GUILTY GA - Jorelys Rivera, 7, Canton, 2 Dec 2011 - #5

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Maybe I'm naive, but it seems to me that all sexual predator crimes commited at any age should remain unsealed, remain on the record, and should be on a federal list of some sort.

I'm sure there's an argument as to why not, but I don't want to hear it today. :snooty:

Yeah, I don't know that anyone can argue that the current offender registry system works.

Why not narrow it down to the crimes we know are indicative of future escalation/recidivism and make it much, much harder for these offenders to shake their past?
Maybe I'm naive, but it seems to me that all sexual predator crimes commited at any age should remain unsealed, remain on the record, and should be on a federal list of some sort.

I'm sure there's an argument as to why not, but I don't want to hear it today. :snooty:

I agree. I do not care if a teen shoplifts or joyrides or smokes some pot. If they want to seal that record, fine with me. Let them have another chance. My daughter got caught with a joint when she was 16, and I am glad she got a second chance. Her record is clean now and so is she. However, if a teen commits a sexual crime,[ and not just sexting or something not predatory,] but something serious, then it should not be kept secret, imo.

Also, I think there's an article somewhere where Brunn is quoted as admitting he wrapped her in a sheet or tarp and drove her to the dumpster in the golf cart. Looking for it....

Yes, I read that. I would like to know what time all this was taking place. How did he conceal a body even wrapped in a sheet to take it to the dumpster. Maybe in the night. I would also like to hear the details from his roommate. I am not trying to be morbid but to me this is interesting as to how he pulled it off seemingly right in front of everyone. So happy he confessed and now there is no more speculation. jmo
I doubt it. They weren't there for the reading of the charges or whatever his first hearing was. And you know how many of RBs football games they went to... :innocent:

I think RB is a sadistic pedophile and a sociopath. I blame only him for his crimes. That being said, I think he was fostered and adopted as a means to another stipend check from the state and might as well have been raising himself in a cave. :twocents:

ETA: I'm not denigrating those who were fostered or adopted, or those who foster, adopt, or foster to adopt. Those who do it for the right reasons are God sent, and they themselves feel equally as blessed. I just think, in this case, mom was milking the system and not doing much of anything to actually 'raise' kids.

I am just heartbroken all over again to hear what all he did to this precious innocent child.

He did not even know her. He had never even met her.

What a creepy b*stard.:furious: He deserved death and he knew he would get it too if this went to trial. Tha is why he decided to plead Guilty. The spineless coward.

It was very nice of Brunn to save the taxpayers the money of a long drawn out court case. I generally hate plea bargains, but in this case life in prison might be worse than the death penalty. I wonder if he will be put with the general population? Or will be need to be secluded forever. Either way, might just be worse than he77.

CantonSxesPatch Canton-Sixes Patch
One of GBI agents is on way to interview #RyanBrunn. Authorities plan to study him to find out the way a sociopathic killer operates.
@Dr. Know...I just hope they don't give him the publicity he seems to crave. On the other hand, I do hope they learn something that could prevent at least one other child from a fate such as sweet, innocent Jorelys.

He was assigned the best defense attorney in the county. If an alternative outcome was possible this guy would have found it. The plea means the evidence was overwhelming and highly aggrivated. This guy was sunk lower than the costa concordia.
I agree, the evidence must have been very strong.

But the LE never said he physically sodomized her. I got the impression he used some sort of object. jmo
That was my understanding as well. He used an object not a body part. Kind of reminds me of the Clinton - Lewinsky scandal.

If he left a note therel..why did the police or someone not find it that night she went missing..He must have put it on there that Monday!
According to this article the FBI thinks he left the note just to stir up drama...

Also in that article it mentions the two prior child molestation cases. I wonder if he was ever publicly accused/arrested for those two events. Or is this the first time they are coming to the attention of authorities.

RIP Jorelys.
Yes, I read that. I would like to know what time all this was taking place. How did he conceal a body even wrapped in a sheet to take it to the dumpster. Maybe in the night. I would also like to hear the details from his roommate. I am not trying to be morbid but to me this is interesting as to how he pulled it off seemingly right in front of everyone. So happy he confessed and now there is no more speculation. jmo

He said he had her in the dumpster before sunset iirc (it's in one of the linked articles.) I think he had her bundled up like a big bag of garbage. The cops hadn't even been called yet to look for her before dark. It was dark by 7 pm. He just looked like the maintenance guy dropping of garbage at the end of his workday, IMO.
Maybe I'm naive, but it seems to me that all sexual predator crimes commited at any age should remain unsealed, remain on the record, and should be on a federal list of some sort.

I'm sure there's an argument as to why not, but I don't want to hear it today. :snooty:

Sounds like it's time for a Jorely's law.
Yes, I read that. I would like to know what time all this was taking place. How did he conceal a body even wrapped in a sheet to take it to the dumpster. Maybe in the night. I would also like to hear the details from his roommate. I am not trying to be morbid but to me this is interesting as to how he pulled it off seemingly right in front of everyone. So happy he confessed and now there is no more speculation. jmo

I read he did dispose of the body before the sun went down and before the piolice arrived on the scene.

I know someone on this board had that theory and it was spot on.

Brunn said started sexually abusing her in the vacant apartment. He said later bound her arms in the bathtub and then taped her face before cutting her with a razor he uses to cut carpet. When she didn't die immediately, he said he hit her about five times before stuffing her body in a garbage bag and throwing it into a trash compactor.
I read that he lured her into a vacant apartment then after he had finished "molesting" her he was "afraid she would tell her mother so he cut her"

Well what if he did just let her go? He would have done 10 years max and Jorelys would still be alive. Jorelys would have received counseling and hopefully been OK, Brunn would have done some time received counseling in prison and held RSO status the rest of his life. Brunn could have recoved from this, he could have moved on, he could have salvaged his life and a child would still be here.
I'm here.
Amazing, horrific stuff. If Jorelys' family is satisfied with the outcome, then I am satisfied with the outcome. I hate to say it could have been worse, but if he was telling the truth, her death was a surprise and an afterthought at the end, so as terrible as whatever he was doing to her before was, he was doing it to her thinking that he would leave her alive, then at the end panicked and killed her...could that equal less suffering? Can I see it that way if it makes me think there was less suffering?
He said he had her in the dumpster before sunset iirc (it's in one of the linked articles.) I think he had her bundled up like a big bag of garbage. The cops hadn't even been called yet to look for her before dark. It was dark by 7 pm. He just looked like the maintenance guy dropping of garbage at the end of his workday, IMO.

Yes I read that time after I posted. Hard to believe that could go on in an apartment community and no one see or hear anything. So scary and so sad. Such a waste. I don't think he will fare well in prison. I don't think inmates much like child predators or killers. And I am pretty sure he is a little guy. Oh well, all I can say is 'adios, MF'. jmo
I'm here.
Amazing, horrific stuff. If Jorelys' family is satisfied with the outcome, then I am satisfied with the outcome. I hate to say it could have been worse, but if he was telling the truth, her death was a surprise and an afterthought at the end, so as terrible as whatever he was doing to her before was, he was doing it to her thinking that he would leave her alive, then at the end panicked and killed her...could that equal less suffering? Can I see it that way if it makes me think there was less suffering?

I think he had an awful lot of stuff 'handy' in that vacant apartment (garbage bags, duct tape, rag, razor) if he was just going to molest her and let her go. :waitasec:

Brunn said started sexually abusing her in the vacant apartment. He said later bound her arms in the bathtub and then taped her face before cutting her with a razor he uses to cut carpet. When she didn't die immediately, he said he hit her about five times before stuffing her body in a garbage bag and throwing it into a trash compactor.

That link should have a GRAPHIC warning on it. I wish I had not read it, because it does sound like she suffered more than I wanted to believe.
I read that he lured her into a vacant apartment then after he had finished "molesting" her he was "afraid she would tell her mother so he cut her"

Well what if he did just let her go? He would have done 10 years max and Jorelys would still be alive. Jorelys would have received counseling and hopefully been OK, Brunn would have done some time received counseling in prison and held RSO status the rest of his life. Brunn could have recoved from this, he could have moved on, he could have salvaged his life and a child would still be here.

I don't think he ever intended to let her go. Sociopaths lie. LE kept back details to allow a confession - RB had to give details that were not released to the public but that LE already knew to get this deal. So he was truthful in some things but noone can prove what he was thinking. IMO he premeditated the abduction. He didn't try to hide his identity from her. Obviously he had a plan to try to get away with it.
WSB tv is on now and they are saying he was viewing child *advertiser censored* on a friends computers a couple days before the murder. They are showing his back and airing snipets of what he is saying in court. All I can say is OMG.

I was one of the few that wanted evidence, but came off the fence when the 13 charges came down. Even though I didn't know what they had as evidence, it was obvious they had some.

God Bless Jorelys. She gave her life and saved alot of young girls.

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