George and Cindy Anthonys Body Language and Comments Indicates They Are Feigning

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Can you just imagine what kind of a Christmas those two are having? Nothing under the Christmas tree, no hope, no future, and two bedrooms that will be forever empty. And no matter what the outcome, the New Year of 2011 holds nothing but heartbreak for them.

Sure, they've participated but....just for this moment, I gotta admit, I feel a smidgen of compassion.


Nothing wrong with that.
Can you just imagine what kind of a Christmas those two are having? Nothing under the Christmas tree, no hope, no future, and two bedrooms that will be forever empty. And no matter what the outcome, the New Year of 2011 holds nothing but heartbreak for them.

Sure, they've participated but....just for this moment, I gotta admit, I feel a smidgen of compassion.

Yes, it is hard not to stop and wonder what might have been if only......

If only CA and GA had called KC to the mats on her theiving and lying....

If only CA had kicked KC out and filed for guardianship of Caylee when advised to by that councelor....

If only CA and GA had sought help for KC when they first knew she had some "issues"....

If only KC had left by herself and allowed CA and GA to raise Caylee....

If any of these things had occurred, there would be a Christmas tree with twinkling lights and loads of presents for Caylee, who would be so very excited about Santa Claus coming. GA would be in the garage putting together a doll house, or Barbie car for her while CA wrapped loads of clothes and dolls and Disney Princess toys.

As it is, they are probably staring blankly at the walls, silently contemplating "what if", no joy or cheer. Just loads of regret. And that is very, very sad. MOO.
Yes, it is hard not to stop and wonder what might have been if only......

If only CA and GA had called KC to the mats on her theiving and lying....

If only CA had kicked KC out and filed for guardianship of Caylee when advised to by that councelor....

If only CA and GA had sought help for KC when they first knew she had some "issues"....

If only KC had left by herself and allowed CA and GA to raise Caylee....

If any of these things had occurred, there would be a Christmas tree with twinkling lights and loads of presents for Caylee, who would be so very excited about Santa Claus coming. GA would be in the garage putting together a doll house, or Barbie car for her while CA wrapped loads of clothes and dolls and Disney Princess toys.

As it is, they are probably staring blankly at the walls, silently contemplating "what if", no joy or cheer. Just loads of regret. And that is very, very sad. MOO.

Respectfully BBM

Just out of curiosity, why would anyone think Caylee would have been better off if Cindy and George had raised her? I mean, they raised KC and that didn't turn out too well. I understand that KC and Caylee are two different people, but I wouldn't have wished for Caylee to have Cindy raise her any more than I would wish for KC to raise her. I, personally, don't believe that either one of them is fit to be a mother and raise children.

I have said before, and I will say again, that I believe the only way Caylee ever had a chance in life is for her to have been raised by someone OTHER than an Anthony. I really feel sorry for her that she was born into that family. And worse for what they all did to her during the short time she was here on earth.

But that's just my opinion. I'll be quiet now.....
Respectfully BBM

Just out of curiosity, why would anyone think Caylee would have been better off if Cindy and George had raised her? I mean, they raised KC and that didn't turn out too well. I understand that KC and Caylee are two different people, but I wouldn't have wished for Caylee to have Cindy raise her any more than I would wish for KC to raise her. I, personally, don't believe that either one of them is fit to be a mother and raise children.

I have said before, and I will say again, that I believe the only way Caylee ever had a chance in life is for her to have been raised by someone OTHER than an Anthony. I really feel sorry for her that she was born into that family. And worse for what they all did to her during the short time she was here on earth.

But that's just my opinion. I'll be quiet now.....

For one, she'd still be alive.
Can you just imagine what kind of a Christmas those two are having? Nothing under the Christmas tree, no hope, no future, and two bedrooms that will be forever empty. And no matter what the outcome, the New Year of 2011 holds nothing but heartbreak for them.

Sure, they've participated but....just for this moment, I gotta admit, I feel a smidgen of compassion.

All so true! But I really don't think they actually feel the heartbreak.I think they keep the grief at bay by staying angry and with the rest of the world and trying to convince themselves that their lies are true. Almost any other emotion is easier than grief.
Can you just imagine what kind of a Christmas those two are having? Nothing under the Christmas tree, no hope, no future, and two bedrooms that will be forever empty. And no matter what the outcome, the New Year of 2011 holds nothing but heartbreak for them.

Sure, they've participated but....just for this moment, I gotta admit, I feel a smidgen of compassion.

Had they never spoken a word following the deed, compassion would be their friend. But in reality they are Ma and Pa Anthony, albeit dressed up in suburbia.
For one, she'd still be alive.

Yes, she would.... but at what cost if raised by Cindy and George or KC?

And before anyone throws tomatoes at me <ducking>, I am not saying I think she is better off being dead. I think she would have been better off being put up for adoption and raised by someone who could have really given Caylee the love and life she deserved.

Again, my opinion only.

ETA: Someone..... NOT an Anthony.
Yes, she would.... but at what cost if raised by Cindy and George or KC?

And before anyone throws tomatoes at me <ducking>, I am not saying I think she is better off being dead. I think she would have been better off being put up for adoption and raised by someone who could have really given Caylee the love and life she deserved.

Again, my opinion only.

ETA: Someone..... NOT an Anthony.

ITA. But it comes down to degrees. Being raised by Cindy and George still beats an early death. Ideal - no. But better.
All so true! But I really don't think they actually feel the heartbreak.I think they keep the grief at bay by staying angry and with the rest of the world and trying to convince themselves that their lies are true. Almost any other emotion is easier than grief.

I really think this upcoming year will give them no choice. They are about to live their reality in that courtroom. I think it will be so terrible for them that grief will be their only friend.
ITA. But it comes down to degrees. Being raised by Cindy and George still beats an early death. Ideal - no. But better.

Numbers, I will agree with you that it would be better for Caylee not to have been murdered.

At least we know Caylee is no longer in any pain... and now has all the love she should have received while living (for those of us that believe in a higher power).

Merry Christmas, Numbers.
Numbers, I will agree with you that it would be better for Caylee not to have been murdered.

At least we know Caylee is no longer in any pain... and now has all the love she should have received while living (for those of us that believe in a higher power).

Merry Christmas, Numbers.

And the most happiest of holidays to you!

[I'm a big time Snagglepuss fan!]
I really think this upcoming year will give them no choice. They are about to live their reality in that courtroom. I think it will be so terrible for them that grief will be their only friend.

LG, I agree, but unfortunately they can never begin to heal until they have worked through their grief. It certainly will be tough for them. And I would never want to be in their shoes.
LG, I agree, but unfortunately they can never begin to heal until they have worked through their grief. It certainly will be tough for them. And I would never want to be in their shoes.

They will never be able to even reach getting over their grief, until they can let go of the anger that they harbor inside of them so deeply.

Actually, there are many emotions that they need to face and let go of, before they will be able to get anywhere close to any healing of any kind.

And, that work, IMO is deeply buried, and goes back a very long time.
The emotions that they have, are not ones that happened when this happened to Caylee.
It is deeply rooted, deeply.........

IMO, there are issues that probably should have been worked out even before Lee and Casey were born.
In the interview with the pretty blonde lady, Cindy gives a DIFFERENT date in answer to the question "When did Casey last see her daughter?"

Her answer is "June 14th". Now, this interview was apparently about 2 weeks after July 16th - if not a little sooner, because the newswoman talks about the police digging in George and Cindy's back yard "last Friday".

So, first it was June 9th. Then here in this interview it was June 14th. And then later it morphed to George seeing the two of them on Monday, June 16th!

What the hey?
They will never be able to even reach getting over their grief, until they can let go of the anger that they harbor inside of them so deeply.

Actually, there are many emotions that they need to face and let go of, before they will be able to get anywhere close to any healing of any kind.

And, that work, IMO is deeply buried, and goes back a very long time.
The emotions that they have, are not ones that happened when this happened to Caylee.
It is deeply rooted, deeply.........

IMO, there are issues that probably should have been worked out even before Lee and Casey were born.

Purple Iris, I completely agree with everything you said. I also have been of the belief that their deep seated anger did not begin with Caylee's death.

I admire those who are able to have so much compassion for the Anthonys. I am still conflicted. I just wish they would realize that they helped to create the hell they are living in, and have been living in for a very long time, and make a conscious decision to make it right.

More than anything, I wish they would decide to stand FOR Caylee and stand AGAINST the one who took her life. They already know in their hearts who that person is.
Purple Iris, I completely agree with everything you said. I also have been of the belief that their deep seated anger did not begin with Caylee's death.

I admire those who are able to have so much compassion for the Anthonys. I am still conflicted. I just wish they would realize that they helped to create the hell they are living in, and have been living in for a very long time, and make a conscious decision to make it right.

More than anything, I wish they would decide to stand FOR Caylee and stand AGAINST the one who took her life. They already know in their hearts who that person is.

For me, it's reasonably easy for me to have a least a small amount of compassion. I look at the pictures of George and Caylee, then I look at the pictures of Cindy and Caylee, like the ones in the pool, then I really look at them now - I mean I really look at them now. They know what they've done, what they've created and it is eating away at them. I think they believe they are responsible for Caylee's death and are responsible for ICA. And I think they also believe there is no redemption for them because Caylee is gone forever.

This year my wish for Cindy is that she will look at her daughter and say, my daughter killed my grand daughter. Caylee is dead and is never coming back. My daughter is guilty and must face the consequences. That's my wish for Cindy.

I don't have a wish for George. Well, I wish he would take the high road, but the more we see of George, the more we know he won't. George will move on and find someone else to sponge off of - so he doesn't need my wishes.
They will never be able to even reach getting over their grief, until they can let go of the anger that they harbor inside of them so deeply.

Actually, there are many emotions that they need to face and let go of, before they will be able to get anywhere close to any healing of any kind.

And, that work, IMO is deeply buried, and goes back a very long time.
The emotions that they have, are not ones that happened when this happened to Caylee.
It is deeply rooted, deeply.........

IMO, there are issues that probably should have been worked out even before Lee and Casey were born.

I don't think they will ever be able to properly grieve because they refuse to accept the facts as they are. The A's problems apparently have been around for a long time according to CA's brother Rick. They have allowed themselves to alienate and be alienated by practically everyone. They want everyone to think that they are this perfect little family where nothing wrong takes place, but nothing could be further from the truth. And, IMO, they will never admit that, therefore they will never be able to heal. They will continue to blame everyone around them.
For me, it's reasonably easy for me to have a least a small amount of compassion. I look at the pictures of George and Caylee, then I look at the pictures of Cindy and Caylee, like the ones in the pool, then I really look at them now - I mean I really look at them now. They know what they've done, what they've created and it is eating away at them. I think they believe they are responsible for Caylee's death and are responsible for ICA. And I think they also believe there is no redemption for them because Caylee is gone forever.

This year my wish for Cindy is that she will look at her daughter and say, my daughter killed my grand daughter. Caylee is dead and is never coming back. My daughter is guilty and must face the consequences. That's my wish for Cindy.

I don't have a wish for George. Well, I wish he would take the high road, but the more we see of George, the more we know he won't. George will move on and find someone else to sponge off of - so he doesn't need my wishes.

Ya know, LogicalGirl, I too have looked at those past pictures of Caylee with her grandparents, and, there was a light that shown brightly from all of them during that time in Caylee's life.

I have to wonder where it went so wrong - how long did "this" simmer on the stove?

I remember watching a couple of videos of Cindy that will always stay with me and haunt me.
The first one, was when she and George were giving a press release or something. The one that Cindy is leaning into George, barely able to keep her eyes open, and, so, so, out of it. She had been the mouth peice, and all of a sudden, we see George doing the talking; with no knee grabs or interruptions from Cindy.
The other one with Cindy, was her exclusive with Holly B of FOX Orlando, shown a couple of days after Casey was arrested.
I don't know ~ I "believed her" ~ My heart ached for her. Holly asked her what she missed most about Caylee, and she replied; "Caylee would take her little hands and grab me by the cheeks, and squeeze them together, and tell, It'll be awwight CeCe".
My God, what in the world would a 2yr old have to reassure a Grandmother of?? That it would be okay???

What did that little one see in that home in those last months when things were obviously so heated?

I also wonder what Cindy's childhood was like. Diane Fannings states in her book, that Cindy was referred to as "Princess". That she was given things that her brothers did not have.

We've heard of George's turmulant past with his father.
We see no brothers or sisters from their sides showing any support.
We've seen brother Rick's e-mails to Cindy.

I felt bad for Cindy in the beginning when we heard how both George and Casey took Cindy for evereything she had.
In a way, I still for sorry for her in that respect. They had her between a rock and a hard space.

Does Cindy now feel that she is rightfully entitled to get whatever she can out of this?
Does she think, well, they both took me while I supported all of them, and Caylee.
If this is the only way that I can recoup any of that, then so be it??
I don't know ~ I will give the woman credit for working and taking on that heavy load.

I also know from working in a Domestic Abuse and Crisis Center, that is it can be extremely difficult for women to leave, for any number of reasons.
George wouldn't have had to have been physically been "beating her", there are all kinds of abuse.
I feel she was abused in that marraige - first by having to take on the main breadwinner role, when, George was physically able to work the majority of the time.
George wants fast money ~ Easy money ~ He doesn't want to have to work to hard or get dirty in the process, IMO.

Anyway - I agree with you as far as George goes.
Once this is over, he's going to be out of there. He'll have his own side of the story to tell and sell.
Cindy will be a fleeting memory.
She will be the one that is left with many guilts from getting herself into this so deeply, that she cannot find the door out any longer.

She feels as trapped in this, as she did in her marraige, IMO.

It doesn't excuse either one of them = but, their wiring has been messed up for so long.
I wonder if it is even fixable at this late stage in their life?
Cindy will be the one to continue to suffer by all of this though, IMO.

Probably didn't make any sense at all, huh??

These people are complicated, thats for sure.
I really think this upcoming year will give them no choice. They are about to live their reality in that courtroom. I think it will be so terrible for them that grief will be their only friend.

Unfortunately the coming year will be extremely difficult for the Anthonys, and they don't have the luxury of a large circle of friends for support.

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