"G (Guilty)" vs "NG (Not Guilty)" Where do you stand?

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Guilty V Not Guilty & What Level

  • Guilty 1st Degree Murder - Totally Premeditated

    Votes: 530 79.3%
  • Guilty 2cnd Degree Murder

    Votes: 58 8.7%
  • Guilty Manslaughter - Not premeditated but during a Rage attack or a snapped moment

    Votes: 61 9.1%
  • Not Guilty - Complete Accident

    Votes: 11 1.6%
  • Completely Innocent

    Votes: 8 1.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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guilty of first degree man totally premenditated: that is what I voted. I will now go back and read other responses (but that is mine).

first: we turn on the news to read about a woman reporting that her child went missing 30 freaking days ago and she did not report it.

next: we hear it was grandma who reported it. Not even the mother.

[snip to shorten]

next and last: This body is found. It is Caylee. Items were matched from the crime scene to the Anthony home. (and while I did not list all the other forensics and evidence including the car, the cadaver dog hits on the backyard, etc... I resoundingly find, in my opinion, this woman to be guilty of man one with premeditation!!!)

Suppose a child climbs a tree, falls, breaks his neck, and dies.

Mother comes out and finds dead child. Picks him up and stuffs him in a garbage bag. Drives around with body a few days, then stops by side of road and tosses bag into woods. Does not report it to police.

One month later, police question mother on why child is missing. In this case, she tells them she found her dead son by a tree, bagged him, drove around with him in trunk and tossed him in the woods. She leads police to body. Autopsy confirms cause of death.

Putting your feelings for the mother aside (none of us would befriend her on Facebook, I hope)...what crime was committed and if there was a crime, what should the sentence be?

And don't get me wrong here...I am in the anger phase of grief on this and I absolutely hate Casey. I think she is a horrible waste of human flesh. But I am not convinced at all that an accident did not occur and she had about the most inappropriate reaction one could have.
Hi JWG... tape on the skull of the child as well as the computer searches and the forensic reports of the trunk. She was thinking about this BEFORE she did it.. even if just a little bit... and that is all that the prosecution has to prove.

Perhaps I was trying to be too flip.

I realized today I am entering the anger phase of grief on this case big time. I am even more angry because I truly believe this was an accident and Casey may actually get off lightly despite the way she treated her daughter after death. It really, really pi$$es me off. :furious:

So what I was trying to say is, whether she is in jail or out of jail, as long as her life is miserable and worthless, I will be happy (remember, this is the anger phase of grief talking). I would only like to know that she will not have another child, because I cannot stand the thought of a child being raised by her.

Does any of that make sense??
Suppose a child climbs a tree, falls, breaks his neck, and dies.

Mother comes out and finds dead child. Picks him up and stuffs him in a garbage bag. Drives around with body a few days, then stops by side of road and tosses bag into woods. Does not report it to police.

One month later, police question mother on why child is missing. In this case, she tells them she found her dead son by a tree, bagged him, drove around with him in trunk and tossed him in the woods. She leads police to body. Autopsy confirms cause of death.

Putting your feelings for the mother aside (none of us would befriend her on Facebook, I hope)...what crime was committed and if there was a crime, what should the sentence be?

And don't get me wrong here...I am in the anger phase of grief on this and I absolutely hate Casey. I think she is a horrible waste of human flesh. But I am not convinced at all that an accident did not occur and she had about the most inappropriate reaction one could have.
If this were an accident, why did Casey not treat it as an accident? Why didn't she call 911? And why did she wrap the dead body of her baby girl, duct tape about the head, carry the corpse around in the car for days, all while partying like there's no tomorrow? Why did she do all those searches on her computer back in March? Why did she lie and tell everyone that Caylee was at Disney, at the beach with the invisible nanny and staying with the invisible nanny? Why wasn't she beside herself with worry, anguish and crying non stop? Why make up an elaborate lie about the circumstances if this were an accident? And why hide the fact for all those days, 31 days? And if Cindy had never found where Casey was, we still wouldn't know about any of this today.
This was no accident. Casey killed her baby girl. She was sick of being a mother, didn't want to be a mother, never had wanted to be a mother. Motherhood wasn't the fun and games she wanted out of life. Caylee was a burden on her. A nuisence. Casey couldn't be bothered by her. Now as an infant Casey gained alot of attention off of little Caylee. Caylee was a possession to Casey. And everyone loves babies, and told her how beautiful her baby was, what a good baby her baby was, how sweet she wass, how adorable she was, and Casey could gloat in the compliments, they were reflected upon her. But as the baby became a toddler, and a little person with a will of her own and a personality, awake more than asleep, talked to everyone and told everything, well, that's when Casey began feeling she just didn't need her around anymore. So she began thinking and fantasizing of life without Caylee. And we all now know the tragic end to the story!
There is no way this was an accident. I will never believe that. Casey is a self centered, and evil woman, and she killed precious little Caylee. And I think she really believed she'd get away with it, because she had always gotten away with everything else she'd ever done before.
I voted premeditated. It only takes a moment to make it premeditated, so even if she hadn't planned on going through with it, in a moment of rage she could have thought, "hey, I have this plan, I'll use it."
If this were an accident, why did Casey not treat it as an accident? Why didn't she call 911?

We have to quit assuming she was behaving normally, as you or I would. I believe she reacted this way because 1) she was very fearful of her own mother's reaction and losing even more of her love, and 2) she's a big-time narcissist. I am not trying to apologize for her behavior, only trying to describe what I think happened.
We have to quit assuming she was behaving normally, as you or I would. I believe she reacted this way because 1) she was very fearful of her own mother's reaction and losing even more of her love, and 2) she's a big-time narcissist. I am not trying to apologize for her behavior, only trying to describe what I think happened.

JWG, I know you're not supporting Casey.
It's just hard for me to envision this as an accident at all. I think she killed Caylee. If it were accidental, seems she would have exhibited some type of sad emotions. She never shows any upset at all.
I'm not so sure she's really frightened of Cindy, have you heard how she talked to Cindy? That doesn't sound like she was fearful in any way! Anyway, she is one scarey, evil girl I think.

I hope you know I didn't mean to come across as if i was attacking you or your thoughts, JWG.:)
JWG, I know you're not supporting Casey.
It's just hard for me to envision this as an accident at all. I think she killed Caylee. If it were accidental, seems she would have exhibited some type of sad emotions. She never shows any upset at all.
I'm not so sure she's really frightened of Cindy, have you heard how she talked to Cindy? That doesn't sound like she was fearful in any way! Anyway, she is one scarey, evil girl I think.

I hope you know I didn't mean to come across as if i was attacking you or your thoughts, JWG.:)

Your mentioning that KC is one scarey, evil girl reminds me of the video taken at JB's office after the indictment for murder one had been handed down. KC looked straight into the camera and the look in her eyes gave me chills. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, I was looking into the eyes of someone who is pure evil.
I want to vote, but I can't keep all the legal definitions straight, so would someone knowledgeable please tell me what the correct voting decision would be for the following premise:

I truly believe that dosing a 36 pound child with xanex, chloroform, or similar (unprescribed) medications is tantamount to playing Russian Roulette.

Therefore, if Casey were playing Russian Roulette with Caylee--but only once per day and only after re-spinning the chamber to reset the odds--and if one of those times, the gun fired killing Caylee....

What would Casey be guily of??? Premeditated first degree...or what? Once you tell me, I shall vote accordingly.

I want to vote, but I can't keep all the legal definitions straight, so would someone knowledgeable please tell me what the correct voting decision would be for the following premise:

I truly believe that dosing a 36 pound child with xanex, chloroform, or similar (unprescribed) medications is tantamount to playing Russian Roulette.

Therefore, if Casey were playing Russian Roulette with Caylee--but only once per day and only after re-spinning the chamber to reset the odds--and if one of those times, the gun fired killing Caylee....

What would Casey be guily of??? Premeditated first degree...or what? Once you tell me, I shall vote accordingly.


She would be guilty of First Degree Felony Murder-- the poll options don't afford for that choice-- but a felony murder is a first degree murder.
The argument can be made that felony murders DO involve premeditation because intent and a degree of deliberation are imputed from the underlying felony.
In this case-- aggravated child abuse-- if the scenario is true, she intentionally drugged Caylee (agg. child abuse) and that underlying felony caused Caylee's death (felony murder).

I think that's the theory the prosecution is going to win on-- even though we obviously don't have all the evidence-- that's where I see this going.

So I'm going to vote for the First Degree option in the poll-- bc degree is what's most important, IMO.
OMG do you remember LovelyPigeon? He/She was the most vocal NG out there... Used to drive me nuts! :)
Oh I remember Lovely Pigeon,talk about going nuts!! you weren't alone.LOL.
guilty of first degree man totally premenditated: that is what I voted. I will now go back and read other responses (but that is mine).

first: we turn on the news to read about a woman reporting that her child went missing 30 freaking days ago and she did not report it.

next: we hear it was grandma who reported it. Not even the mother.

next: we read the arrest afidavit and the complete lies in the report; the following days are filled with an unraveling of those lies as well as the 911 calls to police by grandma cynthia.

the next and the next and the next and the next and the next and the next.... (keep repeating those): We see booty call pics, texts, ims, phone calls, and other things by booty mom Casey. We see no looking for a child. We hear of nannys and zannys. Casey gets arrested at some point for obstructing justice. She is thrown in the hooscow. She and her family both seem to point the finger at American citizens and the media that we are NOT focusing on Caylee! How can that be? That is all the focus is on. However all roads to Caylee seem to have been paved by Casey. It is impossible to not see this when focusing on this small child that is missing.

next and next and nextnextnextnextnextnextnext: numerous love interests and girl on girl photos emerge. Stealing from friends. More lies. A famous bounty hunter steps in to get Casey out on bond... IT IS A CIRCUS and seems to get to be more of one every day. Mother Casey promises she will tell the truth and help to find Caylee. Right. It does not happen. The world shifts on its' axis. Protests abound. The maternal family goes nuts and deviates from the truth. The focus is not on Caylee but centered right on the mother. What gives?! Indictment by a grand jury comes back in the yea for premed murder... with a possibility of the DP. Despite many searches on the ground Caylee is still out there missing. Her grandparents look for her as alive while the nation is pretty much perched on the dead branch... circling and waiting for someone to pay. There were searches on this Mom's computer for missing children, chloroform, how to make chloroform, house hold weapons, and neck breaking. Two more notches tighter in the belt of MY OPINION.

next and last: This body is found. It is Caylee. Items were matched from the crime scene to the Anthony home. (and while I did not list all the other forensics and evidence including the car, the cadaver dog hits on the backyard, etc... I resoundingly find, in my opinion, this woman to be guilty of man one with premeditation!!!)

Great post, I concur.
I have a very hard time with "an adult giving a minor child drugs" being called an accident! You don't "accidently" give people drugs, therefore if she did die from drugs it is murder. JMO of course, :)
I have a very hard time with "an adult giving a minor child drugs" being called an accident! You don't "accidently" give people drugs, therefore if she did die from drugs it is murder. JMO of course, :)

When an adult gives a child illegal drugs and they "accidentally" die, the law agrees with your opinion-- it's felony murder.
I agree with both you and the law :)
i can't decide between felony or premed.

part of me thinks maybe it was her giving caylee illegal drugs or putting her to sleep over andover agian with chloroform which eventually she overdosed on from constant exposure.


casey had been doing the above and after the argument with cindy and this "new love" in her life, she gave caylee enough to know it would kill her because casey didn't want caylee as the tool for cindy to always hang over her head and because caylee was getting in the way of her love/social life.
She would be guilty of First Degree Felony Murder-- the poll options don't afford for that choice-- but a felony murder is a first degree murder.
The argument can be made that felony murders DO involve premeditation because intent and a degree of deliberation are imputed from the underlying felony.
In this case-- aggravated child abuse-- if the scenario is true, she intentionally drugged Caylee (agg. child abuse) and that underlying felony caused Caylee's death (felony murder).

I think that's the theory the prosecution is going to win on-- even though we obviously don't have all the evidence-- that's where I see this going.

So I'm going to vote for the First Degree option in the poll-- bc degree is what's most important, IMO.

Thank you very much. I shall now vote. :)
Perhaps I was trying to be too flip.

I realized today I am entering the anger phase of grief on this case big time. I am even more angry because I truly believe this was an accident and Casey may actually get off lightly despite the way she treated her daughter after death. It really, really pi$$es me off. :furious:

So what I was trying to say is, whether she is in jail or out of jail, as long as her life is miserable and worthless, I will be happy (remember, this is the anger phase of grief talking). I would only like to know that she will not have another child, because I cannot stand the thought of a child being raised by her.

Does any of that make sense??

There, there, now, JWG. :blowkiss: Take a deep, relaxing breath... You are so innately organized that I fear you're trying to plot out a swift progression through all the stages of grief in your usual precise, orderly manner. It doesn't work that way. Grief is messy. It's slow and lazy. It's sneaky. Phases can stick to you like flypaper while you're trying to shove your way through the next one.

Step back, celebrate life, and let grief take care of itself, don't try to take care of it. You can't and if you try, it will make you crazy. From now until after the final verdict is read, there's nothing for you to worry about. And depending upon the verdict, there may never be anything to worry about.
I really wanted to think it was an accident, being a mother my self and having a 2 1/2 year old I just couldnt imagine, with all those sweet pics of KC and Caylee that she could harm her on purpose. I thought perhaps a drowning in the pool....and KC lost it emotionaly and became disturbed, mentaly couldnt take the loss of her daughter and didnt want to hurt her parents with the news of caylees death....and that would answer why she acted the way she did...

what changed my mind:

The photos of her at night clubs, renting movies, cooking for friends......
Phone and text messages that sound like everything is going great.....
Waiting 31 days to get caught by her mother and forced to call LE.....
Lies to LE over and over again......
Can not prove at all that there is a nanny....
and gets rid of all....all her wonderful pics of her daughter Caylee....

After all is said and done, she is caught, arrested and still doesnt come clean on what happend.....why...

her parents are still suffering.....
she has lost all of her friends......
and she is sitting in jail......


now we find the baby....in a bag...with duct tape....and other things that connect the crime scene to her home....thrown to the side of the road....like unwanted trash....

why no phone call to mom and dad...even if recored....to say...it was an accident...Im sorry.....

there was internet searchs on the computer for harmful agents, neck breaking etc....

I understand some may feel as those could just be for other searchs that she was doing....and not for harming Caylee....

but what about the missing children searchs and the one done on June 12th for ZG? why the searchs for her? why 3 days before Caylee goes missing.....

Thats Why I chose pre-meditated 1st degree murder :(
JWG I sent you a PM....I posted this at the same time as Friday responded to your post....my post was not in response to that.....(((hugs)))...it was just bad timing...but is how I feel about the case so far....:)
Perhaps I was trying to be too flip.

I realized today I am entering the anger phase of grief on this case big time. I am even more angry because I truly believe this was an accident and Casey may actually get off lightly despite the way she treated her daughter after death. It really, really pi$$es me off. :furious:

So what I was trying to say is, whether she is in jail or out of jail, as long as her life is miserable and worthless, I will be happy (remember, this is the anger phase of grief talking). I would only like to know that she will not have another child, because I cannot stand the thought of a child being raised by her.

Does any of that make sense??

Hey JWG you and I have already spoken a while ago now and you know that all is good and I know how you are feeling..I just wanted to let you know that here too - its ALL GOOD :blowkiss:
And you know why it touched a nerve with me x
I could never be angry at you x
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