GBC Trial General Discussion Thread #1

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I don't know if the debris in Allison's hair was leaves or microscopic pollen/seeds. Has it been ascertained?

Is it possible she tried to run from the yard and was tackled? My other thought is, she might have made it as far as the neighbouring block and dropped her phone - or ran into the neighbouring block while trying to phone the police. If the police received a partial phone call, it might explain why the police took the claims of her being 'missing' so seriously and so swiftly
Oh I have to tell someone my good news. It is OTT but noone I know is awake at this time.

I got engaged tonight lol in between being on here and other stuff. Some happy news for the day.

Well, blow me down. That's wonderful news! Here am I thinking about real estate type activities and farm type stuff. And kiwijayne is getting engaged. So excited for you. Hope you will be very happy. *advertiser censored*
Plant report summary here:

Mostly leaves and some fern bits, from plants either near back patio or carport.

And on checking, it was 6 plants in total - all found at BC residence, and only 2 (eucalypt sp and Chinese Elm - very common) found also at Kholo

Thanks for that link, Neuromancer. I'd read there were six distinct plant types with only two common to the BC house and Kholo, but didn't know the actual sizes of the plant samples found on the body (prior to your response)

Didn't know until reading here very recently that police located Allison's phone so swiftly. Two years back, we were under the impression for a long while that the phone was still missing. Then, in the last couple of pages of this thread, I learned the police located the phone using GBCs phone, and Allison's phone was approx. 60 metres away, in a neighbouring block. I think I remember it was mentioned that was the case (two years ago). But then discussion continued about locating the phone, from memory. So it seems those early rumours about the phone being located nearby were accurate, back then. Back when those rumours were current, I envisaged GBC grabbing the phone from Allison and tossing it - to prevent her from summoning help/police. But it's also possible things escalated and she feared for her life - and ran off into the dark to escape

If she was tackled, knocked out and then half carried/half dragged to the vehicle (or left under the house until assistance arrived) it would explain the debris in her hair. Guess the last thing the perpetrator/s would think of would have been evidence in the form of plant debris. But that plant debris, plus the locating of Allison's phone so near the house, could well seal a few fates, huh?

Thanks again for the info and link :)
I don't know if the debris in Allison's hair was leaves or microscopic pollen/seeds. Has it been ascertained?

Is it possible she tried to run from the yard and was tackled? My other thought is, she might have made it as far as the neighbouring block and dropped her phone - or ran into the neighbouring block while trying to phone the police. If the police received a partial phone call, it might explain why the police took the claims of her being 'missing' so seriously and so swiftly

And from day 1 of trial...BBM

Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 35s

Fuller: Of the six plants types taken from her body, only two were found at Kholo Creek. #badenclay

Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 46s

Fuller: The plants were present in the carport area. #badenclay
Sadly this is also the impression I got from her at the committal, when I saw her on the stand for quite some time. It was all about her and how it affected her and what she wanted, and fear for her and GBCs future - not once did I see genuine sadness that Allison had died and the children were left without their mother, not one shred of empathy for Allison.

I do believe that this woman was used and deceived by GBC but nevertheless the pressure she was putting him under to tell Allison that SHE would be at the conference the next day led, in my opinion, to the events that led to Allison's murder. In my humble opinion TM has blood on her hands. I hope she feels great shame for the part she has played in ruining the childhoods of those innocent children. Sorry feeling very angry and emotional! The trial is a lot harder than I thought it would be
If she was tackled, knocked out and then half carried/half dragged to the vehicle (or left under the house until assistance arrived) it would explain the debris in her hair.

Actually just looking at that video link (thanks Possum/Minerva ;)
you can see that the carport is open on three sides and accessible from both front and back of the house, so a trail that would pick up plant matter from back patio to carport is feasible.
Did the police ever locate Allison's tooth that chipped off?
Hypothetically, GBC and ABC have a fight, kids don't hear it. Both get injuries and ABC ends up outside in the bushes. Close neighbours hear it. ABC puts on her walking clothes and is off on foot towards Kenmore, but without a lot of yelling and screaming.

Although this hypothetical allows a conclusion that ABC meets foul play or commits suicide unbeknownst to GBC, it also allows a conclusion that GBC follows her in a car, and the fight continues towards Kenmore. (Remember the roundabout interest at some very specific times? Searching the industrial bins may have been for ABC phone?)

(Hopefully GBC iphone's "internal" database will put him on Kholo Bridge and a conclusion can be drawn without any doubt that he left the house)

The noises heard by neighbours at distance away from BC house (Kenmore etc) should not be discounted until all the evidence is heard.

Wow this gave me goosebumps! This would certainly account for injuries to both Allison and GBC plus the differing times that people heard screams! I can imagine them arguing and scuffling and her perhaps taking off on foot to cool down, maybe having threatened she would confront TM and GBC following in car where their argument escalated and led to Allison's murder.
I agree this could be why the police were so interested in the roundabout. Please please May they have good CCTV footage of GBC that night!
I do believe that this woman was used and deceived by GBC but nevertheless the pressure she was putting him under to tell Allison that SHE would be at the conference the next day led, in my opinion, to the events that led to Allison's murder. In my humble opinion TM has blood on her hands. I hope she feels great shame for the part she has played in ruining the childhoods of those innocent children. Sorry feeling very angry and emotional! The trial is a lot harder than I thought it would be

Imo, no need for you to apologise, Daisyinthedesert. Most of us have thought or expressed similar thoughts and emotions

Insecurity on her part, no doubt. Possession is nine tenths of the law and applies equally in matters of the heart, in the minds of some. Insecurity about his going home to his family each night. Insecurity about the true relationship between GBC and Allison. Jealousy, fear, insecurity. No doubt in time, TM will admit to herself that things between her and GBC were nowhere near as idyllic as she wanted to pretend. She played her only ace card, that of threat and petulance, demands for proof of his 'love'. Yes, she turned up the fire. And he, so accustomed to obeying, caved to the wrong woman instead of just manning up and telling her he was sticking with his wife and family

Far as I can see, the only thing TM offered was escape from the massive pressures he was under. He wanted to believe life after wife and family would be something out of a travel brochure. It wouldn't have been, of course. He would still have had to support his children in addition to finding a way to earn a living

And TM wanted to believe she and GBC could have the same travel brochure fantasy life if he would just walk away from wife and children as simply as closing a door. Immaturity, wishful thinking, unrealistic. I'm just glad those little girls didn't ever have her as a wicked stepmother. Because every time TM saw those children, it would have been yet another reminder that GBC had loved Allison and had made love to her to produce those children. In time, TM would probably have expected GBC to walk away from his children too
Ms Fowler told the service "exercise and going to the gym was not her (sister's) thing . . . I recall her sitting on her bed with a diet book in one hand and a block of chocolate in the other," she said, eliciting a chorus of fond laughter.

no matter how many times I read about Allison walking the above is always in the back of my mind....

I love this quote about Allison! It always makes me smile!
Something I'm not clear on is a remark made by one of Allison's daughters during the video interviews with the police. In response to questions about GBC's and Allison's bed, one of the girls said that GBC 'makes his own bed'. Does that mean he made his own side of the bed? Or does it mean he was sleeping on the couch or a stretcher? Apparently there was video showing the marital bed, which was a double or queen. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
As far as I know they didn't end up finding the phone.
They got a fix on the position of it, but it was never found and is still missing.
That sounded to me like he slept in his own separate bed or couch, sofa whatever, ie not with Allison.

Something I'm not clear on is a remark made by one of Allison's daughters during the video interviews with the police. In response to questions about GBC's and Allison's bed, one of the girls said that GBC 'makes his own bed'. Does that mean he made his own side of the bed? Or does it mean he was sleeping on the couch or a stretcher? Apparently there was video showing the marital bed, which was a double or queen. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
As far as I know they didn't end up finding the phone.
They got a fix on the position of it, but it was never found and is still missing.

I thought that perhaps with all the building next door it may have turned up there or it is somewhere at the bottom of the river near Kholo bridge.
As far as I know they didn't end up finding the phone.
They got a fix on the position of it, but it was never found and is still missing.

Thanks, Tootsie. Means I haven't missed as much as I believed I had over the intervening period. When I was in this forum back at the start, it was rumoured the phone had been traced to near the BC house. Then there was a lot of discussion re: finding the missing phone. After reading a few pages back that the policewoman had located Allison's phone using GBC's phone, I was under the impression this new information (actual locating of the phone)had emerged during the trial (and had been kept under wraps by the police all along)

How mysterious to locate it via an app on GBC's phone, yet to not physically locate it during the past two years (as far as we know at the moment, anyway)

Wonder if some kid found it and lost it again in a rain-soaked cubby house? Or maybe a dog picked it up and chewed it before dropping it somewhere?
That sounded to me like he slept in his own separate bed or couch, sofa whatever, ie not with Allison.

Sounds like it. But then when asked which side GBC and Allison slept in, the daughter replied in a way that suggested they slept in the same bed. Which made it odd that GBC would make only his side of the bed and not Allison's side too
I don't know if the debris in Allison's hair was leaves or microscopic pollen/seeds. Has it been ascertained?

Is it possible she tried to run from the yard and was tackled? My other thought is, she might have made it as far as the neighbouring block and dropped her phone - or ran into the neighbouring block while trying to phone the police. If the police received a partial phone call, it might explain why the police took the claims of her being 'missing' so seriously and so swiftly

Unlikely I would think. If I was in that kind of panic I would, if able, ring a loved one, not 000. Trust me, 000 goes out the window. I've been in an armed robbery and very well trained, but when it comes to the crunch you don't remember 000 as the number!.
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