Still Missing France - Narumi Kurosaki, 21, Besancon, 4 Dec 2016 *arrest in 2020* *Guilty, Appeal 2023*

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L'Est Republicain, live blog

En direct. Procès Narumi : Zepeda « a condamné l'âme de Narumi à errer dans l'obscurité », revivez les plaidoiries des parties civiles

9 h 45. - In the absence of a confession, the stakes are high

The stakes on this 10th day are high. The closing arguments are an opportunity for each side to convince the jury. The emphasis is on eloquence, clever phrases and public speaking in the strict sense of the term. Common objective: to convince, convince and convince!

The session is highly anticipated. In the absence of a confession, the positions of the defence and the prosecution are radically opposed and very conflicting. Everything remains possible.

Unusually - but in this trial everything will be until the end - it is planned that after the defence pleadings at the end of the day, the jury will not leave to deliberate. The three judges and the six jurors will go home tonight for a night of reflection, before meeting again tomorrow morning to deliberate in closed session on the fate of Nicolas Zepeda.

10 h 05. - Narumi's family's lawyer begins with a quote

The hearing resumes: the lawyer for Narumi's relatives, Sylvie Galley, steps into the centre of the courtroom.

The criminal lawyer rekindles in the minds of the jurors one of the first powerful images of this trial, that of "an accused who came with his hand over his heart to tell you of his innocence. On the civil party side, a mother and a sister were huddled together, completely destroyed...

Me Galley launches a first quote, borrowed from a writer: "Without a trial, you have to make a choice between tears, you can't cry for the murderer and for the civil parties at the same time."

The lawyer recalls the testimony of Taeko Kurosaki last Thursday, the mother who has been deprived of all happiness since Narumi's disappearance, "who came with great devotion to pay tribute to her daughter and explain from the depths of her soul how intense her pain was". This brought the trial into "a dimension of dignity, of modesty".

"It is the modest tears of the civil parties that you should privilege in considering as guilty the one who stands in the dock," the lawyer for the Kurosaki family encourages, while castigating in her calm voice "the lies, denials, contradictions developed by Nicolas Zepeda".

Sitting in his box, head slightly bent, Nicolas Zepeda listens attentively to the opening of Me Galley's plea.

10 h 15. - "The worst of the absences"

"The defence will fervently plead the innocence of Nicolas Zepeda who is also a son, a brother," Me Galley points out, "but it will be superior to the civil parties that I represent, that they plead life. Whereas I am condemned to plead for the worst kind of absence: the death of a young woman whom I will unfortunately never have known. Who will never have come here to explain her suffering."

And the lawyer for Narumi's mother and sister adds, "Narumi wrote to Nicolas on 17 July 2016: ''I feel so proud to have you as my first love, you are certainly the best boy in my life.'' A few months later, he took her life."

10 h 18. - A young woman both "traditional and modern"

Returning to Narumi's personality, Mr Galley recalls the young woman that Narumi was: "Sunny, smiling, full of energy, overflowing with projects, surrounded by friends and a loving family. She was at the same time a summary of Japanese society, its summary and its contrast, of this culture to which she was very attached, with its sense of morality, deference to parents, work, modesty, dignity. But also a young woman full of modernity.

10 h 20. - Me Galley condemns Zepeda's "psychological hold"

As she has done every moment since the beginning of the trial, Narumi's mother clutches the embroidered pouch containing the portrait of her missing daughter to her heart. Taeko Kurosaki sheds new tears.

Her lawyer continues, detailing the "psychological hold" that Zepeda tried to impose on Narumi's youthful mind. "He had the desire to isolate Narumi", she recalls, and this as early as July 2016 while the couple was still in Japan.

The lawyer lists "acts of independence that were intolerable in Nicolas Zepeda's eyes."

The first is obvious: "With this desire to go to France, she is breaking away from the advice of Nicolas Zepeda, who was totally opposed to it." Me Galley repeated the conclusions of the psychologist heard on Friday. "He is obsessively jealous when it comes to Narumi."

The lawyer insists: "Nicolas Zepeda imposes humiliating conditions on Narumi. In an email dated 6 September 2016, he explains the price of being his girlfriend. She has to 'become the best girl' possible: 'You will never cause problems, you will never be angry, you will not be mean, you will not say bad words, you will not negotiate anything'... It is the negation of the other."

The Kurosaki family's lawyer is going full speed ahead. "Narumi suffers" because she knows she is "being watched, spied on all the time."

10 h 25. - The "psychological rumination" of the Chilean, "a precursor to committing an outrage"

The lawyer for the prosecution details the final break-up letter between the two ill-fated lovers. "For the first time, Narumi is able to say what's on her mind. And for a manipulative, jealous, pathological character like Nicolas Zepeda, this is intolerable," Me Galley explains to the jury.

Narumi closes the door. She forbids the South American to come to France to try to get her back. "She has finally escaped from the grip of Nicolas Zepeda," Sylvie Galley says. For the criminal lawyer, the Chilean then entered into a "psychological rumination, a precursor to committing an outrage".

Two months before Narumi's disappearance, barely back from Japan in Chile, "Nicolas Zepeda checked into a behavioural clinic". The French police never had access to his medical file. The lawyer evokes the testimony of two of Nicolas Zepeda's friends at the trial - who did not hesitate to charge the accused - to show the obsession with the Japanese woman beyond their break-up. A break-up that he did not accept, contrary to what he claims today in the trial court.

In October 2016, Nicolas Zepeda booked his ticket to France. He makes a reservation for his car in Dijon... "The countdown for Narumi is unfortunately about to begin," Me Galley murmurs gloomily.

10 h 34. - The "chilling" turning point of 8 September

Me Galley now turns to the video of 8 September where the accused addresses Narumi. "This 8 September will mark a turning point in their relationship", the lawyer recalls. "Nicolas Zepeda will send a video of cold anger: 'Narumi, you have not respected the conditions. I'm giving you an ultimatum'". And the criminal lawyer underlines: "He has his finger pointed. Threatening. Chilling."

Narumi, 21 years old, wrote to her mother: "Mum, I suffer from this relationship, he knows everything about me."

It was then that Zepeda offered to come and join her in France because he realised that she was slipping away from him. "And because she is so emotionally overloaded, she bursts into tears in the laundry room of the university residence," recalls Me Galley. "And she reveals to the man who is going to become her French boyfriend this suffering that is ruining her studies."

Because after having made these acts of independence, the break-up is inevitable.

10 h 35. - The sinister silhouette of this prowler...

We advance to December 1st, at 0:41. Narumi is sleeping in her room. Me Galley focuses on the famous video surveillance images, viewed by the court, "contested by the defence and I understand why, so incriminating are they...".

This is the sequence of the prowler, who seems to be carrying out sinister scouting behind the building where the Japanese woman lives. "He will come back once, twice, three times, four times, five times, six times during the night, while Narumi is sleeping. Zepeda denies being that figure. "But the phone betrays him, the chip in his car betrays him, we are absolutely sure of that", Me Galley snaps, recalling two testimonies that attest to the Chilean's attire.

"We were watching a moment where Narumi is still alive, even though we can't see her on the image. We wanted to stop time, to go back, to say to her 'Narumi, if you knew what was happening outside'... We wanted to warn her, to tell her that she was in great danger, that yes, it was Nicolas Zepeda who was under her windows, who was already watching her even though he had just arrived," the lawyer for the civil party says, while on her right, Taeko and Kurumi Kurosaki do not hide their emotion. The mother covers her face. Her youngest daughter has put a hand around her shoulder. Little comfort.

10 h 40. - The "relentless mechanism" is put in place

Me Galley continues her countdown to the disappearance of the Japanese student. "Thursday 1 December: she has a busy day, she has three days to live. Climbing class, she phones her mother and meets up with her boyfriend Arthur del Piccolo. The one who doesn't impose anything on her, who doesn't control her, who makes her blossom... This evening, once again, Zepeda resumes his sordid merry-go-round with three return trips under her windows. She is still alive. On Friday 2 December, Narumi has only two days to live...".

A few explanations later, Mr Galley emphasised: "In this morbid but unfortunately real countdown, we sometimes have the impression that she could have been saved. But I believe that a relentless mechanism had already been put in place...".

10 h 45. - A "last day as a free and living woman

"On 4 December, Narumi is living her last day as a free and living woman," Sylvie Galley explains. She doesn't know it yet, but the student is about to cross paths with Nicolas Zepeda as she leaves her dance class and steals a "little kiss" from her boyfriend Arthur del Piccolo on campus.

The lawyer does not believe for a moment, not for a second, in the version supported by the accused on the manner of their reunion. According to Zepeda, it was Narumi who approached him, seeing him in his car parked in the car park. "For reasons of her own, Narumi will agree to follow Nicolas Zepeda. I think she was particularly shocked to see him again, perhaps in a state of shock. He will reassure her, convince her to leave with him, for a fateful evening..." Me Galley says.

10 h 54. - The "fateful evening

"We know little about the dinner in Ornans, but we have some ideas", Me Galley believes.

For her, "Narumi is not at all a young woman who finds herself under the spell, she does not fall under Zepeda's spell again. Instead, there is a long dinner. This is her last meal, the last picture we have of Narumi alive.

Citing testimonies that describe her eating "slowly, very slowly, these meals that are difficult to digest, where you turn your cutlery over and over again on your plate," the lawyer notes that "she is with Nicolas Zepeda, but when at 9:09 pm her boyfriend asks her, 'Are you all right, darling?', she replies, 'Yes, and you?

10 h 55. - Me Galley revives the cries of terror... and this " rattle " of agony

Me Sylvie Galley continues to take the court by the hand, this December 4, until the campus in Besançon, on the return from the restaurant. Narumi and Nicolas Zepeda return "apart, without any gesture of affection" to the university residence.

"Nicolas Zepeda can lie, we will never get Narumi's version. He is exploiting this," the lawyer laments. The accused now asserts that the student had offered to take a shower. Me Galley exposes Zepeda to his contradictions, with a different first version. "He is free to make Narumi say whatever she wants. We are not far from a lie in this case."

The lawyer painfully relives the famous cries of "terror, fright, suffering" heard in Narumi's building at around 3:20 am. Ms Galley dwells on these "appalling" testimonies and, she continues, "we all perceived the emotion in the people who were talking about it five years later. Rachel Hope was "crying about it," recalls Me Galley. Another witness spoke of "a long rattle, that of agony. It is the ultimate suffering of a person dying."

The air is getting thicker in the courtroom. "It's those few minutes that make it all change and that also change the life of her mother, because Narumi has just lost her life, either dead immediately or in agony," the lawyer says.

11 h. - Unanswered questions

"What was she thinking before she died? Who was she thinking about?" Me Galley now asks. "Did it take her a long time to die? Judging by the screams, yes, certainly. Did she suffer, certainly also, unfortunately..."

A moment. Then: "Narumi's death will remain in the secret of Nicolas Zepeda's soul. And these moments will remain forever marked in the heart of a mother, with all these questions now unanswered...".

Words that the mother and sister listen to, huddled together. The mother, like a pietà, weeping and still caressing the photo of her missing daughter, suffocating her pain and sobs in her handkerchief.

11 h 05. - The Machiavellian mechanisms of a body that one wants to make disappear

Me Galley continues her chilling story. Narumi is dead. But the horror continues.

The lawyer details the "Machiavellian mechanisms" that were then implemented to conceal the crime. "There is a world of difference between killing the other person and wanting to get rid of the body. There is a murderer on the one hand, and someone who has a terrifying dimension on the other. Someone who has no respect for the body of the one he loved.

Referring to the conclusions of the psychologists on the accused's "need for control", the lawyer for Narumi's relatives continued her demonstration: "To take control of someone is to take their life. By taking Narumi's life, Nicolas Zepeda regained a sense of his own. He finally took control. And to take control is also to reason in a chilling way."

"To serve his interests is not only to kill Narumi, it is to deny her existence. To explain the disappearance of the body, he will try to make her a suicide victim. It is obscene to claim that this woman so full of life would have wanted to commit suicide," Me Galley continues, rejecting the theory of "evaporated persons", those people who in Japan disappear voluntarily.

11 h 10. - 5 December 2016: "If we could have opened the bedroom door...".

Me Galley pauses on this dizzying scene of 5 December 2016. Narumi's French boyfriend, Arthur del Piccolo, is standing in front of his sweetheart's room, knocking on her door, between hope and anxiety... Behind them, in the silence, Narumi and Nicolas are there.

The lawyer for the prosecution begins to dream aloud... "If we had been able to open the door, we wouldn't have saved Narumi. She was already dead. But we wouldn't be here today. Yes, I know, if only... Nicolas Zepeda would have been discovered in the presence of Narumi's corpse. He could not have been in the denial in which he is locked today, and above all a grieving family could have brought Narumi's body back to Japan."

Galley then attributed "a stroke of genius" to Zepeda, the author of the message received by Arthur del Piccolo, according to the lawyer. The Japanese woman's boyfriend believes these words attributed to Narumi, who tells him that she has just met another boy, that she is in town with him... Del Piccolo turns away. Does not open that door. The story has just taken a completely different turn.

11 h 15. - The theory of mystery

"We are told that the disappearance of Narumi Kurosaki is a mystery, and that this mystery should allow Nicolas Zepeda to be acquitted," Me Galley notes. "But because Nicolas Zepeda is fond of definitions, I looked up the definition of 'mystery' in the dictionary. There is the definition of 'what is of the order of the supernatural': this is the only theory that we did not have the indecency to develop. On the other hand: 'Precautions taken to hide something', that fits!

The lawyer went on to say: "Yes, the mystery comes from the lies told by Nicolas Zepeda, who finally killed Narumi and disposed of her body using Machiavellian stratagems. He who, on the night of Monday to Tuesday, could have been caught in the act, a moment that we have been replaying."

11 h 20. - Zepeda "condemned Narumi's soul to wander in the dark"

The lawyer insists, without concession, on the spirit that according to her animated Nicolas Zepeda at the time of the disappearance of the student's body.

Me Galley wonders if the Chilean "deposited her like a piece of rubbish in a forest" or "threw her into the cold waters of the Doubs (...) Zepeda exceeded all the limits of the intolerable."

While Narumi's mother, still in tears, caresses her daughter's portrait, the criminal lawyer continues: "The body is gone forever. We have touched the sacred, but also the funeral beliefs. Nicolas Zepeda has also condemned Narumi's soul to wander in the dark, according to Japanese beliefs."

Sylvie Galley dwells on these modalities: "None of the funeral rites were respected. The deceased must be helped to cross the river in death, to look after their family, they must be cremated. Unless Nicolas Zepeda gave special meaning to the matches and the five litres of flammable products he bought, we will never know..."

11 h 25. - Condemnation and damnation

"Once freed from Narumi's body, Nicolas Zepeda organised his return to Chile with an unbearable lightness," Me Galley observes, recalling the journey of the Chilean "who would have remained a ghost in France if Narumi had not taken this last photo of his last meal where we see him".

"But he is so confident that, back in Chile, he thinks he is saved," she continues. "He knows that Chile does not extradite its nationals. He feels saved because, without a body, there is no conviction. But if he had been tried in Japan, he would have been sentenced to death, and executed by hanging."

Me Galley added: "We are in France and, if he is telling the truth, he is dreaming of Narumi. Let's hope that one day his conscience will catch up with him. But for now, Narumi's mother and sister are leaving with their distress, their tears and their questions.

11 h 30. - A father's love is higher than the mountain, a mother's love deeper than the ocean

The lawyer for Narumi's family has just quoted Simone de Beauvoir who said that "in every tear lingers a hope". But, speaking of Narumi's relatives, she notes that "in their tears, this hope has unfortunately completely disappeared.

Galley nevertheless wants to "believe that somewhere during this hearing, something happened. Perhaps the breath of Narumi's spirit washed over this hearing when dozens of little origami started to bloom here, in the courtroom. Origami in the shape of a bird, a crane, that Kurumi, Narumi's sister, kept folding to offer them to the kind hands that showed their support.

And the prosecutor concluded her hour and a half argument by explaining: "These origami have a very strong spiritual connotation. These little cranes are very much used in funeral rites and there is a belief that whoever folds a thousand cranes will have their wish granted. So Kurumi continues to fold these little cranes. And she will continue to be inspired by the Japanese proverb: 'A father's love is higher than the mountain, and a mother's love is deeper than the ocean.'


Origami in the shape of a bird, a crane, that Kurumi, Narumi's sister, kept folding to offer them to the kind hands that showed their support in the courtroom.

The hearing is suspended and is expected to resume at noon.
L'Est Republicain, live blog

Closing arguments of Me Schwerdorffer, lawyer for Arthur del Piccolo

12 h. - Zepeda: "Extremely toxic and manipulative" according to Me Schwerdorffer

"Intimate conviction is not the same as intimate intuition," Me Schwerdorffer, the second representative of the civil party, reminded the court, intervening for Arthur del Piccolo, Narumi's boyfriend from Besançon. "Mr Zepeda is perfectly aware of this, and he plays on it. His line of defence is clear: he is a liar, a manipulator, extremely toxic, dark and worrying, but that does not make him a murderer."

"For my part," the lawyer continues, "I am not the public prosecutor who will have to establish the guilt of the accused and demand a sentence," Me Schwerdorffer continues. "I represent the young man who falls madly in love with Narumi, in the wake of her relationship with Nicolas Zepeda. At that time, Nicolas Zepeda is deleted from Narumi's Facebook. And the man who is pathologically obsessive notices this. He can't stand it. He tells his cousin that he suffers from it. And from November 11, he sets up his trip. Blood crime? In cold blood?

For the criminal lawyer: "The key word is manipulative! And at each hearing, I feel this manipulation: he organises each hearing to position himself as a victim: ''I was implicated'', he tells us, ''My photo came out'', etc. But it is false! But it's not true! No one pointed the finger at him! Certainly not Arthur Del Piccolo, who we know cannot be implicated in any way in these facts.

12 h 02. - Nicolas Zepeda is a ghost" in France

Mr Schwerdorffer returned to the murky attitude of Nicolas Zepeda to hide his actions in France.

"Nicolas Zepeda is a ghost," the lawyer for the civil party sums up, to demonstrate the extent to which the Chilean tried to hide his actions from the investigators. "When he arrives by plane, it is in Switzerland, he does not exist in France. His rental car is taken in Dijon, he doesn't exist in Besançon. He paid with his bank card, but that doesn't mean he can be traced. Moreover, he does not inform Narumi of his arrival."
Schwerdorffer goes on to note that Zepeda did not post anything on his Facebook account, that he tried to reassure the growing concern of Narumi's entourage. Cover up, cover up, cover up. That was the South American's line. "We have proof that we are dealing with a crime in cold blood," the criminal lawyer insists.

For Me Schwerdorffer, it is obvious: "He only came to see Narumi! How dare he make us believe that people buy matchboxes to decorate their kitchen in Chile! And buying five litres of fuel, yes we all do that! We know that's not the reality."

Describing Zepeda's "style", Mr Schwerdorffer noted that "he never raises his voice, to be so far removed from the crime he is accused of. The lawyer stressed that "on each piece of evidence, he tells us: 'It's false, it's not true'. He wants to do everything to get away with it, without any qualms. It doesn't matter that he keeps changing his story! Why, if not to hide the truth, the reality? And the court of assizes must say stop by separating the true from the false.

12 h 10. - The chilling questions about "death by suffocation

Me Schwerdorffer reflects on the video surveillance viewed by the jury of this prowler filmed under Narumi's windows before her disappearance, which he denies being despite two damning testimonies. "He spied on Narumi day after day". The lawyer sometimes addresses the accused directly, sitting in his box: "You saw Arthur del Piccolo kissing her. Did you then meet Narumi by chance? Of course not."

"Nicolas Zepeda never even came to France," according to Zepeda when he stayed with his cousin in mid-December 2016. "He asks him questions about strangulation, death by suffocation, can you wake up after hanging yourself... Nicolas Zepeda tells us that he is a curious boy... No, what is curious is to ask these questions", the criminal lawyer continues.

12 h 14. - Mr Schwerdoffer invites us to enter Mr Zepeda's head

Mr Schwerdoffer invites us to enter Mr Zepeda's head, "even if it is unpleasant."

He sums up the Chilean's thinking: "There is no witness, I can get away with it."

According to him, the accused is in the room with Narumi's body. According to him, "she got what she deserved. But she must, in his logic of impunity, leave this residence..."

The lawyer returns to the message received by Arthur del Piccolo on the threshold of Narumi's room while Zepeda is still in the room.
The net is closing in and he has to leave the room with the body to get rid of it.

12 h 18. - A lawyer who has rarely seen such cynicism

Mr Schwerdorffer drew the attention of the jury to the "time gained" by Nicolas Zepeda, after the alleged death of Narumi in the confines of the university room.

"I have rarely seen this, it is quite exceptional in criminal matters, such cynicism, such coldness. Nicolas Zepeda keeps Narumi alive until December 13. He gets her a train ticket to Lyon. He is the one who blocks the search. Nicolas Zepeda has totally taken possession of her communication tools."

Me Schwerdorffer criticises the "sick mind" of the accused and his attempts to "intoxicate and manipulate the jurors".

And there is the mother who received a message from Narumi, who supposedly wanted to introduce her to her boyfriend Arthur del Piccolo. "This mother understands that it is not her daughter, because Arthur del Piccolo had already been introduced on Skype. "This is a mistake by Nicolas Zepeda who cannot know everything."

As the civil parties' lawyers speak, the net seems to be closing, relentlessly, on Nicolas Zepeda.

12 h 20. - It is not acquittal that Zepeda has come to ask for, it is impunity.

"Yes, he saw Narumi, but if she had wanted to have sex with him, she would have agreed to sleep in Ornans, with breakfast in the morning, which is nicer than a room in the Cité U," Me Schwerdorffer observes. According to him, "once she was taken home, Nicolas Zepeda asked Narumi if he could take a shower at her place. And once in the room, the frustration, the drama, the screams... and nobody will ever see Narumi Kurosaki again."

And he points out: "What is bloodcurdling, four years later, is to see him declare in a hearing: I am afraid that she is sequestered somewhere, I would like to find her!"

"It's abysmal," exclaimed the lawyer. "It's not an acquittal that Nicolas Zepeda is asking for, it's impunity."

12 h 25. - Me Schwerdorffer: "Zepeda's hand did not tremble, I will ask the court not to tremble

Mr Schwerdorffer recalls the "counter-investigation" conducted by his client, Arthur del Piccolo, in the days following the disappearance of his Japanese girlfriend. "The only one who did not look for anything was Nicolas Zepeda, because he already had all the answers and he still has them. He wants you to believe that he is the scapegoat in this case, and that he is innocent.

In his eyes, the absence of a corpse is not an obstacle to a conviction: "It is not because the body of little Maëlys was not found that she was not dead. For months, Lelandais had said nothing."

Standing in front of them, Me Schwerdorffer has the full attention of the jurors. In his strong voice, he concludes on "this cold-blooded crime", whose culprit is, according to him, sitting next to him. "It is an extremely toxic personality, extremely manipulative, that you have to judge. Nicolas Zepeda's hand has not shaken since 11 November (the date on which he booked his plane ticket to France). Nor before, during or after..."

Short silence in the audience, which holds its breath. "I will ask this court of assizes not to tremble when it makes its decision."

L'Est Republicain, live blog

En direct. Procès Narumi : la réclusion criminelle à perpétuité requise à l’encontre de Nicolas Zepeda, revivez la plaidoirie de l'avocat général

14 h. - The hearing resumes, the prosecution has the floor

Etienne Manteaux stands up solemnly to catch the eye of the jury, and to face the gaze of Nicolas Zepeda, still sitting in his box. The public prosecutor is expected to summarise, in two hours, all the charges against the Chilean.

He will conclude his speech by proposing a sentence: this is what is known as the requisitions. It is not impossible that he will ask for life imprisonment.

"I have already asked for this on many occasions, but this procedure is exceptional because I am accusing him of murder, even though the body has not been found," Etienne Manteaux begins, and praises the international efforts made by the judicial institution.

In the absence of an extradition agreement between France and Chile, "it is almost miraculous that Nicolas Zepeda was able to be present in this box", the public prosecutor recalls. Etienne Manteaux had himself travelled to Santiago in April 2019, in his capacity as prosecutor, to plead the cause of French justice. A surprise extradition, that in the eyes of the public prosecutor, is explained by the strength of the investigation.

"Since my arrival in Besançon as a prosecutor (in September 2018, editor's note), not a week has gone by without me working in one way or another on this case," Mr. Manteaux concludes, before getting to the heart of the matter.

14 h 10. - Etienne Manteaux debunks the criticism levelled by the defence

The police investigation opened following the disappearance of the student, Etienne Manteaux recalls, had an objective: "Reconstruct a story, like the pieces of a puzzle that are methodically assembled, to see if the face of the author appears or not. This trial had the same ambition... "until the last piece of the puzzle," made up of the psychologist's reports, all very unfavourable for Nicolas Zepeda.

"In this case, everything, absolutely everything, leads back to his responsibility in the death of Narumi Kurosaki", says Etienne Manteaux. "In the absence of a body, the proof of guilt is more difficult to demonstrate. But not impossible."

The public prosecutor debunks future criticism from the defence. A first report of the "failed" disappearance to the police station, three days before the actual start of the investigation? "No consequence", Narumi being already dead, and Zepeda out of France. An investigation that neglected other leads, in particular that leading to Narumi's French boyfriend, Arthur del Piccolo? Wrong, the public prosecutor demonstrates. Lack of exploitation of the video surveillance? Nothing that could be blamed on the police, in his eyes. Doubts about the DNA samples? Nothing tangible. Kidnapping or foul murder? Hypotheses considered, immediately dismissed. Voluntary departure? No. "No one can doubt the love of life that animated Narumi, and in particular the love for her family", attests Etienne Manteaux.

With a first, clear-cut conclusion: "It is therefore with the greatest conviction that I will demonstrate the full and complete guilt of Nicolas Zepeda."

14 h 30. - Proof x12 from the public prosecutor

The lawyer recalls that four crimes without a body have been tried since 2010 in France (with three convictions and one acquittal): despite the grey areas, a conviction is possible.

He then goes on to list one by one the 12 evidences that, according to him, prove that Narumi is dead.


No one has seen Narumi since 5 December 2016, that is 5 years, 4 months, and 6 days.


Between December 5 and 15, Narumi's friends are worried, on the lookout, searching for any trace of her life. If she was still in the room, alive, someone would certainly have seen and heard her, given this vigilance. THe same if the assailant had intervened after Nicolas Zepeda had left at 3:21 a.m.


Narumi Kurosaki was not suicidal.


She had no reason to leave: she had many plans. On December 7, she was to host her Japanese best friend who was starting a European tour. On the 15th she had a dance performance. And she had booked tickets for trips with Arthur del Piccolo...


The presence of her only coat and scarf in the middle of December made her departure unrealistic. Not to mention the more than €500 in cash and her bank card found in her room.


The removal of her SIM card and phone on 5 December, while she was used to chatting assiduously on the internet.


She had no personal fortune, no network to get new papers, to invent a new life and to subject her family to a real mental torture.


The signs of life she gave from 6 December onwards via her Facebook account did not come from her. The messages have turns and phrases that her family and friends did not recognise. Not to mention the incoherence of some of these messages.


The reason for her sudden departure from Besançon to go to the consulate in Lyon, when she was under the authority of the consulate in Strasbourg, shows that she was not the one who wrote. Not to mention that the purchase of her Besançon-Lyon ticket at the Toison d'Or in Dijon is illogical...


The lists of passengers who travelled with Zepeda to Barcelona and then to Chile have been checked: Narumi was not on them.


And what about the choice of objects she left with: a duffel bag cover, a fitted sheet, a used towel and a blanket...


The frightening screams heard on 5 December at 3.20 a.m. on the first floor of the university building where Narumi was living. As a result of these screams, was any resident reported missing? No one but Narumi.

The public prosecutor notes that while each element taken in isolation may be questionable, "the combined analysis demonstrates with certainty the death of Narumi Kurosaki.

14 h 45. - Where, when, how? the scenario of Narumi's death

Etienne Manteaux continues his presentation in a strong voice, turning discreetly to Narumi's mother. "Her mother took months to come to terms with this abominable fact. But the passage of time has made it possible to admit the inconceivable, Narumi died in room 106 of the Rousseau residence."

Dead, yes. But "where, when, how?", the public prosecutor asked theatrically. Then, like a macabre echo, come back the night cries, those of a woman, described by eleven students living in the residence. Cries of "terror", "horror", "suffering", with "a rattle, like someone who can no longer breathe...".

"In room 106, there was only one woman. Narumi Kurosaki. Those cries of terror of someone who understands that she is going to die when she sees the eyes of her attacker, those are Narumi's. She was killed between 3.15 and 3.21 a.m.", asserts Etienne Manteaux asserts, amd repeats the chilling text messages written on the spot by certain witnesses.

There is still an unfortunate question mark. That of the "how? The screams, the rattle, the sounds of shock... "Narumi defended herself, she was attached to life, she fought to push Nicolas Zepeda away." In the absence of blood, no assault with a sharp weapon, the public prosecutor says. In the room, "the duffel bag, the fitted sheet and the towel and blanket are missing", and this is not a coincidence for Etienne Manteaux: "Nicolas Zepeda was confronted with the flow of bodily fluids" from the body of his victim, and made possible evidence disappear.

The magistrate recalls "the morbid and explicit questions asked by Zepeda" to his medical student cousin. A few days after Narumi's disappearance, the Chilean took a long interest in "death by asphyxiation, by hanging"... This is a sign of his crime, the public prosecutor maintains.

"Did he strangle Narumi with his hands or suffocate her with the duffel bag?" In the absence of an autopsy, it is impossible to say: "What I know is that it takes a maximum of five minutes to kill someone by suffocation. That corresponds to the duration of the screams, which faded away..."

3 p.m. - "Everything shows that he caused the death"

After having put together the pieces of the puzzle attesting to Narumi's death in her room, by strangulation or asphyxiation, the public prosecutor continued his demonstration by asking "who killed Narumi Kurosaki".

"In this 9 m2 room, there were only Narumi and Nicolas Zepeda," he begins. "The latter therefore appears to be the author. Especially as he did not hear the screams," he says.

He then recalls that the more the investigators continued their investigations, the more they found damning evidence.

"Everything shows that he caused the death of Narumi Kurosaki," he says. Before calling up the evidence of the accused's psychologist (his "feeling of superiority", his "search for control and possession of the other", etc.) and to return to their relationship with a rollercoaster ride and the reasons for the grip, then to the mechanism of jealousy that has become obsessive on the part of the accused.

15 h 10. - The campus prowler who spies on Narumi, "it's Nicolas Zepeda!

The public prosecutor goes back in time to better follow in the footsteps and tormented mind of Nicolas Zepeda, while Narumi, 10,000 km away, begins her relationship with Arthur del Piccolo. "He is enraged," Etienne Manteaux explains, "and three days later he buys his plane ticket to Geneva."

"If he came to win Narumi back, he would have sought her out on campus... But no! He would have sat quietly in his car until she saw him," the public prosecutor points out ironically.

Last week, the trial court viewed CCTV footage of a masked, gloved prowler at night who appears to be scouting the back of the building where Narumi lives. This was in the days before the student disappeared. "This prowler is Nicolas Zepeda", the public prosecutor insists, as a matter of course. The damning statements of two witnesses are completed by technical findings and geolocation on the car of the South American, then parked in the car park: everything points to the accused.

The defence, during the trial, took exception to the late use of these images by the police. "I'm sure that you noticed the attitude of Zepeda, father and son: they held their heads in their hands, because they hoped that this aspect would not be discussed in the court of assizes," Etienne Manteaux coldly interprets.

15 h 15. - "He must have made her feel sorry for him"

The prosecution goes on to describe the reunion between Narumi Kurosaki and Nicolas Zepeda. "The meeting was not a chance encounter, contrary to what he claims," the public prosecutor insists.

"She must have been touched to see that he crossed the Atlantic to see her again. That is why she agreed to go to dinner with him. The waiter spoke of an atmosphere of 'business lunch' without any affection.

Then he recounts the return to Besançon. Narumi's last messages to her boyfriend from Besançon. At 23:08, her last message, she tells him that her sadness concerns only her.

"Why does she allow Nicolas Zepeda to enter her room? This is a crucial question", the public prosecutor explains. "If the project had been a night of love, she would have followed him to the hotel in Ornans, where Zepeda took her to dinner and where he slept the night before."
No. For the public prosecutor, "she must have felt sorry for him and agreed to let him come and take a shower."

15 h 20. - The public prosecutor argues that the murder was premeditated

Etienne Manteaux continues his prosecution and tries to get into room 106, on the night of the screams, where the photos and a drawing of Arthur del Piccolo were proudly displayed. "The signature of this change in love was also symbolised by the deletion ''Nico Birthday'' on the student's diary, the magistrate added.

"Nicolas Zepeda had come to win Narumi back, but now he realised that his hope was in vain: she was now in love with Arthur del Piccolo, a tender and respectful companion, the exact opposite of Zepeda. He probably tried to seduce her, he tried to to cry. It's a failure.

Etienne Manteaux puts forward a strategic pawn, that of premeditation: "Nicolas Zepeda then implements the second option of what he had planned to accomplish, if Narumi refused him. It was clear in his head, he was ready to murder."

"It was not the option he favoured", the public prosecutor wants to believe, before going on to talk about this "cold anger that never stopped rising in him and that exploded when Narumi refused."
Etienne Manteaux takes up the psychologist's conclusions. "A young man with no history of violence and who, up to that point, had been very lucky in his life, could not become a murderer," he asks, and then answers: "The expert explained that his search for control over the other went far beyond jealousy". "When the loved one escapes you..." the public prosecutor elaborates. "Zepeda would go so far as to control - and dispose of - Narumi's life."

There remains this unknown. Where was the body of the Japanese woman dumped? Etienne Manteaux's clear and strong voice bursts into the courtroom: "Only he knows, and this is his only monstrous victory in this case..."

15 h 30. - The transport of the body

"Once he has committed murder, why does he stay in the room from 3.21 a.m. on 5 December to 4 a.m. on 6 December?" the public prosecutor asks. The public prosecutor replies: "Because of the screams. He figures that he might be surprised by one of the students awakened by the shouting. Or maybe he was stunned by the homicide he had just committed, even if he had prepared his crime.

He goes on to explain that "it is even less likely to take the body out during the day, which is why he waited until the middle of the next night to take it out to get rid of it."

Recalling the "staggering" scene where Nicolas Zepeda and Narumi's new boyfriend (plus five other friends) were on either side of the bedroom's front door. "Nicolas Zepeda managed in a few minutes and with a few messages to turn the situation to his advantage, preventing the bedroom door from being opened."

What happened next? "He had plenty of time to get the body and suitcases out. He had over 24 hours to mentally rehearse how he was going to do it." So he takes the body out.

The defence will argue that it is impossible for a young man of 1.75 metres, weighing 70 kg, to carry a body weighing 55 kg? "This is what a number of spectators who were fascinated by the Daval case claimed," the public prosecutor recalled. "And yet! During the reconstruction of the facts, Jonathann Daval had no difficulty in carrying the 55 kg dummy. For a determined man, there is no material obstacle.

15 h 40. - Killing Narumi if she refused him, Zepeda's "plan B"

The public prosecutor does not tire, determined to build an impassable edifice of evidence around the box where Zepeda is listening to him, motionless. Etienne Manteaux dwells on the premeditation, which he attributes to the accused, listing "three elements" that support his thesis.


The purchase of a 5L can of inflammable products, three boxes of matches and a detergent, which obviously raise questions.


The "long diversions to the south of Dole, on 1 December 2016" at night, "a time that Nicolas Zepeda was able to take advantage of to carry out explorations... It cannot be a coincidence that on 6 December, as soon as he left the university residence, he went to this sparsely populated area at night."

Etienne Manteaux dismisses the hypothesis of a body that was "buried" in favour of its immersion "in the Doubs, upstream of Crissey", after which no dam obstructs the 150 km of the river. Mud and tufts of grass on his car? Trace of a passage on "a towpath along the Doubs."

"Every year in France, more than 100 people disappear without their bodies being found," says the public prosecutor, knowing that "a submerged body may not surface when it is held up by branches... This is the dark side of this case," Etienne Manteaux regrets.


The continuous surveillance of Narumi, as soon as Zepeda arrives on campus. Nicolas Zepeda had a plan B: he could not envisage Narumi escaping from him. If he doesn't get her back, she will die. Because she belongs to him. "It is unthinkable to imagine her in love and happy with Arthur del Piccolo", the public prosecutor concludes.

15 h 50. - Assassination and/or murder by former partner

The prosecution is now trying to take the wind out of the sails of the defence, "which will point out that Nicolas Zepeda left multiple traces of his time in France."

Not only is it difficult for a Chilean not to leave traces, the public prosecutor notes, "but he was initially convinced that Narumi would come back to him. And, once he had committed his crime, "he was convinced, once back in Chile, that he was untouchable..."

"These traces left behind show that he methodically prepared to kill her and dispose of the body if she refused to return to him."

And if the jurors do not retain this premeditation, since Nicolas Zepeda and Narumi Kurosaki had lived together for a time in Japan, the public prosecutor invites them to retain the aggravating factor of "murder by former partner" which incurs the same sentence as for assassination (editor's note, premeditated murder).

16 h. - Life imprisonment sought for Nicolas Zepeda

Etienne Manteaux dwells at length on the absence of a confession. "The accused had the opportunity to tell us about his actions, but he chose not to. Condemning individuals who deny the facts is our daily business as magistrates," he says. Why do we insist on this confession?"

"The investigation will remain incomplete, as we have not been able to determine how Nicolas Zepeda made the body disappear. We very much wanted Narumi's family to be able to bring her body back to Japan. Still "this nagging question remains..." Where is Narumi?

Etienne Manteaux turns to Narumi's mother and sister: "I want to bow to you, to your pain and your dignity, despite the horror you have experienced. I deeply hope that you will draw from the memory of her smile the strength to live for your other two daughters, who are in such need of a supportive mother."

The public prosecutor makes his last straight run to the box in front of him. "Nicolas Zepeda said that he was accused of a monstrous act. Ms. Kurosaki called Zepeda a monster, a demon. If he had admitted it, we could have understood without excusing his act, in order to identify the evil that is eating away at him," but the Chilean preferred denial, Etienne Manteaux regrets.

This brings us to the point of the accusation. "Nicolas Zepeda behaved like a dominant male, for whom the loved one is an item among his assets," the public prosecutor states. Narumi's only fault? "To have been in love with someone else."

The magistrate spoke directly to the accused, ten metres in front of him. Final charge, final words: "I cannot find the slightest mitigating circumstance for you, Mr Zepeda. Under these conditions, I request, Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, that Nicolas Zepeda be found guilty of the murder of Narumi... And that he be sentenced to life imprisonment."

In his box, Nicolas Zepeda does not show any reaction.

That will be all for now. I had problems with my internet connection twice and lost two thirds of my translations. Still don't know what happened or why, it seems like the browser simply kicked me out.

I really really really could have done without that.

Meanwhile, the trial is running a bit behind schedule and the jury will not start their deliberations yet first thing in the morning as planned.
Internet problems continue.... :mad: :(:(

Just to be on the safe side and not to see lengthy pages with lengthy word spaghettis disappear from my screen, I limit myself to the short version of the defense plea, sums it up neatly IMO

En direct. Procès Narumi : "Et si par hasard Nicolas Zepeda était innocent ?", questionne son avocate, revivez la plaidoirie de la défense

What should be remembered from the defence case

- After the pleadings of the civil parties this morning, then the indictment in favour of life imprisonment, Me Laffont and Me Benedetti took the floor.

- I have tried to defend Nicolas Zepeda against all odds, against the charges, against himself and sometimes against myself," Me Laffont confessed, without excluding the possibility that her client was in denial. "It is probably the most difficult plea of my life," said Nicolas Sarkozy's lawyer.

-Beyond his possible guilt, the defence fiercely fought the notion of premeditation imputed to Nicolas Zepeda.

- Her colleague Me Benedetti pleaded "the doubts", even "tiny", which according to the defence must benefit the accused, insisting in particular on the absence of a body and the absence of DNA traces in Zepeda's car.

Affaire Narumi Kurosaki : retrouvez tous les directs du procès de Nicolas Zepeda depuis la cour d'assises de Besançon - L'Est Républicain

Narumi trial: "I am not Narumi's killer" Zepeda concludes in French, ahead of the verdict on Tuesday

After ten days of a legal battle without concession or confession, the trial of Nicolas Zepeda for the assassination of Narumi is coming to an end. The Chilean was invited to speak one last time this Tuesday morning, before the jurors went behind closed doors to deliberate. Would he confess? Speaking in French for the first time, the accused concluded his trial with the following words: "I am not a murderer, I am not Narumi's murderer". Verdict this Tuesday.

Since the end of 2016, the Narumi case has been reduced to a single macabre question: where is the body of the Japanese student?

After five years of intimate and mute distress, her mother and sister have travelled the world in the hope that these two weeks of trial would finally provide an answer, however terrible and unbearable it may be... That at last Nicolas Zepeda would speak. That at last they would know. "A failure", notes with sincere sadness Me Galley, their lawyer.

Will Nicolas Zepeda speak? Does he want to?

Lacking any other possible strategy, the defence tries to give him the benefit of the doubt

Standing in his box, the Chilean repeated, cried, sometimes even shouted under the pressure of the interrogations: no, he did not kill Narumi... Innocence or denial? His own lawyer openly asked the question this Monday during a defence argument chiselled to the millimetre.

Me Laffont confessed that she was pragmatically moving forward on "a tightrope", surrounded by the judicial abyss. Zepeda is a liar, yes, she admitted. Zepeda a manipulator, a dissimulator, no. Zepeda came to Besançon to reconnect, or even spy on Narumi, yes. Zepeda came to kill her, no. The South American's lawyers moved forward at a snail's pace, their eyes focused on a single horizon. That of a "tiny doubt" - but a doubt nonetheless - which, according to the defence, should benefit their client at the time of the verdict.

"I am not who I want to be"

In this trial definitely out of the ordinary, both in terms of substance and form, the president of the court had given the jurors a night's respite in the continuity of the pleadings and indictments, before proceeding with the deliberations. All were back on Tuesday morning, for a brief resumption of the hearing. All eyes converged one last time on Nicolas Zepeda, who was called upon if he wished to express himself freely.

In front of a packed courtroom, Nicolas Zepeda indicated that he was going to speak in French for the first time. Was he going to confess, finally, in a final twist?

"I never wanted to be in the midst of the pain of Narumi's family. I never wanted to be in the middle of my poor family's pain, in the middle of my own pain," he declared, moved, looking at the jury.

And then this conclusion, always the same: "I am not who I would like to be, but I am not a murderer... I am not Narumi's assassin."

The mystery of the location of the body remains

Through the voice of the public prosecutor, the prosecution nevertheless demanded that the accused be found guilty of the murder of Narumi, and that he be sentenced to life imprisonment, the maximum penalty in France. Backed by a meticulous police investigation, Etienne Manteaux has built a solid castle of evidence around the South American.

"Nicolas Zepeda had the opportunity to speak to us about his actions, but he chose not do so,"the public prosecutor regretted in his closing remarks on Monday. No confession in the previous ten days, nor a late confession on Tuesday morning... The location of Narumi's body will therefore remain a mystery.

Is the answer to this disastrous enigma hidden "in the secrets of the soul" of Nicolas Zepeda, as Me Galley, the Kurosaki family's lawyer, has pleaded? This is also the conviction of the public prosecutor, who has not forgotten the detailed portrait by the psychologists of a Zepeda obsessively governed by "a search for control" of others and himself. Where is Narumi? "Only he knows, and this is his only victory, a monstrous one, in this case," Etienne Manteaux believes.

Besançon. Procès Narumi : "Je ne suis pas l'assassin de Narumi" conclut Zepeda en français, avant le verdict ce mardi

Inside the the confines of closed deliberations: how is a verdict reached?

The deliberations take place behind closed doors, in a room guarded by a security service.

The jury is composed of six popular jurors - three women, three men for this trial - and three professional magistrates. Each has one vote. At the end of their discussions, they will all be asked a first question. Did Nicolas Zepeda deliberately kill Narumi? If at least three of them doubt Zepeda's guilt, the Chilean will be acquitted. A law in force since 1 March 2022 seems to favour Nicolas Zepeda, since until then the number was four.

If the court decides to convict, a second question will arise, namely premeditation. Yes or no? If not, the jury will have to establish Nicolas Zepeda's status as Narumi's ex-spouse, which seems to be a mere formality. Killing one's partner or ex-partner is indeed an aggravating circumstance in the eyes of the law.

Then comes the need to choose the length of the sentence. Life imprisonment? Each juror writes on a piece of paper the sentence that seems most just, i.e. life imprisonment or the number of years most relevant to them. Again, seven votes in favour of life imprisonment are required to pronounce the sentence. If not, a second round will be proposed for 30 years. Again with a second vote. From then on, only a majority is sufficient (so five votes). As long as a majority of the court does not agree on a sentence, the rounds of voting follow one another: 29, 28, 27 years...

This is how Nicolas Zepeda's judicial fate will be sealed.

DIRECT. Procès Zepeda à Besançon : "Je ne suis pas qui je voudrais mais je ne suis pas un assassin", délibérations puis verdict à venir

Sarah Rebou for France3 (liveblog mixed with SR's tweets by me)

13:40: More than 4 hours of deliberations in this trial. The crowd that has come in great numbers to hear the verdict is getting impatient and tempers are sometimes running high in order to be able to enter courtroom A. The many journalists from the French, Japanese and Chilean press are in the starting blocks. For the moment, no resumption of the hearing has been announced.

13:46: According to our information, the verdict is now imminent

Sarah Rebouh @srebouh
The lawyers for the civil parties have arrived in the room. #ProcesZepeda #NarumiKurosaki

Narumi Kurosaki's mother and sister have returned to the civil party bench. #ProcesZepeda #NarumiKurosaki

The public now enters the courtroom. The wooden benches are full.

The accused Nicolas Zepeda enters his box.

The court is now seated. The hearing resumes.

The Chilean Nicolas Zepeda is found guilty of the assassination of Narumi Kurosaki.

14:39: Is Nicolas Zepeda guilty of voluntarily causing the death of Narumi Kurosaki? YES, said the court and the jury.
Did Nicolas Zepeda intend to commit the murder beforehand? YES, said the court and the jury.

The Chilean Nicolas Zepeda is sentenced to 28 years in prison for the assassination of Narumi Kurosaki in December 2016.

Once he has served his sentence, he will be banned from French territory.
He has 10 days to appeal the verdict.

Nicolas Zepeda's parents remained frozen when the verdict was announced. Nicolas Zepeda did not move either. The victim's mother held up a picture of her daughter.

The parents of the accused did not look at their son at the moment of the verdict.

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DIRECT. Procès Zepeda à Besançon : Nicolas Zepeda condamné à 28 ans de réclusion criminelle pour l'assassinat de Narumi Kurosaki

2.50pm: Regarding the hearing on civil claims, Me Galley, the lawyer for the victim's family, is asking for the sum of 50,000 euros for each parent, and 40,000 euros for each of the sisters for "the immense moral damage suffered".

Mr Randall Schwerdorffer is asking for 5,000 euros for Arthur Del Piccolo for moral damage, specifying that this money will be paid to a charity.

"It would make sense for Mr Zepeda or his family to pay for his damages," Etienne Manteaux, Advocate General, said.

The court and the jurors withdraw again to deliberate on the civil interests.

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DIRECT. Procès Zepeda à Besançon : Nicolas Zepeda condamné à 28 ans de réclusion criminelle pour l'assassinat de Narumi Kurosaki

15.18: The accused discusses with his lawyer while regularly wiping his eyes.

15h24: The court declares Mr Zepeda fully responsible for the damages. He will have to pay each of the victim's relatives the sum of 50,000 euros, and each of her sisters 40,000 euros in damages. Arthur Del Piccolo, the victim's boyfriend at the time, will receive 5,000 euros.

15h26: The court session ends.

DIRECT. Procès Zepeda à Besançon : Nicolas Zepeda condamné à 28 ans de réclusion criminelle pour l'assassinat de Narumi Kurosaki

"Justice has been done. The time seems long ago when I was in Santiago on 17 April 2019 at the courthouse and Nicolas Zepeda refused to answer questions, haughty. The Chilean justice system has authorised the extradition of Nicolas Zepeda. The court of assizes followed my recommendations on guilt, he was found guilty of assassination," Etienne Manteaux, public prosecutor, explaines as he left the courtroom.



Prosecutor Etienne Manteaux made it happen, against all odds and there were many. Take a bow, Sir.
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DIRECT. Procès Zepeda à Besançon : Nicolas Zepeda condamné à 28 ans de réclusion criminelle pour l'assassinat de Narumi Kurosaki

Me Laffont, Nicolas Zepeda's lawyer, explains: "The trial court did not follow the prosecution's request for the heaviest sentence to be handed down to Nicolas Zepeda. It was a difficult trial in which the spectre of the death penalty was even raised, which I obviously deplore. What the defence retains is that the portrait that was drawn of Nicolas Zepeda, of a cold monster, was not upheld by the court of assizes either. As for the rest, it is now time to reflect with our client, whom we will see soon to discuss with him.

Procès Zepeda : Nicolas Zepeda fait appel de sa condamnation à 28 ans de réclusion criminelle

In the wake of his conviction for the murder of Narumi Kurosaki in December 2016 in Besançon, the Chilean defendant is filing an appeal. A new trial is on the horizon. The accused has always denied the murder of his former girlfriend, even though many evidence point to him.

This is a new twist in an extraordinary trial with international dimensions. Nicolas Zepeda was extradited from Chile in July 2020.

The day after his conviction for the murder of Narumi Kurosaki, who disappeared in December 2016 in Besançon, the Chilean defendant is appealing, his lawyers announced on Wednesday 13 April. A new trial is underway. The accused in his box has always denied the murder of his former girlfriend, even if many material evidence lead the suspicion on him. "I am not who I would like to be, but I am not a murderer, I am not Narumi's killer," he said in French in his last speech before the jury left to deliberate.


Well, that was very quick even though it was expected.

Justice. Assassinat de Narumi Kurosaki : Nicolas Zepeda fait appel de sa condamnation

"Nicolas Zepeda has decided to appeal against yesterday's ruling and the appeal was registered this morning at the court registry," Jacqueline Laffont and Julie Benedetti stated.

Besançon. Assassinat de Narumi : Nicolas Zepeda fait appel, il y aura un second procès !

Narumi assassination: Nicolas Zepeda is appealing, there will be a second trial!

Sentenced to 28 years in prison for the assassination of Narumi Kurosaki on Tuesday in Besançon, Nicolas Zepeda is appealing this decision, his lawyers announced the next day. There will therefore be a second trial.

It was expected, it is now official. Nicolas Zepeda does not accept the verdict rendered by the Doubs Assize Court, which sentenced him on Tuesday to 28 years of criminal imprisonment for the assassination of Narumi Kurosaki.
The prosecution had requested life imprisonment.

"Nicolas Zepeda has decided to appeal against Tuesday's ruling," his lawyers' office said on Wednesday, without wishing to comment further on the situation. A second trial is therefore expected to be held in 2023 or 2024 at the latest, at a date and place yet to be specified.

"I am not Narumi's killer"

Under pressure during his interrogations, cornered by a series of incriminating evidence, Nicolas Zepeda shed a few tears, but did not give in or confess to anything during two weeks of tense debates.

"I am not Narumi's killer." he concluded, before the jurors left to deliberate. Without convincing them.

Appeal also on civil damages

Will Nicolas Zepeda continue to present himself as the man "in the wrong place at the right time", a victim of "chance", or will he open the door to certain revelations about Narumi's death? That answer is up to him.

According to Me Schwerdorffer, the South American does not intend to change his version. "He has also appealed against the damages to be paid to the Kurosaki family," the lawyer for Narumi's French boyfriend notes, a sign that according to him is not to be taken lightly: "We remain in his logic of 'I am not responsible for anything, I dispute everything'..."

Taking risks

This appeal is accompanied by a real risk for the Chilean, that of receiving an even heavier sentence, with a minimum term of imprisonment. This was not the case in the first verdict.
In concrete terms, the current verdict left Zepeda with the advantageous possibility of applying for a reduced sentence in about twelve years' time...

"But Nicolas Zepeda is ready to take all the risks, just as he took all the risks with Narumi, to find her, kill her, hide her body and then flee to Chile," Me Schwerdorffer says.

"I wish good luck to his lawyers".

For the civil party lawyer, Nicolas Zepeda is guided by one strategy: "To seek solutions for an escape... He has coldly studied the questions that were put to him, has analysed his trial." To better adapt and optimise his chances in front of a second jury? This is the conviction of the criminal lawyer.

The fact remains that the evidence accumulated against him - technical, computer, scientific and human, with numerous testimonies for the prosecution - will continue to face the accused. The prospect of a second trial obviously does not delight Arthur del Piccolo, as Me Schwerdorffer explains: "This was not at all the preferred scenario. We will have to do it all again, which is extremely burdensome. But that is Nicolas Zepeda's right... I wish his lawyers all the best."

The hope of a late confession for Narumi's relatives

Five years after her disappearance, Narumi's body remains unaccounted for, much to the distress of her relatives, who wanted to bring the remains of the missing student back to Japan to give her an honourable funeral.

With this second trial, the Kurosaki family will relive a nightmare tinged with a gloomy and frail hope: that they will finally be told where Narumi is.

Vidéo. Vers un deuxième procès pour Nicolas Zepeda : "la douleur" de la famille de Narumi

Towards a second trial for Nicolas Zepeda: "great pain" for Narumi's family

Sentenced to 28 years in prison for the assassination of Narumi Kurosaki, Nicolas Zepeda has appealed this decision, it was announced on Wednesday.

The news is hardly surprising, according to Sylvie Galley, lawyer for the family of the Japanese student. "It is a legal decision that is in line with the denial displayed by the accused," the lawyer explains.

Me Galley is disappointed and worried for her clients. "For Narumi's mother and sister, this will undoubtedly be an additional ordeal that they will have to endure."
For the victims and civil parties, the announcement of a second trial will bring new pain.
"Somehow, even if at the end of the first trial, the family does not know clearly what happened to Narumi, they thought they were finally finding some closure," Mr Galley explains. "They did not imagine, other than the denial, that there would be such a rapid challenge to this decision."

Nicolas Zepeda fait appel de sa condamnation pour l'assassinat de Narumi Kurosaki

Nicolas Zepeda appeals his conviction for the assassination of Narumi Kurosaki

The day after he was sentenced to 28 years imprisonment for the assassination of Narumi Kurosaki, Nicolas Zepeda is appealing. There will therefore be a second trial. And a new, very painful ordeal for Narumi's family, according to their lawyer, Me Galley.

There will be a second Zepeda trial. The Chilean appealed his conviction on Wednesday, his lawyers said. Nicolas Zepeda was sentenced on Tuesday in Besançon, to 28 years of criminal imprisonment for the assassination of his former Japanese girlfriend Narumi Kurosaki in December 2016.

"Nicolas Zepeda has taken the decision to appeal against yesterday's ruling. The appeal was registered this morning at the Registry," Jacqueline Laffont and Julie Benedetti said. Throughout the case and the trial, the young man claimed he was innocent. The body of Narumi, a Japanese woman who came to Besançon for her studies, was never found.

"I don't want this appeal to be synonymous with new emotions as difficult as those they have had to overcome, nor do I want it to be synonymous with potential hope," Sylvie Galley, the lawyer for Narumi Kurasaki's family said. The lawyer does not want to "open that door", because the two weeks of the trial were particularly difficult for Narumi's youngest sister and her mother, who came from Japan to face Nicolas Zepeda.

The idea that they could see even a glimmer of hope in this appeal," Me Galley continued, "of a possibility of change, would be insurmountable."

The victim's mother and sister went back to Japan "with the idea perhaps of regaining a little serenity and trying to begin their mourning process." They were on the plane when the lawyer was informed that Nicolas Zepeda was appealing. Me Galley confided with a sigh: "It will be a shock for them."

The lawyer for the civil party was hoping that her clients would resume, not the course of a normal life, but the course of a life, "based on everything they have been able to express, also on the many gestures of recognition they have received during this trial." And finally begin the process of mourning that Narumi's mother and sister have still not done. "Unfortunately, we will have to start all over again. It's very painful," an emotional Me Galley concludes.


In the UK, there is the so-called Helen's Law that requires the parole board to consider whether convicts who refuse to tell what they did with the body of the victim, have cooperated with inquiries as part of their assessment.

If France does not have it - there is still time.
“Es un insulto, contribuye a aumentar el dolor”: Abogada de familia de Narumi Kurosaki tras apelación de Zepeda – El Universal Chile

"The family expressed all their pain, many things were shared, I think it represents a new challenge in terms of pain, of confrontation with Nicolás Zepeda, because we don't have the slightest idea if they will have enough strength," the lawyer said.

She said that "I cannot anticipate the reasoning of a convicted person who decides to appeal, but it is an assault on the family."

She continued: "It adds to their pain, because in a way they believed that a cycle was closing with this process and I don't think they believed that an appeal would be filed so quickly. Rather, they wanted to rebuild their serenity. Ten hours later, everything changed."

In closing, Galley said, "I can't give them false hope, because they've been through so many painful things that to think about the possibility of a guilty plea, would make them come to a new trial that would take the same amount of time in terms of hearings and the same answers."

"I don't want to subject them to that and I think it' s better to prepare them for a denial. I'd rather they prepare for the worst rather than get their hopes up, because it's been five years of this story and they need to pick themselves up, it's very painful," she concluded.


From the press in Chile.

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