General Discussions #4

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If he pawned computer equipment, he wasnt looking to get very much money. Certainly not enough to do any real good. Laptop, PDA and desktop together MAY have got him $500.00, and thats from a generous pawn broker.
...that he was trying to dump them due to incrimination than to get money for them...(that way, if, for example, the police confiscated his "new" computer, they wouldn't find anything on it...)...If he did pawn or sell computers, I don't think he cared what he got for them...I think he was more desparate to get the larger amounts of money from vehicle/motorcycle sales to tide him over...
IF he is as technology driven as he appears to be, surely he would know the only real way to get rid of such evidence would be to destroy the harddrives?
Maybe it's his vanity and he thought he could fool everyone and just keep the computers out of site for a while? No need to destroy the hard drives.
newkid said:
Maybe it's his vanity and he thought he could fool everyone and just keep the computers out of site for a while? No need to destroy the hard drives.

That could well be. Wouldnt be the first man to allow his ego to get the best of him. But, since he continued to be a web junkie, he would have to be really stupid to think LE wouldnt know he had such equipment at sometime.
Especially with WS looking over his online shoulder. Speaking of which has anyone noticed if he's signed on any of the IM accounts?
I guess what I'm saying is...

I think Raven does indeed make a very good POI in this case, but so far, thats all I can say. Everything we are reading right now has Raven doing what Raven has always done. Nothing has changed. (that I would know about anyway) If he had stopped doing what he had always done, it would raise a red flag for me. But if he's always been the type of person we are seeing now, then the things he is doing doesnt show consciousness of guilt etc.

What is he doing that is out of character for Raven?

Usually, in cases where the perp is so close to the victim, there is resolution fairly quickly. This leaves me thinking:

1) Raven is the perp, but LE cannot make a case aganist him.
2) Raven is not the perp, and LE is building a case against someone else
3) LE has no idea who the perp is.
golfmom said:
Especially with WS looking over his online shoulder. Speaking of which has anyone noticed if he's signed on any of the IM accounts?

As I posted before, I KNOW he's been on under the screenname "ravenabaroa." That's the only one I've seen. And, not recently. But remember, with many of those services, adding a NEW screenname takes all of a few minutes time. So who knows. I mean he were smart and savvy, he would easily create an all together new screenname, that had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with all of this various incarnations of names used in the past..

If he does indeed read these boards, and who knows, but if he does, everything we write he can read. So if sees if know he's been on as "ravenabaroa," then presto, maybe he becomes "@$@#^$@#&$@#" for his online screenname.
Jesstexas said:
Why would a person holding a check for $1,200 pawn something for some quick cash?

Kinda makes me think the check isn't made out to either one of the Abaroas.
Either that or that quick cash wasn't the motive behind pawning the item(s).
Timex said:
If he had stopped doing what he had always done, it would raise a red flag for me. But if he's always been the type of person we are seeing now, then the things he is doing doesnt show consciousness of guilt etc.

This is what sticks out for me too Timex, but what if he's that type who is incapable of conciousness of guilt? Remeber, Laci was murdered and SP was still playing golf and calling Amber.
curious1 said:
I am originally from the Raleigh area. Durham is generally regarded as a high crime area...
From what I've seen in the 1/2 mile radius around the Abaroa's house, it sure seems that you are correct about that.
golfmom said:
This is what sticks out for me too Timex, but what if he's that type who is incapable of conciousness of guilt? Remeber, Laci was murdered and SP was still playing golf and calling Amber.

Yes, but there were other things that stuck out.

1) the boat...we all know Scott only wanted the best...buying a cheapy dingy certainly was NOT Scott.

2) selling Laci's vehicle

3) trying to sell the house

Now there could well be things that Im not aware of, but all I can do is base my opinions on what I know to be true.
newkid said:
I feel bad for him that he didn't have a great childhood; however, life is ultimately what you make of it. Others have noted he had plenty of wonderful opportunities that he screwed up. I do not feel sorry for him especially because he professed to be an active member of the LDS church while doing the opposite of their teachings. A bad childhood is no excuse, plenty of people have grown up in worse circumstances yet made their lives and the lives of others a rewarding experience.
And a part of me strongly agrees with this as well. I've ranted and raved several times here at WS about this very same point. I just try to remind myself that even if Raven is a big jerk, he might be only a big jerk. Until I feel 100% confident that he's a murderer, that small bit of compassion still comes into play. As a jerk who doesn't even realize how annoying he is, I feel bad for him. As a murderer, I surely don't.
golfmom said:
For some reason I keep thinking the word ENTITLEMENT. That he felt he was entitled to all these things because he felt deprived growing up.
I could agree with this if it weren't for his posts as nc_vx. After reading them all, he almost sounds desperate to fit in.
We don't have the media coverage like in the SP case to say whether or not Raven is unloading Janet's stuff or giving them away . . .

The big difference for me is Kaiden.
Timex said:
If he pawned computer equipment, he wasnt looking to get very much money. Certainly not enough to do any real good. Laptop, PDA and desktop together MAY have got him $500.00, and thats from a generous pawn broker.
True but when you're dead-broke, $500 is a lot of money.
JerseyGirl said:
I could agree with this if it weren't for his posts as nc_vx. After reading them all, he almost sounds desperate to fit in.

That's an interesting observation! Mine was he didn't just want to fit in, but he wanted to be crowned the King of VXers. Remember, he found them because he wanted to figure out how to get rid of his vehicle that he now hated, he FORCED Janet to drive it because he didn't want to. Then he discovered THE CLUB and bought every accessory and REPAINTED it black (see Big Boy Toys) so he would have the purtiest VX in the world.
golfmom said:
We don't have the media coverage like in the SP case to say whether or not Raven is unloading Janet's stuff or giving them away . . .

The big difference for me is Kaiden.

I agree, but I cant just assume he is doing so. If he were, I would think LE would surely be noting it.

Not sure I understand about Kaiden. Is he being a bad father? Is he doing something "weird" when it comes to the baby?
I have a LE procedural-type question, if anyone knows??

IF the Durham Police Dept did in fact consider Raven a suspect or POI...would they allow him to move out of state (as we have heard that he is living with a member of Janet's faimly, in Virginia I think)... Seems like you always here things like " don't leave the area", "don't leave the state", etc. (Ok, maybe that's too much TV talking, but still...)

But it would seem odd to me, that if they are concerned about him in any shape, form, or fashion, that they would let him move out of state.... (When you hear that phrase, "don't leave the state", of something to that effect, I'm ASSUMING that LE has the actual authority TO tell you that, and to prevent you from leaving, if the case may be?

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