Geraldo Show 10/11/08 Interview w/ Baez

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Everyone finds it strange. All the attorneys on NG laugh about it. He's become the laughing stock amongst me. When he enters that courthouse he gets a heck more crap than what we heap on him here.

Yeah, one night one of the lawyers was trying to keep a straight face, as he explained why the six hours might be necessary.

When NG said, "C'MON!" He laughed and said, "That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!" :)
Oh BROTHER!! JB says most don't know Casey the way HE knows Casey!
I can only imagine.

It's true! But, a lot of OTHER guys "know" KC. He's talking about the Biblical "knowing," right?

SERVER! Brownies and Kool-Aid all around!
OK, now I'm going to get catty......I wonder what other facial expression JB has besides a smirk. Maybe when they find this poor little angels' body, that smirk will turn into shock!:eek:
Yeah and most people wouldn't want to know her. He is all ga-ga over her. It's clear. No wonder he isn't wearing his wedding ring anymore. Casey probably forbade it.

Wait'll he looks up from the bottom of the ditch, where she'll toss him, at her retreating back.
What a waste, HUGE waste as someone said at the beginning of the thread.

JB has not only drank the kool-aid he is now trying hard to distribute it. Me thinks someone got too big for their britches with theur little (non)"victory" Friday...

Yeah, britches, or the lack thereof, are certainly the problem.
Geraldo than told JB he was a better person than the client (Casey) he is representing.
JB told Geraldo that he didn't know Caylee (then corrected himself ) Casey like he does. ugh!

Ever see that old Gregory Peck flick, the "Paradine Affair?" Or, is it "The Paradine Case?" Lawyer falls for seductive and superficial murder suspect client (with a HISTORY), endangering his marriage.

Rent it.
That's the other thing. The judge is only allowing them to turn over tips that LE has investigated. And apparently most of those came from Cindy. But JB mentioned tips he gets everyday. Is he sending those over to the police or holding them for the private searches he hopes to accompany his client on? What a tool!

So, Caylee is hiding at the No-Tell Motel, now?
If what JB said is true, this shows how Casey manipulates people. She's got her attorney believing she's something she not.

If KC sat on a tree branch, she'd turn brown.
I think that this whole business and suggestion of Baez and KC "getting it on" is just a ridiculous load of bunk. He's a defence attorney for crying out loud...If he didn't appear to have empathy and support for his client he wouldn't be doing his job. He's doing what he has to do as any good defence lawyer must. I don't particularly like him, nor do I think that he's doing a particularly great job but that's it. All this silly business and speculation that they're doing something else is just ridiculous!

That's my simple honest opinion of course, nothing more.
Is it safe? Is it safe? Is it safe? [insert drill noise here]

oh wait safe..... that was Geraldo's pandora box he's never been the same since he opened it.....

A deathless classic, that!
All he has to do is read the is there for all to read....exactly every place she took the police.........what is up with him? Can he not read???????????

I have NO idea what story she fed him. I believe he thinks LE IS lying about the trip to Universal and the old people's home!

I think that this whole business and suggestion of Baez and KC "getting it on" is just a ridiculous load of bunk. He's a defence attorney for crying out loud...If he didn't appear to have empathy and support for his client he wouldn't be doing his job. He's doing what he has to do as any good defence lawyer must. I don't particularly like him, nor do I think that he's doing a particularly great job but that's it. All this silly business and speculation that they're doing something else is just ridiculous!

That's my simple honest opinion of course, nothing more.

He is a defense attorney spending a mionimum of 6 hours a day EVERY day with a client. That's not normal. He admitted that he hasn't even looked at the evidence in the cases he is defending her against so far. So WHAT IS HE DOING for six hours a day every day??????? I have NEVER heard of a lawyer spending that amount of time with a client. He is either with her or on TV - he's not lawyering much at all given the quality of his motions.
I hope for him and his family that you are right. I know that he definitely has
his career first and foremost in mind while working on this case. I've heard him say during the motions hearing that this case will come and go but he will still be practicing law after it's over. So I know that he "needs" KC to get him the publicity that will make him a well known attorney that fights for his clients rights and supports them 100%. I get that.

He might be allowing her to spend hours in his office just to appease her so she won't drop him and find another attorney and leave him without the opportunity to make a name for himself.

However, I still feel like he is falling under her spell. She is charming when she needs to be and right now he is her target. There is a lack of physical boundaries there. I would not let any man touch me the way he has been touching her in public unless I was in a close emotional and physical relationship with him. I think that the boundaries between them have become blurred. I think there is more than just his "act" of believing in her innocence. I don't think he wants to fall for her but I think he is against his better judgment.

I am completely aware that I could be wrong about this but that is how it looks to me.

Yeah, I started getting suspicious the first time I saw him trip over his tongue.
I hope he keeps in mind that she doesn't use birth control. Wouldn't that be something to show up in court pregnant with JB being the only man she had been around. :eek:

She may have a nice little microbe to give him, as a present.
Stop it Geraldo, I just lost respect for you again. JB, I think we know Casey pretty well based on the evidence against her. Oh and just a hunch but I don't think she would make a good girlfriend. Maybe you should look elsewhere besides people you are defending for killing their babies, just saying.

I dunno, isn't Geraldo about due for another marriage?
This whole thing comes down to COMMON SENSE!!! :furious::furious::furious:

It's SO simple, yet it's becoming so complex ... only it's NOT complex! :furious:

I'm a simple woman, with an average education, living a very simple life, and I can see that this whole thing is so SIMPLE, and yet ... it's being made so complex. If it weren't such a tragedy for Caylee, it would be comical.

AND, I think JB needs a reallly GOOD male friend, or even a stranger, to tell him .... WAKE UP MAN! He really needs a male friend to make him see what MIGHT be happening, and how this one little 'thing' is NOT worth losing a wife, carreer, etc. over .. no way .. no how.

Many men have come to that conclusion too late ... and there aren't enough men in this world, that have the courage to stand up and tell friends what they need to hear, before it IS too late.

Now I realize that Baez may NOT be falling for KC, and maybe he has us all fooled, and he's playing his game with her, to appease her, to go along to get by .... not sure, but if he isn't ... MAN ... I say it again .. WAKE UP!

Just my humble opinion.:crazy:

Testosterone poisoning.
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