George's Alleged Affair #2

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I believe what the sisters are saying mainly because Bill S and Kathi B. are attesting to their truthfulness. I guess LP is saying this is not true only because he has to have something controversial to say in order to get himself on NG. I cannot fathom the stupidity of George A. for having an affair at this crucial time when all eyes are on the A's. I cannot fathom his lack of morality for taking money from this woman. If he took money from River, I would hate to know what he took from those big glass jars that he was collecting money in for the Caylee search, and what happened to the checks and cash that I'm sure came pouring in directly to the A home. George is truly a disgusting human being, and I would put Cindy right up there with him for not kicking him to the curb years ago.

This video definately shows a different CA! In fact thats how I would expect her to least I think Id feel like that. I can almost hear her thoughts...shes destroyed. And with CA down...suddenly GA grows a spine.

Seeing could a person not sympathize.

KC has broken her parents, murdered her child and had half the country chasing a wild goose.

Theres nothing KC could do or say to make this mess okay...maybe if she could pretend to need suicide watch instead of the 55 gal drum of cheese dip.
Don't worry, they were part of the doc dump that included all the emails between Cindy and Dominic and others. Old news. Nothing to do with the alleged texts between GA and RC.
the name on 169 may it is Zanni Rivera
I don't believe that they are affiliated. Kidfinders is now defunct, I doubt the OCSO would be investigating them since their charity (and I use that term very loosely) was based in Palm Beach County.
If I'm not mistaken, River said she first met GA through the searches KFN was conducting. Since we all know KFN never did any searches I am assuming she met GA at a KFN money-jar tent.
Personally I see no connection between these women and KFN.

Actually, they are here

and their 2009 Not For Profit Corp Annual Report can be found here under Kid Finders
I also think that this is a get rich quick claim! Someone saw that they could make a buck off of this, and so made up this entire story, to be sold, and get money.
She lives in a gated community...seems to me she is already rich...I have never known of a "ghetto" gated community. :waitasec:
You've got that right. I can't tell you how many names I've been known by. There's the issue of "real" name, versus nicknames, plus spelling variations. Then various surnames because of maiden/marriage. I'm known by my middle name now because my first name is such a pain. To top it off, I had my name legally changed because I got a raw deal at birth. Let's not forget the internet handles.

Then there is the age issue. I've seen my age vary on public records anywhere from one to ten years. Someone must have typed it in wrong a few times and it stuck.

As a genealogist, I know when looking for someone, I can't just look at a person's name spelled only one way or the age being given exactly right. It just doesn't happen every time for everyone. You have to know how to decipher.

Yes, and some people are saying that it sounds like they have stage names. I don't think so. It may be a cultural thing. I have several Hispanic girlfriends and whenever we are at their homes for family gatherings I notice that nearly each and every family member is called a nickname. Also it is common that a daughter may transpose her father's last name with her married name. It doesn't mean someone is trying to do anything nefarious. I too use my different names based on where I am and what the group knows me by. Only people that have met me through my family call me my childhood nickname and everyone else uses my proper name. I think Brad was trying to imply something that just isn't true. She could see the smear campaign coming a mile away if I had my guess and she like others did not want the Kronk treatment.
She lives in a gated community...seems to me she is already rich...I have never known of a "ghetto" gated community. :waitasec:

Yes, but if her sister is living with her, and if she has other roommates or income, it might not be that hard to fathom. Like someone said earlier, two incomes are better than one, and I'd add three or more are better than two. Plus, how many people are living beyond their means in this economy? We don't know that she's not close to foreclosure herself.

Also, my husband and I would not be able to live in our house if his grandmother wasn't helping us with the mortgage payment. So I don't think this necessarily means she's already rich.
What seems sad to me is that even if RC's statement that George told her it was an accident is really true, there is still no way to prove that George was being truthful to her. Think of all the lies he's been caught in with all of his public statements. Have any of them warranted any big investigations? Maybe and we just don't know about them. But I dunno know ~ This all seems (at this point) about as relevant as "snowballs" in Orlando!

Attorney Bill Sheaffer opined this on Nancy Grace yesterday,
"SHEAFFER: The bottom line is, is that George made this statement, that the child was dead, one month before the body was found, when in public he`s professing that the child has been kidnapped.

That shows that either he had direct knowledge of that death of the child or that the killer confided into -- confided that information to him that the child was dead. And the only person that has that relationship with him is the killer. The mother."
Photos that show her at a vigil with George, does NOT proof that she is haveing an affair with him!

Whats to say that these were the only photos that she had? Why will she not release any other supposed photos??

The texts don't proof anything either, othert then maybe a friendship going on.

How come there is no proof of the texts stating that "caylees death was an accident?" These would be release by the prosecution, because it would put a big dent in the defense. But they were not release by the prosecution, they were released by the supposed women that had the affair!

And if they were not released by the prosecution then the prosecution may have had a valid reason as to not releasing them, and by her releaseing them then it could have just jeapordized the entire case!

Her "CLAIMING" that she had an affair, with NO valid proof, other then HEARSAY, is not cutting it for me. Until the police or prosecution actuallyc ome out and say that they have seen the records, and back up this claim, then I am not going to buy it.

I think people are just looking for another thing to slam George for. And this came up and people are forgetting that anyone can CLAIM, but it takes proof to actuall know for a fact that it happened.

Hearsay does not proof ANYTHING, whatsoever!
In answer to your questions-
♣ perhaps she released the photos to LE and we are not privy to them yet as the investigation is ongoing?
♣ I sure hope my husband never has such a friendship with another woman where he texts her and says Just thinking about you-I need you in my life...that is a REALLY close friendship with another woman...I can read between the lines on that one real easily.
♣ perhaps there is no text stating Caylee died in an accident because he said that to her verbally, like uhm, for instance, in bed-pillow talk? I doubt even George is that dumb to put something like THAT in a text message.
♣ maybe they were not released by the prosecution because this what they call an ongoing investigation and they have not released anything about it?
♣ this is still America, and we are allowed free speech, even when LE does not wish for us to talk.
♣ the police, LE, the state, do not "come out" concerning evidence until trial. They do not dispute nor verify evidence in the media. That is not what they do. They could have all the evidence in the world about this, and they will NEVER hold a presser and say so. They do not operate like defense attorneys. They play their cards close to the chest.
♣ you are certainly within your rights NOT to believe it...
♣ as far as I am concerned nobody has to look to far to find something to hold against poor little George. He has provided a veritable wealth of perfectly visible matters to be measured against, and I am sorry, but in my opinion, he has come up short and lacking in every regard-without THIS ever coming to light.:furious:
Ok so why did she not just go to the police, and keep her mouth shut to the media??? Because she wanted attention, and has somehtng to gain from this by going to the media! If not now, later on down the road, media will approach her for interviews (which pay cash) Movies (which also pay cash) and book deals (which pay cash).

If she really just wanted to help the case, then she would have gone STRAIGHT to the police, before now, and would have kept her d*** mouth shut to the media!
Perhaps, and I am may be wrong, but maybe just maybe she saw all the players in this case be destroyed in the media and did not wish to partake in the destruction voluntarily? If she had wanted attention she would have gone to the po-po a VERY long time ago, or to the media. She said nothing until THEY came to her. This leads me to think she is either ashamed of said affair, or she did not want to be thrown under the bus. Heck, if they will throw you under the bus for finding a body, how much moreso for having an affair with grandpa AND resembling the accused accursed invisinanny? And I am sorry, but Cindy and George have BASKED in the media, they have REVELED in it and used it as their own personal money train, so they asked for whatever comes their way in that regard...:furious:
Ok but once again, if she had absolutly NOTHING to gain from this, then why is she talking to the media?? Why is she not just keeping her mouth shut??? And why did she NOT go to the police SOONER??? Why did the police have to come to her first??

This woman wants her five minutes of fame.
Maybe she does...and maybe she wants to get her side out before the Anthony train rolls over her and runs her down. Most people who are having affairs do not rush to tell the's a secret kinda thang...:waitasec:
Is there a youtube clip of that, World?

It was on Nancy Grace last night. I believe our beloved Patti will post it today, she is such a doll to record the shows. cache
Here is another interesting part"GRACE: The sister?

SHEAFFER: The sister. The sister says that she took a polygraph and that she passed the polygraph. And I`ll tell you something, the way that the police have conducted this investigation, the polygraph was taken early on.

The police continued to investigate, get the cell phone, get the records, get the photographs, and by the way, there`s a photograph that is more intimate than the one that you saw that depicts George and this young woman. So it would --

GRACE: Wait, have you seen it with your own two eyes?

SHEAFFER: I have not seen it with my own two eyes.

GRACE: Put Sheaffer up!


GRACE: Then how do you know it exists?

SHEAFFER: I believe the sister. I have had conversations with the sister. And when she`s not in the glare of the camera, she comes off very, very credible. If her sister is as half as credible as she is, then the prosecution is not going to have a problem with her information. But the police --

GRACE: I can tell you this -- I can tell you this, Mr. Sheaffer.

SHEAFFER: Yes, ma`am.

GRACE: If my sister or brother told me something, I`d take it to the bank. I`d believe them, too. But you know I`m going to go back to Skye Benhaida. She is the sister of River Cruz, who claims she had an affair with George Anthony.

Miss Benhaida, is it true your sister went and took a police polygraph, that police administered the polygraph, and she passed it?

SKYE BENHAIDA, CLAIMS HER SISTER HAD AN AFFAIR WITH GEORGE ANTHONY: Yes. She was given a polygraph, and she`s passed it.

GRACE: Have you seen yourself -- have you seen, Miss Benhaida, photos of them that prove to you they had a loving relationship?

BENHAIDA: Yes. I`ve seen the pictures myself. I`ve seen them --

GRACE: I don`t mean just a photo of them out in public like this one you`ve showed us. I mean --

BENHAIDA: No. He`s been to our house. So I`ve seen them in -- and I`ve seen them together.

GRACE: You`ve seen them together?


GRACE: When they were together, where were they?

BENHAIDA: At our house.

GRACE: And what were they doing?

BENHAIDA: They were -- most of the time I would leave. Majority of time I was not there because I know that he was -- he would be coming there. So I would either leave or be in my bedroom.

GRACE: OK. Is it true that this story has been sold to the "National Enquirer"?

BENHAIDA: I have no idea where that comment came from.

GRACE: OK. So you would deny it`s been sold to the "National Enquirer"?

BENHAIDA: I`m denying it. She --

I still say that JB would not have called River if her story was not true. I firmly believe that JB called her because he had to know exactly what she told LE and what kind of pictures she had. Hopefully she told him that she could talk about it. I mean why would JB waste his time calling someone about something that he knows is a lie, its simple, he wouldnt.
I give up, but i think you all are barking up the wrong tree.

There is money to be made here. CBS, NBC, LIFTETIME, and any other MAJOR news network, offers money for interviews, for shows such as Dateline, 20/20, 48 hours etc.

Just because the anthonys don't have money doesn't mean that this lady will not be paid for her supposed story.

Like I said, I think that people are looking for another thing to bash George for.

It is not george or cindy's fault that Casey killed caylee. Why do people insist that they pay for it??? Yes they said some stupid things, but they are not at fault for Caylees death.
Aren't those all shows that George and Cindy were on at one time or another? So WHOM was making the money here? hmmmm...:waitasec: Could it have been George and Cindy? Yes-I think so. They have been in the spotlight since this whole mess began, and their behavior while IN that spotlight has left much to be desired. Just because they have sought after nothing but money and profit and fame and fame and fortune from this little girls death does not mean that is how everyone else in the world rolls. At this point, I think I would take the word of a paid "escort" or a hooker before I would take the word of Cindy or George or their attorney for ANYTHING...they have a proven track record of lie after lie. As far as I know, we have no record to measure this girl against...yet.:blushing:
It is true that we can only speculate now as to what is the truth. But I'm going to put myself in the position of the news station who brought us this information...and here is what I ask myself:

1. In a mega-high profile case. as a news station, we get information that George had an affair. In trying to decide what to do with this salacious information, we are certainly aware of the Anthony's money troubles...and that, if we run with a slim evidence...there will be no shortage of fine attorneys coming forward to make us pay for the insult to the Anthonys AND line their own pockets. Our mistake would be easy, easy money for any lawyer and George and Cindy.

Do you think Kathy B. and her station did not think of this?

2. This Board is amazing in its sleuthing abilities. But if River and Sister have dodgy pasts, criminal records, multiple names...I would think the TV station would not only have the ABILITY to find that info as quickly as some here did...but they would have a far more potent motivator:self protection.

3. And if all the above dodgy details SHOULD BE accurate, do any of you think a self protective entity with a in house legal staff (I'm assuming the station has this), "sources" within LE, and a reputation of THEIR own to protect first...wouldn't need mega other CONFIRMING evidence to put their star reporter and their OWN credibility behind these two women?

Now, none of us know the facts right now. I just find it hard to believe (though I may well be wrong) that Kathy B. and her employers would not only run hard with a story but also take it to prime time TV...if all they have is hearsay from two sisters, a picture at a public function, and a over-friendly text.

And the news director put his opinion in the original story as well....

But that is what must be the case, if George is telling the truth.
BC did say the aka name on TV. I'll see if I can find it. I watched it today

Sorry I am quoting myself here but last night I went through my history file and I could NOT find that video but I DID see it. :banghead:
It was a really quick blurb and he was cut off after that. If anyone else saw it and remembers where it was at can you please link it? I'll go back to some other sites and see if I can find the link. He was talking about the NE contacting him and he said something about he was checking into their backgrounds and he said that RC wasn't her real name and then gave another name and he was cut off.
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