GUILTY GA - Jorelys Rivera, 7, Canton, 2 Dec 2011 - #3

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well, I would check the GA statutes for Crime (OCGA 16-5-1) to see what qualifies for GA DP. Here is a source I found by googling it: - hope it answers your questions

However, I am not condemning RB to death when we have no proof he did this ! And also without a trial ! This is America, you know . . .

Again, he shares an apartment with a guy who's mother manages an apt complex which has a series of complaints over the past few years . . . Ryan searched! He passed out flyers! Where were the roommate & his mother, the Manager of the complex.

I hear what you are sayin'. The police must have something on the guy, Ryan Brunn, in order to arrest him. I know Ryan Brunn looks as though he has been tried in the court of the media. We shouldn't jump to conclusions, but all of the evidence, that has been documented by the media, points to his guilt.
I wish we knew more about these type of predators. Maybe then we could spot them coming a mile away, but we don't.
There were two warrants issued. 1. Murder (which the wording on that doesn't concern me, I want to see the probable cause statement). 2. Lying to officials.

Those were both read in court yesterday.

No plea needed for those, that was a reading of the warrants for his arrest not the charges that will be brought against him at a later date).

Now, going out on a limb here and just speaking from the experience of following a lot of crimes trials and such---

IMHO the charges when brought forth will not just be a charge of murder. They will include in those charges what it was he did to her prior to her death. And may even include what he did after her death. And they may even drop the lying charge (I see that to have happened a lot).

What the warrants effectively did was to get him in jail to be held until the investigation is complete. They had to have had at the very least reasonable suspicion that he did this even if only circumstantial (at this time) and they can't just arbitrarily request a warrant without being able to prove at a later time those circumstances. Which sounds awful but it's put in place to protect against the harrassement of false arrest. KWIM?

So right now he was arrested and appeared in court to have the warrants of his arrest read to him. Then at that time the Judge decides if there will be bond or not. No bond in this case.

The investigation is ongoing. IMHO we really can't determine any info from the orginal warrants. They will be worded very briefly and broadly. That is because it is an official doc and submitted into court. Gotta be very careful how things are worded when submitted as an official doc, if worded specifically it can be argued at a later date.

Now my take on the lying warrant. That was issued because at this time it's likely they don't have hard factual evidence to prosecute him (yet, I say yet because the forensics aren't complete). But they probably expect to have it. This may be dropped at a later date and replaces with charges of rape...etc. KWIM?

So my take on this is *at this time* they have strong enough circumstantial evidence to arrest him and hold him. The Judge would have seen the probable cause statement before ruling no bond.

That's why I say they probably at least have preliminary evidence against him. And when charges are brought forth we will have a better idea of where this is going.

Sorry for the ramble just typing out thoughts. :) All JMHO at or about this time (joking!)
I was at the vigil and the viewing after and experienced the same things. I also felt the same way about the vigil. It seemed more like a public awareness rally than to honor Jorelys. Very little talk about her.... disapointing. I am glad I left my 13 yr old daughter outside the room with the open casket.....

To you and marazul:

I hope you can both find some peace... in sharing this mother's loss.
After the loss of her child, to see such wonderful caring people, well I believe YOU both MADE a difference to her.
Jorelys is smiling down on you!
God bless you both!
Someone asked about GA law. I am a little rusty, but these offenses can bring the death penalty: murder (of course) and kidnapping with bodily injury. Rape cannot cal for the death penalty in GA...unless our legislators have changed that in the past 10 years. I am not up-to-date.
I am a coward and cry too easily, so I'm sure I wouldn't have attended the viewing even if I lived nearby. But that means I can forever remember beautiful Jorelys as the Crayola Girl, radiant and smiling. That picture has made it's way to my heart.

RIP Sweet Jorelys.
Tonight I did hear a RUMOR from a supposed insider that part of the evidence obtained included a notebook detailing a plan for this going back three months....

Did they have any details e.g. JR specifically or someone random. So scary that someone who their friends think are perfectly normal and all the time they are plotting something this evil. Of course that is if this is a true Rumor. jmo
He may or may not have Katy. IMHO this won't be a factor in the trial if he did. It might be a mitigating factor during sentencing if he did but that usually doesn't go in favor of the convicted defendent. (no way to plea insanity in this case, won't work).

No, I wouldn't give him a pass because of it. He would still know right from wrong. Just trying to figure out 'what happened.' He has so many people who are surprised and do not believe it. And I think of my brother, who was a totally different person after his illness took over.
No, I wouldn't give him a pass because of it. He would still know right from wrong. Just trying to figure out 'what happened.' He has so many people who are surprised and do not believe it. And I think of my brother, who was a totally different person after his illness took over.

This makes me wonder if maybe he does have a history of some mental problems that have not been released and probably won't be. No criminal record but maybe a record of mental issues or incidences. I do know that mental disease can come on later for some people and it does change them totally. Thanks for sharing your experiences.
Did they have any details e.g. JR specifically or someone random. So scary that someone who their friends think are perfectly normal and all the time they are plotting something this evil. Of course that is if this is a true Rumor. jmo

No more details than that. I got the sense that it was notes about the attack not anything specific to JR.... I wonder if he has been fantasizing about this for a long time.
What if this perp say... gave her a diary while he was grooming her.. and then read it a few
days later only to find out, "My teacher told us about good touch and bad touch...
get my drift?
This makes me wonder if maybe he does have a history of some mental problems that have not been released and probably won't be. No criminal record but maybe a record of mental issues or incidences. I do know that mental disease can come on later for some people and it does change them totally. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

Serial Killers are just evil. They plan someone's demise. They are not insane.
Haven't been able to get on WS all day until now. I guess I'll start reading where I left off last night. Has there been any new developments that anyone would like to update me on? Sorry to ask that...I'm scanning quickly now and don't see anything new. TIA
Does anyone please have a link to warrant or court paper? I don't remember what I saw. But I think it is saying he is accused of causing the death with blunt force trauma to the head. I was surprised that was all that was on there? No sexual assault? No kidnapping? No binding? No beating?I guess they are now waiting for all the evidence to come in and fit the peices together.I'm thinking maybe something,some evidence came back that what ever caused the blunt trama to her head to kill her is directly connected to RB.The weapon was connected to him?fingerprints?something.This I believe is what will get him convicted because it caused her death.I'm waiting for more evidence to come in to prove to me he killed her.I'm starting to think he did.

The court paper that I saw did not have much information. IMO It was put together quickly just to get the perp. off the streets right away. Apparently LE had enough evidence to prove murder 1 at this point. The other charges, sexual assault, kidnapping, child abuse, etc. will be made after the DNA tests are complete and LE have a tight case for each charge.
I wondered if the tenant meant "in the middle of the night" like 3 am or during the evening between the hours of 7-10 pm. If Ryan was out there at 3 am, that is definitely hinky.

I recall that tenant saing 11:50PM or Midnight. Almost positive.
No, I wouldn't give him a pass because of it. He would still know right from wrong. Just trying to figure out 'what happened.' He has so many people who are surprised and do not believe it. And I think of my brother, who was a totally different person after his illness took over.

I, too, have a history of a close blood relative with a very serious debilitating mental illness.

:hug: just wanted to give you a hug.
Haven't been able to get on WS all day until now. I guess I'll start reading where I left off last night. Has there been any new developments that anyone would like to update me on? Sorry to ask that...I'm scanning quickly now and don't see anything new. TIA

Not that I've seen Nonni. Just Jorelys vigil today. But nothing new in the criminal case. JMHO
Serial Killers are just evil. They plan someone's demise. They are not insane.

I respect your opinions abagale. But I'm not sure we can categorize him as a serial killer yet. Not unless other murder victims are brought to light. JMHO
When I passed the Cherokee Co Detention Center this evening I saw SWAT team vehicles all around... anyone know why they would be there?
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