General Theories and Motives Rehashed #1

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You think Ron was fired the same day Haleigh went missing?

What a bullet that would be ... but i am certain that would have been big news

If rc left work that day or something else was happening, yes, they could have made a decision then or later and were not willing to continue offering employment but that is pure speculation on my part and should have been stated as such.

I don't know when they decided to fire him but it is still unusual for them to do so. Let's face it most companies would contact him by letter or in person to see how he was doing and offer condolences, not fire him.
what you said and IMO there are only a "few" people at PDM that are "in the know" or have "certain knowledge" of things - KWIM? Of those "few" - of course is management (whoever was in charge that night plus the big man in charge as well) and maybe one or two employees - they have all been told to "lay low" and keep things "to yourself" or you will be looking for employment elsewhere. I can just betcha that is what is going on.

LE is well aware of who knows what and probably added an "exclamation point" to management's statement.

I'm also pretty sure that after the arrests go down we will hear a whole lotta what we haven't been hearing yet.

I pray you're right. I know charges have to be filed first before the Sunshine law kicks in, but like so many others, I'm dying to know what LE knows.
Iirc, there were thousands of pages released in the CA case.
If rc left work that day or something else was happening, yes, they could have made a decision then or later and were not willing to continue offering employment but that is pure speculation on my part and should have been stated as such.

I don't know when they decided to fire him but it is still unusual for them to do so. Let's face it most companies would contact him by letter or in person to see how he was doing and offer condolences, not fire him.

I don't know where I read it, but I read that the company did try to get in touch with RC and he never called them back. That's why he was fired.
Again that is something I read a long time ago.
If rc left work that day or something else was happening, yes, they could have made a decision then or later and were not willing to continue offering employment but that is pure speculation on my part and should have been stated as such.

I don't know when they decided to fire him but it is still unusual for them to do so. Let's face it most companies would contact him by letter or in person to see how he was doing and offer condolences, not fire him.

Private companies maybe but not corporate

Fellow employees would be the ones most likely to see if he was ok -- set a fundraiser for help etc ..

I wonder if any of that ever happened?
The problem with rc and his possible involvement, at least for me, is his odd behavior. I am convinced this guy would behave the same way even if he nothing to do with Haleigh's demise. He is so needy, paranoid, dramatic and a bully with control issues that his oddities just get in the way with the case. Because he is such an unlikeable character, he, more than any of the other players, is the perp of choice by all.

It must be said that he doesn't leave much room for doubt about his participation due to his behavior. Marrying and supporting the key person to find his child, will certainly lead the march to people wanting to convict him and rightly so.

In his mind, blaming misty and not supporting her is the same thing as convicting him. I have many more reasons to believe he may be involved than not but this d@#2m work thing is spoiling any good theory.
I don't know where I read it, but I read that the company did try to get in touch with RC and he never called them back. That's why he was fired.
Again that is something I read a long time ago.

DM Bridge said they held Cummings' job open for weeks expecting to hear from him requesting a leave of absence or make some other arrangement, but they never did.

Cummings' lawyer, Greg Kimball, released a statement saying Cummings agreed to return to work on April 6.

"Ronald agreed to this date and was prepared to go into work when he was told on Friday, April 3, 2009, that the offer to return to work was being withdrawn for 'abandoning his job,'" Kimball said. "Cummings in the last two months has had to deal not only with the disappearance of his daughter Haleigh, but also false muckraking allegations by attorney Kim Picazio, representing Crystal Sheffield."

I highly doubt as of Feb 10th, Ron made agreement to return on April 6th

Dates are odd and as of that time, nobody knew what was going on to say "I will come back on April 6th"
Ron was dismissed for Abandonment of Job. According to Company Policy he was entitled to a week for Bereavment. What we don't know is when did rc actually abandon his job? For all we know he could have abandoned it on Feb 9, 2009.

I am in a different at-will state but my understanding is that an employee who no-calls/no-shows for three consecutive shifts may be considered to have abandoned their job. The employer does not have to contemplate unemployment benefits for said employee.

His former attorney says rc learned that he was fired around Apr 3rd (approximatley). That is when rc notified them he was returning and learned he didn't have a job.

Big window here. If he legitimately abandoned the job and then came back and tried to claim bereavement, well... he's on the wrong side of employment law there.

The attorney would like us to believe this was a shock and a misunderstanding. However, as litigious as rc is, he did not sue. PDM let him collect UnEmployment apparently to keep their Company out of the news.

There are a couple of reasons a company would consider not contesting unemployment benefits even if the company was fully in the right. Keeping the company name out of the news is one possibility. (Though in this case, well... how'd that work out for you, ***?) Others would include pre-empting investigations that might turn up further internal malfeasance, or a decision that granting unemployment would pre-empt a lawsuit if, for example, the original "job abandonment" claim would not hold up but the employer still did not want the employee back for some reason.

It remains a possibility that rc may have been fired on Feb 9/10 or at least the decision was made. Have you ever heard of a Company fire a Grieving father who's child was recently abducted and a good employee? I suggest it wouldn't happen and there is way more to the story.

His former attorney who was around at the time had resigned and his words were, "I am glad to be out of the fray". There is something very wrong with rc and Shoemaker's presentation of rc's hours or his performance at work.

AGREED. IMO of course.
Rc loves to throw out the custody issue on every single attack on himself. I don't know if people realize it but if you carefully listen to him, you well hear him mention it on the very first day. tn continues it in the follow ups on tv.

There is no reason on this earth that the custody issue held up the search for Haleigh. rc was po'd as usual that anyone would call him on his wrongdoings and even suggest he is not a good parent. I don't think we would have seen as much of him if not for his wanting to maintain and control little jr. Any mother with sound mind would want their remaining child out of the hands of the barely seventeen year-old who LE thinks knows what happened to Haleigh. It shows rc has extremely poor judgement and that is why he is so mad.
I don't even know if rc actually got unemployment. He only worked a few months and to my kge was not working prior to that.
Regarding Ron's dismissal from work I have to say, in any state, in any country, if someone loses a child in that manner, any place of employment would usually be understanding and keep the job open. A family honestly going through that kind of tragedy, especially in a small community, usually has the full support of all. It says a lot that when Ron finally went in they informed him he had lost his job AND had an LE presence there on the day.
If he contested and file a lawsuit, the work hours and his behavior may be exposed. rc may have had second thoughts about litigating when he learned that.
Regarding Ron's dismissal from work I have to say, in any state, in any country, if someone loses a child in that manner, any place of employment would usually be understanding and keep the job open. A family honestly going through that kind of tragedy, especially in a small community, usually has the full support of all. It says a lot that when Ron finally went in they informed him he had lost his job AND had an LE presence there on the day.

Forgot all about that aoib. Anyone care to speculate rc became violent and threatened people? :waitasec:
With the theories and motives and ron, I can't think of anything but an act of violence with Haleigh. I do not see rc doing it though unless by accident, he would turn to the nearest person and swing first. With rc, it could happen if he were drinking. Drinking seems to bring out more anger than drugs. I could be wrong but years ago, alcohol was behind many of the heinous crimes I saw on criminal records....and everyone single one that involved children
Ron was dismissed for Abandonment of Job. According to Company Policy he was entitled to a week for Bereavment. What we don't know is when did rc actually abandon his job? For all we know he could have abandoned it on Feb 9, 2009.

His former attorney says rc learned that he was fired around Apr 3rd (approximatley). That is when rc notified them he was returning and learned he didn't have a job. The attorney would like us to believe this was a shock and a misunderstanding. However, as litigious as rc is, he did not sue. PDM let him collect UnEmployment apparently to keep their Company out of the news.

It remains a possibility that rc may have been fired on Feb 9/10 or at least the decision was made. Have you ever heard of a Company fire a Grieving father who's child was recently abducted and a good employee? I suggest it wouldn't happen and there is way more to the story.

His former attorney who was around at the time had resigned and his words were, "I am glad to be out of the fray". There is something very wrong with rc and Shoemaker's presentation of rc's hours or his performance at work.
ITA with your entire post, this seems to me the most probable cause of ron's dismissal for job abandonment and ron's lack of communication with them between February 9th and April 3rd, is that ron abandoned his job that night.
I agree a company would not dismiss an employee for this reason during this time and it is believable that it may have taken PDM some time to figure out exactly what went on with ron during his last shift there, they would need to conduct their own investigation into that shifts events and there was a lot of concern coming from the people that worked at PDM when they first heard that HaLeigh was missing. They may have given LE ron's timecard in the early days but then figured out times didn't match to the last time he was seen, camera images, employees talk, the cell phone may play in, who knows. Remember a lot of those guys that worked there cashed in their vacation time so PDM could continue ron's pay, by PDM reimbursing these employees their time would go a long way to ensure employees do not discuss company business outside of work, and I'm sure LE requested tight lips as well.
BTW, Maureen, Aoibhinn, and TaraCrazyHair

We are left with Steve Brown's Theory that could eliminate rc. His words are odd and very broad concerning who did it.

1. possiblly more than one person
2. the killer will be no surprise
3. possibly somebody will be arrested from out of state

When asked expicitely if RC was involved, he responded, "Not to the best of my kge"

Did he solve the case? I wish he would be interviewed again. Where is everyone with this case. It has gone silent.
It is so amazing to me that nothing has been leaked about Ron's timecard...for 15 months, no one has revealed a word about it? That is just weird to me...

Also that his phone records have been kept so secret...people must know, clerks, phone people, etc...and usually things get out

those are my two most mind-boggling, drive-me-crazy parts of all this that i want to know about. if he is innocent why can't this be verified?
With the theories and motives and ron, I can't think of anything but an act of violence with Haleigh. I do not see rc doing it though unless by accident, he would turn to the nearest person and swing first. With rc, it could happen if he were drinking. Drinking seems to bring out more anger than drugs. I could be wrong but years ago, alcohol was behind many of the heinous crimes I saw on criminal records....and everyone single one that involved children

There's an interesting post here about the effects of various drugs with regard to the crime. It's in reference to Tommy mostly because it's his thread, but worth a read.
IMO alcohol is the most dangerous drug because of complete lack of clarity when one is very drunk. Crack can produce quite aggressive effects in people. We've heard that Ron enjoys to get high (coke - UC video) every now and again. There's also support in the rumour thread that he was drunk and waving guns on the late afternoon/evening of Feb. 9th. Alcohol and cocaine are a dangerous mix. Here's a single post link:

I'm not quite sure if I'm allowed to post that about Ron being drunk and waving guns, so please delete if inappropriate.

BTW, Maureen, Aoibhinn, and TaraCrazyHair


Thank you very much Whisperer. I've learned a lot from your posts since I arrived. Keep up the good work!
Interpreting Steve Brown can be done many ways. We have to remember keeping it simple is usually the best and it is often the correct scenario. I have purposely left rc out of it taking Steve at face value.

1. Misty is the one who harmed Haleigh and acted alone = most simple
2. Misty killed Haleigh and asked for help to cover the crime = simple
3. tommy and/or Joe killing Haleigh = not simple

Three different theories to be developed requiring reasoning on what made this come about. We were given two solid residences and we still don't have Chelsea's to even know where JO was. We know JO was within three miles of Green Lane according to Chelsea. We don't have a time either.

In the early months, LE suggested that more than one person is involved. They have suggested that again recently during the dock search, I believe. I still have to remain with the three possibilities until we get some facts. If misty didn't harm her and knows who did, I hate to think of what actually happened because this is going to enrage me even more. I hate to go there and prefer to stay with the very simple but it is starting to look like very simple may not be what happened.
I think if Steve Brown solved the case he would be blabbing it all over, why would anyone stay quiet for even a minute if they had solved the case? I don't believe that LE could know who is responsible for HaLeigh death and allow them to roam free, I think they would set him up and get him for something else while they procured the hard evidence.
I cannot think of a single good reason why at this point LE will not just make public what they know is fact in this case. why won't they paint the picture of who was where throughout the day, what they were looking for in the river and why, instead of the strategy they've been using on these people that is not working? they should disclose their theory imo
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