GBC Trial General Discussion Thread #4

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I had the board game and always played as Penelope Pitstop :)

:dance: I had the board game too!

If he starts reading them, maybe ask him to let you know if he comes across any dastardly deeds.
Loved Muttley's sneaky chuckle, but fancied myself as a bit of a Penelope Pitstop type :)

He has managed a few novels already so I'm hoping the "more grownup" storylines will be OK for him - we shall see :)

That cheeky chuckle is the reason Mutley was my favourite! haha!
I can still manage a half decent impression. :blushing:
I wondered if that was to try and say look I've had lots of affairs - why would you think I'd leave home for this one?

Yep, thats similar to my thoughts on this part.
making it appear this is par for course, love em and leave em, why would any think the TM affair was any different?
Maybe the phone disposal took place with the body. If this was done in the heat of the moment (the murder), when I don't think G had completely thought through the story, and how this would have to change once police then later criminal charges came onto the scene. Just a thought. Or maybe it's a more personal attack. Phones can store photos and important things, so it could be an act of anger. It could also be to cover something up. What I don't get is why nothing was backed up to the iCloud. Anyone?
Just having awful thoughts here - I wonder if the suspected bruising on Allison's chest wall could have been from someone's body weight or knees while smothering her? Apologies if that has already been discussed, or is upsetting to read.

That is what I suspected Catswhiskers!
I'm still unhappy about the lack of physical evidence linking GBC to Kholo Creek and the lack of a definitive cause of death. In the end it's all about the scratches. How many movies or TV shows have we seen where DNA clinching the case is found under a victim's fingernails? It is almost a cliche, and it might be enough to get a conviction. I am in awe of Allison that she may have had the wherewithal to try and mark her killer at that moment.
Oddsocks, I agree with others here..... your amazing portrait should go to the Dickies and the girls. What a great gift you have and what a great gift you would be passing on. A copy can placed at her memorial.
Think about it at least.

Funny how things come about.
My youngest boy is 8, and has exhausted his collection of books. Last night I pulled out my old collection of Famous Five books which I had as a kid, and have introduced them to him. Hopefully he finds them as interesting as I did (I reread them many times as a boy).

And as for "dastardly", I too thought of Wacky Races (and Mutley, my favourite) :)
Spent a bit of time searching for a photo of DD with some face scratches but no luck.


If he starts reading them, maybe ask him to let you know if he comes across any dastardly deeds.

Loved Muttley's sneaky chuckle, but fancied myself as a bit of a Penelope Pitstop type :)

And Walk A Mile, I don't think we realise half the info our phones and other devices are storing or beaming out about us constantly. Something police must be increasingly grateful for these days.
Maybe the phone disposal took place with the body. If this was done in the heat of the moment (the murder), when I don't think G had completely thought through the story, and how this would have to change once police then later criminal charges came onto the scene. Just a thought. Or maybe it's a more personal attack. Phones can store photos and important things, so it could be an act of anger. It could also be to cover something up. What I don't get is why nothing was backed up to the iCloud. Anyone?

You can choose not to use iCloud. I back up to my computer not iCloud.
Perhaps Allison was ringing Toni, from her phone, Gerard knew and Toni was about to pick up. Toni did say that she half expected Allison to ring her one day to confront her, and had her number in her phone so she could be prepared, but had recently deleted it.
Perhaps that is when Gerard hit her in the mouth, chipped her tooth, sent the phone flying, picked up a cushion ...
He is so intent on saying that Allison was non confrontational. Over and over he says that.
What if they went out the back, argued, he killed A away from the house by the back fence (where Scraps lives), the dragged A back to the car, and placed her into the boot? No need to clean anything up on the inside. Maybe the tooth was chipped from being dragged through the garden over rocks? The jumper rises up . It was dark at the bridge so he didn't notice A was bleeding, so didn't clean up the blood. If only he was a Botanist he may have thought about the fallen leaves!
This is so frightening to me. I have a close friend who is living a miserable life at the moment. She is married to a narcissist. The things he says and does are sending her mad.It is like he pushes and pushes her and then when she gets angry he uses it to his advantage. He is always belittling her with comments about her low paying job and how she has no ambition. She has told him her ambition in life is to be a good mother with happy children and to be happy herself. He makes all the decisions in that house. He treats her like a child. But she loves him and is always trying to make him happy. But it is never good enough. She has suffered from depression and anxiety in the past but has recently started to stand up for herself. When this happened he insisted she go back on antidepressants because " she wasn't herself". He is very secretive and has passwords on his phone and ipad, even his own personal computer hard drive. He is in charge of all the money and they have been experiencing financial problems that she has only just found out about. She says she thinks he is having an affair although he denies it and tells her it is the depression talking. He has had affairs in the past.
I worry because he has told people he is afraid she is suicidal. He even told her parents this. She has told me and other friends and her doctor that this is not true. I worry because she would never imagine he would hurt her physically. But I'm sure Allison thought the same thing.
It is hard to help her because she still loves him. All I can do is listen to her and let her know I am here if she needs. But , how I hate him for what he is doing to her.

Have her put it in writing and signed by her and witnessed. Please.
And there was this from OW, now O Baden hyphen W.

Quoting a Bible passage that refers to being "struck down but not destroyed", Mr Walton went on to criticise coverage of the Brookfield mother-of-three's disappearance and death.

"Precious friends, on another matter you need to be aware that the media are glorying in the most revolting and salacious gossip. They seem determined to do all possible to damage and destroy.

"They have virtually imprisoned us in the house! They have NO regard for Allison or her family - despite their 'crocodile tears' for Allison. I warn you that there may be more and worse to come."

Mr Walton - who is married to Mr Baden-Clay's sister, Olivia - also told how the family had made a collective decision to remain quiet.

"Please do not put your trust in what you read and do not lose faith at this time.

"We have decided not to speak publicly to the media and to grieve in private.

"We may pay the price for this in the 'court' of public opinion."

OW was correct in her predictions.

The revolting and salacious gossip has continued to flow and has become more lurid and shocking in it's details.

However, I don't think that she expected that it would be the fine upstanding (pun intended) Gered providing this information.

I would have loved to have seen OW's face when Gered talked about his sexual activities with TM and many other women!! Was anyone here lucky enough to witness this in court?
I'm going to theorise that the phone was hidden in bushland at the rear of Boscombe Rd so that in the early days of the search while the phone still had charge, it would indicate this as its location (via FindFriends or triangulation), thereby concentrating the search there and away from Kholo Creek Bridge, allowing the body time to putrefy (and destroying evidence of the injuries that led to death).
I just had a think about the phone what if it had evidence on it say Allison managed to record something(her being attacked or such like). The easiest way to get rid of the evidence would be for the phone to go missing. Forensic people could possibly retrieve evidence from it etc?

I think the phone is a bit of a red herring. If Allison went out with intent to take her own life, why take the phone? If she had the phone with her, she would still have it presumably - in the pocket of her jumper perhaps? I think this is why G said she couldn't walk to friend's house and didn't consider she may have walked out and phoned for them to come pick her up. He knew she didn't have her phone and he was only thinking of what was in his script - walking.
This is so frightening to me. I have a close friend who is living a miserable life at the moment. She is married to a narcissist. The things he says and does are sending her mad.It is like he pushes and pushes her and then when she gets angry he uses it to his advantage. He is always belittling her with comments about her low paying job and how she has no ambition. She has told him her ambition in life is to be a good mother with happy children and to be happy herself. He makes all the decisions in that house. He treats her like a child. But she loves him and is always trying to make him happy. But it is never good enough. She has suffered from depression and anxiety in the past but has recently started to stand up for herself. When this happened he insisted she go back on antidepressants because " she wasn't herself". He is very secretive and has passwords on his phone and ipad, even his own personal computer hard drive. He is in charge of all the money and they have been experiencing financial problems that she has only just found out about. She says she thinks he is having an affair although he denies it and tells her it is the depression talking. He has had affairs in the past.
I worry because he has told people he is afraid she is suicidal. He even told her parents this. She has told me and other friends and her doctor that this is not true. I worry because she would never imagine he would hurt her physically. But I'm sure Allison thought the same thing.
It is hard to help her because she still loves him. All I can do is listen to her and let her know I am here if she needs. But , how I hate him for what he is doing to her.

As a close friend there are a lot of things you could help her with.

There's numerous contact numbers along with information on following link if you feel she needs it...
Personally I don't think the phone would have held any incriminating evidence but Gerard in his panic just thought he better get rid of anything that may.

Seriously, his undoing is his stupidity in calling the cops in the morning. He should have headed off to work and explained that he thought she had ben picked up early for the conference and didn't worry until he got a call from Kate about Allison not being there for the pre arranged meeting. That is a believable story and would throw more reasonable doubt into the cops mind to begin with. There are so many ways he could have played this and thrown way more doubt into my mind but he chose the early phone call which is a guilty man's conscience at work there- all over the place.

I am totally of the belief in the theory ABC went to bed first and slept and was smothered. This is the only way GBC could do it wthout a) leaving loads of physical evidence ie: blood and b) without waking the kids.

Another thing I want to know is- has anyone independent of the clan confirmed if ABC was a walker in the mornings? I just can't see GBC allowing her to walk in the streets when he forked out all his hard earned on a treadmill. I would imagine he berated her every night it wasn't in use.
Can someone explain to me what could be on Allison's phone that would make it necessary for it to vanish?

PS I loved that word "dastardly." If he had have come out with "poppycock" or "fiddlesticks" my day would have been made.
The clincher for me is the description of her clothing GBC gave to police. Grey three quarter pants, light, like tracksuit grey... and a singlet top. The mannequin had a black tshirt and dark grey pants. You'd be screaming to anyone who'd listen "No, they're not the clothes! It's all wrong!"
I think the phone is a bit of a red herring. If Allison went out with intent to take her own life, why take the phone? If she had the phone with her, she would still have it presumably - in the pocket of her jumper perhaps? I think this is why G said she couldn't walk to friend's house and didn't consider she may have walked out and phoned for them to come pick her up. He knew she didn't have her phone and he was only thinking of what was in his script - walking.

One of her daughters stated that mum always took her phone with her on walks. If she had her phone on her she would have been found too early. Maybe G thought ahead and knew A would take her phone, so best dispose of it separately.
Maybe the phone disposal took place with the body. If this was done in the heat of the moment (the murder), when I don't think G had completely thought through the story, and how this would have to change once police then later criminal charges came onto the scene. Just a thought. Or maybe it's a more personal attack. Phones can store photos and important things, so it could be an act of anger. It could also be to cover something up. What I don't get is why nothing was backed up to the iCloud. Anyone?
Maybe The find my friends app was never ever on Allisons phone only GBC's.
GBC's reaction (or lack of one) was still an interesting snippet and another little piece of the puzzle - the fact that he didn't seem relieved or want to rush over to the neighbour's himself and look for Allison at least.

Exactly. And Kellie Thomson noted GBC's reaction, or lack of, in her statement. I think this whole thing about Allison's phone showing up on GBC's phone was a furfy and GBC fell for it hook, line and sinker. No running over to 61 Boscombe Road, no "Thank God! You've found her." etc. Kellie Thomson noted the blue dot on GBC's phone at 1:09pm. The house had already been declared a crime scene over an hour earlier and GBC was well and truly under suspicion.
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