George and Cindy Anthonys Body Language and Comments Indicates They Are Feigning

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Did George say he carried Caylee to the car ? I thought I remembered him saying he put Caylee in the car seat that day, but this statement didn't come out until later on. At first the story was just about what show he was watching, when he saw Casey and Caylee leave (to include very descriptive clothing). At any rate, I am having difficulty locating the exact document or video where George inserts car seat story.

I haven't been able to locate that exact statement cloud was referring to about George recalling Casey carrying Caylee out of the house yet, but I did find this video I have never seen before... and it is painful to watch!
Horrible horrible. Non credible body language, eye contact, clown faces. I am embarrassed for him. And stupid content.
I am not sure if this is the only place where George mentions the car seat. I thought I remembered it from an interview, as in a deposition, but now am not sure.

George said, "The last time I saw her was June 16, one year ago today. I woke up with her in the morning at 7:30, got a chance to have breakfast with her. Just before 1:00 that day, I didn't ever realize that that'd be the last time I would see her, have a chance to kiss her, hold her. I would hear her call me Jo-Jo, and put her in a car and wave good-bye to her."

The video of George's statement is at about the 1:50 mark here...

I had never seen that video of George before either. He looks like he's high on something; he's completely crazy looking.
Wow - Thanks Eidetic - I haven't seen that before either and all I can say is - Wow! It's really getting hard for me to follow along with George's behavior.
Eidetic I don't remember this video of George either, but I guess it was early on (as he is outside the jail). He states that he can put an end to this and I just want to scream, yes you could have George ! He was so covering for Casey from the get go.

Then the "we need monetary donations", you needed to march back in that jail visiting area and reach through the monitor and grasp your daughters throat until she comes clean ! OK, I'm done, I think.
Golly gee whiz guys! Shrug shoulders. Goofy grin. Do the pizza experiment correctly! What can I say, I asked KC the tough questions, I really did. Shrug shoulders. I asked, like, where is Caylee? Goofy grin. Geez. Oh, and we need office supplies.....

I'm speechless.
i feel bad for the guy but he skeeeeeeeeered the heck out of me

he is in bad spot but he just keeps digging it deeper
Oh, I agree SFT. He's been stuck in the middle of the back and forth between she and Cindy for many years. He knows Caseys personality and likely feared what she was capable of once he got a whiff of the Pontiac.

If I smelled that smell, knew my daughter took off with my grand daughter (I think the night of the fight when cornered by Cindy and she probably threw around some pretty nasty, veiled threats regarding the next time they would see her and Caylee) I would immediately think of the grand daughter I had not seen in a month as well.
Casey strikes me as a "survivor", someone who can handle herself. Caylee on the other hand, was innocent and vulnerable.

I think for George, the car is when the alarms were going off in full force.

"That smell". The one that George told the FBI is one you "never forget"... just imagine if you were unlucky enough to know what the smell was. And let's assume GA didn't think for one minute it was his darling Caylee.

What do you do when you smell decomp? As a regular citizen or as a FORMER LE OFFICER? Do you drive the car home with the windows open because you can't stand the stench and then put it in your garage and take out the battery?

Or does it occur to you that there is a family out there with a possibly deceased father, mother, sister, brother, child who had died and was placed in that car?

What is all of our civic duty when something like that happens? You call LE so that whoever was dead in that car gets justice.

IMO the Anthonys don't care about anyone but themselves. But then again, in my opinion they certainly knew the "dead body in the d**m car was Caylee.
I'm thinking it's possible he had some emotional conflicts about delivering this party line, based on the fact that he apparently couldn't do it sober.
Interesting point, Eidetic! Way back in the summer of '08, I wondered if KC may have carried Caylee out of the house as if she was asleep when she may have been deceased already. There have been so many conflicting statements from CA & GA about that morning that I sort of pushed the idea to the back of my mind. Thanks for bringing it to the forefront!
But wasn't there another statement where he talked of walking them to the car? Help!! I'm losing it.

ETA: not totally losing it...just saw the post above, Phew! I'm gonna have to start reading backwards!
That whole pizza story/explanation was pitiful.

That's where I got embarrassed for him. It was so obvious that he was struggling to add details so that his thinking would be validated.

His grimaces were totally puzzling to me where I was expecting a somber response. He was making goofy faces as if he were explaining a stunt or something with comic relief.
He was nauseating. Just nauseating. I have tried so hard to be compassionate for him, giving him every benefit of every doubt (especially after the alleged suicide attempt) but I find it impossible to do. His SA depo finished it for me. The video is a picture-speaks-louder-than words depiction of his unrelenting weakness and passivity. IMO, he is a shell of a man who has been completely castrated by the women in his life.
I think there could be an entire thread devoted to that video of George, to include his "body language". His eyes and especially that **** eating grin give him away. It's amazing that he can't lie better after living with Cindy and Casey for so long. Cindy sent him out there to do a job and he can't even pull some simple deception tricks for the media. Goodness she must have been disappointed in him. Can you imagine some of the "talks" she must have had with George after some of these media/LE blunders ? I wonder how many "coaching sessions" she has had with him over the last year or so...
Please make sure your posts are about this specific comment and not about george in general.
Please make sure your posts are about this specific comment and not about george in general.
Sorry about that JBean, I think I forgot what the specific comment was in my heated ramblings.
I remember the first time I heard George's story about putting Caylee in the car seat was during one of his television interviews, I'm thinking Good Morning America possibly. The reason I remember it is because on the youtube recording of it I watched, a woman who may even have been from this site, WS, was recording it off her TV and she put up a disclaimer that when George says that, it is HER own voice reacting to what he said, she audibly gasped and said something like "what? he put her in the car??". I'll try and find it.

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