Forensic reports in

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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OK, so what happened to the 'stain' in the trunk that was 'suspicious'??? This report doesn't prove much! I hope they have something more than this!! I am flabberghasted. Doesn't seem to be much evidence at all except for 1 hair that 'may' be Caylee's that 'might' come from a decomposed body. Who could convict on this? wow. It makes me sick!

The stain reacted to black light, so it must have at least a protein enzyme in it-
I thought once they arrived on the scene, someone from LE was at the house until KC was arrested and probably till the car was towed. Which would mean they attempted cleaning before LE was called. The battery was removed, windows, doors and trunk were all hanging open to "air it out", since she admits she washed clothing that was found inside it's not much of a reach to figure she tried to do something about the smell.:rolleyes:

I need to go back and check out statements, timeline, and series of events.

Seems like no one read this really so I figured I'd bump it up.

My cousin is in his last year of school to be a forensic pathologist. This is how he read the report. Interesting to note that he said ANY report you give has to say "concludes" because NO science is 100%. He said the tests are conclusive and he'd love to see someone argue against them.

:blowkiss: I read it. Would he come online to join us for a Q&A? It would really help a lot of us here I'd think... pretty please with a :Crown: on top???
How can they know who the father is without HIS DNA? Are you saying "it's all in the family" Can this case get any more soap opera???

Someone involved in the soap opera has been stating this, yes. BUT Casey has many, many, many male friends who very likely obliged LE to be ruled out and evidently they found that needle in a haystack.

It's even possible that the father knew all along and out of respect for the families wishes or even an agreement with KC has co operated with LE but stayed out of the press.
So, if we followed that line of thought, this evidence we've seen today may/may not really shed much light on what happened... seems to me we need to see what happens re: any future GJ indictments... or whatever deals some person(s) might have made/might make in the future...

I agree, specifically, what was revealed from processing the inside of the car- like DNA on driver seat, prints, prints on handles, gear shift, what other samples can they link to someone other than the A's?

Nothing about the outside scratches on the trunk, either.
Yes, Chez, and one would have to make a concerted effort to screw up the request which triggers discovery.:rolleyes:

But JB has :bang: things before, eh?!?!? (Let's hope he and his cronies are reading here for legal advice...maybe :laugh: they'll ask for posts of discovery requests!!!)
Just saying there are a lot of WSers who considered this theory, and I thought that *prior to reading all the posts from those online with us now (thanks lizzysf!!!) who have a science background.

No problem! I saw all the speculations on the "oxygen deprivation" and saw the need to jump in with my organic chemistry background.
:blowkiss: I read it. Would he come online to join us for a Q&A? It would really help a lot of us here I'd think... pretty please with a :Crown: on top???

I'll ask him to join us. He's at school now and I caught him in lab so he was able to talk. I'll see if I can get him tonight or tomorrow to come and explain all of this in real people terms LOL!
There would have been more hairs in the trunk if it hadn't been tampered with. jmo.
In death, the body's cell no longer are oxygenated. There are both aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms....those that thrive in oxygen rich environments, and those that thrive in oxygen poor or oxygen absent environments. Anaerobic decomposition, therefore would occur in a decomposing body (non-oxygenated)...either human or animal. The compounds they found in the air sample showed 80% human related decompostion byproducts.
It has nothing to do with the body being oxygen deprived in any way other than by the cellular death and decomp process itself. Organic chemistry 101.

Thank you, Lizzy!
Jesus? So you think she told the truth about that? What leads you to that conclusion blink?

There is a thread about Caylee's bio-dad somewhere I posted on it, not to not answer your question, but I dont want to give the mods extra work to keep us on topic here. :blowkiss:
Originally Posted by sweetwater View Post
Deprived oxygen type of decompositional event- hmm. Does this lead to Caylee having been placed in a sealed container?

I 'think' gases formed from anaerobic conditions might mean looking at that a little differently. I know that there are bacteria in our bodies that grow in 'no oxygen' conditions. Found on internet:

Anaerobic bacteria are intolerant of O2, replicating at low oxidation-reduction potential sites, such as necrotic, devascularized tissue. In humans, anaerobic organisms are among the normal flora (especially of the GI tract, mouth, and vagina) Anaerobic infections are typically suppurative, causing abscess formation and tissue necrosis, often the result of thrombophlebitis and/or gas formation. Many anaerobes produce enzymes that devitalize tissue as well as some of the most potent paralytic toxins known. Clues to the presence of anaerobic infection include gas formation in tissue, foul feculent odors, and abscess formation or tissue necrosis.

I realize this is talking about bacteria in our bodies, but include this knowledge when speaking of air samples from the car. I think the air samples indicating anaerobic 'ingredients' could mean the chemicals came from the decomposition of human body bacteria. Not that the trunk had no oxygen, or that the body was in an airtight container.

But maybe I'm wrong and just need to understand these test results better.
IIRC, it was ONLY THE ANTHONY's, who stated there was a bag of pizza in that car.. The responding officer asked them to show him the pizza which they had thrown in their TRASH CAN at their home (evidence of cleaning, imo). It had been collected from the trash can. That being said, Why lie?

MAYBE...a BIG excuse as to where the smell came from? Was the credit card used for the pizza purchase? Did Cindy know, I wonder...Maybe Cindy knew or was told by Casey it was pizza, and that Casey had thrown it out, and Cindy ran with it...? No mention of pizza the first night, that I recall...just a few thoughts :)
oh wow.

if you follow this link - and watch the video titled DNA results released there is a statement from Baez saying something along the lines of - these results contain very little evidence that Caylee is dead - people need to start looking for her...(not a quote and typed from memory.)
That is absolutely correct. You never get a 100% conclusion...99.999 is about as close as you get...

What LE needs to do in a trial is make a big huge circle out of cardboard and color 99.999% of it RED and leave the .0001% white to show how ridiculous it is to believe in the .0001% (as CA does!!!!). I bet you wouldnt even SEE the white sliver.
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