First, you are just fine and not just for a newbie.
Second, I checked the alumni directory.
I know he lists it as 1983 in his bio; I'd assume it is a typo.
Third, my only reason to reference Seasack was to show that someone
could work in the field, legitimately, without a Ph D.
[Snipped for space]
The point I was making is that there are major ethical and boundary issues regarding Raykovitz providing therapy to his bosses' troubled dependent/foster child/son. This is not the only source that I have read where Long made this claim, and in light of what happened with Matt and the circumstances surrounding it... it all-the-more raises red flags. How does Sandusky make some phone calls while he's in LA for the Rose Bowl and manage to become a foster parent for Matt? Debra Long claims that she witnessed the downward spiral of her son from the point that JS came into his life... and that there was an ever-increasinig attempt on the part of both JS/DS to alienate him from his biological family. She alerted numerous people and no one listened. A probation officer, Terry Trude, even expressed "serious concerns" about his "progress and safety" in his placement with JS/DS. And what about other patients JR may have seen who were also victims or potential victims of JS? I know therapists (particularly males) who won't conduct sessions with children with a closed door... let alone allow themselves to become entangled in such an enmeshed web! Nope... regarding JR... we'll just have to agree to disagree.
Technically, at least, Sandusky wasn't Raykovitz's supervisor at the time. Sandusky was on the board of TSM, and their executive committee, but only one of a bunch of members. He obviously had a great deal of influence.
What is absolutely certain is that there were a number of people raising very serious issues during this whole fiasco and a LOT of people turned a blind eye to it! These were systemic problems... with PSU, but also with TSM, CYS, DPW, etc.. Sadly, we now know at least some of the consequences of those problems. Although there has been too much focus on PSU, perhaps at the expense of discovering the others involved... IMO.
There was an obvious link between PSU and TSM. C&YS also had a link with TSM, but they declared a conflict of interest in 1998. I can't find any linkage between DPW, in particular, Lauro, and TSM or PSU.
And quite obviously JS did not have a winning case... irrespective of Amendola. I personally found it curious that he and JR share the same professional building... just as I found his own story regarding his 16yo client/employee/wife. And yes, I am aware that the age of consent is 16yo. Again... it's a matter of ethics and boundaries.
Well, since March of 1998, I've been receiving medical treatment for a disability. Until my doctor moved this year, the office was right across the street from where Seasock was getting his doctorate. My father's urologist was in the same building, though he moved there in the early 2000's. I'm sure that I've been within 200 yards of Seasock, though we've never met.
The market that I usually go to in the area, and went to as late as Friday, is 500 yards from one of Victim 1's attorneys. I've been past his office 100s of times. I've never met the guy, as far as I know; I could have been standing behind him in line at the checkout.
The geographic proximity is pushing it.