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Does anyone have a link to view this show? I didn't see this until today.
This man admitted to being a serial killer from 2001-2011 and traveled all over the U.S. picking out random people as his victims. He hid the bodies and weapons very well. He recently admitted to killing someone in Ocilla but would not give out any other info. I immediately thought of Tara.,0,1608326.story

Sassy - Can you provide a link to where he "admitted to killing someone in Ocilla"? That's the first I've heard of that and it would be an interesting read.

According to the article you posted, it says:

To investigators he described "several remote locations that he frequented to look for victims -- parks, campgrounds, trail heads, cemeteries, boating areas, etc.," the FBI said.

Keyes apparently never knew his victims, which frustrated officials early in their investigations in Alaska and Vermont.

Investigators said he'd confessed to killing one person somewhere on the East Coast in 2009 and taking the body to New York.

He also claimed to have killed four people in Washington state -- two in separate attacks in 2005 and 2006, and a couple in one attack between 2001 and 2005 -- but no bodies have been found.


Tara went missing from her home, not a "remote" location. There is proof she was home after the pageant and BBQ (other than her car being home).

Investigators say he confessed to killing one person on the East Coast, but nothing about Ocilla, GA, and that was in 2009. Tara disappeared in 2005.

As well, according to the FBI Press Release (attached), Keyes was believed to be on the West Coast (WA state area) in 2005 and 2006.

From what I've read about Keyes, I don't believe there is any connection between him and Tara.


Has anyone ever searched the Crystal Lake property that has been referred to a couple of times in here?
Has anyone ever searched the Crystal Lake property that has been referred to a couple of times in here?

I'm unsure of the answer to your question right now, crazyeyez, but I do want to say welcome to Websleuths!

This man admitted to being a serial killer from 2001-2011 and traveled all over the U.S. picking out random people as his victims. He hid the bodies and weapons very well. He recently admitted to killing someone in Ocilla but would not give out any other info. I immediately thought of Tara.,0,1608326.story

SassyBenton, I also would LOVE to read the article, or if he confessed on video as he did some...would like to see or read this......I have followed him and the case since the 1st day they released his photo and that was before they knew Samatha Koenig was dead.........................I will say I have many reasons and deep deep felt feelings as to why I feel he is and was Tara's strong in fact after reading about all his dirty works and they way he seemed to bothered me so bad I contacted a Private Investigator and just poured my heart out to him about Tara's Case and 1 other that I feel so strong IK was both their abductors......and I was instructed right after he killed himself to go to the FBI with my stories...and I have now done so.........................If Keyes admitted to killing someone in Ocilla this would help me so much, but I feel maybe after all these years her family might have some type of closure if that is possible under these circumstances.....I would be happy to share my whole story with sleuthers and tried to do so but many of my posts was deleted by administrators...I am fairly new at this and apparently I posted things with names where I searched them but would love to give my story on Tara's page
I'm unsure of the answer to your question right now, crazyeyez, but I do want to say welcome to Websleuths!

I'm wondering if this was the body of water Tim Miller and his crew searched??...if so 3 cadaver dogs alerted to a place there...but not sure if this is the correct place
Sassy - Can you provide a link to where he "admitted to killing someone in Ocilla"? That's the first I've heard of that and it would be an interesting read.

According to the article you posted, it says:


Tara went missing from her home, not a "remote" location. There is proof she was home after the pageant and BBQ (other than her car being home).

Investigators say he confessed to killing one person on the East Coast, but nothing about Ocilla, GA, and that was in 2009. Tara disappeared in 2005.

As well, according to the FBI Press Release (attached), Keyes was believed to be on the West Coast (WA state area) in 2005 and 2006.

From what I've read about Keyes, I don't believe there is any connection between him and Tara.

As I have posted in an earlier posts, I have followed the Keyes case from the 1st day they released his photo and read every single article they released and found some that was in his older years...............The timeline was released very shortly after he killed himself.....NOTE*** there is a lot of months, weeks and days un-accounted for on this that gives room for a lot of questions un-answered.....................I will and do believe 198% Keyes was the person that abducted Tara....I have done a lot of research on Keyes and on Tara's case....Unless LE brings forth another person and proves beyond any shadow of a doubt....I will draw my last breath on this earth believing he took Tara and 1 other lady...I believe it so strong I called FBI after his death and reported both to them.....
Remember he picked his victims at random....He loved MEDIA ATTENTION and confessed he would go get on his computer and watch media coverage faithfully, and he confessed he got about as much THRILL watching the coverage as he did murdering.......He also told LE that Men did not get much media attention and one he killed was ruled an accidential he loved abducting people that would get a lot of media coverage......He knew Tara was a beauty queen....he knew she was a teacher.....he knew she would be highly in the media..........He would go to a town as he did in Essex Vermont in 2009....get a feel of the town and if he felt good about it...Bury one of his Cache's or Murder kits.....leave and then when the URGE (his words) hit him he would return to that town and pick a victim....He may have been in Ocilla as much as 2 yrs prior to this abduction...IN the Curriers Case in Essex, he went in 2009, buried his Cache in a wooded area not far from the motel he stayed at, went back in 2011 and picked his victims...stayed at the same motel he had 2 years earlier.....and also by the envelope of money being found in Tara's car???......Sounds like Keyes to me.....My #1 Priority would be to check and see if any BANKS, was robbed in Ocilla or any small town within maybe a 2 hour drive....If so he admitted to also committing bank robbiers, so far they know of 2.....but think there is many more...When he was caught last March in Texas...he had rolls of rubber band money in the rented car...multiple maps with markings on them......That is how he supported his travels all over the US and he always buried Cash in his Cache's....that way he used no cards and etc....That envelope with money in it was what 1st made me really study Tara's Case compared with much like Keyes, but not common for Tara....and then on to Tim Miller's search and 3 cadaver dogs alerted to a body of water at this barn or farmhouse.....but no body found???...I got a BIG BIG problem with that therory....3 dogs...that is over 100% proof that at some time Tara's body was there....then the house was burnt by ARSON.....Keyes was known for this also.....Just right before he was caught in Texas using Samatha's ATM Card.....He confessed to robbing an elderly couple's home and then setting it up in fire.......I'm sure if that little couple had been home...they would have been victims of Keyes...I have much more I could give out, but I want to see if a posts above by Sassy gets put on a link....If so I have no doubt what so ever that Keyes was the one that Abducted Tara
Seems no-one is interested in new information.....I will add this in case anyone looks at new posts....I have stated I feel Keyes burnt the home where the dogs alerted too in Ocilla...Just released last evening is his taped recordings of conversations while in jail NOTE***** He confessed he planned on returning to Essex to burn the vacant farmhouse where he killed the Curriers....I feel it is the same for Tara...It was burnt a few days after her abduction....I still believe 198% I. Keyes was the one that took Tara...WHY???...No-one will ever know..he picked his victims at random...staked out a town and got a feel for it as he stated...and in his sick mind he also staked out what kind of person or persons he wanted as his next victims....Tara was a Beauty Queen...he knew she would get tons of Media Coverage as he loved to watch.....and let us not forget the BLACK TRUCK that was reported parked in her yard that night....The man that was out walking said as he passed the man in the truck threatened him so bad he was bad that he didn't come forth until much later....I feel Keyes was in a rented truck and he was mad that Tara had not come home when he thought she would and I'm sure this man surprised him as he walked by and he knew he could not shoot him because it was in a neighborhood, so he knew the only thing was to threaten him very bad and he knew the man had also seen him face to face
We were discussing this case in a small group I belong too and one lady popped in immediately and she lives near Tara...she posted very quickly...........I OWN A RENTAL HOUSE RIGHT OUT THE STREET FROM MS. GRINSTEAD AND MY FRIEND HAD CAME OUT AND WAS COMING TO MY HOUSE WHEN SHE WAS BACKING OUT OF THE DRIVE A "BLACK TRUCK" ALMOST RAN HER OVER......SHE SAID HER FRIEND WAS SO TORE UP SHE STOPPED HER VEHICLE AND LOOKED TO SEE WHERE THE TRUCK HAD COME FROM...SHE SAID HER FRIEND SAID IT CAME FROM THE DIRECTION OF TARA'S HOUSE AND THIS WAS AROUND OR CLOSE TO 1:00 DEFINITELY there was a black or very dark truck around Tara's home that same night.............I will post the conversation of Keyes released on Mon. Night in hopes it will help or prove WHY I feel that Tara was in this home that burnt and the dogs alerted too,,,,he always destroys places he feels there might be some type of dna...Also in Texas last year he admitted he broke into and robbed an elderly couples home...and then set it on fire also

April 12, 2012: In this 2-hour, 20-minute recording, Keyes meets with investigators from the U.S. Attorney, FBI and Anchorage Police at the Anchorage Correctional Complex. He seems happy to talk to investigators after they've given him cigars and coffee in exchange for his cooperation. The conversation focuses only on the Currier killings. Keyes admits he was surprised no one found the bodies of the Curriers sooner and is surprised to find out that the farmhouse he placed their bodies in was demolished. Keyes admits he had tentative plans to return to Vermont to burn down the farmhouse. Investigators try to bargain with Keyes to get more information related to killings. Keyes wants a guarantee he will be executed within a year, though prosecutors tell him that without more information about additional killings, it will be next to impossible to speed things up. Keyes says that he wants a quick execution because he doesn't want appeals or other “stuff hanging over my head while I sit in Supermax waiting for the next thing to come down the pipe.” “Sitting in prison for the rest of my life is a death penalty. I'd rather go out while I still have some sanity and good memories,” Keyes says with a laugh. After a break for a cigar, Keyes spends the second half of the interview showing investigators on Google Maps where he deposited the gun he used to kill the Curriers.
The FBI request does not put Keyes in Georgia or the Southeast USA in October 2005. The GBI has been adamant in saying that there is DNA and fingerprint evidence in Tara's disappearance that has not been identified. I would think if the DNA was Keyes it would have been identified by now.

From the FBI website:
The timeline below is an outline of Keyes’ travels and whereabouts throughout the United States from 2001 to present. Due to Keyes’ pattern of traveling significant distances by car, the locations are grouped by region rather than specific states.

  • October 5, 2004 to October 16, 2004: Eastern U.S.
  • April 20, 2005 to April 25, 2005: Washington, British Columbia
  • May 10, 2006 to May 15, 2006: Western U.S.
The Crystal lake area was searched. The farmhouse which burned was no where near Crystal lake. The area around the farmhouse was searched many times. The pond near the farmhouse where the dogs alerted was drained and searched.
The FBI request does not put Keyes in Georgia or the Southeast USA in October 2005. The GBI has been adamant in saying that there is DNA and fingerprint evidence in Tara's disappearance that has not been identified. I would think if the DNA was Keyes it would have been identified by now.

From the FBI website:
The timeline below is an outline of Keyes’ travels and whereabouts throughout the United States from 2001 to present. Due to Keyes’ pattern of traveling significant distances by car, the locations are grouped by region rather than specific states.

  • October 5, 2004 to October 16, 2004: Eastern U.S.
  • April 20, 2005 to April 25, 2005: Washington, British Columbia
  • May 10, 2006 to May 15, 2006: Western U.S.

I have seen this timeline many times.....It was made very quick after his death, there was absolutely noway possible that the FBI could have obtained all the places this monster was at within the short time it was released...All the timeline shows is mostly upper US States, He was all over the US as he confessed to them the week he killed himself....IN 2005 they only show April and 5 days at that....That gives him 360 days to have been anywhere in the US....and then it skips to 2006???? I have said this was made so quick and only after he confessed to 4 in Wash. State and etc....They have never released anything about the lower 48, but it was confirmed to me 100% that he has relatives living in Florida and on my own I have found tons of relatives in the upper and lower 48...I also know he has living uncles in the lower 48 also...As I stated above during 2005 and 2006 he had no known place of living, he told APD he traveled a lot to get jobs...he was a Carpenter and that was all he was ever known to do until 2007 when he moved in with the known girlfriend and his daughter in 2007 also he started his own 1-man construction business.......A lady posted in another group he was known homeless in California back in the early 2000's so he more or less was a drifter (my terms) and he stated he had been kidnapping and killing for several years....I go also on the fact that someone posted in a group I belong too that she had the rental property right out from Tara's house and the BLACK TRUCK almost ran her over and she posted back to me that it was known in came in the direction of Tara's house at approx. 1:00 a.m. in the morning
I feel officials are so set on 1 individual and they are set he will goof up and they can charge him they will NOT listen to any other leads no matter how strong anyone can back them up or etc.....I called the Ocilla PD as I was instructed to do by a PI and they acted like they could care less what I was trying to tell them and etc....They did take the statement and asked for a few questions but that was about it....And I will end with IF they have not put the DNA from the glove in the system since Dec. 2 2012 Keyes DNA would not have been entered before then.....After his death they released in a public statement that anyone that missing loved ones could not urge proper officials to enter any DNA they had to compare and see if Keyes could be linked to a case...........If you are a family member of Tara's...I would get in touch with GBI and ask if they have submitted the DNA from the glove since Dec 2nd of the past year....If not I highly suggest you do so and I PRAY you do not rely only on the timeline released shortly after he killed himself....They have also admitted they think he will have a much larger number of victims than he told them about...THINK ABOUT IT.....only 5 days accounted for in 2005?????.....Not much of a timeline for that year for sure
The Crystal lake area was searched. The farmhouse which burned was no where near Crystal lake. The area around the farmhouse was searched many times. The pond near the farmhouse where the dogs alerted was drained and searched.

I understand this, but from much earlier posts and on the web it said the dogs alerted to a certain part of this home that was burnt....Did they search there in the house area for any DNA???...........I am sorry to say this if you are a family member but if the dogs alerted (4 or them) that is certain to me Tara had been there or etc......Keyes disposed of his victims usually in plastic bags and even told authorities he got in no hurry to dispose of them, He kept Samatha Koenig in his shed for 2 weeks while he went on a cruise, came back and propped her up to look as if she was alive and then tried to blackmail her family....later he went ice fishing and cut a hole in the iced lake, after he finished fishing, he put the bags with her body parts in the same hole under a frozen lake....and also he told authorities he killed someone in the south, but brought the body back to N.Y. to dispose of it
The FBI request does not put Keyes in Georgia or the Southeast USA in October 2005. The GBI has been adamant in saying that there is DNA and fingerprint evidence in Tara's disappearance that has not been identified. I would think if the DNA was Keyes it would have been identified by now.

From the FBI website:
The timeline below is an outline of Keyes’ travels and whereabouts throughout the United States from 2001 to present. Due to Keyes’ pattern of traveling significant distances by car, the locations are grouped by region rather than specific states.

  • October 5, 2004 to October 16, 2004: Eastern U.S.
  • April 20, 2005 to April 25, 2005: Washington, British Columbia
  • May 10, 2006 to May 15, 2006: Western U.S.

I have seen this timeline many times.....It was made very quick after his death, there was absolutely noway possible that the FBI could have obtained all the places this monster was at within the short time it was released...All the timeline shows is mostly upper US States, He was all over the US as he confessed to them the week he killed himself....IN 2005 they only show April and 5 days at that....That gives him 360 days to have been anywhere in the US....and then it skips to 2006???? I have said this was made so quick and only after he confessed to 4 in Wash. State and etc....They have never released anything about the lower 48, but it was confirmed to me 100% that he has relatives living in Florida and on my own I have found tons of relatives in the upper and lower 48...I also know he has living uncles in the lower 48 also...As I stated above during 2005 and 2006 he had no known place of living, he told APD he traveled a lot to get jobs...he was a Carpenter and that was all he was ever known to do until 2007 when he moved in with the known girlfriend and his daughter in 2007 also he started his own 1-man construction business.......A lady posted in another group he was known homeless in California back in the early 2000's so he more or less was a drifter (my terms) and he stated he had been kidnapping and killing for several years....I go also on the fact that someone posted in a group I belong too that she had the rental property right out from Tara's house and the BLACK TRUCK almost ran her over and she posted back to me that it was known in came in the direction of Tara's house at approx. 1:00 a.m. in the morning
I feel officials are so set on 1 individual and they are set he will goof up and they can charge him they will NOT listen to any other leads no matter how strong anyone can back them up or etc.....I called the Ocilla PD as I was instructed to do by a PI and they acted like they could care less what I was trying to tell them and etc....They did take the statement and asked for a few questions but that was about it....And I will end with IF they have not put the DNA from the glove in the system since Dec. 2 2012 Keyes DNA would not have been entered before then.....After his death they released in a public statement that anyone that missing loved ones could not urge proper officials to enter any DNA they had to compare and see if Keyes could be linked to a case...........If you are a family member of Tara's...I would get in touch with GBI and ask if they have submitted the DNA from the glove since Dec 2nd of the past year....If not I highly suggest you do so and I PRAY you do not rely only on the timeline released shortly after he killed himself....They have also admitted they think he will have a much larger number of victims than he told them about...THINK ABOUT IT.....only 5 days accounted for in 2005?????.....Not much of a timeline for that year for sure
No new info in this recent report, but Tara is mentioned, so it gives opportunity to bump her thread:

Discovery of Missing Ohio Girls Gives Familes of Missing Central Georgians New Hope

Following the announcement of the missing girls found alive in Ohio, it has brought new hope for the friends and families of missing people in central Georgia. ...

...Tara Grinstead, a 30-year-old school teacher and former beauty queen from Ocilla also remains missing. Grinstead attended a Saturday night beauty pageant and then left for a dinner party. From there she told friends she was going straight home. She has not been seen since the night of October 22, 2005. Born November 17, 1974 she would be 38-years-old now.

more at:

NOTE: A comment posted below the article says Tara's birthday is Nov. 14, not 17.
Does anyone know if there has been any reports of possible resemblence sightings in different parts of the country? I also think its good that Tara is still being remembered.
Does anyone know if there has been any reports of possible resemblence sightings in different parts of the country? I also think its good that Tara is still being remembered.

I believe there have been several resemblance sightings. I'll link the article if I can find it.

I saw Tara's case on ID's 'Disappeared' and it is very troubling.

Based on the case it's likely she was abducted and at this point the unfortunate reality is that she is probably not alive.

I just hope, whatever the outcome, the family is able to get some closure and some answers.
I was just curious if anyone had reported a possible sighting in the Oaks PA area. I drove a truck back last November in that city North of Phily. I picked up a load of mattresses and drove back to Indiana. I had to drive through a Mall parking lot to leave my pickup and had to have a car back up so I could turn the corner. For whatever reason i remembered that car. There was a lady and a child in the car. When i arrived back in Indiana to my home a day later I saw the Fox News Judge Jeanine report on TV. I immediately thought of that lady in that car and the possible resemblence of Tara Grinstead. I figured it was probably wishful thinking on my part but it bothered me enough that I called the GBI and told them just in case there were any other sightings in that area. I'm guessing there havent been any sightings but it still bothers me to this day. I have sent out some missing person flyers on my own to the companies near where i was in Oaks, PA just in case. Also, since I am an extremely cynical person, I understand the probability is probably a zillion to one, but as we have all seen lately, miracles can and do happen.

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