Found Deceased France - Maëlys De Araujo, 9, Pont-de-Beauvoisin, 27 Aug 2017

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Exactly, ockhams razor. To many lies, highly questionable and suspicious behavior, coincidences and deception from the suspect for him to be innocent.

Yeah he didnt just have that hour he was missing from the party he had about 5 days to cover his tracks and dispose of evidence and thats exactly what he has done, plenty time. This man has tried to fool authorities and pull the wool over everyones eyes on multiple occasions.

Edit: And forgive me for not caring to much about the presumption of innocence right now but if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it most probably is a duck.

I fully agree

Six patrouilles en voiture, dix gendarmes sur le terrain et douze membres de la cellule d'enquête restent mobilisés pour retrouver Maëlys
[/h]6 car patrols, 10 gendarmes on the ground, 12 members of the investigation squad are still involved in trying to find Maelys
The car wash CCTV thing: an hour and a half? Yeah, that's not good :(

A) we already read statements from brother & a friend about how "maniac" (focussed is probably a less emotively charged word) NL is about his car and keeping it clean. IMO, it's unlikely it would be so dirty it would take that long to clean it up if it were just to sell it...

B) That's a long time to spend cleaning the car at a car wash (where one pays to use it). I *might* buy the story if he'd cleaned/washed/waxed/titivated the car at home for an hour & a half, *if* it didn't coincide with lies/changing "explanations"/being a suspect in a missing child case :( :( :(.[/QUOTE]

Fully agreed : a car cleaned every week is not so dirty to spend one hour and a half washing it at a paid service. Besides he cleaned highly revealing points. But this man will never admit unless they find Maelys. His defense is clear : no body = nobody.
One aspect I'm getting from that video report, is that NL's lawyer is insisting that the evidence so far (apart from the DNA trace, & he doesn't seem to be commenting on that - make of it what you will...) is circumstantial/coincidence.

And looking at all this through as objective a lens as I can: he's right, it IS circumstantial, especially if one looks at each element individually.

However, there is a limit to how much circumstantial evidence/coincidence I can swallow as each and every bit of circumstantial (not to mention discrepancies and changing versions of NL's stories) evidence piles up and up and up... & "fits" when taken collectively.


The car wash CCTV thing: an hour and a half? Yeah, that's not good :(

A) we already read statements from brother & a friend about how "maniac" (focussed is probably a less emotively charged word) NL is about his car and keeping it clean. IMO, it's unlikely it would be so dirty it would take that long to clean it up if it were just to sell it...

B) That's a long time to spend cleaning the car at a car wash (where one pays to use it). I *might* buy the story if he'd cleaned/washed/waxed/titivated the car at home for an hour & a half, *if* it didn't coincide with lies/changing "explanations"/being a suspect in a missing child case :( :( :(.

Fully agreed : a car cleaned every week is not so dirty to spend one hour and a half washing it at a paid service. Besides he cleaned highly revealing points. But this man will never admit unless they find Maelys. His defense is clear : no body = nobody.
C’est cette ligne qui a « borné » différents relais téléphoniques du secteur alors que le trentenaire a assuré qu’il était au même moment à la salle des fêtes de Pont-de-Beauvoisin. Interrogé, celui-ci aurait justifié « ses déplacements » pour aller chercher des stupéfiants.

When confronted with the fact that his second phone was pinging in different locations while he was supposedly at the wedding, he suddenly recalls he was also out and about that evening, looking for drugs.

- NL left the reception three times during the evening, to fetch cocaine he says, before leaving for good just before LE arrived.

- The second phone pinged three times, at three different moments during the evening, off phone relays that don't geographically cover the reception hall in Pont de Beauvoisin.

- On several occasions the phone switched to airplane mode, which means it could not be localized.

- NL's initial story was that he was at the reception during these times.

The second mobile phone of the suspect in the case of the disappearance of Maëlys is attracting more than ever the attention of investigators. According to information from the Dauphiné Libéré, and after revealing the existence of this second phone line, which was cancelled on the Monday following the wedding, Nordahl Lelandais, indicted and imprisoned for kidnapping and sequestration of a 15-year-old minor, finally admitted to having been absent three times during the evening before leaving shortly before the gendarmes arrived.

In fact, the investigators have reportedly established that this mobile phone has pinged three different times at three different hours at cell towers whose geographical coverage cannot reach the Pont-de-Beauvoisin party hall. Initially, the thirty-year-old had however assured that at those moments he was at the wedding.

Asked about this new contradiction, the ex-military of Domessin replied that he had been absent each time to buy cocaine, in order to pass it on to the guests.

Moreover, this mobile phone would have occasionally switched to airplane mode, thus not allowing it to be located.


I thought he was absent two times, during the dinner and before Maëlys went missing. When would the third time have been? And who was consuming all that cocaine? It sounds like a different kind of party - was he also supplying to the other gatherings down the road?

Asked about this new contradiction, the ex-military of Domessin replied that he had been absent each time to buy cocaine, in order to pass it on to the guests.

Interesting ZaZara, I also thought he only had been away twice, once during the meal because he was not invited, and once during the evening to change his stained shorts...

Is he now admitting that he did not leave to change his shorts before Maelys was missing, but to buy drugs? Is he changing his story again?
It depends on whether he still had cocaine in his possesion though and it still doesn't explain why he pretends to be ill instead of helping other wedding guests search for the girl. Or why he pretends to be sick at the time she goes missing and dissapears at the time she goes missing since he seemed so interested in the little girl before.
But "tonton" suddenly didnt seem interested after she went missing.
Also the police weren't there for cocaine but for a missing child.
So as a drugs dealer he didn't really have much to fear unless he was involved because they werent there to arrest people for possession or distribution but solely to offer support in finding the missing child something he didnt seem interested in at all.
Which is strange to say the least since he had shown such a profound interest in the little girl before she dissapeares and groomed her to call him friend and uncle.
So no one thought it was strange that he was hanging around the children's room??? I would have asked if he needed something.
So no one thought it was strange that he was hanging around the children's room??? I would have asked if he needed something.

Exactly!! Especially if he is selling drugs to guests and not a guest himself?!? Wouldn't they think it is strange that the drug dealer is in the kids rooms?

It has been reported that Maelys's father had a bust up with NL about the videos he was showing her... but there are no more details about the altercation, the time it happened, and the behaviour of guests afterwards.

I would have thought that after this the parents would keep Maelys close to them, at least I would not let kids go within meters of the guy...

This article gives more details (or highlights things that had not popped out to me in previous articles :facepalm:)

Plusieurs témoins les ont vu discuter. Selon son avocat, la mère de Maelys aurait elle-même assisté à une conversation entre sa fille et celui qui est aujourd'hui soupçonné d'enlèvement, mais aurait laissé faire. La grand-mère de Maelys, qui est la dernière à avoir vu la fillette dans le dortoir des enfants, aurait également été témoin des échanges entre l'enfant et Nordahl L...

1) Several witnesses saw NL speak/interact with Maelys, including the mother and also the grandmother.

2) Maelys was last seen in the kids room
, by the grandmother. It is not clear whether NL was with her then too..

Dans une interview donnée au Parisien en début de semaine, l'avocat des parents de la fillette décrit par ailleurs l'échange entre Nordahl L. et la mère de la fillette au moment où cette dernière a disparu. "Lorsque la maman de Maëlys s’est aperçue de la disparition de sa fille, elle est allée questionner cet individu en lui demandant : Sais-tu où est Maëlys ?' Il lui a répondu : 'Non.' Mais il ne lui a pas paru vraiment concerné par la disparition de sa fille", rapporte-t-il, ajoutant que l'homme de 34 ans était parti de la fête avant l'arrivée des gendarmes, alors que tout le monde s'activait pour rechercher la fillette.

3) When Maelys's mother realised she was missing the first thing she did was ask NL whether he knew where she was.

Dealer de cocaïne, marginal, ou bien bon copain sur qui l'on peut compter ? Interrogés par Paris Match, les voisins ne semblent pas tous d'accord sur le cas de Nordahl L., principal suspect dans la disparition de Maëlys. Si certains évoquent un "gentil gars" qui promène ses deux bergers malinois tous les jours, d'autres affirment que "depuis plusieurs années, il fréquente des gens impliqués dans le trafic de drogue. Et qu’il y participe aussi".

4) There seems to be mixed reviews on NL by his friends/neighbours, some say that he was a "nice guy", others says that "for a few years he was socially involved with drug traffickers, and himself involved in dealing drugs"
Exactly!! Especially if he is selling drugs to guests and not a guest himself?!? Wouldn't they think it is strange that the drug dealer is in the kids rooms?

It has been reported that Maelys's father had a bust up with NL about the videos he was showing her... but there are no more details about the altercation, the time it happened, and the behaviour of guests afterwards.

I would have thought that after this the parents would keep Maelys close to them, at least I would not let kids go within meters of the guy...

BBM: I THINK that was refuted by Maitre Rajon (de Ajauro's lawyer) in his interview published last Sunday. I'll have to go back & find the link (Dauphiné Libéré IIRC).

ETA: here's the link

I think someone kindly provided a translation if one scrolls a bit here:
I've never known a suspect to have so many moments of "suddenly recalling" things after they are proven to be fact. He is certainly making himself look very guilty. And if he were going to pick up cocaine multiple times, he would almost certainly be going to the same place/person to pick it up.
I've never known a suspect to have so many moments of "suddenly recalling" things after they are proven to be fact. He is certainly making himself look very guilty. And if he were going to pick up cocaine multiple times, he would almost certainly be going to the same place/person to pick it up.

It's really astounding, isn't it?!! [where's my sarcasm font?]
Pour autant, son avocat estime "inenvisageable de déposer une demande de remise en liberté" à ce stade. "En l'état des éléments du dossier et au vu de la multitude des expertises en cours, ce serait vraiment prématuré", assure à franceinfo Bernard Méraud.

However, his lawyer considers it "unthinkable to file a request for release" at this stage. "In view of the elements of the file and in view of the multitude of expertises in progress, it would be really premature," assures to franceinfo Bernard Méraud

France Info

It's been three weeks now since little Maëlys disappeared. Although the police have a suspect in this case, the investigation has still not located this 9-year-old girl, who vanished on the night of August 26-27 during a wedding in Pont-de-Beauvoisin (Isère). The 34-year-old man, who was indicted and remanded in custody, continues to deny the abduction of the child. Threatened by the other detainees, the ex-military was transferred from Varces prison (Isère) to Saint-Quentin-Fallavier prison, also in Isère.

However, his lawyer considers it "inconceivable to file an application for release" at this stage. "In view of the elements of the file and in view of the multitude of expert reports under way, it would be really premature," Bernard Méraud assured FranceInfo.

A DNA trace was found on the suspect's car dashboard. The results of other samples, taken at home, in his vehicle and in other places, are expected in the next few days, a source close to the survey confirms to FranceInfo. Technical expertise is also under way. Investigators remain also interested in the suspect's second cell phone. His signal was spotted, during the evening of Maëlys' disappearance, at various places several kilometers from the wedding hall, according to information of France Bleu Isère.

Mr. Bernard Méraud is waiting for a confirmation about the boy who, according to his client, was in his car at the same time as Maëlys to see if his dogs were in the trunk. "Several media have reported that this boy doesn't exist, but I am not aware of that," the lawyer says.

Once the existence of this boy is confirmed, an application for release could then be considered, the counsel said. However, Mr. Bernard Meraud acknowledges that his client could "remain in pre-trial detention for the duration of the investigation", given the nature of the case in which he is the accused.

"The objective for us is not to refer an indictee to a court of law, that is not our short-term objective," according to Fabien Rajon, the lawyer for Maëlys' parents. "Our objective is to find out what happened to Maëlys."


The lawyer isn't throwing his client under the bus or distancing himself. If he were to do that, he should resign because that would be a severe violation of rights.

What he basically says is that they are waiting for the reults of the tecchnical investigation, and that the conclusion made in the press about the blonde boy who wouldn't exist, is too hasty.
Should that boy turn up THEN the lawyer may appeal for release of his client, BUT he admits that this client could remain in custody for the duration of the investigation anyway.

As things stand now, there is no real proof against his client, presumption of innocence prevails, and the lawyer (and everybody else) knows that, so all he is really saying is not very much.

If the little phantom blonde boy existed, the lawyer would have been notified already.

It is not too hard to survey the wedding guests, and get a clear list of every single young boy who attended the wedding. Then narrow it down to young blonde boys, and bring each in. And if any of them had been playing with the missing child in the parking lot, they would know that already.

It never happened, in my opinion.
If the little phantom blonde boy existed, the lawyer would have been notified already.

It is not too hard to survey the wedding guests, and get a clear list of every single young boy who attended the wedding. Then narrow it down to young blonde boys, and bring each in. And if any of them had been playing with the missing child in the parking lot, they would know that already.

It never happened, in my opinion.

In terms of the law, there is a huge difference between confirmation that someone exists, and confirmation that someone doesn't exist. The current status of the blonde boy is that he has not been found, but this does not prove that he does not exist. The lawyer knows that, and so does the counsel for the family.
It will probably be up to the judge to decide about the boy, should he never appear.

What the lawyer thinks in private is probably a whole different matter, but he will keep quiet about that. :)

This case is strong on suspicions, but weak in terms of proof. That is why LE is determined to continue the investigation in all directions:

"We will go on until we find something"

Video (in French), from 55 seconds on.
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