France France- Lina, 15, missing between her hamlet of Champenay and the train station of Saint-Blaise-la-Roche, in the Bas-Rhin region, 23 September 2023

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''Lina, described as a medium-length blonde-haired girl standing 1.60 meters tall, had intended to cover a 3-kilometer distance from her home in Plaine to the Saint-Blaise-la-Roche train station. She was last seen walking along the RD350 road. Local checks confirmed that she never got on the train that was supposed to take her to Strasbourg, where her boyfriend, Tao, was waiting.''

Sept 2023
''The teenager disappeared late on Saturday morning after leaving her home to go to Saint-Blaise-la-Roche station, about three kilometres away, a journey she was used to making.

Several searches have been organised since her disappearance but have failed to uncover any conclusive clues in the wooded, rugged area at the foot of the Vosges mountains. At a press conference on Tuesday, the public prosecutor explained that “no leads” had been ruled out in the case.

Between 11.15 and 11.30am on Saturday, two witnesses saw Lina walking along the road towards the station where she was due to catch a train to Strasbourg to meet her boyfriend. When he did not see her arrive, he alerted Lina’s mother, who called the emergency services at around 2.15 p.m.

Examination of CCTV footage in the carriages of the train that Lina was due to take and at Strasbourg station showed that she had not boarded the train.

On her journey on foot, no tracks were found on the carriageway or the roadside suggesting that the teenager had been involved in a road accident, the prosecutor had explained on Tuesday.''

Google translate..

''Two months after Lina's disappearance, in Alsace, the gendarmes of the Strasbourg research section conducted a search at the home of a resident of the area, this Wednesday, November 22, 2023, according to information from Le Parisien confirmed by franceinfo.

This search is part of "a field verification" but does not mean that a particular suspect is targeted, according to a source close to the case quoted by France Bleu.

Since the disappearance, investigators have searched houses in several communes around Plaine (Bas-Rhin) and vehicles and taken DNA samples, accompanied by dog teams and criminal research technicians.''

''Missing since September 23​

The 15-year-old Lina disappeared on Saturday, September 23 between her hamlet of Champenay and the train station of Saint-Blaise-la-Roche, in the Bas-Rhin region. A judicial investigation for "kidnapping or kidnapping for more than seven days" has been opened.

On October 2, the Strasbourg prosecutor's office indicated that it was to expect "long-term" investigations, adding that "no lead" was "ruled out or privileged", recalls France Bleu.''
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Google translate..
Lina's disappearance: what is the status of the investigation, one month later?
''Field research continues in the area, and investigators are awaiting results from analysis and sampling. The investigation is largely focused on the exploitation of "phone, video and digital data", according to our colleagues. Two witnesses saw the young woman on the way to the train station before she disappeared. A third witness claims to have seen Lina in a "little blue car", accompanied by a man. She didn't seem "worried." It was this testimony that led investigators to inspect several blue Renault Clios in the area. In the area, surveillance cameras are rare, but investigators have reportedly recovered tapes that confirm the passage of this vehicle. In connection with this testimony, a house was also searched in the hamlet of Poutay.

A man in a grey Citroën with suspicious behaviour​

A few days before Lina's disappearance, a teenage girl was approached twice by a man in a grey Citroën, according to DNA, on September 18 and 21. On the first occasion, the driver honked her horn several times. The second time, at 6:10 a.m., as she was about to catch her bus, he stopped and pretended to want to get out of the vehicle. The teen fled by calling her parents, and the driver drove off. The incident was reported to the gendarmerie.''

Lina bientôt retrouvée ? Ces photos d'éventuels suspects dévoilées par les enquêteurs

A judicial investigation was quickly opened for “kidnapping and sequestration”. Great efforts were made by the police to find the trace of the missing teenager. In vain. But certain testimonies can help investigators in their investigations.

According to information collected by the New Detective, Robert, a crucial witness in the case of Lina's disappearance, met with investigators. The latter allegedly showed him several photos of potential suspects, so that the 72-year-old retiree could identify the driver of the car in which the teenager got in before mysteriously disappearing.

Is this a strategy by the investigators to eliminate acquaintances of Lina, such as her boyfriend Tao, definitively removed from the list of suspects, or this music teacher who intrigues the police? The witness did not give further details on these photos. At this time, no information has been released on possible suspects in the case.

If Robert B. found himself face to face with these photos, it was in his capacity as a witness. Indeed, this retiree who knows Lina well, having encountered her several times at the village supermarket, where the teenager worked, claims to have encountered her on the day of her disappearance. It was when he went out on the steps of his house that he saw the young girl in a blue car.

“When the car passed on the road, I saw Lina in the passenger seat. (…) She smiled at me and said hello through the open window,” he explains to our colleagues. A testimony that he repeated the day after the disappearance of the teenager at the police station. He also gave some details about the physique of the man next to him. According to him, it would be a man between “20 and 40 years old” with “a goatee”.
Disparition de Lina : la plainte de l’adolescente pour viol réexaminée par la justice

Disappearance of Lina: the teenager’s complaint for rape re-examined by the courts

Four months after the disappearance of the 15-year-old girl in Bas-Rhin, the prosecution is looking into her complaint, filed in spring 2022 for “gang rape”.

(...) (She) had filed a complaint of rape against two men in June 2022. This complaint will be re-examined by the courts, confirmed this Monday, January 22, the public prosecutor of Saverne, Aline Clérot, to our colleagues at RTL.

(...) RTL specifies that this complaint had been filed for “gang rape” with the Schirmek gendarmerie, and was not dismissed. Lina denounced facts dating from May 2022, which allegedly occurred during an evening, where the teenager, then almost 14 years old, was allegedly forced into sexual relations by two young adult men. They admitted to having had relations with the young girl, but claimed that they were consensual.

However, the alleged rape of Lina would have little chance of constituting a serious lead: “The gendarmes of the Strasbourg Research Section explored this lead, and they have since closed the door,” the prosecutor further indicated to RTL, confirming that an investigation had indeed taken place, and that these facts had probanly “no link” with the main case. Lina's family will nevertheless be informed of the possible follow-up given to the new examination of her complaint, and, according to information from BFMTV, the young girl's mother should be received by the investigating judge at the beginning of February.
Alsace. Disparition de Lina : l’aire de jeux de Saulxures intéresse les enquêteurs

Disappearance of Lina: the Saulxures playground interests investigators

The gendarmes of the Bas-Rhin research section have sent new calls for testimony to parents of students at the Frison-Roche college in La Broque.

Text messages and emails were sent again this Tuesday morning, some to follow up with recipients who had not yet responded. Investigators working on the disappearance of Lina, 15, on September 23, 2023 in Plaine, are particularly interested in a playground located on rue de la Douane in the town of Saulxures.

They ask the parents of any schoolgirl “who has at least started her school year at Frison-Roche college” if their daughter has already gone to this playground “during the months of September and October 2023".
This call for witnesses, which is based on a report reported to the national gendarmerie, follows that of January 15 mentioning the driver of a gray Clio, aged around twenty, who could have approached teenage girls at a playground whose location was not specified at the time.

The gendarmes are also interested in teenage girls who have a Snapchat account, and ask their parents to kindly provide them, if necessary, with their daughter's pseudonym on this photo and video sharing application.
(..) At this stage, investigators are prioritizing the kidnapping trail. According to several witnesses, the young girl got into a vehicle: a gray Clio driven by an individual in his twenties. The latter is actively sought.

Investigations are now continuing out of sight. A problem for those close to Lina who would like to know the progress of the investigation. Fanny, the teenager's mother, notably asked to be heard by Sophie Thomann, one of the investigating judges working on the case. A meeting which will take place this Thursday, February 1, 2024 at the Strasbourg judicial court. “This hearing comes at the request of my client. She was impatiently waiting for it,” confided her lawyer, Me Matthieu Airoldi, to Latest News of Alsace. The mother, who can no longer stand being “left in the dark”, hopes to finally have access to the file.

Lina's mother had already deplored this lack of communication with the justice system. In 2022, her daughter filed a complaint for gang rape against two young adults. Questioned by the gendarmes, the accused admitted to consensual relations. At the end of the investigation, the Saverne public prosecutor's office closed the complaint before reopening it after the disappearance of the high school student. A decision that leaves the mother bitter. “She bitterly regrets that all this information was communicated to her through the press, and not by the Saverne public prosecutor's office directly, especially since she had a certain number of contacts with the gendarmes, to whom she spoke this complaint, without being kept informed,” the lawyer declared to AFP.

Is this link working for you guys ? Couldn't find a better way to share the link (it's actually live btw)

ETA : it's not working anymore Idk what's going on

Is this link working for you guys ? Couldn't find a better way to share the link (it's actually live btw)

ETA : it's not working anymore Idk what's going on
When i clicked the lower right 'play' button on the blank screen, it brought up a series of video, i entered her name there and all these videos concerning Lina popped up...
Ok this one should work :

It's the whole conference (for people who understand french obv)
Didn't have time to watch it before as I was at work but I'm gonna check it out now and post here if there's anything new that's been released through it
Ok this one should work :

It's the whole conference (for people who understand french obv)
Didn't have time to watch it before as I was at work but I'm gonna check it out now and post here if there's anything new that's been released through it
English can be obtained in the CC by changing the video's settings (the gear icon) and selecting CC > Auto-translate > English. And be sure CC is on to begin with. YMMV
Disparition de Lina : l'adolescente victime de deux vols, un copain soupçonné, la jeune fille était-elle ciblée ?

Disappearance of Lina: the teenage victim of two thefts, a mâle friend suspected, was the young girl targeted?

"Lina, 15 years old who disappeared on September 23 in La Plaine in Bas-Rhin, had filed a complaint for the theft of her motorcycle on two occasions. She wanted to confront the young person she suspected.

A few months before her disappearance, Lina, 15, had received a gift from her mother: a brand new motorcycle bought in a local store. It was a very specific model, a black MRT 50 from the Rieju brand.

It costed her mother the sum of around 3,000 euros as reported by Le Nouveau Détective.

But barely a month later, the motorcycle was stolen from the garage of her home where she lived with her mother in La Plaine.

The teenager is convinced she knows who committed the theft according to a witness. She thinks he is an ex-boyfriend or a male friend. Lina assures that she wants to fight against the one or those she thinks are guilty. She files a complaint, but the motorcycle is not found.

After this first theft, Lina - probably with the insurance money - decides to buy another motorcycle. She chooses the same model and promises to secure it with an arsenal of padlocks to prevent it from being stolen.

But a few weeks later, again. The motorcycle is once again stolen from her garage while the teenager is in Tunisia for her vacation. The young girl files a complaint again.

The young girl is convinced that these thefts are not due to chance. Especially since both times, the motorcycle was parked in her garage. The fact that she was the victim of theft twice, that she thought she knew the culprits and that she wanted to confront them is necessarily an avenue that was studied by the investigators.

No longer having a motorcycle, young Lina went to the station on foot on the day of her disappearance. And it was on the journey that she vanished."

So many weird things going on in this young girl's life. Her motorcycles were stolen, she was raped, and now she has just vanished...
Are all of those things connected or is that just some coincidences ? What are your thoughts ?
I would say yes, they are definitely connected.
Rieju's site
She had either the supermoto or the off-road (dirt bike) version of the MR50, unfortunately the Midi Libre story doesn't specify which one.
Trois personnes en garde à vue dans la disparition de Lina

Disappearance of Lina: three people placed in police custody

A couple and a man were arrested in connection with the disappearance of young Lina, who had mysteriously disappeared since September.

A start in the investigation, six months after its beginnings. Three people were taken into custody this Tuesday March 26 in connection with the disappearance of Lina. The 15-year-old girl has not been found since September 23, 2023.

These are the very first police custody operations carried out in this investigation. The three individuals, a couple and a man arrested at his home, were questioned by the gendarmes of the Strasbourg research section.

These hearings should allow investigators to carry out “checks”, to “close leads”, specified a source close to the investigation, confirming information from Le Parisien. They must make it possible to clarify inconsistencies identified in their schedules on the day of the young girl's disappearance.

For its part, Le Parisien specifies, however, that “nothing indicates at this stage that Lina’s kidnapper is among these people.” At least four witnesses were also summoned to be heard freely."
Disparition de Lina : les trois gardes à vue ont été levées, pourquoi l’enquête est-elle dans l’impasse ?

Disappearance of Lina: the three police custody have been lifted, why is the investigation at an impasse?

A couple in their 70s and a man in their 40s were taken into police custody on Tuesday to check for inconsistencies in their schedules.
Another door closing: the three police custody as part of the investigation into the disappearance of Lina, 15, in September in Bas-Rhin, “were lifted” on Wednesday, without proceedings initiated against the people interviewed . Three people were taken into police custody on Tuesday, but these “were lifted last night” because there was “no incriminating evidence”, confirmed a source close to the investigation.

These police custody had raised hopes of progress in a case which had seemed to have been at a standstill for six months. They were intended to carry out “checks”, “close leads”, a source close to the investigation explained on Tuesday.
The three people were to be questioned in particular on inconsistencies in their schedule on the day of Lina's disappearance. Other witnesses were also summoned to be heard freely.


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