"G (Guilty)" vs "NG (Not Guilty)" Where do you stand?

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Guilty V Not Guilty & What Level

  • Guilty 1st Degree Murder - Totally Premeditated

    Votes: 530 79.3%
  • Guilty 2cnd Degree Murder

    Votes: 58 8.7%
  • Guilty Manslaughter - Not premeditated but during a Rage attack or a snapped moment

    Votes: 61 9.1%
  • Not Guilty - Complete Accident

    Votes: 11 1.6%
  • Completely Innocent

    Votes: 8 1.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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are you saying this woman could possibly have something to do with caylee?

NO. I did not say this woman had anything to do with Caylee.

I was shocked that there was this effort on anywhere. I was shocked this happened after Caylee's body was found and I was shocked that someone, I guess on behalf of the defense, is running this kind of an effort - or dragnet. I was shocked to be this far from Orlando and be told a PI had actually investigated the death of a child and the selling of her clothing here.

I did not imply or intend to imply I thought this girl/woman had any connection to Caylee Anthony.

Takes money to reach out to other cities, etc..
I think I have read every...single...transcript and watched every...single...jail video and news video (as most have on here) so far no shady character has surfaced other than KC. IMO CA crossed the wrong person, KC and Caylee was punished...by KC.

Yep! KC is the shadiest, and the most dangerous person in her social circle.
That would be a no, no & a triple no. She aint crazy, the nanny didnt do it, she doesn't talk to her self or see dead people. She is just pure pure evil.

There ya go!

The only thing Casey is innocent of is her LIES-its the only thing she can do right is LIE.
KC said she was a lot of things.

KC isn't Zanny the Nanny. There IS no Zanny-- not even in KC's head.

just saying that because it was on her resume she must have thought of herself as a nanny, then says a nanny took caylee...it's just odd.

i know there is no zanny the nanny in a literal sense.
NO. I did not say this woman had anything to do with Caylee.

I was shocked that there was this effort on anywhere. I was shocked this happened after Caylee's body was found and I was shocked that someone, I guess on behalf of the defense, is running this kind of an effort - or dragnet. I was shocked to be this far from Orlando and be told a PI had actually investigated the death of a child and the selling of her clothing here.

I did not imply or intend to imply I thought this girl/woman had any connection to Caylee Anthony.

Takes money to reach out to other cities, etc..

ok, umm....sorry!
Maybe the A's know what happened and it wasn't KC that caused Caylee's death?
ok, umm....sorry!

Hey - no problem. Just wanted to be clear as I could be. A "member of this forum" did report a Caylee sighting at one of our major shopping centers some time ago.
The reporting member was not me nor do I know her - you guys probably do though. fyi
Maybe the A's know what happened and it wasn't KC that caused Caylee's death?

Even if that were true say Casey was there and did nothing about it...She is still guilty..she did not report at all. Went on living her life as if nothing happened at all.
I've wondered this myself, the whole "Sybil" complex. Casey is, of course, the sweet, innocent, mother-of-the-year, who takes care of everyone and thinks only of others. Then, she splits, and out pops "Zanny", the baby-murdering nanny. When she's low on money she becomes "Annie" the check forging, beer buying theif. And when she's feeling sexy she becomes "Fanny", the bar hopping, pole dancing, bump and grind life of the party who takes erotic pictures and posts them on the internet. Did I miss anything? :waitasec:

OMG Thank you for that. That about sums it up, doesn't it?
Yeah, I remember that. I thought it spoke volumes as to how detached she felt from her own child. She felt like a nanny having to take care of her, like it was a job. I mean, I have raised children and it IS quite a job, but I never looked at it like that. I AM a mother, plain and simple. I love my children, I live for them, and would die before I saw any harm come to them. I don't think KC ever had that maternal bond/connection with Caylee.

i totally agree!
What a sad story for a little human baby to be born to a mother who didn't want her,saw her as an impediment ,& took her life to be rid of her. Think about it!
Having read all of the evidence that was released... guilty as bloody h@77!
What a sad story for a little human baby to be born to a mother who didn't want her,saw her as an impediment ,& took her life to be rid of her. Think about it!

Truly sad! I have thought about it, many times. There are so many people who would have taken that child and loved her as their own, including, I truly believe, CA. And there in lies the rub! KC was never going to allow CA to have Caylee. MOO, I think that CA's threats of taking Caylee from her is part of the reason this happened. "I'd rather see her dead than with you." That kind of thing. I just don't think CA ever thought KC would harm her. Neglect her, yes. Kill her? She probably never dreamed of the evil that brewed inside of her own flesh and blood.
Not Guilty. The presumption of innocence prevails. Moreover, assuming the body is Caylee, without a cause of death or mechanics of death, we know of no new evidence that would support either manslaughter or premeditated murder.

We know enough to support PM in my opinion.

The only hope she has is to blame it on GA and I do believe that is coming. Although it will be a surprise to most, I seriously doubt many here do not see that one coming.
Maybe the A's know what happened and it wasn't KC that caused Caylee's death?

I really wish you would stop reading my brain. LOL

There are actually 3 persons in that family who COULD have killed her. I am still curious about insurance policies.
I really wish you would stop reading my brain. LOL

There are actually 3 persons in that family who COULD have killed her. I am still curious about insurance policies.

:wave: Turbo

If someone else in the family or anyone else killed her .... what would be so horrible that she won't finger that person/persons. Can't understand that at all really. She leaves little choice than a reasonable person "at this stage" would assume her guilt. So what is it?? Is there any it in it. Or does it depend on how you define it. You know. LOL
Yes, an excellent movie as well as the remake done a few years ago. It's all about standing up to ones principles. I think that is something that is fading in our society. Something I've also struggle with from time to time.

I dunno. The juries on which I have sat were intelligent and analytical. They weighed every scrap of evidence, and were united in an excellentlyt thought out and fair verdict.
Can we have the category "Not Proven" ..... you know, just to protect us from the impending hung jury trial.
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