Forensic Astrology - Haleigh Cummings #1

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James Lane DOB 12-13-1976
Walden Lane No DOB
Walden Parsons (same person?) No DOB
Glenn Smith DOB 11-23-1922
Hope Smith DOB 8-16-1926
G Franklin Smith No DOB (Could be same guy, or the son bc of the Franklin)

If y'all wonder how I come up with this stuff... I have a program I subscribed to a few years back. They're just increasing their "free" searches. Which you can do if you have money in the account (I have $8) :)
First post and it just happens to be Friday the 13th!

I'm wondering about Jr. Surely LE have gleened info from him. His b-day is either tomorrow or Sunday. Is it possible to do a chart on him to see what it might reveal?

Hope I did this 'post' thingy rite!

Luv to all. My prayers to Buffalo (I'm across the pond, Niagara Falls).
Welcome Scanner!! Thanks for the birthday info on Jr. How'd you find it? Good job! Now Misty is the missing link -- we need her DOB desperately!
His girlfriend, Misty Croslin, 17, says she tucked Hayleigh into her own bed at 8 o'clock.

But, a choked-up Croslin says, "I woke up (five hours later) and she was gone. The back door was wide open."

Cummings and Croslin insist the door had been locked but, reports CBS News correspondent Kelly Cobiella, investigators say they found no sign of forced entry. Croslin told a 911 dispatcher that the door, which was usually locked, had been propped open by a

Hayleigh's maternal grandmother suspects there's more to the story, Cobiella points out.

Asked if she thinks Croslin has anything to do with the girl's disappearance, Marie Griffs replied, "It's a possibility. She was there, that was her watch, Haleigh was in her care."

That was flatly denied by Cummings, who told media members, "She had nothing to do with this. I had nothing to do with this."

The child's father and his girlfriend have taken lie detector tests, Cobiella adds. Results haven't been released.

Croslin is disputing early reports that she was sleeping beside Haleigh when she vanished, as she initially told a local newspaper.

Croslin now insists she had been sleeping beside Haleigh's younger brother.

Investigators are calling the case an abduction.

(My bolding above)

OK, so Misty's story continues to flip-flop. Is it because she's brain-damaged from being smacked in the head and/or up against the wall one too many times by overly agitated BFs, or it is because she's a liar, or is it because she's a pothead who can't remember where she left her head if it wasn't attached to her shoulders --- or what?!

Chart would be revealing........ thanks to Everyone who is feverishly searching for it.

According to report on GVS, Misty had the A/C repairman, her brother and a "few of his friends" at the house between 5:00 - 5:30. This chart is set for 5:15p.m. on 2/19/09, Satsuma, FL.

Leo is on the Ascendant (assigned to the GF as “hostess” for want of better word) accompanied by rising moon in Leo (which is conjunct Haleigh’s natal Sun). Note that Leo is the natural ruler of children, and is the ruler of Haleigh’s natal sun. We find the Sun in Aquarius in the 7th house, conjunct Neptune and Chiron. The 7th house rules guests and Neptune rules kidnappers. Could it be the girlfriend knows the kidnapper?

The child is ruled by the Jupiter 5th house cusp and Venus in Aries in 9th house. Jupiter and the North node of fate are conjunct the 7th house cusp of visitors, along with Mars, ruler of Aries Venus (the child), showing Haleigh was present and in view of the guests.

It is my understanding that MC’s brother was there with his friends. Her brother is ruled by 3rd house cusp Libra. Venus (the child!) is in Aries, look again to its ruler Mars in the 6th house. This house also rules service workers (like our meter reader). Does the brother know the A/C man? This is a small town, so it is not inconceivable that they knew each other. At any rate, they are together during this “visit”.

Her brother’s friends would be represented by the ascendant in Leo, points us back to the Sun in Aquarius conjunct Neptune. There is some mystery here to be uncovered yet. There is also a possibility of drug activity.
The Aquarian 7th house is ruled by Uranus. It is also co-ruled by Saturn, placed in the 2nd house in tragic opposition to Uranus in Pisces in the 8th house of death. 8th house is natural ruler of Pluto, ruler of kidnappers. Pluto is found in the 5th house of the child, in Capricorn (Saturn’s sign) and is square Venus in Aries. The 4th house cusp (endings) is Pluto ruled Scorpio.

I do not think the assailant is unknown to this family. Not welcomed or assisted, but they have been in his presence before.

On the other hand, Venus the child is located in the 9th house – outdoors. Was she playing in the yard, unattended during this time? Was she visible to someone lurking and watching? With all the activity and confusion (Neptune) going on due to the presence of at least 4 or so visitors,
she might not have been missed.

As Tuba points out in the eerie moonrise chart (drawn up for about an hour later than the visitors) – the trouble has already started in this house. Soulscape’s chart for the last time seen was chilling in revealing the symbolism of death.

I do not think the assailant is unknown to this family.

We still have questions: How did the perpetrator get into the house? Front door? Back door? Is girl friend upset/guilty appearing because she maybe left a door unlocked?

I will have more to say on this chart, but the computer guy is coming within 30 minutes.

Soulscape and Tuba are the master’s at event readings here, but I wanted to post this chart as a possible glimpse into the hours before Haleigh went missing. Please feel free to comment!

(It would not let me post the chart! Will try again after computer whiz leaves)

Here is Kaitland's chart: Cummings/VisitorsinHouse020909.gif

BLACK MOON LILITH 4 Capricorn squares VENUS (Haleigh).

This was a most enlightening analysis, Kaitland.

Welcome Scanner!! Thanks for the birthday info on Jr. How'd you find it? Good job! Now Misty is the missing link -- we need her DOB desperately!

Ron Jr's birthday Is Sunday Feb. 15, 2005. I gave it a few pages back it was on the news that his birthday is Sunday & that he'll be turning 4. I PM'd it to Tuba when I found it.
housemouse seen the post yesterday & was going to try & do a birthday chart for his today. I'm just catching up everywhere today. I woke up early this morning to the news about the plane crash early this morning it kept me awake for a bit. I ended up going back to sleep a few hrs sorry if this was pointed out by housemouse or anyone else!

Sorry everyone.....Note to myself wake up all the way before posting! LOL :crazy:

Single Post:

Welcome Scanner! :blowkiss: :wave:
Ron Jr's birthday Is Sunday Feb. 15, 2004. I gave it a few pages back it was on the news that his birthday is Sunday & that he'll be turning 4. I PM'd it to Tuba when I found it.
housemouse seen the post yesterday & was going to try & do a birthday chart for his today. I'm just catching up everywhere today. I woke up early this morning to the news about the plane crash early this morning it kept me awake for a bit. I ended up going back to sleep a few hrs sorry if this was pointed out by housemouse or anyone else!

Single Post:

Welcome Scanner! :blowkiss: :wave:

Angel, can you clarify b'date. If Ron, Jr. is turning 4 on Sunday, wouldn't the year of birth be 2005?
Ron Jr's birthday Is Sunday Feb. 15, 2004. I gave it a few pages back it was on the news that his birthday is Sunday & that he'll be turning 4. I PM'd it to Tuba when I found it.
housemouse seen the post yesterday & was going to try & do a birthday chart for his today. I'm just catching up everywhere today. I woke up early this morning to the news about the plane crash early this morning it kept me awake for a bit. I ended up going back to sleep a few hrs sorry if this was pointed out by housemouse or anyone else!

Single Post:

Welcome Scanner! :blowkiss: :wave:

Great job Angel!! :)
would casting a chart on todays search help in any way?

Copied from:
"02/13/09 - Texas EquuSearch began the first day of coordinated volunteer search efforts today, in conjunction with local and state law enforcement. As of 9:30am, EST, approximately 100 volunteers have shown up, in addition to the core TES team and law enforcement. We are extremely pleased with the turnout that we are seeing and the level of cooperation that we are receiving from the community."
Angel, can you clarify b'date. If Ron, Jr. is turning 4 on Sunday, wouldn't the year of birth be 2005?

Sorry You are right...LOL I just woke up & the last 2 days that's the second time I typed in the wrong year! CAFFEINE needed & fast! LOL:crazy:
He will be 4 Sunday KAITLAND...I'll edit my post to correct my typing error!
It was on the news that his birthday is Sunday & will be 4yrs old.
Ron Jr. Birthdate: Feb. 15, 2005!

hey beck good thing I added my single post to show I do know some math! LOL :crazy:
The chart I posted for Ron, Jr aka "Butter Bean" was set for: 2/15/05 at 7:08a.m. for a sunrise natal chart. I used Satsuma, FL. as the birth place. Has anyone located a birthplace other than that??
Chart: 2-15-09 at 7:08a.m. Satsuma, Fl

This a sunrise chart (set for the moment the sun crosses the ascendant), so the cusps are "solar cusps". He is an Aquarian with Sun conjunct Mercury (combust). Uranus in Pisces hovers close to his Mercury. He thinks and talks in a unique way.

Right off the bat, I want to look at the third house cusp because this rules his siblings. Venus ruled Taurus is on on the cusp, Moon in Taurus is housed within it. Looks all lovey-dovey and cozy.....but NOT.

Venus (Haleigh) is found in the 12th house (sorrow, tragedy) conjunct Neptune (kidnappings) in Aquarius.

So now we have a stellium of Neptune, Venus, Sun, Mercury from 15-27 degrees of Aquarius. Saturn (sorrow) at 21 Cancer is inconjunct the midpoint of Sun little Ron) and Venus (Haleigh). Saturn is inconjunct Pluto (kidnappers). The eclipse hit directly on this point earlier that day releasing the energy inherent in his natal chart....tragic results. Mercury rules the 4th house of home, the location of the tragedy. Perhaps, "Butter Bean" narrowly escaped direct harm himself (as if losing his sister is not harm enough).

His Moon in Taurus (ruling all of the women in his life, his natural mother, the "step mom GF", and his sister (because it's in 3rd house), is severely afflicted: square to the Sun, Venus, Mercury, Neptune, and Ascendant. It is inconjunct Jupiter (opportunists) and Pluto (kidnappers). There is much sorrow surrounding women in his life. Note he has been living apart from his natural mother for more than half of his little life already. He feels this lack keenly.

There is more, but we are getting the is not pretty.
His girlfriend, Misty Croslin, 17, says she tucked Hayleigh into her own bed at 8 o'clock.

But, a choked-up Croslin says, "I woke up (five hours later) and she was gone. The back door was wide open."

Cummings and Croslin insist the door had been locked but, reports CBS News correspondent Kelly Cobiella, investigators say they found no sign of forced entry. Croslin told a 911 dispatcher that the door, which was usually locked, had been propped open by a

Hayleigh's maternal grandmother suspects there's more to the story, Cobiella points out.

Asked if she thinks Croslin has anything to do with the girl's disappearance, Marie Griffs replied, "It's a possibility. She was there, that was her watch, Haleigh was in her care."

That was flatly denied by Cummings, who told media members, "She had nothing to do with this. I had nothing to do with this."

The child's father and his girlfriend have taken lie detector tests, Cobiella adds. Results haven't been released.

Croslin is disputing early reports that she was sleeping beside Haleigh when she vanished, as she initially told a local newspaper.

Croslin now insists she had been sleeping beside Haleigh's younger brother.

Investigators are calling the case an abduction.

(My bolding above)

OK, so Misty's story continues to flip-flop. Is it because she's brain-damaged from being smacked in the head and/or up against the wall one too many times by overly agitated BFs, or it is because she's a liar, or is it because she's a pothead who can't remember where she left her head if it wasn't attached to her shoulders --- or what?!

Chart would be revealing........ thanks to Everyone who is feverishly searching for it.


I also keep wondering Soulscape, if she is just frightened, because she had a lapse in judgement - did she leave the door unlocked, or is she uncertain when she really last saw Haleigh? - as in maybe she did not check on her before she (Misty) went to sleep. Or did she maybe indulge in a little something and is confused about the events, but doesn't want to come right out and say "I don't know what happened....I was high"? And really, 10pm is awfully early bedtime for a teenager. I feel pretty certain she is holding something back.

Her birth info will speak volumes to us!!!
I'm glad the b-day was found, and sorry I missed the request to Housemouse a pages few back. Astrology is so fasinating! I look at the world differently since finding this thread!

Thanks for the welcome.
What 'year' are you using ? 2/15/ 2004 or 2005?

The JPG says 05.


His BLACK MOON LILITH partile conjunct SATURN RX in Cancer the sign of the mother; this conjunction squares the NODES and JUPITER RX. Abuse by mom.

His Sunrise 3rd house cusp of siblings is Taurus ruled by VENUS (his sister) conjunct NEPTUNE (disappearance) in the Sunrise 12th House of Sorrow, Loss and Woe. MOON in 3rd House of Siblings also in Taurus in YOD formation with PLUTO sextile JUPITER. His Aquarius SUN is close opposed Haleigh's Leo SUN.

Looks like his SATURN may be inconjunct PLUTO, too.... a cruelty/ abuse marker.

This baby may well have trouble coming upon him, sometime down the road. Sunrise 8th cusp (Death) is ruled by VENUS conj. NEPTUNE in Sunrise 12th, retrograde JUPITER and malefic SOUTH NODE within.

Hope I am dead wrong, but Sunrise charts can be uncannily accurate...

Thanks so much for all that you do Super Astros!
I was wondering if the chart on the dad( Ronald sr) has been done?
He seems to be a time bomb ticking about to go off!
Also, can't he be arrested for statutory rape of the GF? She is a minor.
This can't be legal:(
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