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redwood had no business going on a tv morning chat show when he did to give his opinion, no one is interested in his personal opinion unless its the opinion of the whole review team

Lorraine kelly and co are NOT the medium to announce these things, i would have liked him to go on newsnight instead :D to discuss the 3m pound remit and be questioned by paxman and the heavies not a fashion and cooking journalist

Which makes me think he was paid to say what he said by someone who wants to keep the squeaky clean image of the mccanns alive for reasons known to them
redwood had no business going on a tv morning chat show when he did to give his opinion, no one is interested in his personal opinion unless its the opinion of the whole review team

Lorraine kelly and co are NOT the medium to announce these things, i would have liked him to go on newsnight instead :D to discuss the 3m pound remit and be questioned by paxman and the heavies not a fashion and cooking journalist

Which makes me think he was paid to say what he said by someone who wants to keep the squeaky clean image of the mccanns alive for reasons known to them is really a pantomime.

I keep saying that one day history will judge this mess, and it will.

Think of it...a top secret police review of another police force's investigation, and the Head of that review pops into breakfast television to inform the housewives what he thinks. What he thinks is TOTALLY irrelevant.

Never before have I heard of such insanity.

The problem is, it worked. Just look on this board - people support the McCanns blindly, no questions asked.

Expensive PR can even control Scotland Yard it seems.

This whole mess makes me sick. Are there NO investigative journalists left in England with the balls to stand up to the Establishment?

:banghead: is really a pantomime.

I keep saying that one day history will judge this mess, and it will.

Think of it...a top secret police review of another police force's investigation, and the Head of that review pops into breakfast television to inform the housewives what he thinks. What he thinks is TOTALLY irrelevant.

Never before have I heard of such insanity.

The problem is, it worked. Just look on this board - people support the McCanns blindly, no questions asked.

Expensive PR can even control Scotland Yard it seems.

This whole mess makes me sick. Are there NO investigative journalists left in England with the balls to stand up to the Establishment?


I was goinf to answer gord onanother thread but same difference here, ecenif there was not a cover up and my opinion is there probably wasnt per se, its a very true fact that thebritishmedia have wholeheartedly from very early on slammed the portuguese so ingraciously andnastily and sided with the mccanns, you know, stick up for your own, until the dogs went in, thenthere was a backlash, then clarence mitchell their spokesman, dark arts spinmeister liar extraordinaire, stepped in shortly after and paid forby the fund dont forget,and used pr agencies and all sorts to get the press to do a uturn andbe sympathetic to them, themanwho worked for the govt media monitoring unit before and for the tory party before the the last election followed by coulson who is now onbail withrebekah brookes another champion of themccanns also charged with perverting e course of justice via her papers, hacking phones, paying policeand mod officials for info, and all sorts, what a murky old world

do i think there is a cover up, very likely but im not sure for what reason, could be simple pride could be reputations of nhs and others, shrug, dont know, just wish it gets blasted to kingdom come if true
Best log off now because my ipad wontletme do spaces :D

Eta just want to hear from any policemans mouth that cadaver dogs react to BO, urine, sperm, toenails, period blood, acne sores, rotting teeth, etc and that they avoided barking at all places where the mccanns didnt stay at where one or any of these should have been there too :D cos they wanted in kate mccanns own words in her book, just to please their master,coulsnt make it up could you
Theories abound as to just why the McCann was given such favourable treatment.

It's fairly clear now that the British media works hand in hand with the British government, and in the middle of it all is one Rupert Murdoch, pulling the strings and telling us only what he thinks we need to know.

If this isn't corruption at the highest level, I'd like to know what is.

I've read a blog stating that Gerry threatened to let some secrets loose, specifically about the death of Princess Diana of all things.

I think the truth is probably far more ordinary.

I think that Gordon Brown and Tony Blair simply could not believe that one of their ilk (the Establishment) could possibly be guilty, so they helped him out of kindness and solidarity.

It quickly became apparent that Gerry was guilty, according to the British Police, which is when things began to shut down.

I believe it is just a classic case of butt-covering. Ooops, we backed the wrong horse...better not let anyone find out.

It happens all the time. I don't know why people find it so unbelievable.

Unfortunately, no one was prepared for Goncalo Amaral, and the lengths he was prepared to go to , to get the "truth of the lie" heard.

I have seen no favourable treatment of the mccanns. It is normal for UK nationals abroad to get help from their own state, and Mps do get involved in these sort of cases. When men suspected of murdering and otrturing a boy in Glasgow fled abroad british MPs traveled there to obtain their return.

I also do not get how a locun GP and a cardiologist from the north, both childrne of immigrants and member sof a religious minority are considered one of Blair and Browns ilk. Is it a lower class thing, that they assume anyone with an education is some sort of high society, or is it a non-eu thing? because I would not consider the mccanns to be upper middle class, nor woudl anyone in the UK think doctors woudl never committ a crime. In fact whilst blair was PM a doctor was convicted of seriel killing.

because the mccann case happened abroad it is not fully subjustice so reporting restrictiosn are nt as touch. But it is not unknown for the police to go on TV and say that they are looking at a certain scenario. That is what happens at press conferences during missing persons cases etc. he went on TV and announced that they after looking t the evidenc ebelived it was not anyone known to madeleine who was behind her disappearence. There is no reason why they had not looked at enough evidence to discount those known to the mccanns.

As for amaral, well no most normal people would not be prepared for the police man in charge of a missing child case to be an aguido who was later criminally convicted for falsifying evidence. Thankfully he is a foolish little chap (anyone else seen that southern comfort advert and seen a similarity?), who no-one apart from a few people on the internet takes seriously.
Theories abound as to just why the McCann was given such favourable treatment.

It's fairly clear now that the British media works hand in hand with the British government, and in the middle of it all is one Rupert Murdoch, pulling the strings and telling us only what he thinks we need to know.

If this isn't corruption at the highest level, I'd like to know what is.

I've read a blog stating that Gerry threatened to let some secrets loose, specifically about the death of Princess Diana of all things.

I think the truth is probably far more ordinary.

I think that Gordon Brown and Tony Blair simply could not believe that one of their ilk (the Establishment) could possibly be guilty, so they helped him out of kindness and solidarity.

It quickly became apparent that Gerry was guilty, according to the British Police, which is when things began to shut down.

I believe it is just a classic case of butt-covering. Ooops, we backed the wrong horse...better not let anyone find out.

It happens all the time. I don't know why people find it so unbelievable.

Unfortunately, no one was prepared for Goncalo Amaral, and the lengths he was prepared to go to , to get the "truth of the lie" heard.


I dont know where you get impression of the UK ? To say that Brown and Blair would break the law to support a couple of Doctors they have never met ? Gerry is a working class guy from Glasgow who worked hard to become a Doctor - he is not part of some upper establishment club or ilk. Our politicians are not above the law in this country that includes the PM and Chancellor - they cant just instruct the police to cover up a crime especialy one as horrible and high profile as this was purported to be

If you look hard enough on the net you can find all sort of theories about Diana etc etc - but it doesnt mean they are right
What law exactly would they be breaking?

Portugese, or British?


If Gerry is such an unimportant "working class guy", then why all the direct interference from Gordon Brown and Tony Blair 4 May and onwards?

I did not see Sharon Matthews making a personal call to Gordon to get her out of the carp?

Gerry McCann is actually one of the foremost cardiac diagnostician in Europe, let alone Britain. He has saved many, many lives and is highly respected. He works mainly in research and is now leading a team of diagnosticians on the forefront of heart medicine. news item.asp
I dont know where you get impression of the UK ? To say that Brown and Blair would break the law to support a couple of Doctors they have never met ? Gerry is a working class guy from Glasgow who worked hard to become a Doctor - he is not part of some upper establishment club or ilk. Our politicians are not above the law in this country that includes the PM and Chancellor - they cant just instruct the police to cover up a crime especialy one as horrible and high profile as this was purported to be

If you look hard enough on the net you can find all sort of theories about Diana etc etc - but it doesnt mean they are right


In what universe?

Have you not heard of the MP's expenses scandal? Hillsborough? Tony Blair's dishonesty to the British public surrounding the invasion of Iraq?

Take a look at this headline - from 14 September 2012 no less. The cronyism and secret boys club is alive and well.

Masters of cover-up: How the Establishment closes ranks to protect its own and deny the people the truth

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Note that no one has taken the Daily Mail to court for "libel" :waitasec:

Interesting read and illustrates exactly how the cosy relationship works within the Establishment.

I understand that the "working class man" is in total denial, they have to be. It would be too frightening for most of the blue collar thought processes to even contemplate a world where their social "superiors" can and do lie.

Like finding out your priest is a pedophile...people just do not want to believe it. It threatens everything they respect in life.

I strongly suggest anyone who still believes in the integrity of their politicians and judiciary to read this article. It makes very unpleasant reading but illustrates exactly the sort of conditions which has allowed the McCann to escape unpunished.

You might need to have a bex and a good lie down after reading it. If you still believe those in charge have your best interests at heart you are in for a terrible shock.

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