France - Teacher beheaded outside Paris, 16 Oct 2020 *arrests, inc. minors*

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Enseignant décapité à Conflans-Sainte-Honorine : face à la terreur, défendre la liberté d’expression

Teacher beheaded in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine: defending freedom of expression in the face of terror

Editorial Le Monde

The assassination of a history and geography teacher near his college on Friday 16 October in the Yvelines is a new attack on the freedom of thinking, speaking, writing and drawing. To defend it, the mobilisation and solidarity of all are more necessary than ever.

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Very saddened to learn of the assassination of a colleague from history-geography-EMC. Also shocked to discover the drawings of his students made in April 2019 around an exhibition he had created on the values of Liberty, equality and fraternity. #SamuelPaty




Exposition Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité - Collège du Bois d'Aulne
Pictured: Teacher, 47, beheaded by Islamist terrorist for showing his class cartoons of Mohammed | Daily Mail Online

The French teacher who was beheaded by a suspected Islamist terrorist yesterday for showing his class cartoons lampooning the Prophet Mohammed has today been identified as Samuel Paty.


The 47-year-old had received threats after opening a discussion 'for a debate' about the caricatures about 10 days ago before he was stabbed and decapitated by 18-year-old Chechen gunman Aboulakh A in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine 25 miles north-west of Paris.

Muslim parents had taken offence at Mr Paty's decision to show his class caricatures of the Prophet and branded him a '' in a video shared online by a mosque just days before he was murdered.

He had 'invited Muslim students out of the classroom' before showing a caricature of the Prophet published by Charlie Hebdo, the satirical magazine targeted by terrorists five years ago, in a lesson about free speech.

A father of a 13-year-old pupil at the secondary school in middle-class Conflans-Sainte-Honorine told Reuters Mr Paty had told any Muslim students to leave because the cartoon would likely cause offence. Muslims believe that any depiction of the Prophet is blasphemous.

One Muslim pupil stayed behind by mistake, and later told her parents. They filed a complaint against the teacher and held a meeting with Mr Paty, the school principal and an official from the education authority.

Brahim Chnina, who said his daughter was in the class branded Mr Paty a in a video posted on Twitter sometime in the last week, where he asked the community to complain about his behaviour.

Before showing the images, Mr Paty asked Muslim children to leave the room because he planned to show something shocking, Mr Chnina said. 'What was the message he wanted to send these children? Why does a history teacher behave this way in front of 13-year-olds?' he asked.

'If you want to join forces and say 'stop, don't touch our children, then send me a message.' This should not remain in the national education system, should no longer teach our children. He should go educate himself.'

The video sparked community outrage and was shared by a mosque in Pantin, a Parisian suburb. Days later, Mr Paty was then stabbed and decapitated by Russian national Aboulakh A, who shouted 'Allahu Akbar' in the attack.

The suspected Islamist was yesterday shot dead by police about 600 yards from the killing when he refused to drop his weapons and threatened the officers. It is unclear whether the gunman had seen the video.

French anti-terror prosecutors said they were treating the assault as 'a murder linked to a terrorist organisation'.

Nine people have been arrested, including the parents of a child at the school who had signalled their disagreement with Mr Paty's decision to show the cartoon, a judicial source said.


More at link.

Lessons about free speech are part of the curriculum in France.


Entrance of the school: Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité
Woedende vader begon hetze tegen onthoofde docent: ’Waarom deze haat?’

"Why this hatred? Why does a teacher behave this way in front of a class of thirteen-year-olds?" the man asks in the first video he put online. He made the video after Samuel Paty (47), teacher at the Collège du Bois d'Aulne in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, showed a cartoon of a naked prophet Mohammed to his daughter's class on 5 October. The father provides his telephone number and calls parents who also have problems with this teacher to report to him.

In a later message he also mentioned the number of the CCIF, the contact point of the foundation against islamophobia. Then he added the names of Paty and the school where he taught on Facebook. He and his daughter filed a report because the teacher had shown 'pornographic images' to the class and put a ten-minute interview with the girl about the lesson on YouTube. He is not known to the security services, but his half-sister left for Syria in 2014 to join the Islamic State. She is the subject of an international arrest warrant.

The school received several threats against Samuel Paty, which he reported. The teacher was beheaded by 18-year-old Chechen Aboullakh A. The young man, born in Moscow and living in Evreux to the west of Paris, read about the teacher's lessons on social media. In his surroundings he spoke of it as a great disgrace.

In the meantime nine people have been arrested for questioning, including the parents, the grandfather and the brother of the perpetrator. The father who made the video is also in jail. The police want to find out who was aware of A.'s plans. He may have been dropped off by someone close to the school. Friday afternoon, in front of the entrance of the school building, he asked students what Paty looked like.

Friday afternoon, A. posted a photo of the decapitated teacher on Twitter. In a pre-written tweet, which he put online after his deed, he addresses Emmanuel Macron, 'the leader of the infidels'. He mentions as the reason for the murder that the teacher had insulted Mohammed.

Paris attack: Islamist terrorist 'had links to ISIS' | Daily Mail Online

The Islamist terrorist who beheaded a teacher for showing a class cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed had links to ISIS, it has been claimed.

After the grisly attack in a north Paris suburb on Friday afternoon, 18-year-old Russian-born Aboulakh Anzorov sent photos of history teacher Samuel Paty's severed head to Chechen ISIS Telegram channels, where it was then shared widely, the Sunday Times reported.

Meanwhile the prosecutor leading the investigation, Jean-François Ricard, revealed that Anzorov's half-sister had travelled to join ISIS in Syria in 2014, the same year the group declared its Caliphate.


According to jihadwatcher Azazel van de Berg @writherazazel this would have been an attack by Al Qaeda, not ISIS

IS foreman or woman of the Dutch English virtual cell the Greenb1rds admits that al-Qaeda is responsible for the beheading of the teacher in Paris. It is therefore not an attack by IS but by an al-Qaeda freak.

Does it matter much? Al-Qaeda and ISIS don't mind working together for the good cause

Within the encrypted digital channels of IS, this IS freak calls for more attacks in the West. The last two attacks in Paris act as a trigger to incite more people to kill non-believers.

Professeur décapité : la Justice avait contraint l’État à octroyer le statut de réfugié à la famille de l'assaillant tchétchène, alors que l'administration le lui refusait (MàJ : détail de la décision de justice) - Fdesouche

When his family, of Russian nationality, from a village south of Grozny in Chechnya, arrived in France in 2008, the man who beheaded the history and geography teacher at Conflans College was 6 years old. After a long investigation in view of an asylum application for political refugee status, the administration had refused to allow the family to stay in France. But the National Asylum Court overturned the decision in 2011 and resulted in the family being granted refugee status in France. If the justice system had followed the administration in this case, the Anzorov family would have been obliged to leave the territory. "The justice system obliged the state to give the family refugee status," explains a senior official. It is thanks to this that the assailant was issued his residence permit in March 2020, making him a legal adult. "As he was granted state protection in 2011, the residence permit was automatically granted to him when he reached the age of majority," the same source continued. His father, who works in the security sector, was able to obtain a job in the same sector for his son. He had even bought him a vehicle to carry out his future duties. He did not notice his son's radicalisation.


According to the documents in the case (see link) the family first requested asylum in Poland in 2005. This was refused and they then returned to Russia in 2007.
Beheaded French teacher 'had a fatwa launched against him' | Daily Mail Online

The French school teacher beheaded in an Islamist terror attack on Friday had a 'fatwa' launched against him before he was killed, France's interior minister said today.

Gerald Darmanin said an arrested preacher and a father who complained about the teacher's use of Prophet Mohammed cartoons had 'clearly launched a fatwa', or Islamic religious ruling, against teacher Samuel Paty.

French police today raided the homes of dozens of suspected militants in a crackdown which Darmanin said was intended to send a message that 'enemies of the Republic' will not enjoy 'a minute's respite'.


Waheed Al-husseini @W_Alhusseini
Founder of the Council of Ex-Muslims of France

The teacher's throat was slit by a Muslim as a result of a conspiracy organised against him by parents accusing him of Islamophobia.
In the Muslim world, when one wants to kill someone, one accuses him of apostasy or unbelief. In France, Islamophobia is increasingly used.

Gérald Darmanin demande la fermeture de la mosquée de Pantin

Gérald Darmanin wants the mosque of Pantin closed down

Invited to the 8pm news of TF1, the Interior Minister also said that 34 police operations had been launched on Monday.

The Minister of the Interior, guest of the 8pm news of TF1, announced the closure of the mosque of Pantin in Seine-Saint-Denis. Gérald Darmanin spoke about the assassination of the history and geography teacher, Samuel Paty, beheaded Friday near the college of Conflans-Saint-Honorine where he was a teacher. His assassin, Abdullakh Anzorov, was killed with nine bullets by police officers.

"In the aftermath of this despicable attack, we are going to draw all the necessary conclusions," the Minister of the Interior said. "I have demanded that the prefect of Seine-Saint-Denis close the Pantin mosque because its leader relayed the message that the teacher must be silenced, and gave the address of the college. The prefect signs his ban tonight. If the courts endorse this, the ban will be for six months," he added. The head of the mosque had, in fact, relayed on his Facebook page a video denouncing the course on the cartoons of Mohammed by Samuel Paty.

"It is perhaps a gesture of appeasement in relation to the general tension," M' hammed Henniche, head of the large mosque in this city north of Paris, reacted to AFP. "There is a certain tension so the executive is in a position where it must make strong gestures, it is a gesture to absorb the emotion, to react," he added, regretting that "the fachosphere [ note by me: extreme right wing groups on social media] has taken such a dimension that the government is obliged to follow".
"We have entered a spiral, where we are no longer in moderation. We have started something that is beyond everyone," according to M'hammed Henniche.

M'hammed Henniche is at the head of the Union of Muslim Associations of Seine-Saint-Denis and of the Muslim Federation of Pantin, which was created in 2013 and brings together six Muslim associations of Pantin. That same year, the Federation signed a 99-year lease with the town hall of Pantin for a plot of land to house a future large mosque. This land is mainly used by a gymnasium which will serve as a temporary mosque until the project is completed. Work was due to start this summer but, due to Covid-19, it has been postponed. The socialist mayor, Bertrand Kern, however, supported the Pantin Grand Mosque project under several conditions, such as, for example, that a prayer room for women be created. Gérald Darmanin did not specify whether the closure - which should be six months if accepted by the courts - of the mosque would have an impact on the project or not.

M'hammed Henniche also knows Abdelhakim Sefrioui, the radical Islamist activist who has also published videos against the teacher Samuel Paty. However, he told Libération that he has had no contact with him since 2012: "He had threatened to come and demonstrate in front of the mosque because I had taken part in a trip to Israel." To justify the closure of the place of worship, Gérald Darmanin also pointed the finger at an imam of the mosque, stating that he had his children "schooled" in a clandestine school closed in early October in Bobigny: "Children aged 2 to 6 years wore the hijab, without playground, without windows, without teachers." About fifteen establishments, including clandestine schools, places of worship, sports halls and restaurants, have been closed in Seine-Saint-Denis since 2018, the prefect of the department announced in February.

The minister also indicated that 34 operations had been launched on Monday, some of which have given rise to "judicial proceedings." "Yesterday, the president asked us to speed up a number of operations still under the control of the judge," he said. I thank the courts, the magistrates, who have accompanied the forces of law and order. [ ...] These operations are intended to ensure that the shock changes sides. The purpose of these operations is to intimidate those who are trying to intimidate us," Gérald Darmanin added. He added that since the beginning of Emmanuel Macron's mandate in 2017, 356 radicalisation sites have been closed and "411 illegal foreigners with Islamist records have been expelled by my predecessors in the last three years."

Gérald Darmanin had already indicated earlier in the day that 51 associations close to the Islamist movement were in the sights of the authorities. Several of them could be dissolved, such as the Collectif contre l'islamophobie en France (CCIF) or the humanitarian association BarakaCity.

Fifteen people, including four college students, are also in police custody in connection with the assassination of Samuel Paty. They are being questioned by anti-terrorist investigators who are trying to establish whether the murderer, an 18-year-old Chechen Russian, was helped by accomplices. According to Gérald Darmanin, Samuel Paty was targeted by a "fatwa" issued by a parent and a preacher - both in custody - for showing cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad during a course on freedom of expression.

Samuel Paty recevra la Légion d’honneur à titre posthume, annonce Jean-Michel Blanquer

The nation will pay tribute Wednesday at the Sorbonne to the professor assassinated Friday in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine. On this occasion, he will be posthumously decorated by the President of the Republic with the Legion of Honour and the Academic Palms, Jean-Michel Blanquer announced Tuesday on BFMTV.

It is an eminently symbolic ceremony that will take place Wednesday at the Sorbonne, where the Nation will pay a last tribute to Samuel Paty. Beyond the emotion aroused by the assassination, Friday in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, of this professor of history and geography, the government wants to convey a strong message. Emmanuel Macron will deliver a solemn speech, and will decorate the teacher posthumously. He will thus receive the Legion of Honour, but not only that. "He will be made Commander of the Academic Palms," Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer announced on Tuesday on BFMTV. "It is very significant, because it is the order that belongs to teachers and the world of education. His martyrdom is well worth this recognition of his institution".

France teacher attack: Pupil's father 'exchanged texts with killer'

The father of a pupil accused of launching an online campaign against Samuel Paty, the teacher beheaded in France, sent messages to the killer before the attack, French media report.

He is accused, along with a preacher described by French media as a radical Islamist, of calling for Mr Paty to be punished by issuing a so-called "fatwa" (considered a legal ruling by Islamic scholars).

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said the two men had been arrested and were being investigated for an "assassination in connection with a terrorist enterprise".

Police interrogated French teacher over Prophet Mohammed cartoons four days before his murder | Daily Mail Online

Police interrogated the French schoolteacher over Prophet Mohammed cartoons following a complaint from a parent whose daughter didn't attend the class, it emerged today.

'I did not commit any offence,' Samuel Paty told officers four days before he was beheaded by a jihadist outside his school in the Paris suburbs.

The 47-year-old was summoned to the police station after the schoolgirl's father complained that his showing cartoons of Mohammed amounted to 'dissemination of pornographic images.'

But Paty told officers that the child was absent from his class on October 6 and that her story was founded on 'student rumours' with the intention to 'damage my image, the college and the institution.'

Paty was decapitated in broad daylight outside his school in the Parisian suburbs last week by Chechen Aboulakh Anzorov, 18, who paid a 14-year-old schoolboy €300 (£270) to identify the history and geography tutor.


“One love
One blood
One life
You got to do what you should
One life
With each other
Sisters and my brothers
One life
But we're not the same
We get to carry each other, carry each other”

Samul Paty's coffin was carried into the Sorbonne to the sound of U2's "One"
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REVIVEZ- L'hommage national de Samuel Paty à la Sorbonne


REPLAY - The head of state hailed the memory of Samuel Paty, who became the "face of the Republic" and "freedom", saying France would "not renounce the caricatures", including those of the Prophet Muhammad, which led to the teacher being assassinated. On 21 October, a national tribute was paid to the assassinated teacher.

During a ceremony at the Sorbonne, the head of state, who had a few minutes earlier awarded the Legion of Honour to the teacher, assured that "we will continue the fight for freedom" in front of 400 guests, including the teacher's family, pupils of the school and many French politicians.

Samuel Paty was the victim of a "fatal conspiracy, amalgamation" and "hatred of the other", according to the president.

" On Friday evening, I first believed in random madness and absurd cruelty. One more victim of gratuitous terrorism. After all, he was not the main target of the Islamists, he was only teaching," the head of state confided, particularly moved.

Samuel Paty was the victim of a "fatal conspiracy, of amalgamation" and "hatred of the other," he added.

"We will continue, Professor. We will defend the freedom that you taught so well and we will bear secularism, we will not give up caricatures, drawings, even if others retreat," Emmanuel Macron assured, stating that the teacher has become the "face of the Republic" and "of freedom."

" Creating republicans was Samuel Paty's fight and if this task today may seem titanic (...) it is more essential, more relevant than ever here in France," Macron said.

"Samuel Paty became Friday the face of the Republic, of our will to break the terrorists, to live as a community of free citizens in our country," the head of state added.

The head of state walked back from the Sorbonne via Boulevard Saint-Michel. He was addressed by a teacher and promised her: "we will not win overnight", "we will not change society in one day" but "we will never give up".

The teacher's memory was saluted throughout the day on Tuesday: thousands of people participated in a white march in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine to say "no to barbarism." And all the deputies observed a minute's silence on the steps of the Palais Bourbon.


Video of the ceremony at link.

The speech of Mr Macron is beautiful and moving. Also razor sharp.
Cérémonie d'hommage national à Samuel Paty à la Sorbonne.



Ladies and Gentlemen,

Tonight, I will have no words to evoke the fight against political, radical Islamism, which leads to terrorism. Those words, I have spoken them. Evil, I have named it. The actions, we have decided on them, we have intensified them, we will carry them through to the end.

Tonight, I will not talk about the procession of terrorists, their accomplices and all the cowards who perpetrated and made this attack possible. I will not talk about those who gave their name to the barbarians, they do not deserve it. They don't even have names anymore. This evening, I will not speak any more about the indispensable unity that all French men and women feel. It is precious and obliges all those in charge to express themselves accurately and to act with rigour. No.

Tonight, I want to talk about your son, I want to talk about your brother, your uncle, the one you loved, your father. Tonight, I want to talk about your colleague, your teacher who died because he had made the choice to teach, assassinated because he had decided to teach his pupils how to become citizens. To learn the duties to fulfil them. To learn the freedoms in order to exercise them. Tonight, I want to talk to you about Samuel PATY.

Samuel PATY loved books, knowledge, more than anything else. His flat was a library. His most beautiful gifts were books to learn from. He loved books to convey to his students and to his family the passion for knowledge, the taste for freedom. After having studied History in Lyon and having considered becoming a researcher, he had chosen the path marked out by you, his parents, a teacher and headmaster in Moulins, by becoming a "researcher in pedagogy" as he liked to define himself, by becoming a teacher. Therefore, there could be no better place than the Sorbonne, our place of universal knowledge for more than eight centuries, the place of humanism, for the nation to be able to pay him this homage.

Samuel PATY loved passionately to teach and he did this so well in several colleges and high schools up to the one of Conflans-Saint-Honorine. We have all anchored in our hearts, in our memories the memory of a teacher who changed the course of our lives. You know, this teacher who taught us to read, to count, to trust ourselves. This teacher who not only taught us knowledge, but who opened a path for us through a book, a look, through his consideration.

Samuel PATY was one of those, one of those teachers that we don't forget, one of those passionate people capable of spending nights learning the history of religions to better understand his pupils and their beliefs. These humble people who questioned themselves a thousand times, as for this course on freedom of expression and freedom of conscience that he had been preparing since last July in Moulins next to you, and the doubts that he shared out of necessity, out of delicacy.

Samuel PATY embodied the teacher that JAURÈS dreamed of in this letter to the teachers which has just been read: "firmness united with tenderness." He who shows the greatness of thought, teaches respect, shows what civilisation is all about.

He who had set himself the task of "making republicans."

Thus, the words of Ferdinand BUISSON come to mind: "To make a republican," he wrote, "you have to take a human being, however small and humble he may be [...] and give him the idea that he must think for himself, that he must not have faith, nor obedience to anyone, that it is up to him to seek the truth and not to receive it ready-made from a master, a director, a leader, whoever he may be."

"Making republicans" was Samuel PATY's goal.

And if this task today may seem titanic, especially where violence, intimidation and sometimes resignation take over, it is more essential, more urgent than ever. Here, in France, we love our Nation, its geography, its landscapes and its history, its culture and its metamorphoses, its spirit and its heart. And we want to teach it to all our children.

Here in France, we love the earthly and universal project of the Republic, its order and its promises. Each day to start anew. So, yes, in every school, in every middle school, in every high school, we will give back to the teachers the power to "make republicans," the place and the authority that belong to them. We will train them, we will give them proper consideration, we will support them, we will protect them as much as necessary. In school as well as outside school, the pressures, the abuse of ignorance and obedience that some would like to introduce have no place in our society. "I would like my life and my death to be of some use," he once said. As if out of a sense of foreknowledge.

So why was Samuel murdered? Why? At first, I believed in random madness, in absurd arbitrariness: one more victim of gratuitous terrorism. After all, he wasn't the Islamists' main target, he was only teaching. He was not the enemy of the religion they used, he had read the Koran, he respected his pupils, whatever their beliefs, he was interested in Muslim civilisation.

No, on the contrary, Samuel PATY was killed precisely for all that. Because he embodied the Republic that is reborn every day in the classrooms, the freedom that is transmitted and perpetuated at school.

Samuel PATY was killed because the Islamists want our future and they know that with quiet heroes like him, they will never have it. They separate the faithful from the unbelievers.

Samuel PATY only knew citizens. They feed on ignorance. He believed in knowledge. They cultivate hatred of others. He always wanted to see the face of others, to discover the riches of otherness.

Samuel PATY was the victim of the disastrous conspiracy of stupidity, of lies, of falsehood, of amalgame, of hatred of the other, of hatred of what we deeply, essentially, existentially are.

Samuel PATY became on Friday the face of the Republic, of our will to break the terrorists, to curb the Islamists, to live as a community of free citizens in our country, the face of our determination to understand, to learn, to continue to teach, to be free, because we will continue, professor.

We will defend the freedom that you taught so well and we will hold secularism high. We will not give up caricatures, drawings, even if others back down. We will offer all the opportunities that the Republic owes to all its youth without any discrimination.

We will continue, professor. With all the teachers and professors of France, we will teach History, its glories as well as its vicissitudes. We will make people discover literature, music, all the works of the soul and the spirit. We will love debate, reasonable arguments, friendly persuasion. We will love science and its controversies. Like you, we will cultivate tolerance. Like you, we will seek to understand, relentlessly, and to understand even more that which some would like to take away from us. We will learn humour, distance. We will remind ourselves that our freedoms can only be achieved by putting an end to hatred and violence, by respecting others.

We will continue, professor. And throughout their lives, the hundreds of young people you have trained will exercise the critical spirit you have taught them. Perhaps some of them will become teachers in their turn. Then they will train young citizens. In their turn, they will make young people love the Republic. They will make people understand our nation, our values, our Europe in a chain of times that will not stop.

We will continue, yes, this fight for freedom and for the reason you are now the face of it, because we owe it to you, because we owe it to ourselves, because in France, Professor, the Enlightenment never dies. Long live the Republic. Long live France.

Samuel Paty murder: how a teenager's lie sparked a tragic chain of events

Like many a school truant, the 13-year-old girl was keen to prevent her father from discovering she had been suspended because of repeatedly failing to turn up for lessons.

So she made up a story. The teenager said her history teacher, Samuel Paty, had instructed Muslim students to leave the classroom so he could show the rest “a photograph of the Prophet naked”.

It must have seemed a harmless enough lie, but it sparked a chain of events that led to unimaginable horror.

Ten days later, the teacher was dead – decapitated by a Islamist terrorist. Paty’s family were left devastated, France traumatised and the girl and her father facing criminal charges. Two other teenagers, who took money from the assassin, Abdullakh Anzorov, are also under investigation.


I wonder what planet a reporter comes from when writing not once but twice that accusing someone of 'showing a portrait of the prophet naked' would be harmless in whatever sense. Even a person with a pea-like brain would grasp the essentials.

Those kids know what they are doing. No need to feel sorry for them.
What about the father's excuses, why post two videos condemning Paty, if he didn't want cause harm to him? The father's "surprise" that his videos could be noticed by people willing to become terrorists doesn't feel genuine.
What about the father's excuses, why post two videos condemning Paty, if he didn't want cause harm to him? The father's "surprise" that his videos could be noticed by people willing to become terrorists doesn't feel genuine.

@FrostOwl the implications are wider. This can happen to anyone of us. Someone tells "a lie" about you, insists that you have insulted a prophet and that is the beginning of a very rapid end for anyone, you, me.
Valence : le fils crie "Allah Akbar" lors d'un hommage à Samuel Paty, le père placé en garde à vue

Valence: son shouts "Allah Akbar" during a tribute to Samuel Paty, father placed in custody

A 43-year-old man from Valence has been in police custody since Monday 18 October in Valence (Drôme), after making threats at his son's school. The 11-year-old had just been given a warning for shouting "Allah akbar" during the tribute to Samuel Paty. The father supported these remarks.

The case began on Friday 15 October at the Jean-Zay secondary school in the Polygone district of Valence, in the Drôme region, during the tribute to teacher Samuel Paty, who had been beheaded a year earlier by a terrorist. One of the 11-year-old pupils shouted "Allah akbar" in his classroom. The teenager was given a warning and the school warned the father by telephone on Friday. The father made his first death threats and approved of his son's remarks.

But that Monday morning, the father did not stop there and went to the school. He took advantage of the opening of the gate for a third person and forced his way into the school. Once again, he supported his son's words and repeated his threats. He specified that he was going to "set fire" to the school. The police were alerted and came to arrest the aggressive father.

The 43 year old man is still in custody this Tuesday morning. A psychiatric assessment has been requested. The Valence public prosecutor's office also said that the father's home had been found to contain: a Bible, two Salafist books, a nunchaku, a sword, a sword cane and the sum of 11,500 euros. The father, who presented himself as a security guard, is known to the police for previous offences.

The National Education Department, through the Academic Director of the Drôme, insists that the pupil is only 11 years old and that he has been made to reflect on his "inappropriate behaviour". He has offered to apologise to his teacher and classmates. This fifth grader will be subject to disciplinary and educational measures.

But it is the father's attitude that is condemned by the entire educational community. "The Minister of National Education has asked the Rector of Grenoble to follow this case with the greatest attention. He condemns these threats in the strongest possible terms and assures the staff of the school of his full support," said a statement from the academic director of the Drôme. Complaints have been lodged by the victims and a psychological unit has been set up to support the victims and, more broadly, the pupils and staff of the school who request it.


Only 11 years old?? And no idea what he was doing or what it meant?
Sure, we all believe that, immediately and without reservations. Even more so when we hear what the father is like.

His apology will be genuine of course, and he'll never do it again, nor anything else nor anything more severe. So relieved this has been solved with a little psychological support.

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