Gas Cans discovered by George Key date - June 24, 2008 ***REVISITED ***

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George's story about the 24th and the gas cans

  • He did find them in Casey's car, and nothing was wrong.

    Votes: 39 9.1%
  • He did not go into the truck, and made it up to help Casey..

    Votes: 68 15.9%
  • He made it up to protect Casey and himself.

    Votes: 98 23.0%
  • I have no idea. This family cannot keep dates and stories straight.

    Votes: 222 52.0%

  • Total voters
I have a really hard time getting my head around a "look out" for Casey at Lexus. It's just not making sense to me. How, from the Lexus location, would someone be able to sit around and "look out" for GA??? I'm just not getting it.

: (

Hey, Pink.

Dunno if a "look out" is the best term. Still haven't been able to find a definite source that George worked @ Lexus yet...and...tryin' to work the angles.

Casey may have just been calling the switchboard @ the dealership...maybe someone she knew...and asking to be put through to George. Depending on the response she gets she believes George is there...and not @ Hopespring Dr...hence, the coast is clear. The length of her calls are generally very short, but a few reach upwards of 5mins. I checked some time ago and found that there were like only 2 calls between Casey & George's cell phone for the entire 1.5months we have data...and when Cindy wasn't home, they generally weren't calling each other. Sooo....Casey<=>George phone call pattern change 6/16 took a real uptick.
I never really understood how Casey would have been surprised (according to George) that he was home. Where was his vehicle?
Is it possible to text comments and messages to Facebook and Myspace from a cell phone?
I never really understood how Cas ey would have been surprised (according to George) that he was home. Where was his vehicle?

I was going to take a shot @ that in the above post, but, it was already too long :bang:

The way it may have gone down...

George told Casey that morning during their phone call about filing a police report for the stolen cans...which spooked Casey into coming back to return them. Not sure why George was @ Lexus so early that morning, nor, how Casey knew to call him there, but, she does. George leaves and goes to the bank to deposit a check before going back home to get ready for work (I know...doesn't make alot of sense to me either).

Casey, thought that George was at work, so she decided it was safe to return the gas cans so the whole thing goes away. George's car was in the garage, so Casey was none the wiser until she opened the garage door. At this point she'd already she went in to get some things.

Owing to the incoming message from Troy she'd received an RSS message about on her cell phone, Casey hopped on the computer @ 2:40PM to respond - her message to Troy, re: "...DRAMMMA...". While she was on the computer, George engaged her in chit chat and Casey gave him the "too bad about the gas cans" comment. George went into his "gotta get the wedge" routine...and away they went. At 2:48PM Casey sped away from G&C's and called Lexus followed by a flurry of calls to Cindy.

With a few minor details this is pretty close to the account George gave IIRC.
-respectively snipped -

Good sleuthing!!!

I immediately thought that the backseat and backseat floor of the car were suspect -

both reading and listening to GA's account of picking up the car - he had the employee check the TRUNK with him

But before he checked the trunk, he talked about how he LEANED OVER TO OPEN THE PASSENGER DOOR while sitting in the driver side - and I think that is when he MAY have seen Caylee - prone on the backseat floor???

IF IF If this happened, he may have quickly kicked into LE mode and thwarted any further Pontiac investigation by asking the tow yard employee to accompany him to the TRUNK - knowing that Caylee would not be found there...

And buying him enough time to figure out what to do with the poor thing from there?

And perhaps the best he could come up with was the woods around the corner from the house - so that he could go home and "reassure" CA that is was "just the pizza"... :banghead:

Or maybe I just need to go to bed...:confused:


Well thankyou for the compliment but that wasnt where I was going with it LOL

But I do think that the Gas Cans are very significant to this case and i do think the Back seat and Trunk are two totally different places !

There is more to this ...
I was going to take a shot @ that in the above post, but, it was already too long :bang:

The way it may have gone down...

George told Casey that morning during their phone call about filing a police report for the stolen cans...which spooked Casey into coming back to return them. Not sure why George was @ Lexus so early that morning, nor, how Casey knew to call him there, but, she does. George leaves and goes to the bank to deposit a check before going back home to get ready for work (I know...doesn't make alot of sense to me either).

Casey, thought that George was at work, so she decided it was safe to return the gas cans so the whole thing goes away. George's car was in the garage, so Casey was none the wiser until she opened the garage door. At this point she'd already she went in to get some things.

Owing to the incoming message from Troy she'd received an RSS message about on her cell phone, Casey hopped on the computer @ 2:40PM to respond - her message to Troy, re: "...DRAMMMA...". While she was on the computer, George engaged her in chit chat and Casey gave him the "too bad about the gas cans" comment. George went into his "gotta get the wedge" routine...and away they went. At 2:48PM Casey sped away from G&C's and called Lexus followed by a flurry of calls to Cindy.

With a few minor details this is pretty close to the account George gave IIRC.
You have done some extensive and impressive sleuthing. At this point in the game, I'm not sure I can trust anything George has said or will say. I believe trying to rely on hard data is our best chance at figuring this out.
If Casey killed Caylee on the 15th- 16th- and kept her in the trunk George would of smelt the smell of decomposition when he went near that car on the 24th for the gas cans. I believe now she killed her on the 15-16th and put her in the trunk and put her someplace else- and went back between the 24th- and 27th to get her and dumped her in the woods and then dumped car at Amscot on the 27th. Where she had her from the 16th until she went and got her and dumped her before she dumped car at Amscot I have no clue- maybe in Amys wrecked car? maybe in the abnadoned house? This is my theory why george never mentioned the smell when the gas ca episode occured.
If Casey killed Caylee on the 15th- 16th- and kept her in the trunk George would of smelt the smell of decomposition when he went near that car on the 24th for the gas cans.

Unless the remains in a blanket, in a laundry bag, in a garbage bag were sealed up airtight. The reports note the garbage bag as "sealed". I think they were airtight and not leaking until she moved the body to dump it. I think KC left the trunk open only for a short amount of time and any smell from that sealed bag was not strong enough to waft all the way to GA. FWIW, I don't think she let him get a look in that trunk, or even get within 5 yards. I think she RACED to the trunk. Whether the body was in there at the time or not, she had an extremely good reason to make sure she got to the car well before he did.
Unless the remains in a blanket, in a laundry bag, in a garbage bag were sealed up airtight. The reports note the garbage bag as "sealed". I think they were airtight and not leaking until she moved the body to dump it. I think KC left the trunk open only for a short amount of time and any smell from that sealed bag was not strong enough to waft all the way to GA. FWIW, I don't think she let him get a look in that trunk, or even get within 5 yards. I think she RACED to the trunk. Whether the body was in there at the time or not, she had an extremely good reason to make sure she got to the car well before he did.
I agree.
It was a different story once the car had been dumped and left in th sun for the fluids that comprised the stain to "ferment"
Interesting enough this is what Cindy has to say about it:

Cindy A. Interview with LE August 1, 2008 Part 1
CA: George and I had gotten back our, I think we got back that refund check, that Stimulus check, and he and I both had to go to the bank and he had told me earlier that day that he had made the report about the gas cans and him and I met up at the bank and for some reason he was going to go right from the bank and something, and he had to go back home for something and Casey was at the house.

[Thanks to acandyrose site for a transcript of this interview]
Interesting enough this is what Cindy has to say about it:

Cindy A. Interview with LE August 1, 2008 Part 1
CA: George and I had gotten back our, I think we got back that refund check, that Stimulus check, and he and I both had to go to the bank and he had told me earlier that day that he had made the report about the gas cans and him and I met up at the bank and for some reason he was going to go right from the bank and something, and he had to go back home for something and Casey was at the house.

[Thanks to acandyrose site for a transcript of this interview]
This story is one, of many, that is going to come back and bite Casey, Jose, and the whole lot, I believe. Casey's insistance to everyone she has spoken with, lied to from friends to LE, that little Caylee was kidnapped by Zanaida on June 16th and now here's this outlandish "story" about a trip to Tampa, , blah, blah, blah, and then Zanaida's in an accident, is injured, is hospitalized, and all!
She went through all of this, conjured up such a lie with such specific details of a trip, an accident, of Zanaida's injuries and her hospitalization. And all the while, Caylee is really already gone. It's another huge Casey lie within a lie within a lie syndrome!!!
This will help to cook her goose. Jose really has his work cut out for him.
If GA is like my hubby...he probably has a gas can with gas in it at all times. Still seems weird, tho.

I listened to George's FBI interview this weekend and while telling his story about going to get the car from the junkyard, he said that he got one of his gas cans out of the shed and decided to put gas in it on the way to the junkyard in case the car was out of gas when they arrived.

He said he was talking to Cindy about it on the phone while she was on her way to the bank to get the money (cashier's check probably) they needed to give to the tow yard to get the car back.

He told FBI that they both thought it was smart to bring gas considering the way things had been going (i.e., Casey always out of gas).
I would like to know if there was a spare tire in Casey's car? Has anyone seen that mentioned in any of the documents?
Unless the remains in a blanket, in a laundry bag, in a garbage bag were sealed up airtight. The reports note the garbage bag as "sealed". I think they were airtight and not leaking until she moved the body to dump it. I think KC left the trunk open only for a short amount of time and any smell from that sealed bag was not strong enough to waft all the way to GA. FWIW, I don't think she let him get a look in that trunk, or even get within 5 yards. I think she RACED to the trunk. Whether the body was in there at the time or not, she had an extremely good reason to make sure she got to the car well before he did.

I keep having a problem with this and maybe you and other WS'ers can help. If George never saw into the trunk, why did he say he did and even tell LE about the clothes and the collapsible blue bin inside? And why did he even bring up the gas can incident in the first place?
I keep having a problem with this and maybe you and other WS'ers can help. If George never saw into the trunk, why did he say he did and even tell LE about the clothes and the collapsible blue bin inside? And why did he even bring up the gas can incident in the first place?

He brought up the gas can incident because someone in the media told the public about the police report, I am sure while reviewing calls LE made to or about that house. I did watch an old NG on youtube this weekend and her "bombshell" was that maybe a stranger stole the gas cans and Caylee. GA wanted to clear that up right away for some reason. :confused: Like I said somewhere else, it is too bad for JB because he lost his only evidence that might link to a stranger abduction.

I can only speculate why he said he saw in the trunk - I think he went over it and over it in his mind, and he really wanted to believe that he saw in the trunk and there was nothing odd there and everything was fine. I think it might have put him right over the edge thinking that Caylee was there, right there in front of him and he didn't see her or notice her. But I believe, at the time, he had no reason to look at or in the trunk. The items he thought were there - the gas cans - were no longer in the trunk and were thrown or thrust at him by his angry and cursing daughter. The idea that he would look in the trunk in that moment versus at his daughter doesn't make sense. However, a month or so later, and with the gruesome and horrifying alternative that he might have been right next to her body and didn't notice, his mind decided he had seen, and there was nothing there.
I have always said from the beginning, well, almost the beginning, after George gave various accounts of this particular incident that there was SOMETHING important about this particular event.

Does anyone recall or can locate the comments that the Anthony's made about digging up or searching their back yard? Is it possible that George DID smell the trunk on that date, and they are fudging on the DATES of when they actually searched their yard?

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