General Discussion #4

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No problem, "Close"...I appreciate your trying to interpret our communiques to those who are not currently standing nose-to-nose with this current investigation ( of our missing Lisa Michelle).
Your assessment of Amy's position was fairly accurate...and her trusted position with BOTH sides of the story.

What is not appreciated (and I will say this with the utmost control and diplomacy) is that any person who lives in a Glass House, shouldn't throw stones....especially towards those people are actually doing everything, sacrificing everything to get to the bottom of what happened to Lisa (and protect her children).

Unless you ("Seriously" and anyone else who read this) are standing in our shoes, and our shoes ALONE, in this case - they have no right to make catty, snide remarks...or actually rip into someone who was actually furthering this investigation, to end the agony & pain her children and family are currently feeling.

I, too, was touched by murder during my life (see Moxley/Skakel - Greenwich, CT)...but that does not mean that I know what it is to have my own mother (named Lisa Stebic) missing (probably murdered or, at least, as the PPD/FBI designate as a "Victim of Foul Play"). The same should go for ALL of you.

Whether you like it or all are "Armchair Detectives" when it comes to this case. (Despite what you tell yourselves). Just as I would be if the situation was reversed.

My proximity to Lisa's case allows me to understand many of the more layered-details .... which, I would hazard, none of you have. (Just as I have none of the details of the cases which affected your own lives, respectively.)

If Don Z. or I see that you (or anyone else,here or on other websites other Forums) are putting forth an untruth, a piece of misinformation, an undeserved vitriolic layer and/or accusing innocent people in Lisa's can be assured you will hear from us! This is due to the fact that it is our assigned duty to roam through these many Forums (which are following the Lisa Stebic case)...and keep track of what is being said, put forward the truth (as we know it to be, to this date) in order to protect her..her children, her family...and, yes, even Craig Stebic.
AZ News Watcher I believe that you need to take a few minutes and read our TOS Rules here at WS. #1 We do not allow anyone to come to WS and attack anyone of our members. #2 Websleuth is a forum where we welcome debates and each and every member has a right to his/her own opinion and if someone has a problem with that then I think that it's best you remove yourself. You will find here at WS we do not allow a victim nor their family to be attacked or bashed. But we do allow our members to post their opinions and if some believe what Amy did was wrong then that is their opinion and their right as a member here at ws and we are NOT going to allow them to be bashed nor attacked. So do not think you are going to come to WS and tell us how WS is going to be run and what members can say or not say because if that is your mission it's not going to happen. We welcome you here but if you can't respect others opinions then I believe it would best for you to remove yourself from this every emotional forum. I can truly understand the hell that you and Lisa's family are going through hoping and praying that Lisa will be found alive and safe so that she can be with her precious children and family and friends.
That gorilla is getting bigger and bigger...What about Lisa, anything new? Any new thoughts or ideas???? Any searces planned? I see a lot of upcoming events are planned....great to keep here picture and story out there.
AZ News Watcher I believe that you need to take a few minutes and read our TOS Rules here at WS. #1 We do not allow anyone to come to WS and attack anyone of our members. #2 Websleuth is a forum where we welcome debates and each and every member has a right to his/her own opinion and if someone has a problem with that then I think that it's best you remove yourself. You will find here at WS we do not allow a victim nor their family to be attacked or bashed. But we do allow our members to post their opinions and if some believe what Amy did was wrong then that is their opinion and their right as a member here at ws and we are NOT going to allow them to be bashed nor attacked. So do not think you are going to come to WS and tell us how WS is going to be run and what members can say or not say because if that is your mission it's not going to happen. We welcome you here but if you can't respect others opinions then I believe it would best for you to remove yourself from this every emotional forum. I can truly understand the hell that you and Lisa's family are going through hoping and praying that Lisa will be found alive and safe so that she can be with her precious children and family and friends.

We do not seek to bash or attack, WindChime...we seek to correct inaccuracies and mistruths. "Personal Opinions" hide and often perpetuate this misinformation.
Amy sacrificed her job (and perhaps her career) in trying to get to the bottom of what happened to our missing loved one...and it is we who do not appreciate such a dedicated & truly innocent individual to Lisa's cause being attacked.
If the members of this website (which was, presumably, founded in trying to help solve these terrible tragedies concerning women who are innocent victims in horrendous crimes) choose to not hear directly from & pose info-seeking questions of two main members of the team involved in the case you are all discussing...then it is a tragedy, indeed.
It indicates that you are, perhaps, no more than a cyber-coffee clutch..and not a group of well-meaning, supportive individuals truly dedicated to solving Lisa's disappearance.
You are correct, though ...that we, Lisa's family and the FLS Team, are standing, currently, in a VERY HOT KITCHEN...and emotions always run high in this type of situation.
But all of you have also been given a rare and unusual opportunity...and that is to have a direct-connect to two people who are directly associated with the victim, you are all discussing.
Don Z is Lisa's cousin...and I am the reason that any of you have actually ever even heard of the woman named Lisa Stebic.
I propose that we all start from a "clean slate" that I put forth the truth surrounding Amy Jacobson & her dedication to Lisa, Lisa's children and Lisa's story (as we know it to be...and how personally offended we were to read many of your members' comments)...and ask that any inference/remarks to Amy belonging at the National Enquirer or any other sensationalistic publication be kept in a file cabinet or popped into a wastebasket where it belongs.
You are all welcome to pose questions, double-check timelines, compare other cases which bear similarities to Lisa's case...with us.
My work with the CBS Network's 48 Hours Mystery program (concerning Lisa's disappearance) has led me/us to examine many of those similar criminal cases which could help us solve this one.
Perhaps you would all like to put forth, from your own experiences - the facts of your own individual cases - any hard, comparitive information which would assist us solve this case of our missing loved one.
We are not looking for psychic information...rather, real-life information which will yield us some answers.
To answer Ocean's question: There are no organized, official searches planned at this time. We are awaiting, as you all are aware, for the FULL picture of labwork to be processed from the PPD/FBI raid in May.
Once we have more leads, another official search is possible.
There are several smaller groups who are initiating their own searches, based on psychic intuitions. They are proceeding on their own recognizance...not with official approval, but with gratitude from Lisa's family ( on the understanding they not trespass on private property, they do not disturb possible criminal evidence and, above all, remain safe!)
Apparently we are not what you are looking for in a forum... we've never claimed we were here to solve crimes or find missing persons, though that has been a side benefit in some cases for this community. This is a DISCUSSION forum...

We're all entitled to our opinions and that includes our opinions on Lisa, Craig, Amy and any and all people associated with this case.

I'm sorry you expect much more from this community than we obviously give... but our "cyber-coffee clutch" are just fine with the way things are.

We weren't "looking" for anything, MagicRose....we are actually operating in a "Responding" mode to what was/is expected from us, as representatives of Lisa's family.
Members of your site wondered who we were and why we weren't posting here, if we were commenting on another site (which we only became aware of, when it was printed up in a Sun-Times newspaper publication):
Originally Posted by SeriouslySearching
I think it is odd that Don Z would prefer to go to a junk site like that instead of here where people are truly interested in the case. I find that in itself very strange.

That is very strange, agreed, SS. Unless he is there hoping that someone will reveal something that would lead to a break in the case. The only other possible explanation is that he doesn't know this site exists, which I doubt."
We are simply coming forward and saying that we NOW know that this site exists..and that we are here to answer these questions, as well as put forward the Truth/Facts, as we know it, so far.
As stated before, if there are any of you who wish to put forth facts from other cases similar to Lisa's (such as the Perry March case, in Nashville)..this would be the time to do it.
We, too, are entitled to our opinions...and based on our knowledge of Lisa's home life & subsequent disappearance..they come with a little more weight for those who sincerely want to follow this case.
We are happy to stick with the facts...and ensuring everyone has a clear view as to what has been reported.
If someone has an opinion which contains "misinformation" (based on our knowledge of the case)- we will put forth our opinion, in debate form, and you all can decide upon what is being said by both sides.
Again, we came to this site - in response to a request...and in our responsibility to all those trying to return Lisa to her children.

It is certainly not for our enjoyment that Don Z. and I have been "getting to know" all of these forums, and having to keep track of them.
Our participation is strictly carried out in our devotion to her.

If all of this is making you (who follow our missing loved one's story) "stand too close to the flames" of an actual ongoing, high-profile criminal investigation...then we will be happy to withdraw completely from this website.
WindChime has only to ask..and we will comply.
We also have other family members of victims here at WS. Missing forum Rachel Cook her father post here, A mother who's daughter and 10 month old son was murdered, the baby was tied with a noose and a number of others so I do understand what you are saying but we have not treated them any different then the way we will treat the two of you Az News Watcher and we have had to ask a few family members to leave because it was just to emotional here because we do allow our members to post their opinions. We also have a family member of Tara's that post here. You have every right to post the true facts if someone post wrong information but it will be done in a nice way not rude.
Thankyou AZ for answering my question. Wind Chime it is great to know who is posting here. It can only help those who search.
Ok, just so I do not miss something vital: What are the important facts of this case that I need to know beyond what has been reported in the news reports? And what things have been reported in news reports were wrong things and in those instances what is the correct fact?

I thought at one time it sounded as if L.E. was pretty much on the right track and was only awaiting more test results and other data to be able to advance the case.
Ok, just so I do not miss something vital: What are the important facts of this case that I need to know beyond what has been reported in the news reports? And what things have been reported in news reports were wrong things and in those instances what is the correct fact?

I thought at one time it sounded as if L.E. was pretty much on the right track and was only awaiting more test results and other data to be able to advance the case.

You haven't missed anything, Doc...if you have been faithfully following the case via the news reports from the beginning.

We cannot put forward any other information beyond what is being reported.

As far as we know, the PPD/FBI are operating on the same track, as before...and, we, Lisa's Family are simply awaiting the same Lab work.

We are visiting all the forums to help keep everyone focused on what is..and what is not currently known about the facts of the case.
It is amazing how quickly these get confused ! :doh:
. . .We are visiting all the forums to help keep everyone focused on what is..and what is not currently known about the facts of the case.
It is amazing how quickly these get confused ! :doh:
Yes, it does not take long for things to get turned around, twisted and in some cases invented.

As to following the case "faithfully" I have to admit that I may have missed a news update somewhere along the way. I do not have it set up on any sort of news alert service. I look at several cases on more than one forum so it is hard to keep 100% uptodate at times. Feel free to post any case summary you think appropriate at any time. Also feel free to email me or PM me if you need to. I use this same user name at yahoo for email.
Perhaps they are being diligent, but you would never know it around here by how tight lipped they are. All I've seen them do is issue a search warrant and interview some neighbors. That web of neighbor interviews didn't go more than two or three houses in either direction.

I give them credit for that, and the immediate missing person searches done around the area in the first couple weeks, but most of what has transpired has been a result of Lisa's friends and families urging. The last LE involvement I've heard of has been the "naming of a person of interest" and the elusive "lab results" due any day, announced well over a month ago.

As Joe public, I'm not aware of all activities going on with LE, but I have kept my ear very close to this and have not heard a thing over the past three months that gives me any indication they are any closer to solving this case. Perhaps, the silence could turn out to be to their credit in the long run, assuming it is there intention to withhold the plethera of info they have.

Please, I'm not dissing your statement. (I'm speaking more out of frustration as I usually do, which usually gets me in But I am curious, "What it is that give you the impression of diligence on LE's part"?
Yes, it does not take long for things to get turned around, twisted and in some cases invented.

As to following the case "faithfully" I have to admit that I may have missed a news update somewhere along the way. I do not have it set up on any sort of news alert service. I look at several cases on more than one forum so it is hard to keep 100% uptodate at times. Feel free to post any case summary you think appropriate at any time. Also feel free to email me or PM me if you need to. I use this same user name at yahoo for email.

Actually, Doc...the best source for information on Lisa's through our family website ...go to the "A Look At Recent News/Press" page...and you will find most of what you are seeking.
We update it immediately, when something new develops.
Things have been a little "quiet" media-wise, to alot of "behind-the-scenes" work (Filming with CBS Network's 48 Hours Mystery program, Working with CBS Outdoor, the Chicago White Sox and Cubs, etc) to keep Lisa's face, name, reward monies, website and tip hotline directly in view with the Chicagoland public....while awaiting the painstaking lab examination of forensic minutia obtained by the PPD/FBI in a Midnight raid, back in May.
All cases such as these must take their normal course of action. Investigation take time. We, as Lisa's family & support team, trust in the LE handling her case...and are quietly & patiently supporting them.
Exactly how are you related to Lisa, AZ?


I have been a long-time friend of her family.

I have worked in the TV/Radio News Industry for over 25 years.

I am co-creator of Lisa'swebsite (along with her cousin's Mark and Melanie Greenberg)

I am and have served as their Media Advisor/Facilitator, Website Administrator, Coordinator of Community Events/Searches...and Campaign Designer to Find Lisa Stebic! (since Wednesday, May 2nd, 2007...48 hours after Lisa went missing).

Lisa's other cousin, Don Z. and I have accepted the positions of "visiting" the different website discussing Lisa's case, both to monitor and contribute, on behalf of the family.
I drew this one (among others, including Braveheart & CyberSleuths)..and he drew Topix, & one other).
We confer on a daily basis - about the questions being posed, the point of views being expressed and then, if necessary, discuss our answers prior to posting them.
He, alas, is much more amusing, in his answers, than I. ;)

Does this adequately answer your question, Seriously?

An article from the Chicago Tribune on Lisa's website would elucidate on this topic, much more...if you wish to invest the time.

See the bottom of our Recent Press/News page.
Actually, Doc...the best source for information on Lisa's through our family website ...go to the "A Look At Recent News/Press" page...and you will find most of what you are seeking. . .
Thank you. I read one of your previous posts that mentioned that address and then went there and looked it over, paying attention to the links you have mentioned in your post #56 in this thread as well as a few of the other links. I also took a look at some of the source code, mostly out of curiosity as I have also done some website work from time to time.

At present time I do not see how I can be of much help in this case but will try to keep my eyes open for any new development.
Thank you. I read one of your previous posts that mentioned that address and then went there and looked it over, paying attention to the links you have mentioned in your post #56 in this thread as well as a few of the other links. I also took a look at some of the source code, mostly out of curiosity as I have also done some website work from time to time.

At present time I do not see how I can be of much help in this case but will try to keep my eyes open for any new development.

We appreciate your time and your expertise, Doc.

You never know...something might "develop" with the case which would pique your interest, again, someday. But, until then, thanks for checking in!
I wonder about the Steibic kids. Surely they are back in school? Is Craig working these days? What's going on in that household? Boy would I like to be a fly on the wall i that house.

((but not get swatted!!)))
This was in my local paper today:

Police: Stebic case at a crossroads

Will meet with state's attorney about next steps

August 31, 2007
By Janet Lundquist

Four months after Lisa Stebic disappeared, police say the missing woman's case is at a crossroads.
The flow of tips about the missing mother of two has mostly dried up.

• Find Lisa Stebic Web site

Police have searched local parks, trails, lakes, storage facilities and parking lots -- and anywhere else Lisa might have gone.
Investigators have followed some leads out of state. They've consulted with other law enforcement agencies who have handled similar cases and interviewed and re-interviewed friends, family, acquaintances and others.
Now police plan to meet with the state's attorney's office, which has assigned an assistant state's attorney as a point person on the case, to review the evidence.

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