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here's a real interesting case Emre brought to my attention and i think hes on to something.

Somethings really stand out for me with this case, some key points thats connect to LISK are:

A train subway line
Nostrand station near dismembered parts in crackhouses from Seaslug earlier posts
Older "secret friend" neighbor who moved "Down south" like drifter
Dismembered with precision
Garbage bags
Transit Worker killer ? (Port authority GB4)

and most significant to me is victim last said he was going to get his taxes done. Accountant!

props to emre for the find
here's a real interesting case Emre brought to my attention and i think hes on to something.

Somethings really stand out for me with this case, some key points thats connect to LISK are:

A train subway line
Nostrand station near dismembered parts in crackhouses from Seaslug earlier posts
Older "secret friend" neighbor who moved "Down south" like drifter
Dismembered with precision
Garbage bags
Transit Worker killer ? (Port authority GB4)

and most significant to me is victim last said he was going to get his taxes done. Accountant!

props to emre for the find

Man, thank you! Don't forget, I may be holding the real big surprise in my bag, perhaps?
The Post said a police source told the newspaper that a man who lived around the corner from Brazell’s Gates Avenue home, in his 30s, on welfare, and romantically linked to the victim is being sought and is believed to now be somewhere in the South.

gates Ave, big big key here. I have to go back and look but im almost positive we have come across gates before on this forum?
One word for you: Model Mayhem

"In fact, months before his murder, he actually had a gig in a New York fashion show modeling clothes"
"Police believe the killer placed the body parts in blue plastic bags and then carried the bags of body parts, one at a time, in the beige and black tool bag. They believe the killer then transferred the blue bags into black trash bags in the subway."

another brooklyn fashion designer went missing.

and heres a missing poster i saw a while back but can't find any info on:
hold on hold on hold.
"The other bag was a beige and black tool bag with wheels and an insignia on the side that says “Rooster”. Inside this bag the police found blood-stained drill bits and other tools. Police later learned this bag was one of only 15 bags made as a prototype and sold to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority in 2001."
Jessica Taylor, port authority, Maureen's phone call from penn, Melissa posted up everyday on 8th ave n 46th..Shannan client around of only 15 LIMITEd EDITION BAGS made for MTA. WHaaaatttt!

Rashawn's head was never discovered, and his parts were spread out in different bags along on the subway line!
Wow! You'd think that would narrow things down quite a bit, right? Unless they are part of a shared toolroom and could have been left out at work sites along the tracks, in which case the killer could have grabbed one at some time during his disbursement of the body parts and not had it in his possession before then. Interesting.
Good point marble but one of only 15...! heres pix of the bag.

Whats interesting is...someone rang his doorbell, he left with the man, entered gates ave subway J line and then the two were seen leaving the Nostrand Avenue, which is the same stop some of the body parts where found in. Any POI's ever come up living over near nostrand ave?
Here's another wierd thing. A filmmaker Teri King who made a documentary about Rashawn Brazell, claims he knows there are people who know what happen to Rashawn. At the end of the youtube video he says "phone calls" and tips on "internet blogs" reveal people know what happened. WOW!
Why is there no trace of any Philip "Andy" Sickel? I can't find anything about the missing person I saw on the poster in NYC although the number listed is the NYPD missing persons. You'd think that would mean there was a report filed for him that we cold find
SOURCE: GLEN HEAD: Woman's remains IDd in N.C.
Kerr, Kathleen. Newsday [Long Island, N.Y] 19 Sep 2008: A.28.

Fred%Edna and just K....did you ever catch this?
Allison Jackson-Foy loved dancing, swimming in the backyard pool and family trips to an upstate dude ranch when she was growing up in Syosset and Oyster Bay.

Back then, she was Allison Mazalewski. Now, sadness tempers her family's happy memories.

On Sept. 10, results of DNA testing found that skeletal remains discovered on April 26 in a wooded area in Wilmington, N.C., belonged to Jackson-Foy, missing since July 30, 2006, when she was 34. The remains of another woman missing since 2007 also were found at the same time. A final autopsy report for Jackson-Foy is pending and a police investigation continues.

Detectives are not ruling out the possibility that the women were killed by the same person, a spokeswoman for the Wilmington Police Department, said last week.

Jackson-Foy disappeared after someone called a cab to take her home from Junction Pub & Billiards, where she met a friend. She lived in Wilmington with her second husband, Michael Foy, and two daughters, Courtney Jackson, 14, and Jordan Foy, 6...

More and more headless bodies...

Body Parts Are Found

Detectives found decomposed body parts and a headless body in two East New York crackhouses yesterday in what police say they believe are separate incidents.

Cleaners at an abandoned building at 2743 Fulton St. found a skull and hands in a refrigerator at 11 a.m., police said. More body parts, believed to be about two months old, were found in the basement.

Police said the building is a known drug location.

Forty-five minutes after those body parts were found, a woman at 647 Belmont Ave. found a headless body under a mattress. A machete was nearby, police said. - Melanie Lefkowitz
Taylor, Curtis L; Friefeld, Karen; Lafkowitz, Melanie. Newsday [Long Island, N.Y] 21 Feb 2002: A15.

My theory is that the LISK uses abandonded buildings to dismember bodies. Brooklyn plays such a predominant role in the dismembering Murders and also Megan Waterman's pimps. Khalil White, Tanya Rush, Jessica Taylor, Akeem Cruz/Robert Blake and SUGAR BEAR all lived in a very small radius in East New York. Kim Raffo also lived in Brooklyn and her exhubby was from there. My Opinion is that most of the unidentified bodies from Manorville/OP are ALL FROM BROOKLYN! And Emre also has a very interesting theory about the Asian Male being from Brooklyn....
"One afternoon, Jenata answered the telephone. “Hello,” he said. There was a pause, before a male voice said, “Oh, I didn’t know that he had a brother that was supposed to be a gangster. Don’t worry about it—you’ll be dead too before the summer.”

And the killer calls the victims sibling to taunt & threaten. Remind you of anyone? :mickey:
Ok I think I found the suspicious comments the filmmaker was talking about in the video i posted. The comments are from Reggie about two men Rashawn & his friends met on 14 street (think Jessica Taylor photo at 14th street Union Square). They are very interesting to say the least...and very.....suspicious. I highly suggest you read:

edit: while these comments do seem like a hoax, the suspects described would really fit the profile for Emre's theory of an NYC Street Rat kind of killer. Don't forget, Melissa was a fixture of 8th ave where you see A LOT of unsavory characters walking the streets at all times. Maureen was said to be robbed by the dreadlocked man ( we need to get to the bottom of that) and from the photos it looks like Jessica Taylor hung out in Union Square. Sugar Bear was ID'd by Trans Sex Workers who hung out in Manhattan (i'd bet your house it was on 8th ave, maybe even 8th & 14th noting the year 02{the reggie post says Rashawn was approached for sex @ 14th and 7th ave}) , so sugar Bear was likely hanging out on the street in that area also. Hawkshaw's Linda Alvarez(?)who hung out in Union Square and lived on East 13th is another person in that area said to be hanging out where they might encounter same type of Street Rat Character types. I'm sure you can think of more....

so I'm starting to think the Killers or Killer might be street rats for sure. How does Long Island even come into play?
Ok I think I found the suspicious comments the filmmaker was talking about in the video i posted. The comments are from Reggie about two men Rashawn & his friends met on 14 street (think Jessica Taylor photo at 14th street Union Square). They are very interesting to say the least...and very.....suspicious. I highly suggest you read:

edit: while these comments do seem like a hoax, the suspects described would really fit the profile for Emre's theory of an NYC Street Rat kind of killer. Don't forget, Melissa was a fixture of 8th ave where you see A LOT of unsavory characters walking the streets at all times. Maureen was said to be robbed by the dreadlocked man ( we need to get to the bottom of that) and from the photos it looks like Jessica Taylor hung out in Union Square. Sugar Bear was ID'd by Trans Sex Workers who hung out in Manhattan (i'd bet your house it was on 8th ave, maybe even 8th & 14th noting the year 02{the reggie post says Rashawn was approached for sex @ 14th and 7th ave}) , so sugar Bear was likely hanging out on the street in that area also. Hawkshaw's Linda Alvarez(?)who hung out in Union Square and lived on East 13th is another person in that area said to be hanging out where they might encounter same type of Street Rat Character types. I'm sure you can think of more....

so I'm starting to think the Killers or Killer might be street rats for sure. How does Long Island even come into play?

As you always do, you're flooding info that must be digested. Though you're fast like hell, I have to give you that. Keep it coming.

EDIT: Reggie's story looks legit to me.
As you always do, you're flooding info that must be digested. Though you're fast like hell, I have to give you that. Keep it coming.

The missing link is how do we connect the shady brooklyn/manhattan street walking killer with the state park/nature loving Long Island killer? It doesnt add up.
Just a theory

I believe it starts as a little street gang. Maybe an offshoot of Blood Kings and stuff. Although racial differences are significant in gangs, this Band of Bandits may not be so much race oriented, it may be more business oriented. They have muscle power. The Band is doing these possibly drug connected jobs and robberies. Then in time the little band dissolves and the muscle power guys (like Mr. Dreadlox perhaps) take on the business and of course the immeasurable value of Gilgo Beach as a dumping spot.

Just a theory, but you're providing excellent input. Fuels the mind.
That RaShawn's killer also taunted the family - that is a very big deal. Great find.

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hold on hold on hold.
"The other bag was a beige and black tool bag with wheels and an insignia on the side that says “Rooster”. Inside this bag the police found blood-stained drill bits and other tools. Police later learned this bag was one of only 15 bags made as a prototype and sold to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority in 2001."

I remember reading something like the stains on that tools were rust.... I'm trying to find it. But if you're right, you're really stepping on gold.

EDIT: Here's a blog comment version of the rust story, you have to look for "really rust". You'll get the comment.

I don't think there's chainsaw involved in the cases, it may be some "sauce" added by the media. Find the Park Dietz - Richard Kuklinski interviews (two of them) on Youtube, Mr. Kuklinski will tell you why.
I remember reading something like the stains on that tools were rust.... I'm trying to find it. But if you're right, you're really stepping on gold.

EDIT: Here's a blog comment version of the rust story, you have to look for "really rust". You'll get the comment.

I don't think there's chainsaw involved in the cases, it may be some "sauce" added by the media. Find the Park Dietz - Richard Kuklinski interviews (two of them) on Youtube, Mr. Kuklinski will tell you why.
"Det. Brian Sessa discounted the relevance of the second bag of items, specifically saying the description of the bloody drill bits was erroneous. “It was more like rust,” "

Hm....more like rust? wtf does that mean was it rust or blood? I doubt the NYPD would come forward with the toolbag info if they didnt first make sure it wasnt simply a MTA workers bag (1 OF 15) discarded in its natural habitat. I'm thinking there is more to the bag than just something like rust. I also read Rashawn was anatomically traced on the skin before he was dismembered. But yea here's what doesnt make sense about the bag:

Don;t you think the NYPD would determine if it was blood before tracing the bags origin to be an exclusively manufactured one of 15 bags for the MTA before releasing that info to the public. Positively yes. There's no way. I also read the nypd's theory of the crime was that the body parts where carried inside the toolbag into the different subway tracks before being switched into garbage bags and dumped. So more like blood

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