General Theories and Motives Rehashed #1

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That's what I've been saying too, Raisin. I think Tommy just changed the time of his visit. If you think about it, it would better fit this puzzle if Tommy changed the time of his visit. IMO, Tommy never went to the mh at 10p....IMO, he was there around 2a.

1. There are screams heard around the mh around 2am
2. The first initial call in this case came in at 2:13am
3. On the 911 call, someone from Tyler stated that they had seen Haleigh an hour to an hour and a half prior to the 911 call....which would have been around 2am-2:30am.

We all wondered WHO from the Tyler address would've seen Haleigh at her residence around 2a-2:30a. I always thought that it was TOMMY who claimed to have seen her. Who else could it be? Lindsey? I doubt it. It was Tommy. And something was going on around 2am. I think Tommy did not want to put himself at the mh at 2am just because something was going on.

The statement made about Tommy knowing what happened but not knowing exactly who did something to Haleigh tells me that Tommy was a little too late when he got around to the mh. I think Tommy then heard about what all had transpired, maybe from his sister. If you factor in the white truck spotted at the dumpster at 1:30a (Ron's truck:waitasec:) and cadaver dogs hitting on the dumpster...Tommy was a little too late, if he got to the mh around 2am.

I said it before, I'll say it again. Someone thought RC would be home by the time the 911 call came in, and instead, he stopped for cigs, beer and peanuts, to establish HIS alibi.
I said it before, I'll say it again. Someone thought RC would be home by the time the 911 call came in, and instead, he stopped for cigs, beer and peanuts, to establish HIS alibi.

Hey debs. So are you saying that someone thought RC would be home by what? The first initial call at 2:13??? I'm confused.

ETA: I'm asking this because LE seemed concerned about how long it took Ron to get home for the 3:27am 911 call. So I assumed that meant that he should've been home long before that call.
IMO, Ron was home and then left to create HIS alibi. It's weird that he just so happened to stop at the store closest to the search area now "crime scene".
Hey debs. So are you saying that someone thought RC would be home by what? The first initial call at 2:13??? I'm confused.

In order to figure out why there was a call between 2 and 2:30 from the Croslin house, yes. That is exactly what I'm saying.
I don’t even know where to start…my brain is much out many inconsistencies from everyone! Please excuse my rambling!

So many unanswered questions. LE has not really given any facts about the case. Every time "items of interest are found", they recant their statements. Now they report that the case is a homicide case and several may be POI. But give no reason as to why it went from a missing person case to a homicide case.
The person that should of call 911 (Ron) didn't and made a total fool out of himself during the days that followed in his interviews and pleas.

Not once did Ronald go to TN to try and take matters into his own he kept saying he would kill the person who stole his daughter..he was pointing the finger at Joe behind the scene early on but did nothing.

He avoided LE for months when they were trying to question him further.
He looked like he had just gotten in a fight the day Haleigh was reported missing.
Key players I would say are Ron, Misty, Timmy, Chelsea, and Tommy.
Reason being, Ron's odd behavior since Haleigh went missing, keeps defending Misty even though LE says she is lying, Timmy being Misty's favorite brother would be the one that Misty would call on for help. Chelsea being close to Misty...considers her like a sister....lied about several things as well...would be someone Misty would confide in and call on for help.

It was also said that Misty was complaining of bad s*t she got and went another direction after picking up Haleigh from the bus stop. Did she go back to the drug house?

Ron tells Cobra that he dropped Haleigh off at the bus stop and picked her up...that is not what he told NG. He told NG that he took Haleigh to school and picked her up from the bus stop.
Where was Ron rushing to that after noon? I thought I also read somewhere that Ron was working for his aunt Katrina that day?

My theory of the day would be that a fight broke out Feb 9th and Haleigh got in the line of fire. Did Misty accuse someone of rapping her that weekend and giving her bad ch*t and Ron went hunting down one of the Mexicans? Maybe that is where Misty Rushed to after picking up Haleigh and later returned to the MH, going back later after the A/C guy left to finish off there business. Seems to me that Ron and Misty have been selling drugs even before the drug bust. I would think LE would of had good reason for the undercover sting...maybe it did play a part in what happen to Haleigh.

We also have to think about Chelsea and her role. She has a record for beating up Amber (?) she to is physically violent. Could it be that these 4-5 were at a drug party/sale and Ron had a fight with someone? I would say there is also a 6th person that we have not even considered to look at that may shed some light on what happen that night.

We have the alleged Rope that LE found at the river.
The alleged rope that was in the van.
The all edged rope that was found in Tommy and Lindsey’s home/van that LE found recently.


Ronald Cummings has been the only one that I recall telling this tale about Joe fishing at the river and the tale of feeding the alligator, not Cousin Joe.

Ron originally said, he and Joe used to visit the very spot on the St. John’s river to fish, he never told Art it was Tommy!!!!(Keep in mind Joe had been there for 2 weeks, Ronald told Cobra he met Joe for THE FIRST TIME on the third day of his visit, which would be sometime around 1/30/09. It is also said that the fight over the gun was the weekend prior to Haleigh going missing, then it was changed that the fight occurred the night she went missing. Yet, Ron denies a fight ever occurred just like he denied using drugs, selling drugs, and abusing his children and women in his life.

Ron also told Art Harris about fishing with Joe:

We were together months ago, not far from the pond, at another water’s edge in Satsuma… where marble sized eyes were visible popping out of the St. John’s River, and a dock not far from Ronald’s trailer, where Haleigh’s father lead us to take a look, months ago, noting the lazy cruising ground of the scaly predators, and their indiscrimanting appetite.

Ronald told me that he and Joe Overstreet, Misty’s Tennessee cousin, used to visit the very spot on the St. John’s river to fish, shoot the breeze, maybe drink a tall, cool one, and talk about life…and the appetite of Alligators. In fact, he said, in an exclusive chat with The Bald Truth months ago, that Joe talked about one of his favorite pastimes–watching alligators go to town on small animals or big ones that fell or got tossed in for their dining pleasure

Ron started out telling Cobra that “He was the one who told Tommy about the river (caught himself saying it)being a good place to dump a body, but quickly changed his wording and said…Tommy told me. But he started out with “I told Tommy”!
Ron saying Joe was the one who said the river would be a great place to dump a body.
Ron saying that Tommy told him that he (Tommy), Joe, and Tommy’s son Austin were at the river and that Joe told Tommy that the river would be a great place to get rid of a body. Yet, Joe is from TN he has no idea the gators are not active in Feb.

Go back and listen to the audio, Ron telling Cobra that Tommy told him about when they were fishing. It was allegedly Tommy, his son Austin, and Joe.The first thing that struck me odd was that Ron started out telling Cobra that “He was the one who told”, then changed it to “He” (Tommy), told him that he went fishing.

What if Tommy did go to the River with his son and that is why he lied about the time he was at the MH? Lord, I pray that Austin didn’t witness anything. Or, maybe it was Ron himself that dumped Haleigh’s body on his way to/from work?

The many stories about the van that is owned by Lindsey:

Lindsy – attended night classes during the time Haleigh went missing. I wonder how she got to school that night? Did she have the van and later sent Tommy to Timmy & Chelsea's house with it? Does she own another car? Anyone know?

Big what time did the van end up in Crescent City at Timmy & Chelsea's house?

It is said that the van that was used to take Haleigh and her cousins to the school bus.
Now there is talk that it was used as( hearse) to transport a dead Haleigh to the river, where rope was tied around her with cinder blocks and then she was thrown in the river.(If that was the case LE would of found decomposition in the van and would of kept in in the crime lab. LE returned the van to Chelsea/Lindsey after they tested the van. Which leads me to believe if Haleigh was in the van she was still alive and was never in the van after she died. IMO)

Tommy’s lawyer Warner said, one reason for Tommy taking a poly was because he need to clear up the time-line Tommy went to the trailer that night.

Nancy Grace Show transcript March 26, 2010
WERTER: Nancy, you have to understand when that statement was given, he had been arrested for that grand theft charge and he was in for a week waiting bond, and he was interviewed every day until he finally gave that statement. That`s why we want a polygraph to clear the air on the time-line.
TERRY SHOEMAKER, ATTORNEY FOR HALEIGH`S FATHER, RONALD CUMMINGS: Well, he`s kind of shocked that Misty`s brother went over there that evening. He said all along that he did call the house of Hank Jr. and asked him whether or not Misty was there. But he doesn`t — he`s never said that he asked them to go look for her. He just asked if she was over there. And that was at about 9:00. So I think Hank Jr.`s time-line is a little off.
Tommy took the polygraph April 8, 2010. JW has never stated that Tommy “passed.” In fact he said that if he failed he would no longer represent Tommy. And now it is said that he will only represent Tommy for the drug charges but not the Haleigh investigation!

September 2009 : Tommy Croslin, Jr., told Putnam County Sheriff’s investigators he dropped by Ronald Cummings’ trailer sometime after 10 p.m.[/B] Feb 9—. Tommy stated during questioning that Ronald, had called him from his work and asked him to check on Misty. (It is alleged that phone records show that Ron did call Tommy, Misty and I assume others. 90+calls that night!)

TOMMY saying he went by the MH around 10PM and Misty was not home, now recanting that and saying he did not go to the MH at 10PM. The question is, did he not go at the time stated? Maybe he went at another time. We know he was at Ron’s MH with the kids around 5pm that day. We also hear that he was there around 6PM smoking pot with Misty.

Lindsey was in school at that time and did not get home until around 10:15PM that night and she claims he was home then and also the rest of the night…hmmm…How did she get home?

We also have Ron and the Croslins since day one pointing the finger at Joe..If you listen closely to the audios that Simon was so kind to share it was said that Timmy woke up at 1AM and saw Joe in his boxers!

Chelsea claims she was up LATE doing insurance paper work (that does not take all night), and had just went to bed when she received the call that Haleigh was missing. she claims that Timmy was in bed sleeping on pain pills due to an accident. Then she claims she awoke to find keys moved from where she’d put them on the kitchen table and the van was parked in a different spot in her driveway. Chelsea said Joe normally slept in boxer shorts, but jumped out of bed fully clothed when she got a call Haleigh was missing. So, we can assume Joe STAYED AT TIMMY’S HOUSE THAT! (YET, Ron mentioned that Timmy saw Joe in his boxers at 1AM on the audio on Simon’s site!) So how did Timmy see Joe at 1AM if he was sleeping? How did Chelsea not see Joe at 1:00AM if she was still up doing insurance paperwork? You would think she would of known what Timmy and Joe were really doing that night, she was awake! How would she no know who moved the van? She was AWAKE!

by Simon Barrett in crime

Ron: you know what I told him? he told…let me tell you what i know what he told me…

Ron: they were down there fishin` junior hank, actually i call him Tommy

Cobra: Tommy OK

Ron: OK, cuz that`s the same Jr. hank Jr. tommy… and Joe were fishin` with Austin, tommy`s son… at that dock… it got dark… that dock got swamped with alligators… he told me, he said holy *advertiser censored*** s*** i had to get my son out of there i thought lake placid was fixin` to go on!

cobra: yep Ron: you know what?

cobra: yep?

Ron: Joe said the corridor would be the perfect *advertiser censored***ing place to kill somebody…

cobra: bam

Ron: dump them right in the water… let the alligators take care of the rest.

cobra: bam!

Ron: do i think that`s where my daughter`s at? (answers own question) probably.
In order to figure out why there was a call between 2 and 2:30 from the Croslin house, yes. That is exactly what I'm saying.

Debs, I know it was stated that 2:13a call was the first call related to this case but I don't know if that call came from Tyler. Maybe it was a call that led police over to Tyler...I just dunno. It was a call to the non emergency line so I was thinking that if it had something to do with Haleigh going missing, why wouldn't they just call 911? I'm thinking maybe it was a noise disturbance or something like that.
Who said Tommy failed the LDT? The only people that know the results of the LDT haven't said that. Werter knows the results and he says it's not a pass fail thing, and that he was satisfied with the results. He says that is what took them to the River. Misty has failed every LDT she has been given, but we are supposed to believe her when she says it's two people we care about? Next, Misty was talking to Chelsea when she said that, and she is Timmy's wife. Lindsy is Tommy's wife. Lindsy is the only Croslin I trust. I don't think it's fair to say she has lied for Tommy, since we haven't seen any proof of that.

Art is the one reporting that Tommy may of failed his poly. Now, that is just what he is reporting. Werter did say if Tommy failed he would no longer represent him. We recently learned that that Werter will represent Tommy on the drug charges but not the Haleigh case. I think I read that on Art's site again. Keep in mind, IMO a lot of Art's sources are family members...

What made me feel that Tommy may of passed his poly is the fact that right after he took it is when LE rushed to the river and started searching. LE said the search came from a "Creditable Tip". So far this has been one of the only times that I recall anyway that LE has said they received a "Creditable Tip".
Then we have to also take into consideration that Tommy's attorney feels he will only get around 3 yrs for the drug charges. Yet, he has priors like Hope does and she got 15yrs. Which is why IMO, I think Tommy passed his poly or at least most of it and is working on a plea deal. Why else would he only serve 3 yrs for drug charges? Why else would LE rush to the river when Cobra told them about the river early on last year? Ron told Cobra that Haleigh most likely was in that River, Cobra passed the message along to LE and LE "NEVER SEARCHED THE DARN RIVER"!!!:furious::furious:
IMO Chelsea is someone that also mixed up in this...
That's what I've been saying too, Raisin. I think Tommy just changed the time of his visit. If you think about it, it would better fit this puzzle if Tommy changed the time of his visit. IMO, Tommy never went to the mh at 10p....IMO, he was there around 2a.

1. There are screams heard around the mh around 2am
2. The first initial call in this case came in at 2:13am
3. On the 911 call, someone from Tyler stated that they had seen Haleigh an hour to an hour and a half prior to the 911 call....which would have been around 2am-2:30am.

We all wondered WHO from the Tyler address would've seen Haleigh at her residence around 2a-2:30a. I always thought that it was TOMMY who claimed to have seen her. Who else could it be? Lindsey? I doubt it. It was Tommy. And something was going on around 2am. I think Tommy did not want to put himself at the mh at 2am just because something was going on.

The statement made about Tommy knowing what happened but not knowing exactly who did something to Haleigh tells me that Tommy was a little too late when he got around to the mh. I think Tommy then heard about what all had transpired, maybe from his sister. If you factor in the white truck spotted at the dumpster at 1:30a (Ron's truck:waitasec:) and cadaver dogs hitting on the dumpster...Tommy was a little too late, if he got to the mh around 2am.

BBM.... Where has this information come from? All these months and this is the FIRST time I've seen this in writing and have never heard it.... TIA
If Joe recently talked about feeding a person to the alligators, it could have been the first thought that popped into his mind when he felt threatened & needed a solution for his predicament. Since he had access to the van and the dock was on his way back, he could have impulsively acted on these thoughts. I think self-preservation outweighed his concern for HaLeigh and he felt justified for what he had done. I think he choose not to look at it from the perspective that he murdered someone but rather that he was in danger and he did what was necessary to save himself under the circumstances. If Joe was in bed with his clothes on, something's amiss.

Self-preservation is behavior that ensures the survival of an organism. It is universal among living organisms. In some vertebrates, pain and fear are parts of this mechanism. Pain causes discomfort so that the organism is inclined to stop the pain. Fear causes the organism to seek safety and may cause a release of adrenaline, which has the effect of increased strength and heightened senses such as hearing, smell, and sight. Self-preservation may also be interpreted figuratively; in regard to the coping mechanisms one needs to prevent emotional trauma from distorting the mind.

I believe it would have been a lot easier to call Timmy (who Ronald liked) told him what happened and make him swear Joe was with him all night. If Haleigh remembered it the next day and told her Daddy, all Misty would have to say is: 'Haleigh must have had a strange reaction to the drug YOU TOLD ME TO GIVE HER, Joe wasn't here, you know he is staying will Timmy. Ronald being the paranoid he is, would call Timmy and Timmy would assure him he and Joe were together all night. Even played some cards..whatever.

I just don't think murder is the first option that comes to mind when a person gets caught cheating. JMO
The white truck at the dumpster is speculation, as far as I'm concerned. No one has reported seeing one. There was a report about a loud engine in the neighborhood, but even that person wasn't sure if it was a truck or a car engine. His regret to this day is that he didn't get up to check.

Wouldn't that mean the caller seen HaLeigh between 1:13 (one hour prior) - 12:25 (1 and 1/2 hour prior)??

Is this phone call recorded somewhere?

That's what I've been saying too, Raisin. I think Tommy just changed the time of his visit. If you think about it, it would better fit this puzzle if Tommy changed the time of his visit. IMO, Tommy never went to the mh at 10p....IMO, he was there around 2a.

1. There are screams heard around the mh around 2am
2. The first initial call in this case came in at 2:13am
3. On the 911 call, someone from Tyler stated that they had seen Haleigh an hour to an hour and a half prior to the 911 call....which would have been around 2am-2:30am.
We all wondered WHO from the Tyler address would've seen Haleigh at her residence around 2a-2:30a. I always thought that it was TOMMY who claimed to have seen her. Who else could it be? Lindsey? I doubt it. It was Tommy. And something was going on around 2am. I think Tommy did not want to put himself at the mh at 2am just because something was going on.

The statement made about Tommy knowing what happened but not knowing exactly who did something to Haleigh tells me that Tommy was a little too late when he got around to the mh. I think Tommy then heard about what all had transpired, maybe from his sister. If you factor in the white truck spotted at the dumpster at 1:30a (Ron's truck:waitasec:) and cadaver dogs hitting on the dumpster...Tommy was a little too late, if he got to the mh around 2am.

Wouldn't that mean the caller seen HaLeigh between 1:13 (one hour prior) - 12:25 (1 and 1/2 hour prior)??

Is this phone call recorded somewhere?

If you go back 1 hr to 1 1/2 hours from the 3:27am call....It puts you at about 2a-2:30a. We have not heard this particular call, though.
BBM.... Where has this information come from? All these months and this is the FIRST time I've seen this in writing and have never heard it.... TIA

Hey GER when I first started following this case I was considered Basement Peeps. LOL I was just trying to search some of the earlier rumor threads down there, but could not find what I was looking for...There was a car heard by the dumpster at 1:30-2a. A car with a loud engine...Some did speculate that it MAY have been the white truck, that indeed had the loud engine and was parked near the dumpster. I'm still searching the older threads for more information.
This would make absolutley no sense.

Make a call BEFORE 3:27am (HaLeigh is missing - Misty/Ron) to tell someone that you seen HaLeigh 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours ago..???

How would the caller know there was going to be a call made at 3:27 about HaLeigh missing when the caller was calling at 2:13?

When you have a caller calling at 2:13 stating they seen HaLeigh 1 to 1/2 hours ago.. I would think the caller meant from the time THEY were calling (2:13) not from the time Misty/Ron called at 3:27

If you go back 1 hr to 1 1/2 hours from the 3:27am call....It puts you at about 2a-2:30a. We have not heard this particular call, though.
I believe it would have been a lot easier to call Timmy (who Ronald liked) told him what happened and make him swear Joe was with him all night. If Haleigh remembered it the next day and told her Daddy, all Misty would have to say is: 'Haleigh must have had a strange reaction to the drug YOU TOLD ME TO GIVE HER, Joe wasn't here, you know he is staying will Timmy. Ronald being the paranoid he is, would call Timmy and Timmy would assure him he and Joe were together all night. Even played some cards..whatever.

I just don't think murder is the first option that comes to mind when a person gets caught cheating. JMO

I think by the time Misty would have had the presence of mind to call Timmy to cover for her and Joe; it was too late. If Joe panicked and wanted to get rid of his problem as quickly as possible, which in this case was HaLeigh, this alibi would't work. I don't think Misty has the problem-solving skills required to come up with the solution you present here and I don't think Timmy will allow himself to be manipulated by Misty. Misty wanted Timmy to stop accepting Tommy's phone calls so she had all the phone time with Timmy and Timmy told her he wouldn't do it.
This would make absolutley no sense.

Make a call BEFORE 3:27am (HaLeigh is missing - Misty/Ron) to tell someone that you seen HaLeigh 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours ago..???

How would the caller know there was going to be a call made at 3:27 about HaLeigh missing?

That's what I'm saying..It doesn't make sense to me either for someone to make a call to LE before the actual call saying that Haleigh is missing.

Have you read the transcripts for the 3:27a 911 call from Misty?

During that 911 call (3:27a), there was an officer on Tyler who responded that someone on Tyler stated that they had seen Haleigh 1 to 1 1/2 hours prior to this call at 3:27 at her residence. That means that someone from Tyler saw Haleigh around 2a. But per LT. Greenwood, he said the first initial call related to this case came in at 2:13a. No one knows for sure where this call came from. KWIM?

ETA: You're thinking that this was said during the 2:13a call but it's not that particular call. It is from the 911 call placed at 3:27 from Misty.

Yes, I read the LE was AT 116 Tayler when the 3:27 911 call came in. The officer that was at Tayler also responed to that call (3:27)...

So perhaps there was a physical fight or HIGH emotions running over at Tayler that night....maybe the Police were called there for a fight that broke out at 2:13 .. whoever was there fighting was actually freaking out cause they had just killed and disposed of HaLeigh???? Who was there???

That's what I'm saying..It doesn't make sense to me either for someone to make a call to LE before the actual call saying that Haleigh is missing.

Have you read the transcripts for the 3:27a 911 call from Misty?

During that 911 call (3:27a), there was an officer on Tyler who responded that someone on Tyler stated that they had seen Haleigh 1 to 1 1/2 hours prior to this call at 3:27 at her residence. That means that someone from Tyler saw Haleigh around 2a. But per LT. Greenwood, he said the first initial call related to this case came in at 2:13a. No one knows for sure where this call came from. KWIM?
ETA: You're thinking that this was said during the 2:13a call but it's not that particular call. It is from the 911 call placed at 3:27 from Misty.
I had asked earlier how Lindsey would of gotten to school if Timmy and Chelsea had the van. Someone reminded me about the "Red" Truck.

That darn red truck was taken by LE into evidence and LE never said one way or another what they found! I don’t think it has even been returned!
It takes months for forensics sometimes to come back. What if decomposition or other was found in the red truck? What if dirt from the area of the St.John’s river was also found on the truck?

It was also rumored that a red truck was spotted in the area earlier that night! Maybe the van is something they are throwing out there to take the focus off the red truck and the white truck. It would make sense for Tommy to go the MH in the red truck after Lindsey got home. Maybe Timmy and Joe met up with Tommy later that night? Even Ron! Around 1am?There were rumors of a white truck being seen at the dumpster near the MH that night as well? The dogs hit on it, but nothing was found per LE? Pfffttt to that…I don’t buy half of what LE says either. Every time something is found LE recants their statements!!! Every time..I will buy it once or twice…that is it though!

They went from missing to homicide case for a reason and I don’t think they would of done so just because Misty or Tommy said Haleigh was dumped in the river. JMO


In the voice analysis interview Misty points fingers at her brother Tommy, saying he raped her as a child, and could have done something to Haleigh. She then says people claim they saw a red truck near the house that night (we know Tommy was there smoking marijuana earlier that evening) Tommy drove a red truck that he sold after Haleigh disappeared. The day after the interviews, Miller asked Misty if she knew where the truck was. She had mentioned to us she knew who had bought it and Miller wanted to see the location. Ronald and Misty took Miller to the guy’s house who had bought the truck. Although it wasn’t there at the time, Miller returned to the location with me right after and we recorded the address and went to the police with the info. The title was never transferred to the new owner so the truck is still listed in Misty and Tommy’s mother name. The police were going to get the truck and process it.
Hope appears to have been enamored with Ronald, so it's possible Misty was enamored with Joe. IMO, Misty & Hope are "boy crazy" and I don’t think Misty could say “no” to a guy she was physically attracted to because she was in a relationship with Ronald. Misty couldn’t stay true to Ronald and was close to several of her male cousins which were close to Misty's age. While Misty was having an affair with WBG, Misty secretly spoke with Ronald on the phone & agreed to a reunion. WBG STILL called Misty on Monday which tells me she didn't make her intentions clear when they parted ways. Misty was deceitful in her relationships with men and had multiple affairs going on simultaneously. Misty's father hoped marrying Ron would change her.

Apparently Misty and Joe partied together, and AFAIK, the female Joe drove to Satsuma with was not his girlfriend nor did she stay in Satsuma during Joe's visit. Chelsea said after Ron & Joe argued about the gun, Joe left Tommy’s to go stay with L&H, and after Hank's car accident on Feb 7/09, he moved on and stayed with them, where T&L’s van was parked on Feb 9/09. Joe knew Ron’s work schedule and he had access to the van so it is possible he went to visit Misty Monday evening to smoke a joint with her since they both smoked marijuana, and they ended up having "forbidden" sex. If Junior & HaLeigh were together in Ron’s bedroom watching a movie, Misty likely entertained Joe in the living room. Since Joe already feared Ron and was running from him, he would be even more fearful of Ronald and guilty for having sex with Misty so if HaLeigh threatened to tell her daddy that Joe was there making out with Misty, it makes perfect sense why Joe would panic and run away with HaLeigh. It also explains why Misty would hold back information.

I question whether a five-year-old would confront Joe & Misty if they were making out in another room? HaLeigh was supposedly in bed at 8 pm watching a movie in the same room with her brother perhaps with the door closed so I suspect HaLeigh would have fallen asleep while watching the movie and be unaware of what Misty & Joe were doing in the next room. Perhaps Misty said Joe had sex with HaLeigh to cover up the fact it was her Joe had sex with.

In Joe’s interview, he said he was upset that he had lost some of his family members which doesn’t make sense to me because I would think he would be glad to be far far away from the Croslin's because they are Trouble. T& L’s neighbors were glad they moved out of town. It is a strong possibility Joe panicked if HaLeigh threatened him and he grabbed her on his way out and threw her in the river on his way back to Timmy’s.

I don't think Haleigh would have had to confront them by saying, I'm telling daddy, or whatever. She could have just woke up because she wanted a drink or because she heard them in the livingroom. I think just the sight of her could have sent them into pure panic mode...especially if they were high as a kite. I just keep thinking more and more about this scenario and I don't think it's a big stretch to say this could have happened.
Debs, I know it was stated that 2:13a call was the first call related to this case but I don't know if that call came from Tyler. Maybe it was a call that led police over to Tyler...I just dunno. It was a call to the non emergency line so I was thinking that if it had something to do with Haleigh going missing, why wouldn't they just call 911? I'm thinking maybe it was a noise disturbance or something like that.

I don't think the calls to non-emergency lines are recorded only 911 calls.
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