George and Cindy in NC

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he denied it on the stand. during a very public trial. just sayin
Cindy also lied on the stand, so we know how sacred they take anything said under oath and sworn to God, even after both have supposedly found salvation in their choice to publicize their own Baptism. :rolleyes:

It isn't difficult to see the sheep under the wool here with this "shopping trip", just who it was that alerted the media and for what financial gain.
What I would love to see is KC's reaction to her parents still getting 'face time' on TV while she has to stay hidden out of the limelight that she obviously loves. :floorlaugh:

If some of the money is filtered down to Casey through Cindy & George, I doubt very much that she would mind whose face it was that brought it.

It saves her the bother, after all, and we know she hates to work.
Casey kept them front and center. No way, no how, did they ever want ALL THIS. A dead grand daughter and a daughter who is the most hated person in America......... nah, me thinks not. Wonder why the media isn't stalking Lee? :waitasec:

Maybe because Lee isn't *tipping* the media off to his every movement??
Here is the link from the opening post.

ETA: This one loaded for me.

I'm only quoting you because your post contained the link with this line in it.

"The shopper says the man had a "We Miss You Caylee" bracelet on his wrist and the couple drove a vehicle with Florida tags. "

So not only did the shopper take a video and call security because they felt "uneasy", they actually followed the Anthonys long enough to follow them to their car.

I find it hard to believe that anyone felt so uneasy that they needed to call sercurity, but still had the nerve to video the Anthonys and stalk them to their car when they left.
Even if anybody in that mall thought that Security should be notified that the Anthonys were committing the unpardonable sin of shopping there, why exactly would anyone call the local FOX channel and tip them off? I can just picture this Statesville resident basking in the glory of having been the one to call in such a major news story. S/he probably called every friend and relative to give them the scoop, too. Pitiful.

Really, the pity I feel at this point is for all of the people like that one who just can't move past a trial that ended almost two months ago. It's over. Why keep trying to prosecute these people who were never on trial in the first place? It's like all of these vigilantes are crawling out of the woodwork; they justice system didn't work the way they wanted, so they're going to take out their anger by continuing to pursue and prosecute/persecute these people in their own way. I think it's despicable.
What's interesting to think about is I wonder how many people there are that are firmly convinced that FCA was responsible for her daughter's death, but really believe there is some truth to the molestation claims.

He's not trustworthy to me for some reason. I don't know if I believe the molestation stuff though.

BBM : I agree that GA is NOT trustworthy and if I saw him somewhere in public, my "radar" would go off !

I did not believe the molestation allegations because the accuations came from CFA and JB ...

BUT recently ... I have been wondering if there could be some sort of "truth" or "mistruth" regarding these allegations, or perhaps an "exaggeration" of some sort of "circumstance" that did happen, which was totally blown out of proportion for "sympathy" for the defendant during the trial ...

There is just something very "strange" and very "deep" about the "relationship" between the members of this family ...

And nothing at all would SURPRISE me any more ...

Remembering Baez and JMV talked about the lynch mob outside the courthouse. I am still waiting for someone to find this "lynch mob"
I'm sure there are some people who heard this might be concerned that this MOB could show up. What's wrong with someone calling security? It's not like they are the Gestapo. Probably just a couple to keep the peace should any hate mobs form. After all the Anthonys were there....enough reason to be careful. I've seen their tempers. They always made matters worse just being out there in the middle of it.
Remembering Baez and JMV talked about the lynch mob outside the courthouse. I am still waiting for someone to find this "lynch mob"
I'm sure there are some people who heard this might be concerned that this MOB could show up. What's wrong with someone calling security? It's not like they are the Gestapo. Probably just a couple to keep the peace should any hate mobs form. After all the Anthonys were there....enough reason to be careful. I've seen their tempers. They always made matters worse just being out there in the middle of it.

Actually, calling security is what would draw attention to these two shoppers and create a scene. As would following them out to the parking lot (weird!). Otherwise, it would have just been a couple of people shopping, with maybe a couple of people recognizing them. My guess? 99.9% of the other people in the mall at that time either wouldn't have recognized the Anthonys or wouldn't have cared whether they were there or not.
Even if anybody in that mall thought that Security should be notified that the Anthonys were committing the unpardonable sin of shopping there, why exactly would anyone call the local FOX channel and tip them off? I can just picture this Statesville resident basking in the glory of having been the one to call in such a major news story. S/he probably called every friend and relative to give them the scoop, too. Pitiful.

Really, the pity I feel at this point is for all of the people like that one who just can't move past a trial that ended almost two months ago. It's over. Why keep trying to prosecute these people who were never on trial in the first place? It's like all of these vigilantes are crawling out of the woodwork; they justice system didn't work the way they wanted, so they're going to take out their anger by continuing to pursue and prosecute/persecute these people in their own way. I think it's despicable.

I would agree with you if and only IF the A's had not tried so hard to put themselves in the public eye with their many media appearances. They need money and are willing to become infamous for it so I think it goes with the territory. You can't take the money in one hand and complain with the other about the notoriety.
I'm only quoting you because your post contained the link with this line in it.

"The shopper says the man had a "We Miss You Caylee" bracelet on his wrist and the couple drove a vehicle with Florida tags. "

So not only did the shopper take a video and call security because they felt "uneasy", they actually followed the Anthonys long enough to follow them to their car.

I find it hard to believe that anyone felt so uneasy that they needed to call sercurity, but still had the nerve to video the Anthonys and stalk them to their car when they left.

BBM: Yes, it may sound "unbelievable" that someone who was just shopping around in the mall would call security and follow the Anthony's around ...

And that is WHY I believe this could be just another PR stunt by the Anthony's to make THEMSELVES look like VICTIMS ! you know, that "backlash" about their appearance on Dr. Phil ?

FWIW..a SM poster heard from a Ohio friend and the A's were spotted at the Sunrise Hotel in Warren Ohio having dinner in a booth alone. Their appearance in NC coincides that they drove to Ohio (wasn't there a family wedding planned up there) and were driving back to Fla. They were spotted in Warren last Thurs by this friend alone, without Lippmann.
Even if anybody in that mall thought that Security should be notified that the Anthonys were committing the unpardonable sin of shopping there, why exactly would anyone call the local FOX channel and tip them off? I can just picture this Statesville resident basking in the glory of having been the one to call in such a major news story. S/he probably called every friend and relative to give them the scoop, too. Pitiful.

Really, the pity I feel at this point is for all of the people like that one who just can't move past a trial that ended almost two months ago. It's over. Why keep trying to prosecute these people who were never on trial in the first place? It's like all of these vigilantes are crawling out of the woodwork; they justice system didn't work the way they wanted, so they're going to take out their anger by continuing to pursue and prosecute/persecute these people in their own way. I think it's despicable.

As far as I know, I'm not aware of anyone persecuting GA and CA. I didn't hear that anyone approached are correct in that in this case the Justice system didn't work (no thanks to the jurors) but voicing our opinion in that regard is our right. I have the right to express my opinion and will continue to do so. It would help if the Anthonys would end their public appearances and news flashes but I don't see that happening anytime soon knowing how much they love that media attention.
Maybe the A called the media to announce their presence at the Mall. It wouldn't be the first time.
I would agree with you if and only IF the A's had not tried so hard to put themselves in the public eye with their many media appearances. They need money and are willing to become infamous for it so I think it goes with the territory. You can't take the money in one hand and complain with the other about the notoriety.

No, it doesn't go with the territory. Just because someone does interviews doesn't mean that the rest of the general public (or at least the segment that has way too much time on their hands) should become paparazzi-wannabees. Of course, they CAN do that if they want to. But IMO, they make themselves look completely foolish. And, thankfully, those who are fascinated with the Anthonys to the point that they'd do such a thing are few and far between.
I think we're all curious about every minute bit of behavior from the A's because we are STILL just hoping to make sense out of the senseless. I am a student of human behavior because I want to change future outcomes. I'll admit it- I'll take any shred of Anthony news with this hope buried in there somewhere. Foolishly, I am also looking for just a smidge of apology/contrition for the horrific behavior that permitted the A's to blame everyone but the appropriate party. I guess I'd like to know that anyone in the family feels gross about their part. Not sure I'll glean that from shopping habits, but my need persists.

I can feel bad for GA and CA and still want them to make it as right as they can, you know? If they will not monitor their own behavior, then I guess people will keep monitoring them. No sense pretending we don't see them. I might be prepared to let them move on if they took responsibility for their part. Maybe.
As far as I know, I'm not aware of anyone persecuting GA and CA. I didn't hear that anyone approached are correct in that in this case the Justice system didn't work (no thanks to the jurors) but voicing our opinion in that regard is our right. I have the right to express my opinion and will continue to do so. It would help if the Anthonys would end their public appearances and news flashes but I don't see that happening anytime soon knowing how much they love that media attention.
Maybe the A called the media to announce their presence at the Mall. It wouldn't be the first time.

I didn't say a thing about expressing opinions. I've been talking about the peculiar behavior of this person at the mall.

I haven't seen the Anthonys in the media myself for weeks, but then I don't go looking for them. At malls or anywhere else.
I didn't say a thing about expressing opinions. I've been talking about the peculiar behavior of this person at the mall.

I haven't seen the Anthonys in the media myself for weeks, but then I don't go looking for them. At malls or anywhere else.

I think the picture-taking is just another form of showing disapproval for how a social contract was violated. If we let each other do anything in the name of protecting our family- we deteriorate as a society. This is just a notch down from a legal penalty. It is just much blurrier what is appropriate/inappropriate.
I think someone should follow them around and get a bunch of candid photos. And sell the photos to the highest bidder. Also eventually they would end up at fca's hideout. They should lurk around and get a photo of whole family together, hugging et al. And sell fca's address and photos with mom & pop to highest bidder and then take all of that money and make an anonymous donation to TES. whee
I didn't say a thing about expressing opinions. I've been talking about the peculiar behavior of this person at the mall.

I haven't seen the Anthonys in the media myself for weeks, but then I don't go looking for them. At malls or anywhere else.

This is a small store in a small town with few shoppers. The employees probably never see infamous people so I would expect it to be disturbing to them. When someone blatantly lies on the witness stand in a murder trial and makes accusations against innocent people to LE, why would anyone trust them? Who knows what they are capable of? The person who saw them get in their car may not be the person who called security. The person who saw the bracelet may not be the person who saw the car tags. I think way too many assumptions are being made about innocent people in a small town. On the other hand we know the As aren't innocent.
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