General Theories and Motives Rehashed #1

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I don't think Tommy is into guns like Ron and Joe. I could be wrong, but I just don't see it. He is an addict and a thief, who I think would only steal a gun for a quick buck to buy drugs. Even the gun he stole from the elderly man wasn't even a working gun, was it? He would know that if he was a gun nut. Also, we haven't heard of any instances of Tommy waving guns around, making threats with guns, owning guns or taking pictures of himself with guns, have we?

As for stealing Ron's gun on February 9, 2009, if that were the purpose, why didn't Tommy just take the gun at 6:00 when he was there? At the very least, why didn't he verify the gun was even at the mobile home?

I'm just throwing out some thoughts. I might even be in the wrong thread, I dunno.

I think you're right about Tommy. He doesn't have the wanna-be gangster thing going on - he's just an addict.

If the gun motive theory holds water and Misty was in on it, it makes sense then that they would want to stage a break-in of some type. Tommy taking the gun at 6:00pm wouldn't support that.
I've been interested in Ron's alibi myself and I looked into it as best I could. His regular shift was from 5pm to 1am and then he worked 2 hours overtime, bringing him up til 3am.

Really, his shift hours have changed multiple times since the beginning. Until there is official documentation regarding what his shift was, I'll respectfully take his lawyer's assertion that Ron's shift began at 5 with a box of salt.

Law officers and officials at PDM both state that Ronald was present and accounted for that night. Telephone records and cell phone pings lend strong support to those statements by law enforcement and PDM. Video camera footage from PDM Bridge also confirms he was at work that night. Ron’s time card is verified and he had punched in and out as usual.

LE has only ever stated that they "are satisfied" that Ron's alibi is that he was at work. PDM has never spoken publicly about Ron's work hours, or whether he was at work that night, either for his whole shift or only part of it. There has only been one official statement from PDM, and that was with regard to his being fired for abandoning his job. We have never seen Ron's time card. Ever.

IMO he was at work that night unless LE and PDM officals are deliberately misleading us. It's such a small community, I would imagine everybody knows everybody at PDM. Had he been missing for a noticeable length of time, it would have been spotted and the gossip would have leaked out. He has a hand in this somewhere though, I'm sure of it.

LE and PDM aren't misleading anyone. They're not letting that information out. IF it is not released in a way that no ambiguity of meaning can be construed, THEN and ONLY then will I believe there is no problem with the hours that Ronald Cummings was at work.
According to what Art Harris' site, Art Harris says on 5/5/2010 that Flora Hollar has applied for the reward for Haleigh.
Ont the cobra tape recently released, rc said he stopped at the handy on the hill one. That is the one in San Mateo, I believe. When the cops were angry asking him how the heck he got home at the time he did, (he conveniently left out numbers), he responded he drove like a "cracker". Now, I thought Cracker meant slow white guy. The fact, that once again he left out times, keeps me curious and alert to the fact he is guilty.

Without NO ONE in fifteen months giving a time with the exception of his attorney saying he got there at 5:00pm, and that was his normal working hours, I am lost. Mainly because I don't believe Shoemaker. I think he was repeating what rc told him. RC lies constantly.

Regarding hours of work. We have not one person tell us what the hours were. Ron is missing 12 hours. So not all of his time has been accounted. It his normal hours start at 5:00pm (so says his attorney) than that means he was done work at 1:20am. PDM allows 1/2 hour for lunch.

rc told his pastor two days later that he worked an eight hours shift, came home and his daugter was gone. With an eight hour shift we have 4 hours, 3 hours with driving time that is unaccounted for.

Actually, Ron's attorney said that Ron arrived at work at 4:15, sat in the parking lot, until he clocked at the start of his shift at 5 pm. His attorney then said that Ron always gets to work 30 to 45 minutes early. I have so many problems with the work comments.

First, Ron is not known for his patience. I just cannot believe he would sit in the parking lot all that time. Even if you did arrive that early, you would not sit in your car. You would go inside to the dining area or to talk to people.

Second, an early drug addict is an oxymoron. The only way I would believe that Ron arrived that early is if he was conducting business in the parking lot.

Third, arrival time is an established pattern based on how well people manage their time. People are either early, right on time, or late. There is no fluctuation where you are extra early to some things and late others. Occasionally, it might happen but very few people ever change their pattern.

Ron was warned that Haleigh could not be late to school any more. Parents whose children are consistently late to school have a pattern of being late to everything in life.

IMO, Ron told his attorney that he arrived 45 minutes early to work that day because something had already happened to Haleigh by that time and he needed the alibi. Ron was smart enough to realize that being that early that particular day would look suspicious so he claimed that was his pattern.
Ron, of course, is -- is the father of Haleigh Cummings. And Junior, a little -- her little brother. He is now claiming, and the police back up, that he has an alibi for that night. He was at work at PDM Bridge Company. Cell phone pings put him there
But if police back up/confirm Ron's alibi for that night and also verified cell phone pings wouldnt this point to LE believing it as fact? Meaning that LE believes Ron's statements of his whereabouts and goings ons for the night Haleigh went missing?

Police did not confirm Ron's work alibi or anything to do with his work.

Police said that they are "satisfied." IMO that just means that they are satisfied that they obtained the information they needed but tells us nothing.
Really, his shift hours have changed multiple times since the beginning. Until there is official documentation regarding what his shift was, I'll respectfully take his lawyer's assertion that Ron's shift began at 5 with a box of salt.

LE has only ever stated that they "are satisfied" that Ron's alibi is that he was at work. PDM has never spoken publicly about Ron's work hours, or whether he was at work that night, either for his whole shift or only part of it. There has only been one official statement from PDM, and that was with regard to his being fired for abandoning his job. We have never seen Ron's time card. Ever.

LE and PDM aren't misleading anyone. They're not letting that information out. IF it is not released in a way that no ambiguity of meaning can be construed, THEN and ONLY then will I believe there is no problem with the hours that Ronald Cummings was at work.

I've only started to follow this case recently so this is good to know. I've been trying to source the most reputable material possible to draw my own conclusions but I have not been privy to all the facts, such as this. I do think however, if Ron was missing that night from work, the gossip would have leaked out from his co-workers.

The one thing I have wondered with regard to my "misleading" comment is more based on a thought that I had about Ron's alibi. I was wondering if LE - in saying they were satisfied - might make Ron believe himself not to be under scrutiny, that he might make a slip. This might get him to do something to incriminate himself, thinking he was not under the radar. If my use of the word misleading caused any offence, then I apologise.

I'm also trying not to let my personal feelings about any of the players influence my thoughts, though God knows, it's hard not to. I want to try and look at it objectively as possible.
Actually, Ron's attorney said that Ron arrived at work at 4:15, sat in the parking lot, until he clocked at the start of his shift at 5 pm. His attorney then said that Ron always gets to work 30 to 45 minutes early. I have so many problems with the work comments.

First, Ron is not known for his patience. I just cannot believe he would sit in the parking lot all that time. Even if you did arrive that early, you would not sit in your car. You would go inside to the dining area or to talk to people.

Second, an early drug addict is an oxymoron. The only way I would believe that Ron arrived that early is if he was conducting business in the parking lot.

Third, arrival time is an established pattern based on how well people manage their time. People are either early, right on time, or late. There is no fluctuation where you are extra early to some things and late others. Occasionally, it might happen but very few people ever change their pattern.

Ron was warned that Haleigh could not be late to school any more. Parents whose children are consistently late to school have a pattern of being late to everything in life.

IMO, Ron told his attorney that he arrived 45 minutes early to work that day because something had already happened to Haleigh by that time and he needed the alibi. Ron was smart enough to realize that being that early that particular day would look suspicious so he claimed that was his pattern.

I have worked at factories in my lifetime and Ron does not fit the mold in the least of someone that arrives 45 minutes early.

Arriving early to work never did fit with his statement to police that he relayed to Cobra....."I drove like a cracker going home after work" I always felt that meant he got out of work fast and drove fast to get home. Doesn't sound like someone who would rather be sitting in a parking lot at work 45 minutes early.
Police did not confirm Ron's work alibi or anything to do with his work.

Police said that they are "satisfied." IMO that just means that they are satisfied that they obtained the information they needed but tells us nothing.

Well, this just puts it all in a whole new light for me. I had no idea that they were just satisfied he had provided information. I've been reading a completely different interpretation of that in multiple places. I would be awfully grateful if you could link me to that statement, if at all possible.
I went back and reworked the Google map putting RC at the Kangaroo in San Mateo, not Satsuma. This is what I got. Pretty boring considering it's a straight line and then back again......but......this trip only takes 56 minutes. Would 309 have been part of that voyage that night going down 309 since there was ample time?,-81.650391&spn=0.14592,0.22007&z=12

I always thought that trip was strictly to set his alibi by having the camera back up his story. Yesterday I came up with another reason for him to stop there.

If Ron did give someone his phone to make calls from his work to show that he worked OT, he could have stopped there to get his phone back then went inside to get on camera to show his reason for being there.

I've always thought maybe TN had his phone. If she did met up with Ron at that store, it would explain her arrival time at the MH.
Initially, Putnam County authorities said "the world is a suspect" in Haleigh's disappearance but Bowling narrowed the focus on Friday.

"We haven't eliminated anybody connected to it as a suspect," he said...........................................

"We are satisfied with the interviews that we have had so far with Ronald, and his account of the eight hours in question," Bowling added.
I always thought that trip was strictly to set his alibi by having the camera back up his story. Yesterday I came up with another reason for him to stop there.

If Ron did give someone his phone to make calls from his work to show that he worked OT, he could have stopped there to get his phone back then went inside to get on camera to show his reason for being there.

I've always thought maybe TN had his phone. If she did met up with Ron at that store, it would explain her arrival time at the MH.

.......Or she had Misty's.
Actually, Ron's attorney said that Ron arrived at work at 4:15, sat in the parking lot, until he clocked at the start of his shift at 5 pm. His attorney then said that Ron always gets to work 30 to 45 minutes early. I have so many problems with the work comments.

First, Ron is not known for his patience. I just cannot believe he would sit in the parking lot all that time. Even if you did arrive that early, you would not sit in your car. You would go inside to the dining area or to talk to people.

Second, an early drug addict is an oxymoron
. The only way I would believe that Ron arrived that early is if he was conducting business in the parking lot.

Third, arrival time is an established pattern based on how well people manage their time. People are either early, right on time, or late. There is no fluctuation where you are extra early to some things and late others. Occasionally, it might happen but very few people ever change their pattern.

Ron was warned that Haleigh could not be late to school any more. Parents whose children are consistently late to school have a pattern of being late to everything in life.

IMO, Ron told his attorney that he arrived 45 minutes early to work that day because something had already happened to Haleigh by that time and he needed the alibi. Ron was smart enough to realize that being that early that particular day would look suspicious so he claimed that was his pattern.

This is a really well thought out post and you've made a number of very valid points. I took the liberty of bolding them for emphasis. The only one I might disagree with myself is number three. I'd think Ron, being a drug addict, lived in an highly unpredictable way from day to day but most likely had a pattern of lateness.

It also struck me when it was said that Ron was always 30-45mins early for work. That's just plain atypical for a drug addict. Especially if he didn't use the extra time to chat with colleagues or maybe flirt with the receptionist, for example. Because of his evening shifts, he doesn't get a lot of time with the kids after school. A good and interested father would try and maximise that window of time spent with the kids between school and work. So him feeding Shoemaker a bunch of BS makes perfect sense to me.
Initially, Putnam County authorities said "the world is a suspect" in Haleigh's disappearance but Bowling narrowed the focus on Friday.

"We haven't eliminated anybody connected to it as a suspect," he said...........................................

"We are satisfied with the interviews that we have had so far with Ronald, and his account of the eight hours in question," Bowling added.

BBM - key words in that statement. 4:15 pm to 3 am doth not add up to 8 hours last I counted.
BBM - key words in that statement. 4:15 pm to 3 am doth not add up to 8 hours last I counted.

Neither does his punching in at 5, unless you then add on the second of two disclaimers, that he worked 2 hours overtime. But even still, Ronald's statement that he worked 8 hours (not the 10 hours that 2 hours of overtime would give him) contradicts his attorney.
Neither does his punching in at 5, unless you then add on the second of two disclaimers, that he worked 2 hours overtime. But even still, Ronald's statement that he worked 8 hours (not the 10 hours that 2 hours of overtime would give him) contradicts his attorney.

Also, if he worked 2 hours OT that would be 3 am which is the time I've heard he got off. According to a previous post, the drive from work to his home was 26 minutes. So how did he make it to his car, drive to the store, go inside, shop, then get home in time to call 911 when he did?
Whisp, are you referring to this clip?

Santos says Ron almost clipped (hit) another truck, not that he was driving a truck. Santos stated Ron was driving the purple Altima with the dark tinted windows. (not in clip I posted but in the longer version)

Thank you Twall, I was wrong about rc driving a truck. Thank you for pointing that out. That makes one less point of confusion.

The time had to be around 8:00am when Santos saw this because the parents were waiting for the arrival of the bus. rc did not stop and drop her at the bus stop as he told us. Haleigh had a stain (that word stands out) on her shirt. So did rc make a decsion to drive all the way to welaka? Was rc drving and rushing to GMA's in Welaka as misty said? rc has extremely poor judgement, driving wrecklessly with children in the car. This is not the first time, by any means. Haleigh would have been at least an hour late for school. He did not drop her at the bus stop. He insisted he took her to the bus stop on Monday, Feb 9....another lie from mr. cummings?

We do not know what happened but what I do know is that rc lies constantly even in the face of reality. Would he lie to cover up the fact his daughter was late again and to make himself appear in a better light when he talked to Cobra?

I am still concerned with the attendance record that had her marked as "Unexecused absence" and it was altered to say "present'; There should have been a "Tardy"...but we did not see that.

Why does everyone and everything in this case have to so questionable and conradictory?
Whisp, are you referring to this clip?

Santos says Ron almost clipped (hit) another truck, not that he was driving a truck. Santos stated Ron was driving the purple Altima with the dark tinted windows. (not in clip I posted but in the longer version)

Also, if he worked 2 hours OT that would be 3 am which is the time I've heard he got off. According to a previous post, the drive from work to his home was 26 minutes. So how did he make it to his car, drive to the store, go inside, shop, then get home in time to call 911 when he did?

That tape concerning this was very interesting. ron told the entire story about the police being aggravated with him and rc never once gave a time of when he left work or explicitely why LE was annoyed with the time he arrived home. He glazed over this. Cobra did not ask him the time

It could have even been opposite and they were wondering what took him so long. What does "Cracker" mean in the context rc used it? He told LE he was driving home from work lilke a cracker does. Can someone explain this? Was he going very fast or very slow. I thought cracker meant slow.....anyone?
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