GBC Trial General Discussion Thread #3

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That reference that someone posted earlier, about the serotonin syndrome, is actually very good. And of course one of the main diagnostic features of the syndrome is clonus, including ocular (eye) clonus, and general muscle clonus.

Clonus is a series of rhythmic contractions of muscles - in other words, similar to an epileptic fit or seizure. There are other components too - all of which would make it extremely difficult to walk 14Km - or to do anything at all, actually.

It will be interesting to hear what the defence forensic toxicologist will say, and even more interesting to see if the prosecution have anticipated what he'll say and are prepared well enough to cross-examine him. And to make the point understandable to the jury without being patronizing. They really do need to see these finer points for what they are, and to appreciate the significance of them, how important they are, in differentiating between the defence's version of events and that of the prosecution.

I also hope that the judge is up with it too - I'm sure he would be. And I hope he is able to give guidance to the jury if he sense that some of the technical details are going over their heads. I hope.....

One thing that occurred to me is if Allison suffered hyperthermia from Serotonin Syndrome, she'd likely have torn that jacket off.
Distancing himself from it, trying to make it sound like an unfortunate disease over which he had no control - just call it for what it is, tomcatting all over the western suburbs

well. in the words of Gerard himself. he isn't proud of it..

ha de har har...
Don't forget the "we had a miscarriage" quote...

Yes indeed, the miscarriage must have hit him hard too. No doubt the subsequent recovery was so much harder on him than on Allison. What an amazing husband he was, taking the miscarriage on board, along with his breastfeeding "failure", because you know "I couldn't breastfeed, but . . . I was doing 80, to 90, nearly 100% of the parenting." Pick a percent GBC and stick to it. It's not like you haven't had time these past two years to get your story straight. Very strange.
The feeling I got from Mr Byrne yesterday was they will be suggesting she floated down the creek and came to land in the spot she was found. The time lapse video was to show the amount of debris washed up and down that particular section of the creek hence how the plant matter could have been entwined in her hair.

Because we don't actually know where her body started from ( assuming it floated to its final resting place ) we don't know whether all those plants were available in the creek area to become entwined - does that make sense ?

Thing is,wouldn't there have been evidence she was submerged?

The depression noted by one of the investigators whose name escapes me,they said the depression under where her body was found was still there sometime later. Was the depression made by the force of dumping her body there? *scratches head*
I think they will need a lot of luck to make this fly.
The autopsy report specifically referenced the body having been placed in the position it was found shortly after death.

Does anyone who was there yesterday have any observations of the jury's or the public gallery's reactions to his story telling travelogue?

I was there yesterday and I can tell you my reaction was to get up and leave earlier than I planned. I was worried I was going to go to sleep and embarrass myself ( and Liaden ) by snoring !!!!!

I wouldn't be at all surprised if the jury's minds started to wander. - what's for dinner that night, plans for the weekend etc etc
Like I said in an earlier post it was like being at a Baden -Clay slide show night, minus the slides. I actually thought I was going to get the giggles when he talked about one particular place in their travels. He went on and on and I was just waiting to hear about the cafe he'd had lunch in and what he'd eaten and how well it was cooked. Honestly it was sooooo boring !

Arrrrrgh :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
The feeling I got from Mr Byrne yesterday was they will be suggesting she floated down the creek and came to land in the spot she was found. The time lapse video was to show the amount of debris washed up and down that particular section of the creek hence how the plant matter could have been entwined in her hair.

Because we don't actually know where her body started from ( assuming it floated to its final resting place ) we don't know whether all those plants were available in the creek area to become entwined - does that make sense ?

They seem to have missed the evidence given by the forensic pathologist that he was of the view (I believe also accepted by the coroner) that Allison was in that particular position very soon after her death. Dr Watson may be able to throw more light on this, as I understand he has access to the full report, but I believe it had something to do with blood being pooled in certain parts of the body. So try as they may, this line of arguing wont get them far, unless they also are aiming to have the coroner's decision overturned.
Welcome :)

Most life insurance policies exclude payout for suicide only for the first 12 or 13 months - this is simply so people don't decide to commit suicide and then take out a policy.

So if it was determined to be suicide then yes I believe payout would be made.

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There's something at the back of my mind as I read this...someone correct me if I'm wrong, please, but I seem to recall very early on in the forums reading about how the 12 or 13 month waiting period for suicide on this particular policy had not long expired when this whole tragic incident took place? Can't remember if it could be backed up by facts or if it was only rumour. Anyone remember?
The feeling I got from Mr Byrne yesterday was they will be suggesting she floated down the creek and came to land in the spot she was found. The time lapse video was to show the amount of debris washed up and down that particular section of the creek hence how the plant matter could have been entwined in her hair.

Because we don't actually know where her body started from ( assuming it floated to its final resting place ) we don't know whether all those plants were available in the creek area to become entwined - does that make sense ?

Thanks wewillgetyou. They're on an uphill battle with the video. No chance in the world they could re-create that creek area to what it was back in April,2012 no matter how much debris or whatever is in that creek.

I still cannot believe they even thought about going there. That tells me they're desperately clutching at straws.
They seem to have missed the evidence given by the forensic pathologist that he was of the view (I believe also accepted by the coroner) that Allison was in that particular position very soon after her death. Dr Watson may be able to throw more light on this, as I understand he has access to the full report, but I believe it had something to do with blood being pooled in certain parts of the body. So try as they may, this line of arguing wont get them far, unless they also are aiming to have the coroner's decision overturned.

I agree totally with you !

The only plausible way would be if her body entered the water further up and floated to the final resting place quite quickly after that.
Does anyone recall what the tide was doing between say 10pm and, I dunno, 2am ? Was it going out ? How high was it ? Could she have entered further up and been moved via the water pretty much straight away ?
I was there yesterday and I can tell you my reaction was to get up and leave earlier than I planned. I was worried I was going to go to sleep and embarrass myself ( and Liaden ) by snoring !!!!!

I wouldn't be at all surprised if the jury's minds started to wander. - what's for dinner that night, plans for the weekend etc etc
Like I said in an earlier post it was like being at a Baden -Clay slide show night, minus the slides. I actually thought I was going to get the giggles when he talked about one particular place in their travels. He went on and on and I was just waiting to hear about the cafe he'd had lunch in and what he'd eaten and how well it was cooked. Honestly it was sooooo boring !

Arrrrrgh :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

just for my profile outline.. did he come out the hero in every little anecdote he told?
Thanks wewillgetyou. They're on an uphill battle with the video. No chance in the world they could re-create that creek area to what it was back in April,2012 no matter how much debris or whatever is in that creek.

I still cannot believe they even thought about going there. That tells me they're desperately clutching at straws.

Oh Marly I couldn't believe they had literally only just taken the footage either ! It was taken after the trial had started. Why hadn't either side thought of doing this before now ?!
I was there yesterday and I can tell you my reaction was to get up and leave earlier than I planned. I was worried I was going to go to sleep and embarrass myself ( and Liaden ) by snoring !!!!!

I wouldn't be at all surprised if the jury's minds started to wander. - what's for dinner that night, plans for the weekend etc etc

Like I said in an earlier post it was like being at a Baden -Clay slide show night, minus the slides. I actually thought I was going to get the giggles when he talked about one particular place in their travels. He went on and on and I was just waiting to hear about the cafe he'd had lunch in and what he'd eaten and how well it was cooked. Honestly it was sooooo boring !

Arrrrrgh :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

Thanks WWGY - and what of the jury? and others in the public gallery? Was there any indication of their appreciation of this entertaining discourse?
With all the talk on worry ia that we r giving defence tips
.....Yep ..... some good angles expressed from across people of all ages, etc. (Like a Jury)!
13km is not too far to walk, especially if you're pissed off and on a mission and you know where you're headed. You've got all night - 13km is nothing. And if you've taken the pills (and I say this because a good family friend did this last year in north Qld, took the pills and crawled under a bridge to die), then it's only a matter of time. Sleep time.

I realise I am playing the worst devil's advocate ever here. I realise this flies in the face of most sentiments previously expressed, including my own. BBut I also feel that if this is a true crime-busting forum, we must discount all possibilities.

Let's kick around what may have happened & who may have had reasons to kill.
Considering Allison's blood was found in the Captiva it's pointing she was in the back dead or with an injury so she wasn't the driver and she wasn't hit whist on her walk.

Who drove the car and who killed Allison?
BTW I'm still amazed there was no blood transfer or kholo dirt to door handles, gear shift or steering wheel.

The three investor amigos would be aware of the insurances if they studied the books but they stressed emphatically (in perfect unison) they were in no hurry for the money. What wonderful friends!
Who would knock on the door at night and because G is a sound sleeper Allison answered OR a late night call for Allison to meet somewhere?

One of the three amigos wanting to talk?
TM on a bender wanting to tell all and confront?
Or a 'hit' sent to kill the golden goose, nah a hit would not go searching for a set of car keys.
Home invasion? Nah.

Allison or someone got the keys to the Captiva from the house but why would they drive it back and park in the garage?
That wasn't Allison.

I keep coming back to the scratches.......did TM turn up and one of them scratched G but Allison copped the ultimate brunt.
(TM is every woman's nightmare)

I'm on a merry-go-round with 'who,what,where and when'

Mr and Mrs Dickie need closure, they have lost their daughter at the hands of someone and they deserve answers. I noticed how they have aged, they've had a huge load to bear, whereas the GBs are wearing bright pink scarves and all smiles. How can they be happy under the circumstances, it's all about their golden child and not the motherless children and the loss of a daughter inlaw. I'm seeing a callousness I don't understand.

Otherwise lock your doors and watch your children because there is a random murderer around Brookfield. NOT!
Rant and ramblings over because I'm just doing full circles again and again.

The jury has a big job. Let there be justice for a mother who is not forgotten on WS.
For anyone who may not have read it...quite a good lengthy summary of yesterdays "session"...

haha.. I am only a few sentences in to this report, Marly and already hooting with laughter..

'Gerard said he joined Flight Centre for a great opportunity at Toombul in 1994 after realising accounting did not suit him. '

what an understatement!!... if ever a bloke wasn't cut out for accounting, it was Good Old Gerard.
Carmel Ritchie, on the stand on the 16th of June as per Kate Kyriacou
'Gerard listed his achievements rather than providing personal details'......
We are all feeling your pain now Ms Ritchie!!

I am also sure that Gerred told either a counsellor or a psychologist direct that he wanted out of the marriage, as he had told Allison on their wedding anniversary two years previous, but I have not been able to find the link. It flies totally in the face of his so called wanting to build a future together after 'the' infidelities.

Dr George said Baden-Clay had considered ending the marriage but felt guilty about that.
Not to mention, we are expected to believe Alison put his phone on the charger at 1.48am then after only ~ 3 - 3 1/2 hrs sleep got up and went for a 14km walk all before she was meant to be attending an all day conference!

I wonder.....what does the Defendant think happened to the woman he intended to spend the rest of his life with?
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