GBC Trial General Discussion Thread #2

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So here's a question for you all... Do you think GBC is guilty and why?

IMO guilty. I can't find plausible reasons for scratches, blood, plant matter, this along with means and motive I can't see another scenario that fits. If her rings were missing or some other thing that would create reasonable doubt for me. But as is, I just cannot come up with another scenario.

me three guilty
Just don't believe Alison was suicidal at any time .. much less enough to actually do it. why would she do that and still keep GERARD as her beneficiary on her insurance policy.. to set Gerard and Toni up? I don't think so.

She would have hurled her wedding rings into the bush , and not her phone. She would have kept that phone clutched in her cold dead hands, rather than let it go.
oh guilty of both charges.. and a lot more besides.
Trooper - I love reading your posts. They always make so much sense and you are a brilliant writer. Thank you.
A husband, who has nothing to hide, doesn't speak so remarkable odd (interview police, interview journalist TV).

He doesn't need urgently x GMs to attest his scratches as "made by razor".

He doesn't tell his 3 disturbed children, their mother had fallen into a hole and wouldn't come back. Why was this his only version, what could have happened??

Just curious, are people in Brookfield likely to keep their cars locked at home? Where I used to live, we didn't lock anything. Could Allison have gone out to put the ball gowns in the car to take to KAW the next night and so done randomly attacked her? That would put blood on the door of the captivated, assuming the door was open. Then they've bundled ABC in their own car, took off and taken her to Kholo Ck....

Interesting to ponder how - or why - the culprit managed to get the car back to the BC house though, not to mention getting away again....

No - I think that's HIGHLY unlikely. Brookfield just wasn't - and still isn't - that sort of place. The people who live behind us never even lock their house - they figure if somebody wants to get in, they're just going to break a window anyway.

It's a nice place to live.
Interesting to ponder how - or why - the culprit managed to get the car back to the BC house though, not to mention getting away again....

No - I think that's HIGHLY unlikely. Brookfield just wasn't - and still isn't - that sort of place. <modsnip>. The people who live behind us never even lock their house - they figure if somebody wants to get in, they're just going to break a window anyway.

It's a nice place to live.

I lived in a big house while there we had 7 entry points to get into the house. The only time I locked them all was when I was home alone in the 7 bedroom house one Saturday night. The rest of the time I felt safe.
I lived in a big house while there we had 7 entry points to get into the house. The only time I locked them all was when I was home alone in the 7 bedroom house one Saturday night. The rest of the time I felt safe.

plenty of room to hide :floorlaugh:
GUILTY! - 1)The insurance money was his get out of hard knocksville, 2)the desire to leave the situational emotional hassle Allison presented him, 3)the plant material, 4)his Adonis effect on needy women - capable of scoring ample chicks, 5)his family's estrangement from Allison and the Dickies, 6) no chance of Allison gaining his respect in 4 years, 7) the scratches - signed by Allison 8) no broken bones leaning towards being was placed there 9)no elevated Zoloft levels indicating suicide 10) blood in the backseat of a car
Interesting to ponder how - or why - the culprit managed to get the car back to the BC house though, not to mention getting away again....

No - I think that's HIGHLY unlikely. Brookfield just wasn't - and still isn't - that sort of place. <modsnip>. The people who live behind us never even lock their house - they figure if somebody wants to get in, they're just going to break a window anyway.

It's a nice place to live.

it is Doc if I was bookie suicide would be 100 to1 third party 95 to 1 sexual assault 500 to 1 murder by someone else 95 to 1 murder by husband 1 to 3
odds on
Bookmarking the thread before I get lost :)
Allison was taciturn and reserved and not well at the hairdresser.
Allison the next morning had to attend an real estate event and had to look good (knowing most of the other participants probably would be informed about "ex"-mistress).

In a bad mood and with fresh hairdone Allison wouldn't consider to do a walk.

Arguement or not, around 11pm there is a terrible scream (Flegg). The murder takes place.
Allison dead or severe injured, GBC wraps her body into some sort of tarp. This tarp was perhaps stored in the open carport (4 diff. traces of plants).
GBC loads the wrapped body in the rearward car during which he pushes Allison's head (blood, hair in the car).
At Kholo Creek bridge or in the vicinity GBC unloads the body and fixes some straps. The straps GBC leads on his left neck side towards his right armpit (abrasions to neck, chest and near armpit). With his hands GBC holds under the belt to not cutting his skin through fabric (therefore bruising marks from hand knuckles).
GBC pulls this load (the wrapped body), perhaps abseils the body meter by meter.
Then the body is deposited under the bridge and has to be unwrapped, where the body rolls in the sleeping position.
Finally GBC needs help to dispose the tarp, the straps, his muddy clothing and shoes (cars, door clapping, voices at Kholo).
That's my version - today.

Great theory FG, GBC was pretty heavy at the time so the abrasions from straps most likely cause.

I definitely think a tarp or two was involved too and any other muddied clothing/tools would have been disposed of carefully.

I'm sure a few locals who are posters here have said that road is usually quite busy and that might discredit the theory though.

This begs the question whether GBC left the children alone in the house all that time? Very risky indeed if that happened, and dangerous for the girls. :mad:


Bin collection day in Brookfield, 2012, anyone can answer? TIA
Even my husband - mr look at every little thing thinks he's guilty
Anything is possible, however if that is the case, why did GBC lie about the scratches on his face?

The expert witnesses couldn't say 100% without doubt that the scratches didn't happen the way he said. Just that fingernails were more likely.
The expert witnesses couldn't say 100% without doubt that the scratches didn't happen the way he said. Just that fingernails were more likely.

one witness said not plausible I thought
But forensic expert Margaret Stark from NSW police's clinical forensic medicine unit, who studied photographs of Baden-Clay's injuries, said while she couldn't completely rule it out, they were not consistent with cuts from his razor.

These injuries are typical of fingernail scratches," the forensic doctor of 25 years' experience told the court via video link from Sydney.

"It's not diagnostic, it's not 100 per cent, but in my experience this is a very typical presentation of being scratched by fingernails."


Meanwhile, three forensic experts told the court that scratches on Baden-Clay's face and body seen after he reported his wife missing looked like fingernail marks and not shaving cuts.

The court has heard that Baden-Clay said the facial injuries were shaving cuts.

'I find it extremely implausible,' forensic doctor Robert Hoskins said.

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