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In the past, I was thinking that perhaps some of the evidence was being made available in order to facilitate a plea bargain... if they show early how strong their case is -- then maybe she will cop to a lesser charge and show them where Caylee is?

That is my sincere wish for this case. As TES is getting geared up again to start our search on Nov.8, it would certainly be the last humanly thing her Mother could do, is to allow this baby the dignity of being recovered privately. That said, we will be glad to do it for her if she does not, and we will.
Not that I think that the defense was entitled to get this evidence/ruling on the evidence for testing prior to the GJ indictment, BUT the defense pretty much argued to Judge S that the hearing in the neglect case was the only "forum" they had to try to "preserve the evidence" even though the evidence might not be related to the neglect charges, etc. So the defense made those arguments and the Judge took it under advisement - if you go listen to the whole hearing, you'll see what I mean. So, the judge had to issue a ruling and I want to read it - anyone got a link? I haven't seen any rulings on this motion posted on our board. TIA!

CHEZHIRE...this might be what you're looking for
I'm hoping that on NG tonight, she has a "non-biased" forensics expert to explain these results to us.

The mention of 2.6 days could be "read" either way:

- There is a body decomposing for 2.6 days in the trunk of the car (meaning it could have been decomposing somewhere else for longer); OR
- An item that was put in the trunk and then taken back out had a total of 2.6 days worth of decomposition to it.

If Nancy were to accidentally have a non-biased expert on her show, we can rest assured she will not allow them to explain much. She'll be interupting and making faces to infer to the audience how very stupid the expert is not to agree with her pre-determined position.

However, like you, I'd love an un-biased explanation about that exact same sentence.
Yep, I just looked it up in the documents and the tow yard manager Simon Burke says that the car was released at 1335.

Thanks for checking that for me! I knew I was close, but I really didn't feel like looking it up in the docs., so thanks for saving me the trouble.
If Cindy and George admit Caylee is dead, they are one step closer to saying their daughter, Casey is a murderer. They will never go that far.

And it cuts off their money for "finding Caylee." I believe that is more of a motivation than KC. They KNOW she is dead.
Yes, I think she was put in A's backyard on the 18th, and removed either 6/22 late or 6/23 eve or wee morning hours 6/24, imo.. Corresponding with the shed break in. I think GA knows that and thus the gas can and "I saw Casey" on the 24th story. IMO.

Ok, so another question, if the decomp was early from the Body Farm results
(2 1/2 days or so of decomp.) , how does that work in? Or I guess a 2nd vehicle could have been used for a later transport (>3 days decomp)?

Just asking & trying to get it all thought out :)
I hate the last page that says many chemicals could make up for what the tests found, but should be common sense as to why the tests showed decomp...

Common sense to US...... but FACTS are what will put KC behind bars!

There is ALOT in this report... but there are also "little remarks" that say... to be sent in another report..... I am sure this is just a small part of what they have..... they have to be careful in how they word things... this is FORENSIC'S they can't say they are 100% sure unless the tests come out that way....
this shows me that There was HUGE amounts of cloraphorm (sp?) in the trunk of the car.... (*Yes, bodies do produce it in small amounts after death) and the hair that shows decomp that was Caylees.... that seals it for me that Caylee was in the trunk of the car....

Still catching up on this thread..... thank you! very interesting.
holy moses

this case is over, LOOK for a plea deal of some sort - that is of course if the
prosecution will even offer one at this point

this case is over and someone with the initials of CA are going to go to prison for a long time ( if she is lucky )

the prosecution is going to clobber the defense

how does KC going to explain her driving around in a car that smelled so horrible --- squirrels dont count

this case is OVER

Seeing as it is the Body Farm-my guess is that poor Caylee's little body was at day 2.6 of decomp. I have a few of those books, and I suppose I could look and see what that means....but I just can't.

I thought the levels found indicated a total of 2.6 days.
What about the 2.6 days?? Does this mean caylee was taken out of the trunk after only 2.6 days? I thought she remained in there a lot longer than that. And if she was only in there for that period of time, would the car have smelled the way it did a month later???

Yes, human decomp smell if not cleaned correctly will stay for a very long time -

Did the report say anything about household cleaning agents? Like when George was scrubbing the carpet in the trunk? I haven't read the full repot yet
holy moses

this case is over, LOOK for a plea deal of some sort - that is of course if the
prosecution will even offer one at this point

this case is over and someone with the initials of CA are going to go to prison for a long time ( if she is lucky )

the prosecution is going to clobber the defense

how does KC going to explain her driving around in a car that smelled so horrible --- squirrels dont count

this case is OVER


Nah - this will be dragged through the courts - Casey will never admit this - I'm doubting there will be a plea - the defense will argue the results and try to get them thrown out because they, the defense, wasn't there at testing, they'll proclaim contamination
Awesome. 41 out of 50 chemicals/odors detected in the trunk are consistant with human decomposition.......BUT, the conclusion (paraphrasing here, cuz I don't know how to copy from that document) that the odors could be related to decomposition that POSSIBLY comes from a human. I would have thought the FBI results would have been much more definitive than THAT.

I think the defense team might be grinning right now.

Didn't another page state that the chemical by products excluded animals? Other than two that might be pig? There was a list.

I would say the defense team is not having a good day.
The results of the hair on the shovel indicate:

"both Casey and Caylee can be excluded as the source of the Q46.2 hair."

Thanks for correcting this. I apparently read excluded as included. :doh:
I guess this throws out the squirrel defense??? Even Kobe said that thiers a possibility of an animal dying in the car - but then we know how reliable Kobe has been
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