Found Deceased France - Maëlys De Araujo, 9, Pont-de-Beauvoisin, 27 Aug 2017

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Where would we be without Twitter? Samir Mathieu, the author of the report about Nordahl Lelandais in Guiana is active and up-to-date there.
He has announced his publication, someone has read it and here we go:

Lu. Pas de disparitions non résolues dans la région lors de son passage en Guyane?
C'est une bonne question. Cela remonte à il y a plus de 15 ans déjà... pour l'instant, pas d'enquête ouverte pour rechercher de tels cas...

Read it. No unsolved disappearances in the region during his visit to French Guiana?

That's a good question. This goes back more than 15 years already.... for the moment, no investigation has been opened to investigate such cases....


I don't remember any mention of the Ariane cell about Guiana. I wonder if they looked at his time there, or if it only served to exclude him from cases in mainland France. Apparently, there are unsolved disappearances from that era?
Nordahl Lelandais, les zones d’ombres guyanaises - Faits divers en Guadeloupe

Nordahl Lelandais, the Guyanese shadow areas

The man suspected of being a serial killer in France has been in French Guiana twice as a soldier in the army. Which seems to have had a strong impact on him.
We thought we knew everything about Nordahl Lelandais' life.
And as with other suspected killers before him, new aspects appear as the investigation progresses, like slices when peeling an onion. And sometimes this can hurt and make you cry. This is the case for Nordahl Lelandais. As we scratch in the past of the man who confessed to killing little Maëlys in Isère and the young corporal Arthur Noyer in Savoy, we discover aspects...


Boom! Paywall! Cliffhanger! Sorry!

Should I invest €1,70 for a daypass? I am very curious, but the reference to peeling onions makes me a bit wary.
Still, when Jean-Yves Coquilllat retired as Public Prosecutor in Grenolble, he was succeeded by Eric Vaillant, who had been Public Prosecutor in Cayenne, Guiana until that date. So maybe there is more to it after all.


And here it is, the full onion...

Nordahl Lelandais, les zones d’ombres guyanaises -

The man suspected of being a serial killer in France has been in French Guiana twice as part of the army. Which seems to have had a strong impact on him.

We thought we knew everything about Nordahl Lelandais' life. And as with other suspected killers before him, new facets appear as the investigation progresses, like slices when peeling an onion. And sometimes it can hurt and make you cry. This is the case for Nordahl Lelandais. As we scratch the past of the man who confessed to killing little Maëlys in Isère and the young corporal Arthur Noyer in Savoy, we discover unexpected aspects of his personality, in connection with French Guiana. Yes, Guiana, even though Nordahl Lelandais spent only a few months there as part of the army... His stay seems to have had a significant impact on him and could even have been a trigger.

A dart in the eye

A detonator of sorts. It could be summed up as "a small incident with a superior in the army when he was in French Guiana", with the 132nd Battalion of dog-handlers of Suippes, in the Marne, as explained by the journalist Thibaut Solano, a specialist in news stories at L'Express: "During his hearings with psychologists and psychiatrists, Nordahl Lelandais came back several times on his visit to French Guiana. "According to his words to the specialist doctors, "it would have been a bad episode in his life," writes Thibaut Solano. The journalist, who followed the Lelandais case from A to Z, sums up this incident: "Nordahl Lelandais received a dart, from a blowgun, in the eye. This caused him some health concerns. " And it was this incident that, according to Nordahl Lelandais' explanations, made him to leave the army. "Nordahl Lelandais actually puts this episode on the army's account to explain his dismissal rather than his lack of evolution and skills," according to Thibaut Solano.

His mother confirms

French Guiana is such an important element in Nordahl Lelandais' journey that he spoke about it several times during the investigation, to evoke his journey. His mother also talked to the investigators about it. She mentioned the same episode that would have been so negative for her son during his visit to French Guiana. Contacted by telephone, Christiane Lelandais, the mother of the alleged serial killer, confirmed that her son had come to Guyana, but she refused to make any further comments: "I told the investigators everything I had to say about this episode. " The fact remains that Nordahl Lelandais would be discharged in 2007, at the age of 24, for psychological disorders (revised P4).

Guyana appears under another even darker aspect of Nordhal Lelandais' life. According to information revealed by journalist Thibaut Solano, the ex-military used a more than evocative pseudonym on some Internet networks. He had registered under the pseudonym Tyron973 on a well-known pornographic site, where he downloaded videos and where he also posted several intimate videos. For example, he had released at least eight pornographic videos showing its sexual intercourse with women. The question is why did he choose the French Guiana code to authenticate himself on websites? What did Guyana really mean to him? Why give so much importance to a territory he has only visited twice, in a professional context?

Two short missions

Does this importance given to French Guiana, on certain dark aspects of its existence, hide other even darker secrets? Even if the Ariane cell did not retain any cases that took place on Guyanese territory, what did he do in Guyana? Nordahl Lelandais was 19 years old at the beginning of his first stay in January 2003. He had 22 at the end of his second stay on Guyanese soil. He has participated in guard missions within his battalion, as part of two short-term missions (MCD). To date, no investigation has been opened to determine whether Nordahl Lelandais' presence in Guyana for eight months could be linked to any criminal case.


The sub-heading is confusing. Does this imply that Nordahl Lelandais was active on that site? The text keeps it vague with a well-known pornographic site. Well-known by whom, sir? You assume that all your readers are aware of your preferences.... kindly bear in mind that this may not be the case for everyone.

Nordahl Lelandais: revelations about the 40 cases targeted by investigators

Gendarmes and police officers are investigating 40 unsolved cases based on the path of the alleged killer of Maëlys and Corporal Noyer. Le Parisien reveals the background of this confidential list, drawn up by the Ariane cell of the gendarmerie.

Their names are Stéphane, Adrien, Nelly, Malik, Jean-Christophe, Ahmed or Thomas. So many people mysteriously evaporated or found dead in the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region in recent years. These are all investigations on which the justice system has broken its teeth, due to the lack of bodies or evidence leading to a suspect. Unless new investigations are carried out, the tiniest lead is still missing....

After a year of analysis and cross-checking, the Ariane cell of the National Gendarmerie Directorate General, created in January 2018 to identify other crimes potentially attributable to Nordahl Lelandais and based in Pontoise (Val-d'Oise), selected these 40 unsolved cases out of the 900 cases that were initially studied.


Le Parisien - Today in France was able to reconstruct this confidential list, by querying multiple sources. These are 35 cases of disturbing disappearances and 5 of suspicious deaths. These tragedies occurred in six departments of the region of the alleged killer of little Maëlys and Corporal Arthur Noyer: Savoie, Isère, Drôme, Rhône, Loire and Ain. The victims are men (27) or women (12), often under the age of 40, with the exception of a missing girl near Lyon.

These investigations - 25 of which were entrusted to the judicial police and 15 to the gendarmerie's investigation sections - are the subject of intense investigations that cross-referenced Lelandais' career. "Nothing says he was there, but nothing says he wasn't," says a senior official cautiously. Another summarizes: "There are questions, sometimes big ones, on some issues. But to date, there is no evidence to implicate him and it is possible that no evidence will be found. Be careful not to create false hopes for families. »

Could the 36-year-old former dog-handler, who admitted to two murders, have made other victims? The investigators, who have studied his closed and indecipherable personality, are not of the same opinion. Some note that his actions, such as turning off his phone, are those of an experienced criminal. Others that he sometimes seemed to improvise, notably by doing traceable research on the decomposition of bodies.

To select these 40 cases, the eight gendarmes in the cell used geographical, temporal and victim profile criteria. They also studied Nordahl Lelandais' situation until the early 2000s, looking at his telephone lines, bank statements, trips, employment contracts, etc.

The gendarmes have already put nine investigations on top of the pile. First of all, there are those of Fort Tamié: two Savoyards aged 22 and 45, who disappeared a year apart at the end of the same electronic festival. Investigations reveal that Lelandais, a resident of Domessin, was in Savoy at the time: he was returning from a summer holiday. But his presence at festivals is not confirmed, although he is a rave fan. He also knew Ahmed Hamadou, one of the missing.

Also on the list is Éric Foray, who evaporated while shopping in a village in the Drôme in 2016. And Nelly Balmain, a 29-year-old woman who has been missing since she left her home in Saint-Jean-en-Royans by scooter in 2011. More fragile profiles were also selected, such as Stéphane Chemin, an Isérois suffering from schizophrenia, or Lucie Roux, disappeared from a psychiatric hospital, frequented the same year by Lelandais.

For their part, police officers are examining six files as a priority. With particular attention to the one of Adrien Fiorello, who disappeared in Saint-Étienne (Loire) in 2010. This 22-year-old man is said to have frequented popular establishments in the homosexual community, which is of interest to the investigators since Lelandais had relationships with men. Adrien's telephone was also located in Chambéry, the city where the suspect resided that year.

Police also focus on cases of disappearances that receive little or no media coverage. There is Hugo Raffi, 18 years old, who left home in flip-flops, without a mobile phone and without papers in Albertville (Savoie) in 2012. Adlène Kifani - one of the oldest cases - who no longer gave any sign of life after making a brief call to 17 [ police help!] number on the way to a bar in Portes-lès-Valence (Drôme) in 2009...

Among the cases of murder or suspicious deaths, the most emblematic is that of Thomas Rauschkolb. The body of the 18-year-old boy had been discovered in a river near Chambéry the day after a night out at the end of 2014. His father never believed in the initial lead of an accidental fall, arguing disturbing elements: Thomas had taken an unusual route that evening, losing a shoe on the way, and his belt had curiously remained attached to a fence.

The study of these 40 files has already made it possible to eliminate two of them. Two missing persons, Alexis and Dogan, finally resurfaced without the justice system being informed. Pragmatic, the investigators hope above all to take advantage of the momentum generated by the Ariane cell to solve these dead end cases. It doesn't matter if Nordahl Lelandais is not at the end.


I cannot find any info about Edwige Ukundirwase or Pierre-Alexandre Seenyen. No doubt more news will turn up later now that their names are mentioned.

"I am convinced that he is responsible for the death of my son"

The "Ariane cell" of the gendarmerie has selected 40 unsolved cases that could incriminate Lelandais. Families are hoping to finally find out the truth, while fearing the link that may be established with the alleged murderer of little Maëlys.

Ariane. Six letters synonymous with hope, anguish or scepticism for the relatives of dozens of missing persons. Often, due to lack of body, lack of clues, the investigation of their son, daughter, missing brother or brother who died under unexplained conditions has stopped. Never really classified, never resolved. The Ariane cell will allow these 40 files to have a new life. And a new chance to unlock the mystery.

Hope, then. For these families, learning - often thanks to Le Parisien who contacted them - that the name of the loved one is among the 40 selected by the Ariane cell is perceived as a step towards the truth. Despite their requests, this list remained secret until the magistrates chose to inform them.

"Being on the list is positive," Kaddour says. Kadour is the father of Adlène Kifani, whose trace was lost in Portes-lès-Valence (Drôme) in April 2009. Gone to meet friends in a bar, the 18-year-old man vanished into thin air. "We think that the investigators will work hard, find leads," his father hopes.

"If the gendarmes are working on a potential serial killer, they will be very involved and we may have answers," Marie-Christine Balmain hopes. She is Nelly's mother. Nelly Balmain went missing on August 8, 2011 at the age of 29. The young woman left the family home in Saint-Jean-en-Royans (Drôme) without leaving a trace.

Very involved in the investigation since the disappearance of her son, Marie-France Fiorello also confides her "satisfaction to see the case relaunched, to know that specialists will try to discover what happened to Adrien." On October 6, 2010, this 22-year-old student left for law school in Saint-Étienne (Loire), 15 km from home. He never came back. "It's weird, but I was hoping he'd be in that Ariane cell," his mother confesses.

Skepticism, too. After years, many parents admit to doubting the investigators. "Ariane, it's media, that's all," according to Daniel Morin. He is the father of Jean-Christophe, 22 years old, who disappeared on September 9, 2011 while participating in an electro festival at the Fort de Tamié (Savoie). The same place where Ahmed Hamadou disappeared a year later. "I don't see what else they're going to do..." this resigned father admits.

Nicole, the mother of Stéphane Chemin is "Surprised to see her son on the list," she does not believe it too much either. Placed under guardianship, his son had left Bourg-d'Oisans (Isère) on 24 September 2012, without a telephone or papers. "Anyway, if they move the investigation forward and close a few doors, that will be good enough," she says.

Without expecting too much, many parents also hope that Ariane will put their case back on top of the pile. "We often had the impression that the investigation was abandoned," says Marie-Christine Balmain. "It's been a long time since we've had any contact with the gendarmes," says Adlène Kifani's father. "For a few years now, I have felt that they have exhausted all avenues," says Marie-France Fiorello. If this cell can help things move forward, that's fine... but it worries me."

Afraid, anyway. For these families, imagining the fate of their child linked to Nordahl Lelandais' is a heartbreaking experience. "We imagine macabre situations," Marie-Christine Balmain admits. "With Lelandais, we know how it ends..."
"This possible link with Lelandais scares me," Adrien Fiorello's mother admits.

Nordahl Lelandais remains silent, but may hold the key to the suffering of these families. Since the revelations about the alleged murderer of little Maëlys and Corporal Arthur Noyer, they have been trying to trace a line between the former dog handler and their child. "During the Maëlys case, I didn't believe it," Kaddour Kifani explains. "But the corporal's story is similar to my son's. Then Lelandais got implicated in drug issues and my son also had some problems with drug use. Maybe there's a connection."
"It's not a good thing," agrees Marie-France Balmain. "But we need to know what happened to our daughter."

Despite the anguish that these families are feeling, they all hope to have answers. To move forward. "If they can get him to talk, I will obviously be grateful," Daniel Morin says. He was upset with the investigation. "I am convinced that he is responsible for the death of my son. The only question is, where did he leave his body?"

Affaires Lelandais : le dossier Lucie Roux retenu par la cellule Ariane

Lelandais: the file of Lucie Roux selected by the Ariane cell

According to the revelations of Le Parisien / Aujourd'hui en France, the case of Lucie Roux, who disappeared in September 2012 near Chambéry, was selected by the gendarmes of the Ariane cell. This cell examined dozens of unsolved disappearance cases and cross-checked Nordahl Lelandais' whereabouts. This Monday morning, Maître Christian Saint-André, the lawyer of the Roux family, reacts and expresses his surprise to Le Dauphiné Libéré about the silence of the justice system. He has recently written to the public prosecutor of Chambéry.


With video / podcast.

In the video the lawyer says that he is unhappy with the way the justice system operates "who do not inform us" of the developments in the file. At the same time he is also somewhat optimistic that there may come light in this case. For five years now they have been fighting to prevent that Lucie is forgotten.

Recently in a report on TV a former roommate spoke about Lucie. The lawyer says they have been trying for five years now to get Justice interview the three roommates of Lucie. "They shared her daily life and we are certain that they can offer valuable evidence about Lucie's life."
"It has been five years that we have no news and it was difficult to hear on tv a fortnight ago now the testimony of these persons. They seem to point to certain evidence about the contacts of Lucie Roux and Nordahl Lelandais. I hope that de judicial system has also interviewed these persons, parallel to the TV report, we have no information about that. That is why we request the Prosecutor to tell us if these persons have been interviewed."

The lawyer says the mother and sister feel supported by the ARPD who offers them a certain feeling of optimism even in these tragic circumstances.

The TV report they are referring to is Contre-enqète about Nordahl Lelandais: Maëlys and the mystery of the missing persons.
Affaire Nordahl Lelandais : "La justice ne nous tient pas informés" déplore l'avocat de quatre familles de disparus

Nordahl Lelandais case: "Justice does not keep us informed" the lawyer of four families of missing persons laments

The newspaper "Aujourd'hui en France" published on Monday the list of forty files selected by the gendarmes of the Ariane cell, who are in charge of investigating a potential link between his disappearances and Nordahl Lelandais. These revelations are an outrage to the lawyer of four families of the disappeared, Master Boulloud.

Master Boulloud is angry. This Grenoble lawyer defends the families of four missing persons, who may be linked to the Nordahl Lelandais case. Like his clients, he found out this Monday morning in the press that the Ariane cell of the gendarmerie would have definitively chosen which disappearance cases it would continue to investigate.

This cell, named Ariane, was created following the case of Nordahl Lelandais, the murderer indicted for the murders of little Maëlys and Corporal Arthur Noyer. Seven gendarmes started from 900 unelucidated disappearances. After comparing Nordahl Lelandais' life course, they selected about forty files. The newspaper Aujourd'hui en France published this Monday the list of the 40 files selected.

Among these forty "cold cases" would be thirteen cases considered as "priorities" by the Ariane unit. Maître Bernard Boulloud defends the families of Éric Foray, Nelly Balmain (both from the Drôme), Thomas Rauschkolb, from Savoy, and the family of Malik Boutevillain, from Isère. On Monday morning, he expressed his anger and that of the families to learn from the press that their cases would be on this list of 40, but without having the certainty in this regard. He denounced, via a press release, a lack of information from the gendarmerie and the judiciary.

"Justice does not keep the families [of the disappeared] informed of the Ariane cell's investigations. Since the Ariane cell regularly receives the press, I would ask it, at the very least, to receive me," he exasperated. Justice tells me nothing, (...) this situation really exasperates me, and even more seriously, adds to the deep suffering of each of the families I assist," he writes with anger.

"That information can be given to the press, (...) why not? But it is absolutely disgusting that the families of missing relatives and their legal aid workers are deprived of it," concluded Mr. Boulloud.


As far as I am aware, the list of 40 cases has not been published, only a top 13. The case of Malik Boutvillain is not among those 13.

Still no info about Edwige Ukundirwase and Pierre-Alexandre Seenyen, only the year they went missing is given, 2016 for both of them, and the region, Rhône, but not the place they disappeared from.
Affaire Lelandais : flou et polémique autour des disparus du Rhône

The Lelandais case: vague and polemical about the missing persons from the Rhône

The gendarmerie provided a list of 40 cases of disappearances, making a connection with the alleged murderer, two of them in the Rhône. The families concerned and other judicial services are not aware of this.

The gendarmerie has drawn up a list of 40 cases of unsolved disappearances, making a possible link with Nordahl Lelandais, the alleged murderer of little Maëlys, according to information published on Monday by Le Parisien. The newspaper mentions two names of people who reportedly disappeared in the Rhône department in 2016, without any details about the circumstances.

According to our information, the case of Edwige Ukundirwase is actually in August 2017. The 20-year-old woman of Rwandan origin disappeared in the Oullins sector, south of Lyon, when she was only supposed to stay for a short time in France.

The other case cited is not known to the regional services.

The disclosure of the list causes controversy.
"The families concerned by the unexplained disappearances are very shocked, they have not been warned, they wonder who to turn to," regrets Bernard Valézy, former commissioner who leads the Association Assistance et recherche de personnes disparues (ARPD).

Several family lawyers reacted strongly. "That information can be given to the press - who only do their job - why not? But it is appalling that the families of missing relatives and their legal aid workers are completely deprived of it! " says Bernard Boullou, a lawyer in Grenoble, while his colleague Christian Saint-André asks the prosecutor in Chambéry for explanations.

Clearly, prosecutors in the region have not been notified. According to a source close to the families, the list of the gendarmes was transmitted to a general prosecutor's office, but without passing it on to the families or investigation services potentially concerned. "We do not deny or confirm any information," according to the press service of the General Directorate of the Gendarmerie.

This list was developed by the investigative unit called Ariane, created in January 2018 to identify other crimes potentially attributable to Nordahl Lelandais.

After a year of investigations into 900 cases studied, mainly in the Rhône-Alpes region, the gendarmes believe that investigations must continue in earnest, while specifying that no concrete evidence appears at this stage to link these disappearances with the dog-handler currently under investigation for two murders.


The other case is that of Pierre-Alexandre Seenyen. If he is not even known to the regional services, how did he make the list of Ariane? Did he live in the area, or was he a visitor, like Edwige Ukundirwase? If he is not known to the authorities, was he reported missing and has there been an investigation? Probably not.
According to google, Seenyen is a name from Mauritius, near Madagaskar in the Indian ocean.

In both cases, I can think up more obvious reasons for their disappearance than a connection with Nordahl Lelandais.
From reading all your posts on the latest list of Ariane cell list. I have come up with 10 names on our list:
Adlène Kifani, Adrien Fiorello, Nelly Balmain, Jean-Christophe Morin, Malik Boutvillain, Hugo Raffi, Lucie Roux, Stéphane Chemin, Thomas Rauschkolb, and Éric Foray.

If I missed any - let me know. I have notes accordingly on their cases.
From reading all your posts on the latest list of Ariane cell list. I have come up with 10 names on our list:
Adlène Kifani, Adrien Fiorello, Nelly Balmain, Jean-Christophe Morin, Malik Boutvillain, Hugo Raffi, Lucie Roux, Stéphane Chemin, Thomas Rauschkolb, and Éric Foray.

If I missed any - let me know. I have notes accordingly on their cases.

Ahmed Hamadou, missing from Fort de Tamié.

Was Adlène Kifani on your list already? IMHO his name came only up in the report of Contre-enquère recently? I may be mistaken of course.

Malik Boutvillain is a strange case because somehow he did not make the top 13, but then again, it is completely unclear how this top 13 was composed and by whom. I mean, what if he was number 14 or 15 so to speak? It is odd to say the least that a high priority seems to have been given to a case that the authorities know nothing about. Imagine their confusion.

And mine.

Hope this helps.
ZaZara said:
snipped by me....
Ahmed Hamadou, missing from Fort de Tamié.

Was Adlène Kifani on your list already? IMHO his name came only up in the report of Contre-enquère recently? I may be mistaken of course.

thanks for Ahmed name. And no, Adlene was not on the list - I added him.... I'd add those other 2 but don't have much info on them as you said.
Affaire Nordalh Lelandais : en Savoie, les familles Roux et Rauschkolb espèrent des investigations

In Savoie, the Roux and Rauschkolb families await investigations

Le Parisien-Aujourd'hui en France unveiled a list of the 40 files selected by the Ariane cell, in connection with Nordalh Lelandais' journey. Among the families of the disappeared, there is the shock of hearing about it in the press and the hope of new investigations.

The names of the forty cold cases - unsolved cases - where Nordalh Lelandais could be involved were revealed by Le Parisien-Aujourd'hui in France this Monday.

It should be noted on the outset that Thierry Dran, the public prosecutor of Chambéry, contacted by France Bleu Pays de Savoie, states that he has not received any list from the Ariane cell to date.

The result of one year's work by the specialized unit Ariane, who examined 900 unsolved cases, and retained 40 cases, according to our colleagues. Among the nine cases on top of the pile, are Jean-Christophe Morin and Ahmed Hamadou, the two men who disappeared from Tamié Fort near Albertville. Farida, Ahmed's sister, told France Bleu Pays de Savoie that she "was relieved " but she knows "that this will take a long time," and she "trusts the judges of Chambéry."

Among the suspicious disappearances that have occurred in Savoy are Adrien Fiorello who passed through Chambéry station on 6 October 2010 and Hugo Raffi, 18 years old, who disappeared in Albertville in June 2012.

On the list is Lucie Roux, 43 years old. She was suffering from social phobia, and disappeared from one day to the next from a therapeutic apartment in Bassens (73) on 16 September 2012. The police say it was a suicide. The body was never found. In the eyes of the family lawyer, "we don't believe in this suicide theory. Lucie would have succeeded in taking her own life and making her body disappear.... For the family, there's a murderer out there and it's unbearable."

Like the others, Christian Saint-André, the lawyer for Lucie Roux's mother and sister, discovered that she was on the Ariane list in the press.

Lucie Roux reportedly crossed Lelandais' path while both were under the care of the psychiatric hospital of Bassens at the same time, Lelandais in the hospital, and Lucie Roux in a therapeutic house located near the institution.

One person said she saw Lelandais and Lucie Roux eating together once in the canteen of the psychiatric hospital.

The lawyer expresses "the hope to see further investigations." Lucie's three roommates were never heard by the investigators. The therapeutic house stands empty, abandoned, "as if frozen in time." "Scientific experts may find clues there."

However, Christian Saint-André remains cautious. "The family does not seek to be connected with Lelandais at all costs. Lucie didn't disappear yesterday, but in 2012. We must be wary of old testimonies and the explosion of the Lelandais affair, this can provoke testimonies. That said, media coverage brings a new breath of fresh air. Tongues can untie. I'm sure there are people who know things. They have to come and talk to us. We will pass it on to the courts."

Christian Saint-André will write to the prosecutor of the Republic of Chambéry to obtain information on the follow-up of the case.

Some who thought they had been forgotten are on this supposed list from the Ariane cell. This is the case of the "Thomas Rauschkolb" drama, an 18-year-old man who was found dead on 28 December 2015, in the Sierroz river in Grésy sur Aix (Savoie), after a night in a disco.

His father Francis went back to live in Alsace after the drama The possible Lelandais trail, the Ariane list... he discovered them by reading the newspaper on Monday. "It's a brutality. Every time our name is mentioned in the press, the scar breaks open again. Never did the prosecutor or the gendarmes warn me of anything. There is no consideration. I lost my son. I didn't lose my dog, I lost my son! The continuation of myself. How can I not be angry? "

That alcoholic night in December 2015, the bouncers asked Thomas to leave Studio 54, Grésy's nightclub. Thomas goes out without his jacket. His belt will be found hanging on a fence, further on, a single shoe and his body in the Sierroz.

An accident caused by drunkenness, the gendarmes concluded at the time. Francis Rauschkolb never believed in it. "Without the terrible story of the little Maëlys or Corporal Noyer, Thomas' death would have been dismissed. Lelandais or not, the important thing is to close all the doors quickly. We know that the evidence is disappearing into the maze of the administration. Thomas' phone found on the spot, in the water, it was not examined, it was destroyed by clumsiness. So we wonder when the clumsiness of justice will stop."

Affaire Nordahl Lelandais : le dossier Adlene Kifani retenu par la cellule Ariane

Nordahl Lelandais case: the file of Adlene Kifani selected by the Ariane cell

Created in January 2018, the Ariane unit is currently working on 40 cases that might have a link with Nordahl Lelandais.

According to Le Parisien - Aujourd'hui en France, the case of Adlene Kifani, who disappeared ten years ago in Portes-lès-Valence, has been selected by the gendarmes of the Ariane cell.

Adlene Kifani, 18, disappeared on April 16, 2009, in the late morning, after leaving the family home to meet with his friends and have a drink in a bar a few dozen meters away.

A few days later, the Valence Public Prosecutor's Office opened a judicial investigation for kidnapping and sequestration.

Finally, at the beginning of 2013, the investigating chamber of the Grenoble Court of Appeal confirmed the dismissal order issued in May 2012 by the investigating magistrate of the Valence region.

Contacted on Monday, April 8 by Le Dauphiné Libéré, Alex Perrin, Public Prosecutor of the Republic in Valence, confided: "The investigation has not yet been reopened. We are currently checking with Ariane cell investigators before making a decision."

The Ariane cell also has selected two other Drôme cases.

The investigation into the disappearance of Nelly Balmain, 29, was reactivated on 11 January 2018 by the Valence Stae Prosecutor. On August 8, 2011, the young woman left the family home in Saint-Jean-en-Royans on her red scooter.

The Nordhal Lelandais trail is also being explored for the disappearance of Éric Foray, 47 years of age. The forty-something has not given a sign of life since September 16, 2016. After leaving his home in Chatuzange-le-Goubet, driving his 4x4, to go shopping for lunch. Here, the investigation was "revitalized" in January 2018.

It should also be noted that in the last two cases, the vehicles were never found either.

Affaire Lelandais : flou et polémique autour des disparus du Rhône

The Lelandais case: vague and polemical about the missing persons from the Rhône

The gendarmerie provided a list of 40 cases of disappearances, making a connection with the alleged murderer, two of them in the Rhône. The families concerned and other judicial services are not aware of this.

The gendarmerie has drawn up a list of 40 cases of unsolved disappearances, making a possible link with Nordahl Lelandais, the alleged murderer of little Maëlys, according to information published on Monday by Le Parisien. The newspaper mentions two names of people who reportedly disappeared in the Rhône department in 2016, without any details about the circumstances.

According to our information, the case of Edwige Ukundirwase is actually in August 2017. The 20-year-old woman of Rwandan origin disappeared in the Oullins sector, south of Lyon, when she was only supposed to stay for a short time in France.

The other case cited is not known to the regional services.

The disclosure of the list causes controversy.
"The families concerned by the unexplained disappearances are very shocked, they have not been warned, they wonder who to turn to," regrets Bernard Valézy, former commissioner who leads the Association Assistance et recherche de personnes disparues (ARPD).

Several family lawyers reacted strongly. "That information can be given to the press - who only do their job - why not? But it is appalling that the families of missing relatives and their legal aid workers are completely deprived of it! " says Bernard Boullou, a lawyer in Grenoble, while his colleague Christian Saint-André asks the prosecutor in Chambéry for explanations.

Clearly, prosecutors in the region have not been notified. According to a source close to the families, the list of the gendarmes was transmitted to a general prosecutor's office, but without passing it on to the families or investigation services potentially concerned. "We do not deny or confirm any information," according to the press service of the General Directorate of the Gendarmerie.

This list was developed by the investigative unit called Ariane, created in January 2018 to identify other crimes potentially attributable to Nordahl Lelandais.

After a year of investigations into 900 cases studied, mainly in the Rhône-Alpes region, the gendarmes believe that investigations must continue in earnest, while specifying that no concrete evidence appears at this stage to link these disappearances with the dog-handler currently under investigation for two murders.


The other case is that of Pierre-Alexandre Seenyen. If he is not even known to the regional services, how did he make the list of Ariane? Did he live in the area, or was he a visitor, like Edwige Ukundirwase? If he is not known to the authorities, was he reported missing and has there been an investigation? Probably not.
According to google, Seenyen is a name from Mauritius, near Madagaskar in the Indian ocean.

In both cases, I can think up more obvious reasons for their disappearance than a connection with Nordahl Lelandais.

How common is that name? I did a search on Facebook. I found an Alexandre Seenyen, but his original FB handle is listed as Pierre-Alexandre Seenyen. He is from Mauritius, but living in Marseille (according to his FB profile). Whoever that is on FB was updating his profile photo just a month ago...

There must be more than one Pierre-Alexandre Seenyen. I just can't find any information about the one who vanished in 2016.
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How common is that name? I did a search on Facebook. I found an Alexandre Seenyen, but his original FB handle is listed as Pierre-Alexandre Seenyen. He is from Mauritius, but living in Marseille (according to his FB profile). Whoever that is on FB was updating his profile photo just a month ago...

There must be more than one Pierre-Alexandre Seenyen. I just can't find any information about the one who vanished in 2016.

I found a Pierre-Alexandre Seenyen, male, on My Heritage.
He is from Mauritius and would be in his thirties.
I can join My Heritage for free for 2 weeks, I don't think I want to.
There is no indication that he is the missing P-A S. Or perhaps he is the one, but not missing at all. How often do missing persons update their FB?

The name Seenyen is not very common at all, Mauritius appears to be the origen of the name.

If indeed he is NOT missing, one might wonder how he made the list as a priority and through the Anacrym software. There is no reaction of the family that I can find. There is nothing about Edwige Ukundirwase either btw, no family, friends or relatives.

Let's wait and see what the press comes up with.
Affaire Lelandais : un disparu lié à la Guyane - Journal France-Guyane - toute l'actualité de votre région en Guyane -

Lelandais case: a missing person linked to French Guyana

The father of Nicolas Suppo, who has been missing since 15 September 2010, believes that Guyana is the link between his son and the alleged serial killer. In any case, the investigators have classified the investigation into Nicolas Suppo's disappearance as a priority in the 40 cases in which Nordahl Lelandais is a possible suspect. Explanations.

It is September 15, 2010. Yves Suppo, a senior manager at La Banque Postale in Collery, receives a phone call informing him of the disappearance of his son Nicolas, aged 30. He left work at noon and didn't return to work in the afternoon. It is at this time that the HR manager of the company is concerned about this unexplained and unusual absence and notifies the family, who will notify the authorities. In other words, the investigation for the disappearance of an adult....


And BOOM! Paywall. Nananana..... sorry

Would Nicholas Suppo have been in Guyana at the time when Nordahl Lelandais was there too? Pay €1,70 with your carte bancaire and you'll know the answer right away. Or else wait until someone else reposts the article.

Did anyone see this one coming? The paywall yes, I spotted it immediately. A link between Nicholas Suppo and Nordahl Lelandais not so much, and that link being Guyana not at all. When I saw that the report came from France - Guyane I hoped for more info about one of the unknown persons on the list, Pierre-Alexandre Seenyen or Edwige Ukundirwase.
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No paywall for me... yet. It's a long article that I can try to translate and post later today.

For now though... here's the Guyana link. It seems that Nicolas Suppo's father lived in Guyana from 2003 to 2011. His son, Nicolas, visited him in Guyana in September 2006 and 2007. These dates do not coincide with Nordahl's dates in Guyana, but Nicolas' father thinks Nicolas and Nordahl could've possibly met in the Isère region at some point afterward, perhaps at a bar, and that Guyana could've been their "common denominator," or a likely topic of conversation, perhaps a way for the two men to connect. Nicolas Suppo vanished in September of 2010.

"Pour Yves Suppo, même si le lien est tenu, la Guyane est le chaînon manquant qui permet de relier la disparition de son fils au tueur en série présumé. Yves Suppo est en effet resté en Guyane de 2003 et 2011. « Mon fils est venu à deux reprises me voir en Guyane en septembre 2006 et septembre 2007. La Guyane l'a marqué. Même si les dates avec la venue de Nordahl Lelandais avec l'armée en Guyane ne correspondent pas, je pense qu'ils ont très bien pu se rencontrer en Isère ou dans la région, dans un bar ou je ne sais quoi. Et la Guyane a pu être leur dénominateur commun. Moi qui ai vécu et aimé la Guyane, je peux vous dire que si je croisais quelqu'un qui avait un lien avec la Guyane, ça m'aurait poussé à engager la discussion... » explique Yves Suppo, qui depuis bientôt neuf ans, attend des réponses."

Interesting article. Yves and his son, Nicolas Suppo, loved Guyana and had very fond memories.

Somehow, the journalist for this article was also able to get a hold of and interview Nordahl's father (Jean-Pierre Lelandais) on the phone. Apparently, according to Nordahl's father, Nordahl's experience in Guyana was not a good one: "Pour le père de Nordahl Lelandais, ses séjours en Guyane lui avaient laissé un goût "amer."

Affaire Lelandais : un disparu lié à la Guyane - Journal France-Guyane - toute l'actualité de votre région en Guyane -
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No paywall for me... yet. It's a long article that I can try to translate and post later today.

For now though... here's the Guyana link. It seems that Nicolas Suppo's father lived in Guyana from 2003 to 2011. His son, Nicolas, visited him in Guyana in September 2006 and 2007. These dates do not coincide with Nordahl's dates in Guyana, but Nicolas' father thinks Nicolas and Nordahl could've possibly met in the Isère region at some point afterward, perhaps at a bar, and that Guyana could've been their "common denominator," or a likely topic of conversation, perhaps a way for the two men to connect. Nicolas Suppo vanished in September of 2010.

"Pour Yves Suppo, même si le lien est tenu, la Guyane est le chaînon manquant qui permet de relier la disparition de son fils au tueur en série présumé. Yves Suppo est en effet resté en Guyane de 2003 et 2011. « Mon fils est venu à deux reprises me voir en Guyane en septembre 2006 et septembre 2007. La Guyane l'a marqué. Même si les dates avec la venue de Nordahl Lelandais avec l'armée en Guyane ne correspondent pas, je pense qu'ils ont très bien pu se rencontrer en Isère ou dans la région, dans un bar ou je ne sais quoi. Et la Guyane a pu être leur dénominateur commun. Moi qui ai vécu et aimé la Guyane, je peux vous dire que si je croisais quelqu'un qui avait un lien avec la Guyane, ça m'aurait poussé à engager la discussion... » explique Yves Suppo, qui depuis bientôt neuf ans, attend des réponses."

Interesting article. Somehow, they were also able to interview Nordahl's father (Jean-Pierre Lelandais) on the phone...

Affaire Lelandais : un disparu lié à la Guyane - Journal France-Guyane - toute l'actualité de votre région en Guyane -

It is gone for me too....

So they both have been to Guyana.
I found a Pierre-Alexandre Seenyen, male, on My Heritage.
He is from Mauritius and would be in his thirties.
I can join My Heritage for free for 2 weeks, I don't think I want to.
There is no indication that he is the missing P-A S. Or perhaps he is the one, but not missing at all. How often do missing persons update their FB?

The name Seenyen is not very common at all, Mauritius appears to be the origen of the name.

If indeed he is NOT missing, one might wonder how he made the list as a priority and through the Anacrym software. There is no reaction of the family that I can find. There is nothing about Edwige Ukundirwase either btw, no family, friends or relatives.

Let's wait and see what the press comes up with.

There's an obit for a grandfather that mentions the same name (grandchild):

How did this person even make the top 13? There's nothing out there about his disappearance... and he seems okay on Facebook... ;-)
Interesting, the father-son juxtaposition, Suppo (father) vs. Lelandais (father). We never heard from Nordahl's father in the press before this article.

What struck me are the similarities between Nicholas Suppo and Arthur Noyer.
The both had a very positive experience, Nicholas in Guyana and Arthur Noyer in the army whereas Nordahl Lelandais had negative experiences.

Whatever NL's reason for attacking Arthur Noyer, for me it is like his killed the person he might have been but never was. If he has anything to do with the disappearance of Nicholas Suppo, his anger about what happened to him in Guyana may have played a role too.
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