GA - Amy Shorter charged in death of newborn, Macon, 14 August 2005

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MACON, Ga. — A 27-year-old woman was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison for leaving her newborn daughter in a Wal-Mart restroom last year.

Amy Shorter covered her face after the verdict was read Wednesday, and several relatives cried as they left the courtroom. They declined to comment.

The jury found Shorter guilty of felony murder for causing the baby's death while committing first-degree cruelty to children.

Defense attorney Elizabeth Lane had argued that Shorter did not intend to kill her child. Lane said Shorter didn't know she was pregnant and panicked after giving birth in the Macon store restroom on Aug. 14, 2005. She left the baby there on impulse, Lane said.

The 8-pound infant died five days later at a hospital.

"I've seen you express remorse. I don't know what was in your mind that day," said Superior Court Judge Byron Smith.,2933,199711,00.html
Wudge said:
If we end abortion, the laws in this area would make sense

I only agree with abortion for bonafide medical conditions or in case of rape. I have a suspicion I am in the minority on that. So I expect that soon enough it will be fine to kill your new born and they will put a time limit on that. There have been woman who have killed their newborns and got away with it already. I am surprised but glad that this one didn't.
Wudge said:
If we end abortion, the laws in this area would make sense
I'm sorry, but she said she didn't know she was pregnant and panicked when she gave brith in the restroom. So in teh case Abortion rights have nothing to do with it.
Fang said:
I only agree with abortion for bonafide medical conditions or in case of rape. I have a suspicion I am in the minority on that. So I expect that soon enough it will be fine to kill your new born and they will put a time limit on that. There have been woman who have killed their newborns and got away with it already. I am surprised but glad that this one didn't.

If the health/life of the Mother is at risk or rape or incest are involved, abortion becomes a sensibly considered recourse. But when Supreme Court Justices think they can play God by allowing all other abortions to take place within a defined pregnancy timeframe, they provide for legalized murder -- about 50,000,000 such legalized murders so far.

It is atrocious that our Supreme Court Justices thinks the Constitution permits them to play God with the lives of babies. Somehow, I missed where our founding Fathers put the lives of babies into the hands of SC Justices.
bakerprune64 said:
I'm sorry, but she said she didn't know she was pregnant and panicked when she gave brith in the restroom. So in teh case Abortion rights have nothing to do with it.

I agree. This has nothing whatever to do with an abortion debate.

Back to the case, I can accept the fact that she was surprised, blah, blah, blah, but you don't LEAVE a newborn in a toilet unless your intent is to cause the death of that infant. After all, even if she's stunned enough that she would panic and not know what to do, anyone over the age of 4 knows that if you leave an air breathing ANYTHING in water, its going to die.
Gotta agree with you Wudge. I've seen women sneak their pg by everyone, family included and it saddens and dismays me to see these instances. At least they passed the law about 2 years ago here in TN. where a woman can leave her baby at the hospital without being arrested rather than just left (to possibly die) someplace. I've no clue how well that law's working out however, no firsthand knowledge. I'm amazed at some of the backwoods-ian (is that a word?) attitudes, incest and other situations of some people in the rural areas. I imagine most have not even heard of this hospital drop off law and wouldn't do it in the smaller towns where they'd be recognized and word would spread anyway. It's a catch 22.
Wudge said:
If the health/life of the Mother is at risk or rape or incest are involved, abortion becomes a sensibly considered recourse. But when Supreme Court Justices think they can play God by allowing all other abortions to take place within a defined pregnancy timeframe, they provide for legalized murder -- about 50,000,000 such legalized murders so far.

It is atrocious that our Supreme Court Justices thinks the Constitution permits them to play God with the lives of babies. Somehow, I missed where our founding Fathers put the lives of babies into the hands of SC Justices.

Wudge if you want to talk about abortion, start a thread please.
bakerprune64 said:
I'm sorry, but she said she didn't know she was pregnant and panicked when she gave brith in the restroom. So in teh case Abortion rights have nothing to do with it.

I don't have the facts of this case. Hence, I won't take issue with the jury's verdict.

However, given the tens of millions of legalized muders that have taken place via abortion, her life sentence does bother me.
While I don't know if I really agree with the life sentence, I do tend to wonder how truthful she was in saying she didn't know she was pregnant - what the heck dID she think she was having - ONE HECK OF A GAS PAIN, HUH?
Jeana (DP) said:
Wudge, then read the articles if you want to comment on this case. She left a newborn in the toilet. That equals first degree murder. As I said before, if you want to start an abortion thread, please do so someplace else. This forum is for "crimes." Thanks.

I saw that much, but it doesn't represent the case facts for me. Call it a weakness, I like to hear both sides of the story.

Nevertheless, as I said, I am not going to take issue with the jury's verdict. The real issue is much broader.
poco said:
While I don't know if I really agree with the life sentence, I do tend to wonder how truthful she was in saying she didn't know she was pregnant - what the heck dID she think she was having - ONE HECK OF A GAS PAIN, HUH?
When I was pregnant the contortions my stomach did would have freaked me out if I didn't know. What did she think that was? Not to mention 9 months without a period. This is a 27 yr old woman. Give me a break!

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