GBC Trial General Discussion Thread #1

DNA Solves
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So you’re rushing all over the place – getting yourself ready, making lunches, rushed you don’t notice great rivers of blood streaming down your neck from the gouges in your face, yet you have the time to send text messages with proper sentences, perfect spelling and punctuation.

Too many keystrokes, and you have to go to the 2nd page on iPhone to add the question marks and then specifically engage the shift key to write in upper case

so you're thinking Gerard put a bit of time and effort into his messages, thinking that Alison wasn't the audience he had in mind, Jag?? look at me, just a nice all round floppypuppy husbandly kind of bloke, making lunches, tootling up the girls, shavin' and showerin' and lookin' for ya, Alison.. ?
I actually have some compassion for OW and her family. I agree that if she knows what happened and is covering for her brother this would be wrong and I hope this is exposed and dealt with if this is the case. However, if she legitimately knows nothing and genuinely believes her brother is innocent then I have genuine compassion for her. Such a lot for a sister to come to terms with. How does a sister comprehend what her brother is alleged to have done? I know that if I were her I would struggle to process and work through this reality whilst also dealing with grief. I am sure that she would have gone through or be going through the normal processes of grief that Kubler-Ross describes. I can't recall the details now, but there are various stages like denial, anger, acceptance and many more stages.

Yes. And I don't doubt most who've discussed and observed this case have felt, at one time or another, compassion for all those associated with Allison's murder. It would be very difficult to deal with and to grasp. The ripples spread wide. And there are no winners
I am sure I read a report on the prosecutions opening statement that Allison's phone was not located. Can anyone who was there on Tuesday confirm this?

I wasn't there at the court and won't be there at all, but like you Alioop I recall reading the same about the phone not being found.
Yes. And I don't doubt most who've discussed and observed this case have felt, at one time or another, compassion for all those associated with Allison's murder. It would be very difficult to deal with and to grasp. The ripples spread wide. And there are no winners

Exactly laserdisc10.
Yes true, but the presence of peroxide in the mix doesn't mean the hair was bleached as such, peroxide is also added to a tint to develop the colour. The grey retouch tint was 8NN + 8KG - so a reddish dark blonde tint applied to the hair.

You wouldn't be testing for peroxide on the hair (it breaks down into water and oxygen in the processing, and any left is removed in rinsing/drying - it's a fairly unstable compound that dissociates readily, esp with heat), but just seeing if the hair is bleached blonde.

And according to the hairdresser's history, the only time you should have been able to get a hair strand that was bleached blonde almost to the root would have been after the 19th.

So if you got lucky and
- the strand found was one that had been bleached in a foil that day,
- AND the root was present (growth/timing)
you could make an argument that it had to be from after the 19th

I s'pose someone could still come up with a story that it was from years ago and fell out of an old hairbrush and somehow got mixed up in a blood smear due to killer caterpillars, murderous light bulbs, blunt razors etc... :)

So are you saying that there is no test available other than a visual of whether the hair had been very recently bleached blonde or not? (or whatever it is that is done to make hair blonde - I'm not a hairdresser, so have used the word bleached as a lay person). That would be disappointing, because if that is the case, it seems there would be no way then to tell whether it was a foil very recently done (ie on the 19th), or a hair made blonde from a couple of months before. Maybe my theory has been shot down in flames all over again. :(

Edit; although, if it was a blonde hair with some grey near the root, it would show that it was not hair from the 19th.
I actually have some compassion for OW and her family. I agree that if she knows what happened and is covering for her brother this would be wrong and I hope this is exposed and dealt with if this is the case. However, if she legitimately knows nothing and genuinely believes her brother is innocent then I have genuine compassion for her. Such a lot for a sister to come to terms with. How does a sister comprehend what her brother is alleged to have done? I know that if I were her I would struggle to process and work through this reality whilst also dealing with grief. I am sure that she would have gone through or be going through the normal processes of grief that Kubler-Ross describes. I can't recall the details now, but there are various stages like denial, anger, acceptance and many more stages.

From the way she acted on TV to the news cameras, I highly doubt that she 'legitimately knows nothing and genuinely believes her brother is innocent'. I don't buy that at all. It's a little coincidental that she flew down to Brisbane just a few days before this all happened.

If she (and the rest of the BC family) genuinely thought their beautiful GBC was innocent and wanted her to come home, surely they would have helped A LOT more than they did when she went missing. They (including GBC himself) would have given statements immediately to police and done EVERYTHING they could to help out with questioning and to also go out searching for her non stop.

This is JMO but if my wife went missing one morning and I was truly innocent and the police were treating it as a homicide, I (along with the rest of my family) would be screaming out to the public for help and we would be be out with the police in their cars scouring the local areas non stop to help find her.

We wouldn't be going to 'vacuum' houses for our business and we surely wouldn't be going down to the Gold Coast to meet with a criminal lawyer on the same day my wife disappeared if I was 'innocent'.

I'm sorry but the way the whole family has acted from the very beginning does NOT show a family that believed in their sons innocence and they quite clearly did not want Alison to 'come home' or to be found.
I thought she was still a bit moony and infatuatued at the committal hearing.. filled with triste, regrets, loneliness, pining, craving even... maybe time has done its work.. but...

This looks across the courtroom at g could have been 'I'm sorry but I had to save my own butt mate'.
Exactly laserdisc10.

I remember Mr and Mrs Dickie, Allison's elderly parents, driving to Brisbane from the Gold Coast on daily basis. Although they were unimaginably burdened with fear and anxiety for not only their daughter but also their grandchildren and, I'm sure, Allison's husband, they nevertheless worked to provide food and drink for all the people who'd turned out to search for Allison. Then, at the end of those very long, dark days, they drove home again. Day after day. I'm filled with admiration for them. Under the same circumstances, I doubt I could function at all

In comparison, Allison's husband's family, who lived quite near by, apparently declined to attend the search headquarters in any capacity at all

Reportedly, Allison's father in law still hasn't provided police with a formal statement. And it's been said here quite recently that Allison's husband hasn't provided one either, whether or not that's accurate I don't know

I don't profess to be anywhere near as close to my brother as OW apparently is to hers, but if I were, and if I were prepared to confront the media in defiance as OW has, I'm confident I'd be saying a lot more to my brother, such as, ' I will not support any attempts you make to seize property rightly belonging to your dead wife. How could you with such indecent haste seek to gain insurance money from your wife's death? That money should rightly go to her daughters '.

I'd also be tackling my brother about his various versions of events. I'd say to him, ' I want the truth. You've said Allison walked in this and that direction. You've said she went walking at night and you've also said she went walking in the early morning. You've claimed you were told not to attend the searches, yet the police officer you claimed gave you those instructions has apparently flatly contradicted you'

And I'd tell him in no uncertain terms that he'd placed our family, our parents, under intolerable stress. He'd shamed us via his extramarital affairs and by his betrayal of his wife - and by extension, his little daughters

If my brother's solicitors instructed me not to worsen my brother's case by mouthing off at the media, I'd hold my tongue. I'd especially hold my tongue if doubts about my brother's role in the death of his wife were beginning to seep through my armour of denial. I'd prevail upon my parents to make a clean breast of it, because I'd know that was the right thing to do, right for all concerned

Yes, I might feel humiliated by the fact my brother had been publicly charged with the murder of his wife. Yes, it would impact a great deal upon my own life, upon the life of my own husband and children. I'd know it was impacting also on my other brother and his family. I might feel sorry for myself. I would wish it would all just go away. I'd become angry that this had happened to my family. I might be angry at the media for being there to record and report it. But then I'd think of Allison's children whose mother was gone from them forever. I'd look at the faces of Allison's parents and siblings and realize they were going through as much if not more grief and pain than I. And hopefully I'd feel humbled to the point I'd accept we don't always get what we want. What's done can't be undone. The legal process must proceed. And I must prepare myself for the worst scenario

Most of all, I hope I'd have the humanity to realise before very long at all, that the media didn't murder Allison. Those at the court didn't murder Allison. Someone murdered Allison and the only person accused of her murder is my brother -- and just because he's MY brother does not make him special, just as it doesn't mean he's innocent

My friends might feel sorry for me. Being the sister of an accused murderer isn't nice. But then neither is being murdered. Neither is having your daughter or mother or sister murdered. And if I had an ounce of genuine spirituality in me, my only prayer would be for justice to be done
I just spoke to a facebook friend who used to be a hairdresser (I am a bit hung up about the hair today). She said a new foil would rarely go right to the root of the hair and that if a red semi permanent colour had been applied a few days prior to the foils, there would be a fairly high chance that a single strand of the foiled hair would still have red colouring quite close to the root. Are there any hairdressers here that can confirm what she said is correct?
NBC said that on the 18th April GBC rang to ask him to babysit the children while Allison and he went for a coffee.
Looking at GBC phone records I am assuming that request was made at
7.45pm call lasting 1.28 min
He must have forgotten something and phoned back 2 minutes later for 1.36 mins.
NBC and EBC arrived, NBC said in court its a 5 minute drive.

This is the night GBC searched taking the fifth at 10.08pm

According to GBC that was because they were watching the Good Wife.

So WHy did GBC ring his father at 8.48pm and have a 4.27 minute chat if he was having coffee with his wife.

If GBC and Allison were home popped up on the lounge engrossed in the television then Nig would have felt the vibe between them.
We've been imploring Scraps for a couple of years now

Scraps is a teaser

just laughs -- look at that cute little Scrapsy face --- laughing at all the frown lines staring at her from behind a hundreds computer monitors

NBC said that on the 18th April GBC rang to ask him to babysit the children while Allison and he went for a coffee.
Looking at GBC phone records I am assuming that request was made at
7.45pm call lasting 1.28 min
He must have forgotten something and phoned back 2 minutes later for 1.36 mins.
NBC and EBC arrived, NBC said in court its a 5 minute drive.

This is the night GBC searched taking the fifth at 10.08pm

According to GBC that was because they were watching the Good Wife.

So WHy did GBC ring his father at 8.48pm and have a 4.27 minute chat if he was having coffee with his wife.

If GBC and Allison were home popped up on the lounge engrossed in the television then Nig would have felt the vibe between them.

How interesting, GBC seems forever consulting dear old dad even when he's trying to make amends with his wife on a coffee date. Doesn't make sense unless NBC has got the wrong night? Can it be corroborated? :confused:

BTW, noted from your post about GBC searching 'taking the fifth.'

I'm quoting myself here as earlier I posted this article where GBC searches self-incrimination before calling police. If this is true, will he be saying it's also in connection with the taking the fifth search?! Hmmmm.....

In the police documents, officers said he told them he had gone to bed at 10pm and left her watching television.

He is such a heavy sleeper, he told them, that he had no idea whether she came to bed.

But the next morning, on April 20, he became concerned when he awoke about 6am and found her missing.

She was supposed to have gone to a real estate conference that morning and she needed to leave by 7am, police claim he told them.

But before he called police, he again allegedly logged onto his phone and searched for "self-incrimination".

From there, he searched the Queensland Police Service website before dialling Triple 0, the bail documents say.

That morning police claim he would give four different stories to friends and family about a walk Allison could have taken when she disappeared.

To some, officers say, he said Allison liked to take a walk early in the morning. To his sister, Olivia Walton, he allegedly described a particular route. He told a close friend of Allison's that she would walk at 10pm each night and he described to his parents two different walking routes.

But when police asked, they said he told them he had no idea where she would have gone walking.

A local hairdresser who had done Allison's hair on April 19 said she would never have ruined her new "do" by exercising, the police argued in court papers.
NBC said that on the 18th April GBC rang to ask him to babysit the children while Allison and he went for a coffee.
Looking at GBC phone records I am assuming that request was made at
7.45pm call lasting 1.28 min
He must have forgotten something and phoned back 2 minutes later for 1.36 mins.
NBC and EBC arrived, NBC said in court its a 5 minute drive.

This is the night GBC searched taking the fifth at 10.08pm

According to GBC that was because they were watching the Good Wife.

So WHy did GBC ring his father at 8.48pm and have a 4.27 minute chat if he was having coffee with his wife.

If GBC and Allison were home popped up on the lounge engrossed in the television then Nig would have felt the vibe between them.

Is there a coffee shop in kenmore that would be open at that time on a Wednesday night? They can't have gone much further for a half hour coffee, or the half hour would have been taken up driving. I know it mightn't be relevant to the scenario at all, but the whole coffee story still seems strange to me, particularly with the phone calls that occurred.
Yes, the "self incrimination" search was never explained was it....or was it explained as connecting with the "taking the fifth" search...
I still wonder about the night of the first bail hearing (aborted due to a bomb scare), when the police landed at the BC senior residence and searched nbcs car. What was it about and what were they expecting to find? I wonder if we will hear more about this.

We never heard about an arrest in relation to the bomb scare either. This case has been full of drama.
TGY, my theory is this;
We know that the hair attached to the blood in the car was blonde. ABC had blonde foils put in her hair on the 19th April. Prior to that she had an all over red colour on the 14th and her grey regrowth touched up on the 12th and then likely nothing for 8-9 weeks prior (so pre Sparky).
So, if the hair was a head hair - and if tests can show that it was very recently bleached - then it would seem extremely likely that the hair got there at some point after she left the hairdressers on the 19th. And because the hair was attached to the blood stain, it would also seem extremely likely that the blood got on there at the same time imo.
Or, if the hair is found to have not been very recently bleached, then it would seem that it would be a hair from prior to the 14th (when she had the all over red colour) - so the blood would likely also have been there from prior to the 14th too imo.
Or, the hair in question may not even be a head hair so my ramblings about hair colouring might be completely irrelevant anyway. :)

From someone who dyes her hair regularly, :) I get full colour done every 6wks, then every other visit, some foils too. The complicating factor with the evidence on the hair will come down to how the hair is done. I don't get semis, but that I would think would cover all hair root to tip, and it's obviously not permanent so starts to wash out. Foils however if they are done like mine are scattered. Not every strand, and even a section that is foiled, receives the bleach - it's almost like a weave pattern they use, where some strands are bleached and some aren't.

So, if the strand has the semi, it's certain to be after the 14th. It's also possible to be the 19th, which I'm sure they could look at for the shampoo she used in the salon, even compare to other like hair strands from the deceased. If it doesn't have semi, it's before the 14th. If it is bleached, 19th. Done
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