George and Cindy Anthonys Body Language and Comments Indicates They Are Feigning

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Unfortunately the coming year will be extremely difficult for the Anthonys, and they don't have the luxury of a large circle of friends for support.

And, that's too bad, because honestly, I believe that people are forgiving.
We want to be forgiving by nature, IMO. At least most people do.

They could have the support that they need, either alone or together.
But, it is up to them to take that first step and reach out.

And, just as alot of people want to be forgiving, there are those that will never accept it.
They for some reason thrive on negitivity and anger.
Jealousy and casting blame on a scapegoat is a big symptom of narcissism, so, IMO there could be some of that in Cindy's family. Sounds to me like she could have been a target since childhood. For siblings to tell the media that Cindy was a princess and got more than the brothers is ridiculous. I don't see how she stands it except that she is probably very used to being treated that way by many of her family, so when Casey started manipulating and making everyone hate her maybe it was hard to see at first. As far as I'm concerned that type of treatment could have even contributed to not taking immediate action against Casey when the stealing very first started instead of taking Casey's blame and jealousy or feeling that she had done something wrong. The ultimate scapegoating and manipulation is for all this to be spread to the public casting even more blame when all the woman is probably trying to do is undo some of the damage the 911 call did by being blared to the public and future jurors. The Anthony's must be concerned about Casey getting the death penalty and about her being in general population. If they love her and are worried, who cares.
Jealousy and casting blame on a scapegoat is a big symptom of narcissism, so, IMO there could be some of that in Cindy's family. Sounds to me like she could have been a target since childhood. For siblings to tell the media that Cindy was a princess and got more than the brothers is ridiculous. I don't see how she stands it except that she is probably very used to being treated that way by many of her family, so when Casey started manipulating and making everyone hate her maybe it was hard to see at first. As far as I'm concerned that type of treatment could have even contributed to not taking immediate action against Casey when the stealing very first started instead of taking Casey's blame and jealousy or feeling that she had done something wrong. The ultimate scapegoating and manipulation is for all this to be spread to the public casting even more blame when all the woman is probably trying to do is undo some of the damage the 911 call did by being blared to the public and future jurors. The Anthony's must be concerned about Casey getting the death penalty and about her being in general population. If they love her and are worried, who cares.

On a personal level, I can be sympathetic to all of the above in regards to what makes CA tick the way she ticks.

CA is a 52 (IIRC) year old woman. She is well beyond the age of acting out her childhood hurt. If she were a healthy woman and in the right on all this, she could and should stop associating with those around her that don't do right by her-Be it her brother, her mother or her daughter. In childhood, CA might not have had a say how she was treated-But as a grown woman, she can choose not to be a victim. If she stays and puts up with garbage like KC's, she is purposefully "martyring" herself, there is some gratification or comfort there for her.
If we are to prevent these kinds of things from ever happening in our society again, then we must first ask intellectual honesty and accountability from one another. I hold CA accountable for being a grown-up who was responsible for the well-being of a 3 year old girl. I hold the people of Florida accountable for the well-being of Caylee Anthony as well and am glad to see that they are seeking out and trying her killer.
As for the A's feelings toward KC, I feel ya on the 'hate the sin, not the sinner' front. But you gotta hate the sin, not feed it. First I guess you gotta see it as a sin.... and I have no idea if CA has spun this around in her head so badly that she does not know if it is a sin or not. Either way, it's not up to me to sit around and wait for CA to figure it out-I expect her to have the same intellectual honesty that others expect of me, so at this point, let's just say I am disappointed in her for not giving that much to protect Caylee.

ETA-CA's 911 call was one of only moments of intellectual honesty and accountability I have heard come from CA's mouth since this whole thing started.
In the interview with the pretty blonde lady, Cindy gives a DIFFERENT date in answer to the question "When did Casey last see her daughter?"

Her answer is "June 14th". Now, this interview was apparently about 2 weeks after July 16th - if not a little sooner, because the newswoman talks about the police digging in George and Cindy's back yard "last Friday".

So, first it was June 9th. Then here in this interview it was June 14th. And then later it morphed to George seeing the two of them on Monday, June 16th!

What the hey?

They really want AWAY from June 15th for some reason. :waitasec:
Purple Iris, I completely agree with everything you said. I also have been of the belief that their deep seated anger did not begin with Caylee's death.

I admire those who are able to have so much compassion for the Anthonys. I am still conflicted. I just wish they would realize that they helped to create the hell they are living in, and have been living in for a very long time, and make a conscious decision to make it right.

More than anything, I wish they would decide to stand FOR Caylee and stand AGAINST the one who took her life. They already know in their hearts who that person is.

Let's put it this way. The A's have suffered the most devastating event you can have in your lifetime, the loss of a child. That being said, they're not done yet. No excuse for their actions but it shows us the stuff they are made of. Sad, just very sad. jmo
Let's put it this way. The A's have suffered the most devastating event you can have in your lifetime, the loss of a child. That being said, they're not done yet. No excuse for their actions but it shows us the stuff they are made of. Sad, just very sad. jmo

Only because that child refuses to have contact with them. Makes ya go hummmm.:waitasec:
Unfortunately the coming year will be extremely difficult for the Anthonys, and they don't have the luxury of a large circle of friends for support.

And that's because they've chased every single friend away. I'll never forget Cindy's former boss coming to testify in court, and then leaving so quickly. She was so sympathetic to what happened to Caylee, and would have made a great friend for Cindy to cry on, but because Cindy is so invested in Casey's innocence, that not only will never happen, but that boss didn't even want to speak to her or look her in the eye. I kept thinking, that's a great friend and sympathizer that Cindy just stuck her nose up to. What an idiot.

I think a LOT of their former friends are this way. They have not only chased them off, they have become big time pariah's in their community. I don't know how the few people left that still go to court with them stand to be near them. I guess they just don't talk about Casey or Caylee to them. That would mean instantly not being friends with them anymore, I'm sure.

It's one thing to want to believe your child is innocent. It's another to hate other people so much for not believing that your child is innocent that you're alone, with no one to support or help you, and you'd rather be that way than have friends and support around you. They'd rather be alone and miserable in that house together than have support and guidance.

Not even their own son seems to want to hang around them and give them support anymore, not for a long time. Their own families seem to be staying away from them too. I actually feel sorry for their attorneys because I'm sure the only support they get these days is legal support.

All of that for Casey, the ungrateful daughter who sits in jail and won't even look at Cindy in court anymore. At least George doesn't show up to court anymore, but I can't fathom why he doesn't just leave that family now. What is the benefit of staying with Cindy? There is none. I don't know how she keeps him tethered to her.

I guess that perfect family facade has to be held up for some unfathomable reason. There must be some kind of book deal or something down the road to motivate these people, who are so miserable with no friends or family at their side, to stay together and keep their facade intact. What other possible reason is there? Do they still think they're famous or something? Does that producer that shows up to every court hearing keep them thinking they are still going to make money off of this somehow if they stay together at least until the trial is over? Is nothing but greed keeping them together now?

I just do not get them at all, and try as I might, I can't summon up one ounce of sympathy for them. This is controlled. This is something that they can change and they won't. It is their fault that they are still where they are. They could have changed their situation a long time ago, and they just won't.

And the saddest and most unfathomable and frustrating thing of here is that all of this misery and pain, all of the times Casey won't look at them or acknowledge them, and all of the times she continues to throw them under the bus to save herself is worth more than precious Caylee in their eyes. I just don't get it. I never will.
And that's because they've chased every single friend away. I'll never forget Cindy's former boss coming to testify in court, and then leaving so quickly. She was so sympathetic to what happened to Caylee, and would have made a great friend for Cindy to cry on, but because Cindy is so invested in Casey's innocence, that not only will never happen, but that boss didn't even want to speak to her or look her in the eye. I kept thinking, that's a great friend and sympathizer that Cindy just stuck her nose up to. What an idiot.

I think a LOT of their former friends are this way. They have not only chased them off, they have become big time pariah's in their community. I don't know how the few people left that still go to court with them stand to be near them. I guess they just don't talk about Casey or Caylee to them. That would mean instantly not being friends with them anymore, I'm sure.

It's one thing to want to believe your child is innocent. It's another to hate other people so much for not believing that your child is innocent that you're alone, with no one to support or help you, and you'd rather be that way than have friends and support around you. They'd rather be alone and miserable in that house together than have support and guidance.

Not even their own son seems to want to hang around them and give them support anymore, not for a long time. Their own families seem to be staying away from them too. I actually feel sorry for their attorneys because I'm sure the only support they get these days is legal support.

All of that for Casey, the ungrateful daughter who sits in jail and won't even look at Cindy in court anymore. At least George doesn't show up to court anymore, but I can't fathom why he doesn't just leave that family now. What is the benefit of staying with Cindy? There is none. I don't know how she keeps him tethered to her.

I guess that perfect family facade has to be held up for some unfathomable reason. There must be some kind of book deal or something down the road to motivate these people, who are so miserable with no friends or family at their side, to stay together and keep their facade intact. What other possible reason is there? Do they still think they're famous or something? Does that producer that shows up to every court hearing keep them thinking they are still going to make money off of this somehow if they stay together at least until the trial is over? Is nothing but greed keeping them together now?

I just do not get them at all, and try as I might, I can't summon up one ounce of sympathy for them. This is controlled. This is something that they can change and they won't. It is their fault that they are still where they are. They could have changed their situation a long time ago, and they just won't.

And the saddest and most unfathomable and frustrating thing of here is that all of this misery and pain, all of the times Casey won't look at them or acknowledge them, and all of the times she continues to throw them under the bus to save herself is worth more than precious Caylee in their eyes. I just don't get it. I never will.

I completely agree with you, Aedrys! The A's have driven everyone who has tried to help them away. Whether they were trying to help "find" Caylee, or help the A's see the truth of the situation, they became instant adversaries. If they weren't willing to join the clown circus and tow the "KC is innocent/Zanny kidnapper" line, they were an enemy to be publicly trashed. Look at how CA treated TM of all people! He came there to locate Caylee, bringing with him all of his experience and compassion, and she treated him like 3 day old fish. They need serious help, but won't accept it. You know the old saying about throwing away happiness with both hands? Well, the A's seem to throw out logic and reason to be replaced with a fantasy reality that only they can understand. And, they are so deeply ingrained that there is no snapping back to reality. At least not for CA, as far as I can see. Tragic. They could have been a productive American family. Instead, they will be nothing more than a cautionary tale. JMO.
And that's because they've chased every single friend away. I'll never forget Cindy's former boss coming to testify in court, and then leaving so quickly. She was so sympathetic to what happened to Caylee, and would have made a great friend for Cindy to cry on, but because Cindy is so invested in Casey's innocence, that not only will never happen, but that boss didn't even want to speak to her or look her in the eye. I kept thinking, that's a great friend and sympathizer that Cindy just stuck her nose up to. What an idiot.

I think a LOT of their former friends are this way. They have not only chased them off, they have become big time pariah's in their community. I don't know how the few people left that still go to court with them stand to be near them. I guess they just don't talk about Casey or Caylee to them. That would mean instantly not being friends with them anymore, I'm sure.

It's one thing to want to believe your child is innocent. It's another to hate other people so much for not believing that your child is innocent that you're alone, with no one to support or help you, and you'd rather be that way than have friends and support around you. They'd rather be alone and miserable in that house together than have support and guidance.

Not even their own son seems to want to hang around them and give them support anymore, not for a long time. Their own families seem to be staying away from them too. I actually feel sorry for their attorneys because I'm sure the only support they get these days is legal support.

All of that for Casey, the ungrateful daughter who sits in jail and won't even look at Cindy in court anymore. At least George doesn't show up to court anymore, but I can't fathom why he doesn't just leave that family now. What is the benefit of staying with Cindy? There is none. I don't know how she keeps him tethered to her.

I guess that perfect family facade has to be held up for some unfathomable reason. There must be some kind of book deal or something down the road to motivate these people, who are so miserable with no friends or family at their side, to stay together and keep their facade intact. What other possible reason is there? Do they still think they're famous or something? Does that producer that shows up to every court hearing keep them thinking they are still going to make money off of this somehow if they stay together at least until the trial is over? Is nothing but greed keeping them together now?

I just do not get them at all, and try as I might, I can't summon up one ounce of sympathy for them. This is controlled. This is something that they can change and they won't. It is their fault that they are still where they are. They could have changed their situation a long time ago, and they just won't.

And the saddest and most unfathomable and frustrating thing of here is that all of this misery and pain, all of the times Casey won't look at them or acknowledge them, and all of the times she continues to throw them under the bus to save herself is worth more than precious Caylee in their eyes. I just don't get it. I never will.

Oh I believe you do "get it" if you think about it for a minute. ICA is a master manipulator because remember, she doesn't have the same emotional pull as you or I or even Cindy or George has. This is all a big joke to her - she loves being in what she sees as control. Look at that smirk she had on her face after she "glanced at her mother". It was an "oh good - I sure have her on the hook - I have the upper hand" kind of a look. Think cat torturing mouse.

As long as ICA refuses to see them, she doesn't have to answer any of the questions CA would have for her - the biggest being "what have you done?"
I believe ICA as a sociopath controlled that whole family throughout her life, made it hell, and still does.

I only hope once a jury brings in a guilty charge, and ICA is given LWOP that Cindy will finally begin to break the chains that bind her to ICA. IMO:truce:
Sorry I just don't think CA was ever abused in that marriage. She is tooooooo controlling. She tells everyone to jump, LA, GA, KC, and they said "how high". KC just decided to rebel. Not in a pleasant way but then CA made her bed. GA left at one point and if GA was abusing CA she never had to let him come back. But abused, never. I don't see it. Too strong a character and too strong willed. She is not afraid of anyone. Now GA????? There is an old saying if you are not part of the solution than you are part of the problem.
Yes, it is hard not to stop and wonder what might have been if only......

If only CA and GA had called KC to the mats on her theiving and lying....

If only CA had kicked KC out and filed for guardianship of Caylee when advised to by that councelor....

If only CA and GA had sought help for KC when they first knew she had some "issues"....

If only KC had left by herself and allowed CA and GA to raise Caylee....

If any of these things had occurred, there would be a Christmas tree with twinkling lights and loads of presents for Caylee, who would be so very excited about Santa Claus coming. GA would be in the garage putting together a doll house, or Barbie car for her while CA wrapped loads of clothes and dolls and Disney Princess toys.

As it is, they are probably staring blankly at the walls, silently contemplating "what if", no joy or cheer. Just loads of regret. And that is very, very sad. MOO.

BBM to address.

My guess is totally different. I think they're both fuming and brainstorming about how they can cover Casey's butt and their own butts. And also trying to find other people to blame. IOW, they're looking for a scapegoat. JMO, of course.

I almost forgot. I think at least one of them is looking to wreak vengeance upon one or more persons.
BBM to address.

My guess is totally different. I think they're both fuming and brainstorming about how they can cover Casey's butt and their own butts. And also trying to find other people to blame. IOW, they're looking for a scapegoat. JMO, of course.

I almost forgot. I think at least one of them is looking to wreak vengeance upon one or more persons.

Lol! Absolutely! They would blame anyone else of this heinous crime if it would allow their little CEO to go free. They, specifically CA, just don't see where it is anyone elses business to try and discipline KC. CA will continue to look for someone else to be the fall guy or minimally to create doubt. She isn't interested in justice. She wants control. MOO.
And, that's too bad, because honestly, I believe that people are forgiving.
We want to be forgiving by nature, IMO. At least most people do.

They could have the support that they need, either alone or together.
But, it is up to them to take that first step and reach out.

And, just as alot of people want to be forgiving, there are those that will never accept it.
They for some reason thrive on negitivity and anger.
...or feeling just plain indifferent.
And that's because they've chased every single friend away. I'll never forget Cindy's former boss coming to testify in court, and then leaving so quickly. She was so sympathetic to what happened to Caylee, and would have made a great friend for Cindy to cry on, but because Cindy is so invested in Casey's innocence, that not only will never happen, but that boss didn't even want to speak to her or look her in the eye. I kept thinking, that's a great friend and sympathizer that Cindy just stuck her nose up to. What an idiot.

I think a LOT of their former friends are this way. They have not only chased them off, they have become big time pariah's in their community. I don't know how the few people left that still go to court with them stand to be near them. I guess they just don't talk about Casey or Caylee to them. That would mean instantly not being friends with them anymore, I'm sure.

It's one thing to want to believe your child is innocent. It's another to hate other people so much for not believing that your child is innocent that you're alone, with no one to support or help you, and you'd rather be that way than have friends and support around you. They'd rather be alone and miserable in that house together than have support and guidance.

Not even their own son seems to want to hang around them and give them support anymore, not for a long time. Their own families seem to be staying away from them too. I actually feel sorry for their attorneys because I'm sure the only support they get these days is legal support.

All of that for Casey, the ungrateful daughter who sits in jail and won't even look at Cindy in court anymore. At least George doesn't show up to court anymore, but I can't fathom why he doesn't just leave that family now. What is the benefit of staying with Cindy? There is none. I don't know how she keeps him tethered to her.

I guess that perfect family facade has to be held up for some unfathomable reason. There must be some kind of book deal or something down the road to motivate these people, who are so miserable with no friends or family at their side, to stay together and keep their facade intact. What other possible reason is there? Do they still think they're famous or something? Does that producer that shows up to every court hearing keep them thinking they are still going to make money off of this somehow if they stay together at least until the trial is over? Is nothing but greed keeping them together now?

I just do not get them at all, and try as I might, I can't summon up one ounce of sympathy for them. This is controlled. This is something that they can change and they won't. It is their fault that they are still where they are. They could have changed their situation a long time ago, and they just won't.

And the saddest and most unfathomable and frustrating thing of here is that all of this misery and pain, all of the times Casey won't look at them or acknowledge them, and all of the times she continues to throw them under the bus to save herself is worth more than precious Caylee in their eyes. I just don't get it. I never will.

Your post is right on target! In the very beginning of this case, George's mother and sister were at the Anthony home. Cindy complained to a news crew that they needed to be more careful with their cables running everywhere as her mother-in-law tripped and almost fell.

On July 16, 2008, George's sister was there and they were monitoring the television waiting for an Amber alert to be given on Caylee when someone called them and said that Casey had been arrested and it was being covered on another channel. A few days later local news crews had a picture of George and a woman at a card table handing out fliers on Caylee. The woman was identified as George's sister.

That was all the first week after the events of July 15th - picking up the Pontiac, finding Casey and bringing her home, the 911 calls, and Casey's arrest. After that, we didn't hear any more of George's mother or sister being there. They completely dropped out of the picture. In the past two years, there's been no extended family present in court supporting them.

I think one of the things that has driven people away is the way Caylee's memorial service was handled. Cindy had a list of people who were not allowed to attend the service. That list included people who held the belief that Casey is guilty. With that list, Cindy created a division..........those who believe Casey is guilty are their enemies, and those who believe Casey is innocent are their loyal supporters. The problem is that in addition to George and Cindy, the number of people who believe Casey is innocent can be counted on one hand......two if you include Casey's legal team.

I wonder if the producer who always comes to court with Cindy really thinks there's money to be made by the Anthonys selling their story? The story itself, as a made-for-tv- movie, based on factual happenings, might be a money maker, but a book by George and Cindy wouldn't have wide appeal since they're both known to lie.
I completely agree with you, Aedrys! The A's have driven everyone who has tried to help them away. Whether they were trying to help "find" Caylee, or help the A's see the truth of the situation, they became instant adversaries. If they weren't willing to join the clown circus and tow the "KC is innocent/Zanny kidnapper" line, they were an enemy to be publicly trashed. Look at how CA treated TM of all people! He came there to locate Caylee, bringing with him all of his experience and compassion, and she treated him like 3 day old fish. They need serious help, but won't accept it. You know the old saying about throwing away happiness with both hands? Well, the A's seem to throw out logic and reason to be replaced with a fantasy reality that only they can understand. And, they are so deeply ingrained that there is no snapping back to reality. At least not for CA, as far as I can see. Tragic. They could have been a productive American family. Instead, they will be nothing more than a cautionary tale. JMO.

I agree with both you and Aedrys. It comes down to the absurdity of the situation. George and Cindy Anthony keep trying to tell the world that the sky isn't blue - it's yellow, and the grass isn't green - it's pink. We all know how absurd that is.

It angers people that the Anthonys consider anyone who doesn't believe in their absurd belief as automatically an enemy who they can trash publicly.
Sorry I just don't think CA was ever abused in that marriage. She is tooooooo controlling. She tells everyone to jump, LA, GA, KC, and they said "how high". KC just decided to rebel. Not in a pleasant way but then CA made her bed. GA left at one point and if GA was abusing CA she never had to let him come back. But abused, never. I don't see it. Too strong a character and too strong willed. She is not afraid of anyone. Now GA????? There is an old saying if you are not part of the solution than you are part of the problem.

I agree. According to various reports, George enjoyed being a policeman in Ohio. But Cindy made him quit the police force to work for his father selling cars. George and his father didn't get along and that didn't work out. George tried running his own used car lot and that didn't work out either.

It would appear that Cindy was in charge of all life decisions. George seems to be more of a "go along to get along" type of person, deferring to Cindy's demands.

I think we've all seen that George fears Cindy to a certain degree. He doesn't want to incur Cindy's anger. That came across loud and clear in that interview with LE in which George didn't want Cindy to find out he had talked to them.

Check the photo, CA is looking adoringly at ICA as she leaves the courtroom but I didn't see that ICA even looked her way. I don't understand the how's or why's of CA demeanor, instead of anger for what ICA is accused of, she's looking like a love starved puppy..What is wrong with this woman? :crazy:


Justice for Caylee

That picture just shows how enmeshed CA is with her "cut from the same cloth" daughter! IMO It isn't about ICA that CA behaves this way-it's how CA is able to live in her own skin. CA must re-write history as her daughter does to enable their brains to function and climb out of bed day to day. They are slipping further and further into a deep dark abyss of their own creation. I can't imagine how ICA will get thru the trial being forced to listen to the SA and their case-CA at least has the option of running out of the courtroom! :waitasec:
Except when it's Cindy's turn on the witness stand!!:croc:
Nums................OMG, seeing Cindy and the Grinch side-by-side, the similarity it startling! And it's amazing that Cindy's sweater is the exact same color as the Grinch! It's not just close, it's exact!

That was hysterical!
Don't know how I missed that. Bwahaahaahaahaa:great:

Oh I believe you do "get it" if you think about it for a minute. ICA is a master manipulator because remember, she doesn't have the same emotional pull as you or I or even Cindy or George has. This is all a big joke to her - she loves being in what she sees as control. Look at that smirk she had on her face after she "glanced at her mother". It was an "oh good - I sure have her on the hook - I have the upper hand" kind of a look. Think cat torturing mouse.

Respectfully snipped and BBM

I could not agree with you more regarding the sentence I have in bold above. I have always said FromDayOne :rolleyes: that this is all a GAME to Casey. It's just a game to her, and she aims to win, even though it's now from inside prison ignoring her parents. She doesn't care about anyone but herself, and that's as plain as the nose on her lying stealing face.

And hopefully, after the May trial, it will be EndGame for little miss pants on fire.

Be good to one another,

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