GBC Trial General Discussion Thread #2

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The expert witnesses couldn't say 100% without doubt that the scratches didn't happen the way he said. Just that fingernails were more likely.

None of the experts thought that is was remotely likely that they were caused by a rasor. Their words, extremely unlikely ... Not at all likely. But, consistent with finger nail scratches. Pretty clear really.
But forensic expert Margaret Stark from NSW police's clinical forensic medicine unit, who studied photographs of Baden-Clay's injuries, said while she couldn't completely rule it out, they were not consistent with cuts from his razor.

These injuries are typical of fingernail scratches," the forensic doctor of 25 years' experience told the court via video link from Sydney.

"It's not diagnostic, it's not 100 per cent, but in my experience this is a very typical presentation of being scratched by fingernails."


yeah bit of a worry I suppose but too many said it was more likely fingernails but I suppose that's where beyond reasonable doubt comes in
Interesting to ponder how - or why - the culprit managed to get the car back to the BC house though, not to mention getting away again....

No - I think that's HIGHLY unlikely. Brookfield just wasn't - and still isn't - that sort of place. The people who live behind us never even lock their house - they figure if somebody wants to get in, they're just going to break a window anyway.

It's a nice place to live.

Thanks Doc. The mention of the Rayney case got me wondering. I was convinced he'd done it. You know, I still don't always lock up here yet my husband who is a city kid born and bred freaks out about me doing that and locks everything. I have the same theory, if they want to get in, they will. That's exactly what happened, we went out, left some things unlocked yet they still broke a window and the frame to get in!
Thanks Doc. The mention of the Rayney case got me wondering. I was convinced he'd done it. You know, I still don't always lock up here yet my husband who is a city kid born and bred freaks out about me doing that and locks everything. I have the same theory, if they want to get in, they will. That's exactly what happened, we went out, left some things unlocked yet they still broke a window and the frame to get in!

still think he did it. I think lucky it was a judge only trial and he [judge] seemed to be able to pick technical flaws in crown evidence . don't think that will happen here . lots depends on summing up and justice byrnes directions to the jury:moo:
Anything is possible, however if that is the case, why did GBC lie about the scratches on his face?

If he didn't kill her but had had an argument that got physical, he would not want to admit this to police.
So here's a question for you all... Do you think GBC is guilty and why?

IMO guilty. I can't find plausible reasons for scratches, blood, plant matter, this along with means and motive I can't see another scenario that fits. If her rings were missing or some other thing that would create reasonable doubt for me. But as is, I just cannot come up with another scenario.

Yes guilty and it's probably not fair but just because he lawyered up so quickly.

But I would be pleased if he isn't guilty for the children's sake.

I posted this in other thread, I found it while researching death by strangulation. (I hope I never need to show police my internet history :yow:)

Three types of fingernail markings may occur, singly or in combination: impression, scratch, or
claw marks. Impression marks occur when the fingernails cut into the skin; they are shaped like
commas or semi-circles. Scratch marks are superficial and long, and may be narrow or as wide
as the fingernail itself. Claw marks occur when the skin is undermined; they tend to be more
vicious and dramatic appearing.

Because most victims are women, the scratches caused by their
longer nails frequently are more severe than the scratches caused by assailant’s.
If he didn't kill her but had had an argument that got physical, he would not want to admit this to police.

better than making up crap about a blunt razor that has all but been proved wrong :moo:
looking back thru the statements of various people in close contact with Gerard, he has more public breakdowns than Alison ever did.. his were in front of multiple people and not just ( oddly) in front of Olivia, like Alison's were suggested..

He cries like a <modsnip> at the business partners meetings, the awful one where the business partners were in some doubt as to Gerard's veracity in regard to money and of course the ongoing problem of Toni. He blubbers to Flegg, he then sobs his little heart out to Sue Heath.. this isn't normal behaviour in the context Gerard was presenting. It has all the hallmarks of a man in the deepest manic depressive phase. I am convinced Alison was living with a manic depressive and hers was reactive.

It is baffling to me that NBC didn't pick up on his son's mental issues.. NBC says he did the accounts.. . that's enough to drive a saint into despair, and NBC must have known this. He must have, as much as Gerard , have some inkling of what monies were coming in, and what was going out. Of where money was coming in from, and to where it was going. Unless it was going to him first, and everything else second.. Gerard was at great pains to with hold all information about the money from his partners, on the grounds that his 'parents financial business had to be kept private'.. I so long for the forensic accountant..

Gerard wasn't a generous bloke to the women in his life.. it was ironic that he complained to the Doc about the running machine .. .. but he only bought Toni a camera, she says.. She and Gerard seemed to be at ease with the back seat of a car and not the Hilton, or even a 2 star motel.. it was , truly , a poverty driven affair. No dinners out, no furs, no silk pyjamas, no jewellery, no Dinnigen dresses in a ribbon splayed box delivered.. no sudden weekends to Hamilton Island, or a week in Bali, or a few days at a spa... nothing, nothing, nothing. Nothing.

Even if Flegg had lent Gerard the $300,000.00 on spec, he would be actually worse off, according to the forensic accounts. He would be marginally less in debt, assuming he paid some debts off, and that's not guaranteed, with Gerard, but he would be carrying a $200,000.00 larger debt that what he was already in, with the same amount, if not more , hopeless possibility of paying it back.

Nige, who says, out of his own mouth, that he did the accounts, must have known this . He couldn't avoid knowing it. Every entry and every days accounting would have shown this in numbers of fire on the page.. Gerard didn't even seem to have a second lot of books going , as far as I can tell. I wouldn't put it past him to try and work it out, he himself was an accountant.. . but such a useless one, if he had tried to ghost a second accounts ledger, it would have looked like a dogs dinner, just like the real one did.

The one important bill he just couldn't get paid was Alisons insurance due payment. due on April 6th, he got a grace and favour extension till May 9th.. After May 9th it died and Alison was uninsured from then on.. so from April 6th ( the payment was $1100.00...) Alisons insurance policy was hanging by its fingernails.. Gerard was 13 days into the worry of it, with only 19 days to get the $1100.00 when Alison was murdered.

Good to see you back Trooper. I, and probably everyone else, missed your input over the past few days.

Some time ago I read that Gered never managed to qualify as an accountant. He has something like a business qualification from possibly The Darling Downs Institute of Advanced Education. Because he failed to pass exams to be an accountant, the large accountancy firm who was employing him had to let him go. Hence, he ended up at Flight Centres.

IMO, Gered has very little business/financial acumen/smarts. He should have been rolling in it after the property boom. It could be that, as a result of the property boom, he thought that he was an invincible financial wizard and went on to act as such making some really silly financial decisions. Hopefully, we'll hear more about this in the trial. What we do know is that he didn't waste any money on Allison or their home.
Sorry if this has been covered but has the scream reported by Bruce Flegg been accounted for?

Ms Stephanie Apps reported her children screamed "just before 10pm". I think she also said it was loud but that she would not describe it as a blood-curdling scream.

Bruce Flegg heard a scream while on the phone at 10:53. He described it as "blood-curdling" and "disturbing".

Are they two different events or the same one?
Great theory FG, GBC was pretty heavy at the time so the abrasions from straps most likely cause.

I definitely think a tarp or two was involved too and any other muddied clothing/tools would have been disposed of carefully.

I'm sure a few locals who are posters here have said that road is usually quite busy and that might discredit the theory though.

This begs the question whether GBC left the children alone in the house all that time? Very risky indeed if that happened, and dangerous for the girls. :mad:


Bin collection day in Brookfield, 2012, anyone can answer? TIA

The girls:
IF there was a privy relative, then that special person had taken care and perhaps cleaned the kitchen/home.
On the other hand: who is as stringent as GBC with his kids at bedtime (going alone and without cuddles), may have demanded that they get along well at night and alone for some time.
Maybe, first time girls alone, later on a relative there.
The busy road:
Maybe, GBC parked his car not directly on the bridge, but in the vicinity and not visible to drivers on the road. Maybe, he knows his way around for whatever reason.
Later on there were 2 cars, but one without lighting.
Yes guilty and it's probably not fair but just because he lawyered up so quickly.

But I would be pleased if he isn't guilty for the children's sake.

Guilt or not, he is so self-absorbed it is sickening.

Yes, he lawyered up very quickly, but there are heaps of other things that don't add up in the days/weeks/years that followed 19 April 2012. For me, that "I was a little bit hurt, but I'm OK" interview was so false. Why didn't he make a plea for Allison's killing to be caught, or for her to come home. Yet he phones 000 to report his wife has been missing for 10 minutes, then gets dressed for business as usual. No doubt in my mind.

Sorry if this has been covered but has the scream reported by Bruce Flegg been accounted for?

Ms Stephanie Apps reported her children screamed "just before 10pm". I think she also said it was loud but that she would not describe it as a blood-curdling scream.

Bruce Flegg heard a scream while on the phone at 10:53. He described it as "blood-curdling" and "disturbing".

Are they two different events or the same one?

don't know I am confused about that .did the defence call her to show it wasn't als scream
Sorry if this has been covered but has the scream reported by Bruce Flegg been accounted for?

Ms Stephanie Apps reported her children screamed "just before 10pm". I think she also said it was loud but that she would not describe it as a blood-curdling scream.

Bruce Flegg heard a scream while on the phone at 10:53. He described it as "blood-curdling" and "disturbing".

Are they two different events or the same one?

Has to be different - with a 1 hour-period of time. I'm relying on that.
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