Found Deceased France - Émile S., 2, outside grandparent’s house, Le Vernet, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, 8 July 2023

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In an interview with Famille Chrétienne, the little boy's grandfather denounces in particular the harsh label that has been attributed to him.

"I come across as a dominator who terrorizes everyone. This is all false, but I don't care," he said.

In a first interview with Famille Chrétienne last August, little Émile's parents, Marie and Colomban, had already denounced "untruths" surrounding the investigation into the disappearance of their son. They had notably mentioned false details (...) which hurt [them] coming from "malicious testimonies" showing "crass ignorance."


Despite the support of those around them, Émile's grandparents explain that the situation remains difficult for them. “Marie sometimes asks us how to detect the first signs of depression,” confides the little boy’s grandmother. “We are all tense,” she continues.

"It was thanks to a leader of a group of Marseille supporters that the family was able to obtain their ticket for the event organized this Saturday in Marseille."

Émile's family will attend the mass celebrated by Pope Francis at the Vélodrome stadium in Marseille. In an interview with Famille Chrétienne, Émile's grandparents, Anne and Philippe Vedovini say they are delighted to attend a "huge event." “Marseille has been waiting for the pope for more than 400 years!”, adds Émile’s grandfather.

It is through an unexpected connection that the family of the missing young boy will be able to attend the papal mass scheduled for this Saturday at the Vélodrome. In their interview given to the Catholic newspaper, Émile's grandparents confide that they are close to a leader of Marseille supporters: Rachid Zeroual. “It’s funny but everything went through this man of Muslim faith,” laughs Philippe Vedovini.

A friendship that goes back to Haut Vernet where the vice-president of the South Winners used to spend holidays in his wife's family home.

"We didn't want to embarrass him by talking about the pope's mass and our proximity. But Rachid protested: 'I'm your friend, you have to do it! I've supported you from the start!'" defends Émile's grandmother.

According to the couple, the Olympian supporter also participated in the search for Émile before offering them the opportunity to attend this mass.

It was a pond near the village's pool, in Le Vernet, just a few kilometers away from Haut Vernet.

Picture and map here:

Sadly, it's too late for a search of this type. When someone drowns, the body will sink but eventually come up to the surface of the water within a 2-3 days.
Unless of course the body is weighted down which could be the case here. IMO
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We had a missing 3 year-old in our province who was seen running off into the forest and just vanished. The searchers looked for hours. They were searching down hills, as it’s believed that’s what 3 year-olds would choose, but the mother was insisting that the girl would choose to climb.

So one searcher with a dog listened to her and starting climbing hills through heavy brush with his dog and ultimately the dog alerted to a scent. They found her safe up an embankment.

I’m wondering if Émile did something that seemed impossible to the searchers?

well that just made cry and good info about how the dogs work
Sadly, it's too late for a search of this type. When someone drowns, the body will sink but eventually come up to the surface of the water within a 2-3 days.
Unless of course the body is weighted down which could be the case here. IMO
wouldnt that depend what type of water the body was in? In a river it can be a lot longer than 2-3 days for example
I know there are no mountain lions, but are there any other animals who could have attacked the little boy and carried him away with no trace?

I just don't want to think that it could be a human in this community who harmed him.
Disparition d'Émile, 2 ans et demi : "Sans végétation, le terrain apparaît sous un autre jour...", vers de nouvelles fouilles pour retrouver le corps du petit garçon cet hiver ?

" Disappearance of Émile, 2 and a half years old: "Without vegetation, the land appears in another light...", towards new excavations to find the body of the little boy this winter?

For François Daoust, the former director of the Criminal Research Institute of the National Gendarmerie, there is no doubt that new excavations around Vernet will take place in the coming months.

But François Daoust indicated this Monday, October 9, that the arrival of winter could be an excellent thing for the investigation: "Without vegetation, the terrain appears in another light, and it is quite common for us to find body at this time,” he told 20 Minutes. "
I really like the big picture of Haut Vernet at the beginning of this article. Too big a file to upload I think. I saved it but I can't even open it outside my browser. But viewing the saved file in the browser, the resolution is great.

I firmly believe this discussion, and possibly the search itself, has focussed too closely on the immediate (ie ~200m radius) of the village.
Which seems like an assumption that needs to be revised.

When you look at a satellite view on google maps, once you get outside that immediate vicinity of the village, it’s trees and little creeks and tracks and gullies everywhere. Forest being notoriously difficult to locate a person in.

He must have gotten further sooner than the searchers expected, and just been outside the search radius. 800m away is the main road (highway?), 2km and he’s in the next town over. Many/most 2.5 year olds would be able to walk 2km at a stretch, some significantly further.

the search simply has to keep expanding. If he’s not in a 500m radius, search to a radius of 1km. Then 2km. Then 3km. No use wringing hands over it.
I firmly believe this discussion, and possibly the search itself, has focussed too closely on the immediate (ie ~200m radius) of the village.
Which seems like an assumption that needs to be revised.

When you look at a satellite view on google maps, once you get outside that immediate vicinity of the village, it’s trees and little creeks and tracks and gullies everywhere. Forest being notoriously difficult to locate a person in.

He must have gotten further sooner than the searchers expected, and just been outside the search radius. 800m away is the main road (highway?), 2km and he’s in the next town over. Many/most 2.5 year olds would be able to walk 2km at a stretch, some significantly further.

the search simply has to keep expanding. If he’s not in a 500m radius, search to a radius of 1km. Then 2km. Then 3km. No use wringing hands over it.

I completely agree, and I also believe that they will eventually find this wee lad way out in the meadow somewhere.
Something new.

New investigations took place this Tuesday, October 17, more than three months after the disappearance of little Émile in Haut-Vernet in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence:

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Something new:

So they do have POIs. Not that this person is necessarily "the one" but at least we know they have people that they are looking at very closely.

"Since July 8, this family has interested the investigators of the Marseille research section, especially since the young man's first cousin is one of the only two witnesses to have seen Émile for the last time in the hamlet of Haut -Vernet on the day of his disappearance . "
"The home searched would be the property of a family of farmers who own land near Haut-Vernet. At the beginning of July, when Emile disappeared, it was harvest time and agricultural machinery was in circulation. One of the members of this family, known to the courts for minor offenses and suspected in the early stages of the investigations, would still be of interest to investigators both for his psychological profile and his possible presence on the scene on July 8."
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