundane thread.

City of Buffalo
April 20, 1832
12:00 pm (+5) EST
78:53 West 42:53 North

On another note, it just goes to show there is always a connection between the Event and the Chart.....

Thanks for all the prayers, well-wishes, etc. Be assured, I & my family/ friends/ co-workers personally are fine. Please send prayers & comfort to those who lost their loved ones and strength & compassion to those who are picking up the pieces.

Tea time, cocktail hour or l'heure bleue for wine and romance, Moon will inconjunct Uranus in the Sign of flooring. If you have to drink holding up the wall, do it (referring to your cup of tea, of course) because the floor may fall through. Yes, physically. This threat is due to the retrograde condition of Saturn in Virgo combined with the network of daily aspects on this Friday the 13th.

In a figurative sense, Libra being one of two law Signs, the foundation of your case could fall through too. It is groaning & creaking from supporting so many double thumpers. We may not be privy to the supplemental discovery yet but "The Team" has them and has done more than flash them at the prisoner.
Tea time, cocktail hour or l'heure bleue for wine and romance, Moon will inconjunct Uranus in the Sign of flooring. If you have to drink holding up the wall, do it (referring to your cup of tea, of course) because the floor may fall through. Yes, physically. This threat is due to the retrograde condition of Saturn in Virgo combined with the network of daily aspects on this Friday the 13th.

In a figurative sense, Libra being one of two law Signs, the foundation of your case could fall through too. It is groaning & creaking from supporting so many double thumpers. We may not be privy to the supplemental discovery yet but "The Team" has them and has done more than flash them at the prisoner.

Kind of like she's flashing herself here....


Sorry I couldn't resist. Does she look zonked out of her mind or what???
CNN Breaking - plane crash landing at London City airport, 2 hospitalized. No link yet. :eek:
Norton noticed me yesterday that my computer was attacked too, Angel. I am stifling a powerful yen for yet another pot of coffee. Alert: Mars approaching Jupiter, Mars approaching Jupiter. Cannot give in to these urges.

I had another warning again today. Checked everything again...cleaned out all my cookies in hopes that it solves the problem. I re-scanned my anti virus software & threatfire scan & nothing is still showing??? :waitasec: :banghead:

I can't figure out what else to try next!!! Does anyone have any suggestions? Everything is up to date...window updates, anti-virus, cc cleaner, threatfire....HELP!!! I have spent most of the last 2 days trying to find the problem & fix it! :eek:

I got a message asking me if I was HUMAN?????? :eek: :crazy: :eek: :crazy: :banghead:

Sorry Fifth but Alert: Mars approaching Jupiter, Mars approaching Jupiter. Cannot give in to these urges. :crazy:
I'm not feeling so good here. I'm flying out Thursday for visit with GD/GS in chilly Michigan. Better check out my aspects, eh??!!
I had another warning again today. Checked everything again...cleaned out all my cookies in hopes that it solves the problem. I re-scanned my anti virus software & threatfire scan & nothing is still showing??? :waitasec: :banghead:

I can't figure out what else to try next!!! Does anyone have any suggestions? Everything is up to date...window updates, anti-virus, cc cleaner, threatfire....HELP!!! I have spent most of the last 2 days trying to find the problem & fix it! :eek:

I got a message asking me if I was HUMAN?????? :eek: :crazy: :eek: :crazy: :banghead:

Sorry Fifth but Alert: Mars approaching Jupiter, Mars approaching Jupiter. Cannot give in to these urges. :crazy:

Angel, contact me via PM, I might be able to help.
Tea time, cocktail hour or l'heure bleue for wine and romance, Moon will inconjunct Uranus in the Sign of flooring. If you have to drink holding up the wall, do it (referring to your cup of tea, of course) because the floor may fall through. Yes, physically. This threat is due to the retrograde condition of Saturn in Virgo combined with the network of daily aspects on this Friday the 13th.

In a figurative sense, Libra being one of two law Signs, the foundation of your case could fall through too. It is groaning & creaking from supporting so many double thumpers. We may not be privy to the supplemental discovery yet but "The Team" has them and has done more than flash them at the prisoner.

Thanks Tuba! I feel like I've let everyone down not being able to post them! LOL :crazy: I'm sure Baez is glad some of the media focus is off of Casey right now as sad as that is that the focus is with Haleigh. (They just reported some items of interest found today!) I so wanted some docs to read but they will come when they are meant to be revealed! All in due time.....

I wish the 13th was over with my PC troubles, family issues due to the economy, plane crash with too many lives affected by it, that I've had enough of the Friday the 13th blues!
FYI: Still looking for the birthdate for you in between the PC maintence.
Angel - can you post link to the items of interest that were found today?

If it's any consolation, my cable guy said he doesn't really see anythingn wrong with my computer, but he changed one of the connections....who knows. I'll post like a fiend for a little bit in case I get completely shut out. Oh, and my printer went belly-up. Haven't had time to get a new one yet.
I'm not feeling so good here. I'm flying out Thursday for visit with GD/GS in chilly Michigan. Better check out my aspects, eh??!!

I'll be thinking about you but I'm sure you'll be OK KAITLAND! :blowkiss:
Coming to my part of the world....To let you know it's been a bit chilly but more damp then bitter cold here at least in the Detroit, Downriver Area! To me it feels warm after the weather we have had the last few months, but I do think a cold front is coming but nothing with -0 temps with it!!!
Do check out your aspects thought PLEASE KAITLAND your GD/GS & us need you..:blowkiss: I'm flying to San Diego in April for 3 1/2 weeks & the same worry came over me after watching the reports about the crash.

Back to the topic I checked this morning no e-mail from LP yet but we all know he has been busy helping with the Haleigh case. I'm going to check the clerk records again right now but at noon nothing new was entered in the dockets for the civil or criminal cases. If I find something I will post it.

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