Full circle

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DNA Solves
Caylee had all the nice toys any kid could ever want. She had the cutest little clothes and shoes. She had a room most kids would have considered a dream. A playhouse. A swimming pool. A sandbox.

But she would have been far happier with her baby doll with no clothes, and a Mommy who loved her more than life itself.

It will truly come full circle when Casey Anthony grows old and realizes that her daughter would have been the one person she could always depend on, and the true light of her life, and the very first one to forgive her Mommy for what she did.
Caylee had all the nice toys any kid could ever want. She had the cutest little clothes and shoes. She had a room most kids would have considered a dream. A playhouse. A swimming pool. A sandbox.

But she would have been far happier with her baby doll with no clothes, and a Mommy who loved her more than life itself.

It will truly come full circle when Casey Anthony grows old and realizes that her daughter would have been the one person she could always depend on, and the true light of her life, and the very first one to forgive her Mommy for what she did.

Caylee had all the nice toys any kid could ever want. She had the cutest little clothes and shoes. She had a room most kids would have considered a dream. A playhouse. A swimming pool. A sandbox.

But she would have been far happier with her baby doll with no clothes, and a Mommy who loved her more than life itself.

It will truly come full circle when Casey Anthony grows old and realizes that her daughter would have been the one person she could always depend on, and the true light of her life, and the very first one to forgive her Mommy for what she did.

So true!! Caylee had everything CA's money could buy. What she needed to survive was something CA couldn't buy, KC couldn't fake and the A's can't fathom!
It will come full circle for them when......Only God knows!:confused:
So true!! Caylee had everything CA's money could buy. What she needed to survive was something CA couldn't buy, KC couldn't fake and the A's can't fathom!
It will come full circle for them when......Only God knows!:confused:

:blowkiss: I appreciate everyone's kind words. WHen I spoke of full circle, I meant, here we are, a year later, with TES doing another search. It seems there is no beginning & no end to the evil, just all of us in the middle who care so very much.
:blowkiss: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Those are mighty Sweet Words... and Very True words....
and I want to say ~ "THANK YOU FOR THE POST for LITTLE ANGEL CAYLEE ! ! !"

*** I'm usually NOT at a loss for words.... but
this case is really hard for me.... and
I did Not really know what to say... on this date.....
June 16.....2009 ~ One Year later.... = June 16, 2008 most likely
Little Angel Caylee's last day on earth...

*** I do get comfort ~KNOWING~ G O D ~ Now ~ has
Little Angel CAYLEE living in Heaven = in HIS PLACE ~ SAFE & Happy !!!

I also join you & Everyone praying for ~ JUSTICE ~ for
Little Angel CAYLEE ! ! !

God Bless !
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Caylee Marie Anthony

:rose: :rose: :rose:


America's Little Angel ~ Always in our Thoughts

:rose: :rose:

That one always kicks my butt. And my heart.

I agree, an adorable pic of Caylee. But...9 Mr. Potato Heads owned by one 2 year old child...this is just...obscene!
I don't remember ever seeing this pic before. I did notice a large pair of white plastic rimmed sunglasses on the far right side of the photo. I remember when there was talk of KC shopping at JCPenney to Replace an item...we know that KC DID purchase large white plastic rimmed Sunglasses at Target with Amy's money after Caylee's death. A replacement item? Just wondering aloud...

(a poster calling him/herself PotatoHead CAN own 9 Mr. PH's without me calling them names...)
Poor little Caylee!! So much 'Stuff', but not enough 'Mommy'.. and so many other kids in the same situation, although of course most of them don't wind up being murdered, Thank God!
Still, it gives me pause for thought, brings to mind something my mother used to say "The richest kids are often found on the lap of a very poor Mother".. how much richer little Caylee would have been if her mom have really worked at (let us say) MacDonalds, and earned an honest few dollars. If she had called a tiny apartment 'home'.. if she had been dressed in second hand thrift clothes..

If her Mom had loved her with an open and honest heart, she would have been richer than she ever was in the big house she did live in with all those toys and clothes and sunglasses.

I am so sorry you didn't get a chance in life Caylee, I hope with all my heart you are happy and at peace now.
Poor little Caylee!! So much 'Stuff', but not enough 'Mommy'.. and so many other kids in the same situation, although of course most of them don't wind up being murdered, Thank God!
Still, it gives me pause for thought, brings to mind something my mother used to say "The richest kids are often found on the lap of a very poor Mother".. how much richer little Caylee would have been if her mom have really worked at (let us say) MacDonalds, and earned an honest few dollars. If she had called a tiny apartment 'home'.. if she had been dressed in second hand thrift clothes..

If her Mom had loved her with an open and honest heart, she would have been richer than she ever was in the big house she did live in with all those toys and clothes and sunglasses.

I am so sorry you didn't get a chance in life Caylee, I hope with all my heart you are happy and at peace now.

:blowkiss: Truer words have never been spoken.
It’s easy to fall in love with a baby. They idolize you so readily, love you without abandon. They never doubt your love for them-not even for an instant. A child’s Sun and Moon rise and set on you, their Family. Their love is pure and unconditional. It is not derived from proof but from faith. Unconditional love, in turn, risks becoming the soil in which the selfish sow their needy seeds blind to the pernicious crop they will one day reap. I do believe this was a young Casey’s fate. I believe it was a legacy that Caylee was born into as well. No one in that house felt unconditionally loved by another. Everyone criticized all the failings of the others, many hurtful and unkind things were said and done. The redemptive quality of Caylee’s untainted love became her value to the family.

Deep down every person inherently knows that love lies in accountability and forgiveness. I think it's obvious to all that these were the qualities most lacking in that household. It became easier to rely on the source of “easy love” to fill the void left behind than it was to own-up to the conditions imposed by the other members. Caylee reassured them that they were "good" and "worthy" of love. Caylee was a refuge from the superficial love and demands that unnurtured relationships had wrought upon them. The validation Caylee’s love provided them superseded her own needs as a person. Caylee was reduced to a possession doomed to be fought over for the term of her innocence.

Unfortunately, the forces that drove their love for Caylee were predicated on their own needs being paramount. I doubt they recognize the honesty in that, and of course Caylee did not have the ability to challenge her place. Caylee's needs were simple, pure with the ignorance that a young life brings. The Anthony's needs were complex and rooted in a lifetime before she ever existed. They were needier, more selfish, more powerful. They coveted the love of Caylee because ultimately they knew... a million people could love her, but only one person could love them.

My heart breaks as I write this because I think we are all guilty of using a child this way at one time or another. I hope it's designed to remind us of the humanity we are all born with and our own capacity to love others the same way a child does. I weep for the child that lost her young life and I weep for the Anthony's, yes Casey too, for the love they lost that day... a love we all need. They had a duty to protect the source of that love, to recognize the right to life for the beautiful little person that lay beyond her qualities.

Caylee will live on in the purity of her love, both for the Anthony's and the rest of us who know of her only in death. She loved, unconditionally, the Mother who took her life and the family that stood by and let it happen. She loved those that we cannot. If there is any solace in the taking of her young life it could be found in that purity kept intact, and not the inevitable degradation of that quality a future with her role models would have surely brought.

Caylee Marie, killed in the absence of protectors, may you become a beacon of all the beauty of an innocent child’s love. May you always be a reminder to protect the other beautiful Innocents of our world. Such a grand purpose for such little shoulders.

Be strong and carry on, Little One. There is nothing but love for you now.
...that made me cry...i had to read it a few times to understand....but now i do,and i do believe that was casey's fate as well....so i cry for her too
Mods- I hope I was not out of line with my post, but if I was, please feel free to delete it. I was not clear on the topic of this thread, so if it is too O/T could you kindly point me to a more fitting thread? TIA
very touching and heartfelt....so true...Caylee loved her momma, grandparents annd family ....as none of us can....and for that her legacy will live one. She's united that family when honest i think Casey had divided them.
So yes her love was the only good in this....i wont spoil your meaning by bashing Casey though i feel her resp. for taking Caylee' life...but thank you for making us all thru our own hostile feelings ..that Caylee loved them all when none of us can...
While I do not wish the A's ill will ... I believe that they are in need of major shakubuku! (no, I'm not Buddhist -- just love the concept!)

I really hope that every night during this month they ask themselves; "Where was Caylee on this night a year ago?" and "Where was Casey?"

I have no expectation that they will ever do anything except support KC, outwardly. I do hope that at some point come to at least a restless understanding that KC must pay her debt to society, to them and most of all to Caylee. It is my wish that they become acutely aware that with every effort made, on their part, to enable KC they disparage the memory of Caylee and devalue her life.
very touching and heartfelt....so true...Caylee loved her momma, grandparents annd family ....as none of us can....and for that her legacy will live one. She's united that family when honest i think Casey had divided them.
So yes her love was the only good in this....i wont spoil your meaning by bashing Casey though i feel her resp. for taking Caylee' life...but thank you for making us all thru our own hostile feelings ..that Caylee loved them all when none of us can...
I understand with much empathy what you are saying and do not disagree. I do remember CA's comment on her first CBS appearance, "Caylee was in this world to make me happy." I do feel after the A's calmed down about KC pregnancy, they hoped Caylee would mend the family. That makes me feelwhen KC became pregnant, she was forced to birth Caylee for the family. Not for a significate other, spouse, adoptive parents or for herself. It seems CA gave KC her first sign of this when she held the baby before KC. CA stripped a very important moment in KC life. Statistics also show that a child will gravitate to the abuser & everyone thinks they are so emotionally close. Ex: Annie or Amy's comment about Caylee becomming upset if KC just went into another room. Linking to sites about child abuse and the parent abuser will give an understanding as to why this occures.
I understand with much empathy what you are saying and do not disagree. I do remember CA's comment on her first CBS appearance, "Caylee was in this world to make me happy." I do feel after the A's calmed down about KC pregnancy, they hoped Caylee would mend the family. That makes me feelwhen KC became pregnant, she was forced to birth Caylee for the family. Not for a significate other, spouse, adoptive parents or for herself. It seems CA gave KC her first sign of this when she held the baby before KC. CA stripped a very important moment in KC life. Statistics also show that a child will gravitate to the abuser & everyone thinks they are so emotionally close. Ex: Annie or Amy's comment about Caylee becomming upset if KC just went into another room. Linking to sites about child abuse and the parent abuser will give an understanding as to why this occures.

I agree with you. No child should be brought into this world to "fix" a family or should be given the job to make someone happy. Sounds like a lot to ask of sweet Caylee. Not even Caylee had the power to straighten out that mess if a family dynamic, not even in death. God bless sweet Caylee!
Mods- I hope I was not out of line with my post, but if I was, please feel free to delete it. I was not clear on the topic of this thread, so if it is too O/T could you kindly point me to a more fitting thread? TIA
I think your post would have made a very fitting sermon for Caylee's memorial. It was beautifully written, too bad her family can't appreciate the words you wrote...
I agree with you. No child should be brought into this world to "fix" a family or should be given the job to make someone happy. Sounds like a lot to ask of sweet Caylee. Not even Caylee had the power to straighten out that mess if a family dynamic, not even in death. God bless sweet Caylee!

ITA I think Caylee was a blessed distraction to all that was dysfunctional in that family. And for a short time there was alittle happiness there-a little light in the darkness. However, the darkness was ever increasing as nothing about the dysfuntion was ever addressed! Eventually, as the darkness grew - the little light was extinguished! But, her light will shine forever, as scratchthatitch beautifully put it - Caylee will become a "beacon of all the beauty of a innocent child's love.":blowkiss:RIP Caylee
Outstanding thread, LeLe1953, and one of the most heartfelt tributes to Our Little Caylee!

I, like so many here, joined because of Caylee who reminds me so much of my little grand-daughters. I have felt her loss along with fellow WSer's but this thread has reminded me of the many ways I have explored my life because of Caylee's short one. I have become more aware and interested in countless other cases of children we are losing at an alarming rate. Just imagine how many lives Caylee has touched and how many people she has united to serve the cause for children. What an amazing feat for Our Little Caylee to accomplish. Sleep peacefully Baby Girl. :blowkiss:
Outstanding thread, LeLe1953, and one of the most heartfelt tributes to Our Little Caylee!

I, like so many here, joined because of Caylee who reminds me so much of my little grand-daughters. I have felt her loss along with fellow WSer's but this thread has reminded me of the many ways I have explored my life because of Caylee's short one. I have become more aware and interested in countless other cases of children we are losing at an alarming rate. Just imagine how many lives Caylee has touched and how many people she has united to serve the cause for children. What an amazing feat for Our Little Caylee to accomplish. Sleep peacefully Baby Girl. :blowkiss:

:blowkiss: Thank you. How I wish, instead of appearing on the Morning Show, the Anthony's had made a brief statement from in front of their home thanking the media for keeping Caylee's story alive, for LE for working so hard, to all the volunteers who searched so hard for her but most of all to Tim Miller for always being there when we need him to be. When I think of Caylee, I also think of Tim. The sad look on his face, the way he took so much abuse from Cindy but remained the silent cowboy, the gentleman that he really is. I also have to wonder how it must feel to Tim & the rest to be back in Orlando on yet another search for another missing person. So, since Cindy & George won't say it, I will, THANK YOU Tim, Lisa & all the volunteers who searched their hearts & souls out for Caylee. God Bless you for being there each time that call comes thru.

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