George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #11 Tues. July 9

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Put GZ on the stand. All the rest of this stuff means nothing, nada. Garbage in garbage out. Let the responsible person be responsible for once. IMO

perhaps you have not been following this case in the media. I have. I have seen NO MEDIA commentator say that the defense should put GZ on the stand. Every single commentator has said that there is NO REASON to put him on the stand. (thanks to the states case:)

now you may not agree, but they are being paid by the networks and cable channels to give legal expertise for the public to consider.
IMHO.. I think that last witness was a tactical maneuver by the defense.. considering her skin color. Was she really necessary? Why was she the LAST witness? I could be wrong.. let me know what you think.

Last for TODAY
This is a self defense case so IMO, to some degree TM is on trial.

Sorry, but that is incorrect and TM is absolutely not on trial.

George Zimmerman Charged With 2nd Degree Murder in Trayvon Martin's Death

The Florida Murder statute ]B] Second degree murder is defined [/
B]in Section 782.04(2), which provides:

The unlawful killing of a human being, when perpetrated by any act imminently dangerous to another and evincing a depraved mind regardless of human life, although without any premeditated design to effect the death of any particular individual, is murder in the second degree and constitutes a felony of the first degree, punishable by imprisonment for a term of years not exceeding life ….

I think they have already shown that GZ had the " depraved mind " with which he has been charged with. IMO
When I first started hearing about this case in the media I was on the fence but with both legs hanging over towards the Prosecution side. I was guilty of the media brainwashing that happens to a lot of us. I have tremendous sympathy for Trayvon's family, as we all do. When the trial initially started I even posted not very kindly towards George. But my opinion has completely changed after listening to the evidence. Actually my opinion changed just hearing the prosecution's own witnesses. I now believe he was defending himself. IMO I don't know how the jury could possibly convict him. All of the above is MOO.

I'm right there with you, Snoods! I knew very little about this case going in, except for the buzz words that everybody else heard - teenager wearing a hoodie, iced tea and skittles, cop wannabe, etc

This trial has been an eye-opener!

There is facts that support GZ. Witness testimony, injuries, The fact that he called NEN to report TM and was waiting for them to arrive. The fact that he gave all his statements without a lawyer.

According to FL law he only had to believe that he was under attack and would be injured or killed. It did not actually have to happen.

I wonder which witnesses testified that GZ had been lethally assaulted by TM? IMO, witnesses all testified different versions of the scuffle, some said TM was on top, some testified GZ was on top and then got up, etc., some were unsure what they saw because it was too dark, even John Good wasn't sure arm motions he saw were blows/assault, etc. none ventured that what they witnessed was a life-or-death situation for GZ, and that GZ had reasons to kill TM. IMO.

I don't get how GZ's own account would automatically exonerate him, that was how and why this whole debacle came about - GZ's statement was accepted at face value without question, based on SYG, by the police after the killing. IMO.
No. And unfortunately for justice, I don't believe GZ will take the stand. So all of these statements he has made about his innocence will not be subject to cross-examination and will go unchallenged. Very good lawyering on the part of MOM, but a bad day for truth. IMO

MOM didn't write the US Constitution.
Yes, but your comment that led up to this was that you thought it was GZ saying get off and not TM.. if the Jury (or a Juror) made this conclusion even after the witness testified, they would be thrown off in a nanosecond! Or at least I'd hope so! IMO They are told to stick to the facts.. the evidence... they are not legally doing their job if they start using their feelings.. Does it happen? Of course... Unfortunately

NO. That is their job. To take all that is presented in court and then go through and use what they find credible and then dismiss what they don't find credible. They can pick it apart as much as they want.

It is about whether or not the state has proven the case to them. They are to use facts and judgment.
So, what does everyone think of the defense witness not obeying the courts orders and was present in court! Why would the defense allow their witness in court? This is the guy who bought suits for GZ. Odd. JMO

Once a witness is excused and not to be recalled, they can sit in court.
I wonder which witnesses testified that GZ had been lethally assaulted by TM? IMO, witnesses all testified different versions of the scuffle, some said TM was on top, some testified GZ was on top and then got up, etc., some were unsure what they saw because it was too dark, etc. but none ventured that what they witnessed was a life-or-death situation for GZ, and that GZ had reasons to kill TM. IMO.

IT does not have to be lethal. I would find the argument from the other side in support of the state if there was some proof, fact or law behind it.

I have posted the law two times now.
How can the defense team not notice Donnelly was in the courtroom? They have some time to scope out the room, or someone on their team can. I am shocked.

His entire testimony should be thrown out! He knew the rules and went against the judges orders. Witnesses have no business being in the courtroom, with the exception of the victims families. :twocents:
So, what does everyone think of the defense witness not obeying the courts orders and was present in court! Why would the defense allow their witness in court? This is the guy who bought suits for GZ. Odd. JMO

OMG.. what did I miss? I'm trying to catch up on HLN...
Actually, IMO, it's the other way round, there is *no proof* to support the versions of events as stated by GZ, no GZ DNA on TM, indicating at least *some* physical contact, no lethal weapon on TM, no signs of 25 blows on the concrete sidewalk, no eye witness accounts, etc.

IMO, GZ had *some* injuries, but I've had suffered worse from falls of my own doing, so those cuts and bruises do not provide clear evidence, only suggestions.

Yes, and the most critical part, IMO, is that it appears GZ will not testify so he will not be challenged by the State. The jury will be instructed not to take the fact that he didn't take the stand as evidence of anything. But I'm not on the jury and I take it as evidence that he couldn't withstand a cross-examination on the facts of the incident nor his obviously false story about it. If he were at fault, and I am 100% convinced that he was, he certainly would not admit it, but make up a story to cover his actions as being self-defense. And I believe that's what he did. If not, get on the stand and back up the story. IMO
As the detectives also said. They all said that he was truthful and that the small discrepancies had nothing to do with how they felt he was telling the truth.

IIRC, Dt Serino found some parts hard to believe but felt he "had to accept it" due to the lack of other witnesses. Far cry from saying he found Zimmerman credible, IMHO.
That's interesting! Love to know the reasoning behind that decision.

Not enough drugs in Trayvon's system. Dr. Drew had his panel of lawyers on last night, and it was stated THC is very low. (not MOO) from TV :)

Correction, it was Anderson's show on CNN with Geragos, Sonny, etc.
IIRC, Dt Serino found some parts hard to believe but felt he "had to accept it" due to the lack of other witnesses. Far cry from saying he found Zimmerman credible, IMHO.

When asked he said that the small discrepancies did not discredit the entire account. AS did the female officer.
So, what does everyone think of the defense witness not obeying the courts orders and was present in court! Why would the defense allow their witness in court? This is the guy who bought suits for GZ. Odd. JMO

I must have missed this development. Can you please explain further or provide a link where I can read more? Thanks.
Is there any proof that GZ identified himself to TM to explain why he was following him or "walking in the rain in the same direction as TM"?

Hi Logicalgirl!! no. I believe that is one of the stumbling stones. G. should have.:seeya:
His entire testimony should be thrown out! He knew the rules and went against the judges orders. Witnesses have no business being in the courtroom, with the exception of the victims families. :twocents:

If he has been dismissed as a witness then he can be there.
Hi Logicalgirl!! no. I believe that is one of the stumbling stones. G. should have.:seeya:

I think that he didn't disproves the whole he thought he was a cop thing. HE did not try and show authority. He stayed back and then waited for police. He did not take a flashlight and yell " STOP NW!"

HE just kept his distance after he hung up and waited for police.
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