Germany Germany - Frankfurt, WhtFem 301UFDEU, 15-16, in Main River, Jul'01

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Warning: Graphic Images within!

This is the BKA page, referenced previously.

Somehow I stumbled on this page looking for ""lückenloses Gebiss ohne Weisheitszähne", as also posted previously. What a horribly sad 'life' this child endured.

If only we could bring her justice.

Google Translate

ETA: Doe Network Page (Working again!) The Doe Network: 301UFDEU
Thanks for the working link!
301UFDEU - Unidentified Female

Sketch of Victim by Wesley Neville

Umbrella Stand that the victim was tied to; Victim's Scarf; The sheet that the victim was wrapped in.

Date of Discovery: July 31, 2001
Location of Discovery: Main River, Nied, Frankfurt, Germany
Estimated Date of Death: Three days before discovery, body is thought to have been in the water for 12-24 hours prior to discovery.
State of Remains: Unknown
Cause of Death: She was a victim of homicide. Cause of death was two fractured ribs caused by blunt force, which injuried the victim's lung. There had been stark application of force to the stomach and chest area.

Physical Description
Estimated Age: 15 - 16 years old, but looked like a 13 year old.
Race: Caucasian
Sex: Female
Height: 157cm (5'2")
Weight: 38,5kg (85 lbs.)
Hair Color: Dark brown hair - 12 in. long
Eye Color: Unknown
Distinguishing Marks/Features: "Cauliflower ear" on left ear. The victim was not a virgin, and she had no signs of pregnancy or any genital injury. Both of her ears were pierced and she also had a nose piercing. She seemed younger than her age as her breasts were only starting to develop. She looked to be about 13 years old.

Dentals: Complete dentures without wisdom teeth. No dental or jaw orthopedic correction is evident.
Fingerprints: Unknown
DNA: Unknown

Clothing & Personal Items
Clothing: Unknown
Jewelry: Unknown
Additional Personal Items: Unknown

Circumstances of Discovery
The victim was located in the Main River on Tuesday, July 31 at about 2:50 pm.She was found wrapped up in brown leopard-print sheets. She was bound with 2 ropes, one white and the other purple to a sunshade stand. The ropes originate from Pakistan and are also known as Nalas. An umbrella (white, round, 70 cm diameter) was also bound to these bands, probably to make the body sink. This umbrella is commercialized by two Dutch companies, ELFE and VEROPA. It's distributed all over Europe. Multiple unhealed injuries all over her body caused by long-term abuse. Both upper arms showed several fractures which were left to heal without treatment. Numerous cigarette burns were covering her entire body and she had numerous oblong scars on her forehead, torso and legs. There were also several lacerations on her head. She had been submerged in water for 12-24 hours, although maybe up to 3 days.
Thanks for the working link!
301UFDEU - Unidentified Female

Sketch of Victim by Wesley Neville

Umbrella Stand that the victim was tied to; Victim's Scarf; The sheet that the victim was wrapped in.

Date of Discovery: July 31, 2001
Location of Discovery: Main River, Nied, Frankfurt, Germany
Estimated Date of Death: Three days before discovery, body is thought to have been in the water for 12-24 hours prior to discovery.
State of Remains: Unknown
Cause of Death: She was a victim of homicide. Cause of death was two fractured ribs caused by blunt force, which injuried the victim's lung. There had been stark application of force to the stomach and chest area.

Physical Description
Estimated Age: 15 - 16 years old, but looked like a 13 year old.
Race: Caucasian
Sex: Female
Height: 157cm (5'2")
Weight: 38,5kg (85 lbs.)
Hair Color: Dark brown hair - 12 in. long
Eye Color: Unknown
Distinguishing Marks/Features: "Cauliflower ear" on left ear. The victim was not a virgin, and she had no signs of pregnancy or any genital injury. Both of her ears were pierced and she also had a nose piercing. She seemed younger than her age as her breasts were only starting to develop. She looked to be about 13 years old.

Dentals: Complete dentures without wisdom teeth. No dental or jaw orthopedic correction is evident.
Fingerprints: Unknown
DNA: Unknown

Clothing & Personal Items
Clothing: Unknown
Jewelry: Unknown
Additional Personal Items: Unknown

Circumstances of Discovery
The victim was located in the Main River on Tuesday, July 31 at about 2:50 pm.She was found wrapped up in brown leopard-print sheets. She was bound with 2 ropes, one white and the other purple to a sunshade stand. The ropes originate from Pakistan and are also known as Nalas. An umbrella (white, round, 70 cm diameter) was also bound to these bands, probably to make the body sink. This umbrella is commercialized by two Dutch companies, ELFE and VEROPA. It's distributed all over Europe. Multiple unhealed injuries all over her body caused by long-term abuse. Both upper arms showed several fractures which were left to heal without treatment. Numerous cigarette burns were covering her entire body and she had numerous oblong scars on her forehead, torso and legs. There were also several lacerations on her head. She had been submerged in water for 12-24 hours, although maybe up to 3 days.
Repeating @Gottlieb from post #32 and #36:

""lückenloses Gebiss ohne Weisheitszähne..." means none of her teeth were missing, except the wisdom teeth. She had wether dental nor orthodontical work done. She had no dentures, but a full set of own teeth.

The thing weighing her down was a parasol stand ("Sonnenschirmständer"), not an umbrella.

Her sexual status ("sie war defloriert") means that her hymen was not intact anymore. Not more, not less.

Not meant to fuss, but these details have clearly lost (or transformed) in translation."


"It's a translation mistake - and a big one at that. Gebiss means both dentures and set of teeth, depending on the context. If you read the German text, there is absolutely no way to misunderstand it. It's crystal clear.

It seems Doe Network relied quite heavily on Google Translate, which in this case is rather unfortunate.

Just to clarify: this poor girl still had all of her teeth, except wisdom teeth, which probably did not yet break when she died at the age of 15. She did not have dentures. At no point of her life did she receive dental care. All the teeth in her mouth were her own."
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Repeating @Gottlieb from post #32 and #36:

""lückenloses Gebiss ohne Weisheitszähne..." means none of her teeth were missing, except the wisdom teeth. She had wether dental nor orthodontical work done. She had no dentures, but a full set of own teeth.

The thing weighing her down was a parasol stand ("Sonnenschirmständer"), not an umbrella.

Her sexual status ("sie war defloriert") means that her hymen was not intact anymore. Not more, not less.

Not meant to fuss, but these details have clearly lost (or transformed) in translation."


"It's a translation mistake - and a big one at that. Gebiss means both dentures and set of teeth, depending on the context. If you read the German text, there is absolutely no way to misunderstand it. It's crystal clear.

It seems Doe Network relied quite heavily on Google Translate, which in this case is rather unfortunate.

Just to clarify: this poor girl still had all of her teeth, except wisdom teeth, which probably did not yet break when she died at the age of 15. She did not have dentures. At no point of her life did she receive dental care. All the teeth in her mouth were her own."
Oops, too late to edit- should have read it first, meant to only post the photos. Sorry!
She has her own Wikipedia page:

Das Mädchen aus dem Main – Wikipedia

There are a few interesting articles, but they are mostly in German, obviously. Her story seems like a truly sad one:
Because the girl's identity was unknown, the investigation was difficult. The most promising lead was the purple and white striped piece of fabric with which the bundle had been tied to the parasoll stand. It is a so-called Nala, a kind of belt that is worn in the Pakistani and Afghan regions. The officers made posters, which they distributed to Afghanistan, Pakistan and northern India, in churches and youth centers - in German and Arabic, then also in Farsi, Urdu, Dari and Pashto. The officials also compiled a list of young women from these countries who had lived in Germany at some point. There were more than a thousand. The investigators went to them all. At one point one of the women said, "What are you making such a fuss about? It's just a girl."

That last sentence, though :(

The aspect of her being a victim of human trafficking isn't far behind:
A suspicion that continues to this day, is that the girl lived in a diplomatic household as a servant and was abused there. According to the police, several circumstances point to this; mostly that the girl must have come to Germany "under the radar". There is no evidence of official entry, says Seil. At the time, the officials had also investigated diplomatic circles, but had not made any progress because investigations were generally difficult due to the existing immunity."
Das Mädchen aus dem Main: Die Tote ohne Namen
Someone must be missing a child. I wonder if she was a victim of a coyote trafficker. Family couldn't pay or something. RIP little one.
She reminds me of Inass Touloub, a Tunisian girl who was abused by her own family over years, with the mother being the main perpetrator.

If she really was Afghani, it will be really difficult to track her down, as there is a lot of mobility in the community.
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She reminds me of Inass Touloub, a Tunisian girl who was abused by her own family over years, with the mother being the main perpetrator.

If she really was Afghani, it will be really difficult to track her down, as there is a lot of mobility in the community.

I agree. There are several cases, like Victoria Climbié, who immigrate, then slip through the cracks. Informal fosterage is not unheard of is many societies.
Poor little girl.
I hope she gets her name back and there will be justice somehow.
So much time has passed, though. Her abusers could live anywhere now. IMO.
I got more information on the belts. They are also called azarband or nara. They are traditionally handwoven and seem to be a dying art. They hold up the "trousers" part of a shalwar kameez. While modern shalwar kameez have elastic and sewn/pretied trousers. The woman who wore them must have been either older and/or very traditional to still hand drape her trousers. The belts are exclusively used in Pakistan and parts of Afghanistan with an Urdu speaking population.

I really smell another Inass here... (grand)daughter or foster child (usually relative) abused and tortured for years by an (older) woman of the family and being sexually abused by one or more of the males. I think the same happened to Inass and also to Victoria (the greataunts English boyfriend abused her). Slipping beyond the radar of the authorities. Like with Inass and like with Victoria. Maybe also some kind of clan deal, I know that some tribes in Afghanistan and rural Pakistan have really complicated social rules. When one family gets indebted to the other, that family can claim a girl as a "servant" or also bride for compensation (if you say now, how brutal, well, in Europe we had similar structures 600 years ago).
Another possibility is informal fosterage, like with Victoria.

With the slowness of the German authorities and their unfamiliarity/ignorance with many immigrant cultures and their reluctance to do proper autosomal DNA, I am afraid this girl will never get justice.
Only chance is if a relative or other family member steps forward. But they could be elsewhere or simply keep quiet.
I agree. There are several cases, like Victoria Climbié, who immigrate, then slip through the cracks. Informal fosterage is not unheard of is many societies.

I read the interview with Victorias mother. So heartbreaking. The family was well off until the parents lost their jobs. The greataunt who seemingly lived a wealthy life in Paris came to the rescue and told them she would take their smartest child to Paris and educate her so she can later give back to her community. She lied to them that she has a job but in fact used Victoria to collect more social benefits. She later moved to England and moved in with a shady boyfriend, Victorias abuse really started from there. The aunt broke all social laws because such a foster child has to be treated well, so the mom trusted her. And she was family, after all.
Very tragic case.
DNA testing is the only was to identify her. She's been off the radar so long, and most likely not on anyone's radar leading up to her sad death. I'm sure some family members think she moved on with her life, perhaps even getting "disowned" for not providing support to family back home. Breaking norms. It is so complicated.
I know that Germany (as most EU countries) is deliberately backwards on DNA testing and does not cooperate with public DNA services such as Gedmatch. Most they do is Ydna and MtDNA for their internal police databases. No genetic genealogy.
Has to do with data and personality rights protection laws that are really strong.
It may change in the coming decades but how many cases will be unsolveable then due to time?

But even if genetic genealogy would be used, even then I think she would as of now be an impossible case to identify. People of Middle Eastern or Western Asian descent are largely underrepresented in the commercial DNA databases, she would not have many matches.
In december i found, via google (searching with picture of the Dutch Jane Doe from Teteringen) a picture of a girl who looks incredably like her. It was a website i didn't inspect, it was about childabuse. It was a decent picture with a name attached to it. What was really bizarre, was that there was also a picture there that really looked like our Jane doe (Germany, Frankfurt, Main river) with a name attached to it.
I learned the hard way that i can't post this here (since i've got no proof) and i get that!
Since they looked so much alike i submitted it to the police.

This week i got an answer from them to thank me for my tip + they told me they were already aware of these pictures.
I hope this means there's a possibility they're on to something and these girls get their name back + the families get some peace & closure.
Date of Discovery: July 31, 2001
Location of Discovery: Main River, Nied, Frankfurt, Germany
Estimated Date of Death: Three days before discovery, body is thought to have been in the water for 12-24 hours prior to discovery.
State of Remains: Unknown
Cause of Death: She was a victim of homicide. Cause of death was two fractured ribs caused by blunt force, which injuried the victim's lung. There had been stark application of force to the stomach and chest area.

Physical Description
Estimated Age: 15 - 16 years old, but looked like a 13 year old.
Race: Caucasian
Sex: Female
Height: 157cm (5'2")
Weight: 38,5kg (85 lbs.)
Hair Color: Dark brown hair - 12 in. long
Eye Color: Unknown
Distinguishing Marks/Features: "Cauliflower ear" on left ear. The victim was not a virgin, and she had no signs of pregnancy or any genital injury. Both of her ears were pierced and she also had a nose piercing. She seemed younger than her age as her breasts were only starting to develop. She looked to be about 13 years old.

Dentals: Complete dentures without wisdom teeth. No dental or jaw orthopedic correction is evident.
Fingerprints: Unknown
DNA: Unknown

Clothing & Personal Items
Clothing: Unknown
Jewelry: Unknown
Additional Personal Items: Unknown

Circumstances of Discovery
The victim was located in the Main River on Tuesday, July 31 at about 2:50 pm.She was found wrapped up in brown leopard-print sheets. She was bound with 2 ropes, one white and the other purple to a sunshade stand. The ropes originate from Pakistan and are also known as Nalas. An umbrella (white, round, 70 cm diameter) was also bound to these bands, probably to make the body sink. This umbrella is commercialized by two Dutch companies, ELFE and VEROPA. It's distributed all over Europe. Multiple unhealed injuries all over her body caused by long-term abuse. Both upper arms showed several fractures which were left to heal without treatment. Numerous cigarette burns were covering her entire body and she had numerous oblong scars on her forehead, torso and legs. There were also several lacerations on her head. She had been submerged in water for 12-24 hours, although maybe up to 3 days.

Investigating Agency(s)
Agency Name: Polizeipräsidium Frankfurt/M.
Agency Phone Number: +49 (0)69 755-51108 or +49 (0)69 755-53131
Agency E-Mail:

Agency Case Number: N/A

Source: 301UFDEU

Girl from the Main - Wikipedia
It’s thought she’s a possible victim of this guy:
On April 4, 2004 the skeletonized head of a woman wrapped in aluminium foil was found in the dam in Offenbach.[27] No other remains were recovered and the cause of death is unknown. Although her face was reconstructed with the help of forensics, her identity remains unknown.[28] The decedent remains known as the Frankfurt Jane Doe.
I think she could be a Muslim Turkish girl who used to wear a scarf. There are too many Turkish families living in Germany. Authorities should consider this possibility too.
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