Genealogical DNA surname projects?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Earthbound Misfit I

Justice for Kimberly Shawn Cheatham
Sep 30, 2005
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Jason Doe's DNA is available and I wonder how much it would cost and if it would be allowed to take his DNA results and submit it to the Genealogical DNA surname projects?

I had emailed the University of Northern Texas about using this tool as a way of possibly getting some of our unidentifieds identified or at least it would be a lead for us to follow. I didn't get any reply back from UNT and I didn't do a follow up email or phone call. I could do that if anyone thinks this might be a worthwhile project.

What do you think??
This is a great idea. Have you tried contacting the Detectives in charge of his case to see if this would be possible? Do you think they've done a DNA profile of "Jason" already and just haven't released it?
Yes, they have done a DNA profile of Jason. At least according to his page found here: So, all that would need to happen would be to have that DNA submitted to some of the largest surname DNA projects there are to have Jason's DNA compared to many surname projects.

This is a great idea. Have you tried contacting the Detectives in charge of his case to see if this would be possible? Do you think they've done a DNA profile of "Jason" already and just haven't released it?
I don't see that LE would have that sort of funding available to do this type of thing unless they can get the persons who run the Surname DNA projects to do it free of charge.
It wouldn't hurt to ask if they could do it for free. They would be doing something good for the community.
(email addresses removed)

To whom it may concern;

I am emailing you regarding a young man who has been going by the name of Jason Doe AKA Grateful Dead Fan for the last 15 years, his agency case number is 123526.

I have been working on Jason Doe's case along with several others on an internet based forum, we have grown to love Jason dearly and want nothing more than to see Jason's case solved and for him to have his name back and for him to be returned home to his loved ones. I know that his body has been cremated, but his spirit is still here and even if we could give his family the peace of mind knowing what happened to him, it would be very uplifting to those of us who have worked so hard to "bring him home."

One of the recent topics of discussion on Jason and the possibility of having him identified revolves around his DNA, this is the reason I come to you for your assistance, our group would like to propose to you the possibility of having Jason's DNA submitted to some of the genealogical surname projects in hopes it may lead us to a match/hit on a surname or a very close match on Jason's DNA. We would also like to propose to you that we are willing to start a special fund that would help pay for the costs of having his DNA submitted those the surname projects.

Could you please get back to me at let me know if there is a chance of having Jason's DNA submitted to these Surname Projects? I believe that at this point and time this is one of the best tools we have in getting Jason identified.

I thank you so much for any help you could give us,

Best Wishes,

RKnowley (email address removed)
(phone # removed)
I emailed the Virginia Medical Examiners Office last Thursday and asked her if they would allow "Jason's" DNA to be submitted to some Genealogy Surname databases, I have not heard back from her yet, of course, we do have the long holiday weekend going on right now. If I don't hear anything back by Thursday, I will try again.
That's not odd at all RK.

I even thought of this too, but I don't know if the county or state would have the money to pay for it right now (recession).

Here is an article describing the process for another John Doe

...A study of oxygen isotopes in the boy's bones and teeth by a Canadian college professor who specializes in geochemistry determined the particular isotopes from the boy's skeleton matched samples taken from the tooth of a Naperville child.

The research further determined the boy's mother had lived in the south-central portion of Canada while pregnant with the boy -- likely Winnipeg, Sault Ste. Marie or the surrounding areas, said Henry P. Schwarcz, an emeritus professor at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, who performed the study...

Certainly, once enough time has passed and there is money they could disenter this young man (if they don't have any bones or teeth reserved for another reason) and test him to help find the location he came from, helping to narrow the focus for his identity to be found.

Maybe wishful thinking on my part.

I hope in Jason Doe's case they kept teeth and some bones. I know he was cremated. I also know that his DNA profile is on file somewhere so it could be entered in various genealogy databases and ran against whatever surname databases there are available. There just has to be a better way of getting our unidentified Does' identified.

That's not odd at all RK.

I even thought of this too, but I don't know if the county or state would have the money to pay for it right now (recession).

Here is an article describing the process for another John Doe

Certainly, once enough time has passed and there is money they could disenter this young man (if they don't have any bones or teeth reserved for another reason) and test him to help find the location he came from, helping to narrow the focus for his identity to be found.

Maybe wishful thinking on my part.

Apparently there is a "familiar" database also. It can be used to find perps, like in the Grim Sleeper case. That may also be an avenue?

Quoting myself again...ME won't get back to me about this..why do I find this odd that ME won't answer me about any of the things that I have contacted them about?

I emailed the Virginia Medical Examiners Office last Thursday and asked her if they would allow "Jason's" DNA to be submitted to some Genealogy Surname databases, I have not heard back from her yet, of course, we do have the long holiday weekend going on right now. If I don't hear anything back by Thursday, I will try again.
Last time I checked you could get a Genealogical DNA screening for about $150, altho might be different since you don't know the last name, more work.
that is really a good idea and seems like they could do this for most males as a aide in IDing the UID
Are you sure the right person got this, I find that emails to LE agencies and coroners go unanswered and leaves you wondering if they care or what is going on.

Have you attempted calling the agency in charge of his case?

I think this would be a good idea if it could be done, by the way.
Debbie, no, I was not certain that the right individual received it, so, last night, I sent another email off to the NamUs case manager of our Jason Does'. The case worker IS from the Office of the Medical Examiner - Virginia. I know he is the correct person to contact because I had sent him off an email about comparing Jason Donald Reynolds to our Jason and he replied and was a very nice gentleman and said if we had any other possible matches to send them on to him or if we had any other questions we could contact him, also.

Are you sure the right person got this, I find that emails to LE agencies and coroners go unanswered and leaves you wondering if they care or what is going on.

Have you attempted calling the agency in charge of his case?

I think this would be a good idea if it could be done, by the way.
RE: Agency Case Number C1995-23526
From: Baldwin, David (VDH) <>
To: (email removed for privacy) Date:Wed, Aug 18, 2010 8:38 pm

Dear RKnowley,

We are attempting to obtain a DNA profile from him. If and when a profile in obtained, the DNA profile will be placed into CODIS and the NamUs file will be updated accordingly.

At the moment, I, personally, am not familiar with the genealogical surname projects you referenced. Can you provide me with some additional information on the projects (to include a website) so I can determine if this is a viable option for us.

Have a wonderful day,

David Baldwin
Question: when new DNA is received, is it automatically compared to various databases in the country and then automatically compared to missing persons databases from other countries?
Was there ever a resolution to the DNA and its submission to other databases?

This thread just seemed to stop ....

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