GBC Trial General Discussion Thread #1

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I'm not quite sure how I can express my feelings about NBC's answers without using super bad language.

I may calm down soon, and then I'll give my two cents about that twit and his responses.

I think they are letting old nige dig a big hole for himself!!
Snipped by me for brevity and emphasis...

He said the couple seemed to be happily married in 2012.

huh? going to counselling, his daughter in law working at the office because his sons mistress was fired from there because his daughter in law found out about the affair, the three year affair?? I don't know what ' happily married ' would mean in Nige's lexicon of words, but....

Mr Baden-Clay said he did not talk to his son about the state of his real estate business. huh?? according to the books, Gerard owes Nige over $38,000.00 not including the loan the young brother , Adam , gave to Gerard which Nige paid back to Adam and recycled the loan in to his debt Gerard owed him.. didn't talk about it?

In cross-examination by Michael Byrne QC, for Baden-Clay, Mr Baden-Clay said he was employed as a salesperson in his son’s business and also did the accounts for the business. If Nige did the accounts, he wasn't telling Alison of the real state of the red and black lines in the accounts book. And if he really did do the accounts, he must have known, he couldn't possibly have not known of the state of that business in regards to income and outgo. Not possible for him not to have known. He must have known the extent of Gerards borrowings and payments , if any..

“They didn’t readily share with us any aspects of their marriage or their relationship,” he said.But Gerard did.. he sent an email to everyone in the office, that includes NBC and EBC in regard to Toni's sacking, and the reason for it.. so certainly, Gerard shared a whole lot of aspects of his marriage with Dad and Mum.

Yes!yes!and yes!!!!! They are allowing dig a very big hole for himself.
Excellent observations!!!!
Do we think that other people could have been involved in the coverup of Allison's murder? Other than his parents/sister? This is just a theoretical question.
At what point would walk away from :deadhorse:

I hope Allison had a confidant who is stepping up for her.
The Dickies will be truthful.

Remembering Princess Diana tonight.
I think they are letting old nige dig a big hole for himself!!
...... Yes, there has not been any challenging of any responses made by any of the witnesses. For any novices in Court (Jury included) the lack of accountability by witnesses for their answers seems to be far too trusting! Surely, when appropriate, inconsistencies will be pointed out in a forthright manner.....for the benefit of those who may need to have succinctly pointed out?
Nige, oh Nige! The old "I can't recall" trick, used by every dodgy politician, business leader, and crim to take the stand. Everyone knows it's code for "I'm not saying so I don't incriminate myself"
Do we think that other people could have been involved in the coverup of Allison's murder? Other than his parents/sister? This is just a theoretical question.

..... well his mistress Toni McHugh would be another ...... but the Prosecution has secured her as a witness (who was previously entwined) for the murder of Allison by GBC.
..... well his mistress Toni McHugh would be another ...... but the Prosecution has secured her as a witness (who was previously entwined) for the murder of Allison by GBC.

I was thinking perhaps in the wider circle.
When I went into court today I got stuck behind the BCs. I'm surprised that Allison confided in her mother in law - she gives the air of being the boss of the wash. And the bit about the darkened house, all to put doubt in the jury's mind about her mental state...

His phone was off the charger at 6.15am. He phones his folks at 6.30am. If she was out walking, she'd probably have been walking up the driveway around 6am or possibly later if she was due to leave for work at 7am. Did he phone the BCs before he supposedly texted Allison?

If my partner was 15 mins or so late from a morning walk, I'd hardly be reporting him/her missing to my parents. And seemed pretty nonchalant about GBC shaving 'injury'

The behaviour of the BC clan doesn't gel with a missing persons case.

My other impression was that the youngest daughter was coached. "We think she twisted her ankle" "we think" not typical language for a prep student

Glad you were able to get to Court today. Glad also to know that I am not alone in being surprised "that Allison confided in her mother in law."
In fact, I am not really surprised, because, put bluntly, I don't believe that for one minute. That she would confide in her mother in Law?!
Putting it more bluntly, Allison appears to have had Dignity. Class.
Okay. The prosecution hasn't exactly set the world on fire yet, and unless they have a massive trick up their sleeve, then this is what it will come down to (and it may be enough depending on the strength of the witnesses):

(1) The scratches. Let's face it - this is the most obvious physical evidence, captured via camera and therefore indelible. Once the prosecution call up their experts about how these could NOT be caused by a razor, then screams heard/unheard by neighbours in the night cease to matter as much.

(2) The blood in the car. How much? It seems as though the interviews with the girls may prove crucial in setting up this line of argument (ie new car, none of us had ever been in the back, nothing special was ever kept in the back etc). That said, the evidence presented at the committal hearing wasn't overly compelling. Maybe they have better experts to speak now?

(3) The botanical material in Allison's hair. You know what? It may well come down to this. This ccould clinch it. I take back everything I ever said about those nerdy science types at school.

Thoughts, peeps?
Do we think that other people could have been involved in the coverup of Allison's murder? Other than his parents/sister? This is just a theoretical question.

..... some others who we may like to name are not likely to be called as witnesses though, as witnesses are not permitted to be in attendance in the Court Room during the Trial Hearing. Of course, we don't know the names of the witnesses who we have not heard from yet.
Do we think that other people could have been involved in the coverup of Allison's murder? Other than his parents/sister? This is just a theoretical question.

Could it be TM? Did she sit outside watching the house not knowing where g went and who was in the back of sparky?
Would the bc's know what's in her 5th statement?

Tony was sacked? On what legal grounds? I recon she quit.
Nige, oh Nige! The old "I can't recall" trick, used by every dodgy politician, business leader, and crim to take the stand. Everyone knows it's code for "I'm not saying so I don't incriminate myself"[/QUOTE ha ! Or "taking the fifth"
Nige, oh Nige! The old "I can't recall" trick, used by every dodgy politician, business leader, and crim to take the stand. Everyone knows it's code for "I'm not saying so I don't incriminate myself"

Or " taking the fifth "
..... some others who we may like to name are not likely to be called as witnesses though, as witnesses are not permitted to be in attendance in the Court Room during the Trial Hearing. Of course, we don't know the names of the witnesses who we have not heard from yet.

So the person I think will most likely be called as a witness and I have a theory they know way more than they are letting on. Be it lying by omission or deliberate.

I'm not sure how the legal system works here but if a witness contradicts/perjures themselves what would that do to the trial?
New member but long time reader here. Have finally decided to join. I live about 2 minutes away from where Allison was found, and every time I drive over that bridge, I think of Allison. I didn't know her but I somehow feel I do now - so sad.

I look forward to seeing justice done. It won't bring Allison back, but it will allow the beginning of closure for those who knew and loved her. Good on all you loyal websleuths for keeping an online vigil over the last two years!

Welcome to Websleuths Whirligig looking forward to reading your posts.:loveyou::loveyou::loveyou:
I wanted to reply to UnfoldingTruth's post on the previous thread in regard to NBC correcting the pronunciation of GBC's name.

I think the operative word here is "christened". NBC was trying to use a bit of psychology by getting across that his son was a good 'christian' boy and would never do anything wrong. Phttt! Truth be known NBC probably calls GBC "boy".

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 11th -12th June - Trial Days 2 & 3

Thanks for sharing your view on that Makara. I was just, amazed at the seeming arrogance of the response from him in the situation. I couldn't belive he'd quibble over that at this point. But you are right I believe there was some psychology at work there. Maybe a bit of showing he is still in charge- I'm the boss.. and that he was not phased by the situation. I don't know, you could be right also in your suggestion, as I definitely think there is alot of and has been alot of 'for show' stuff going on there.
I wonder if we will see empathy from OW as at one time she proclaimed she had lost a sister in describing what happened to Allison. The Christian values, blind faith in her family and loving sister in law will be a hard line to travel.
Perhaps there is a reason why this type of evidence from the BCS is being left untouched, maybe they are being given free reign to make all their fancy statements. Then when the more believable experts come to testify - Allison's parents, friends and QPS each and every statement can and will be shot down................
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