Germany Germany - Inga Gehricke, 5, Stendal, Sachsen-Anhalt, 2 May 2015

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(...)it's someone who lives there, and if that was the case, they would of left with her, and that person would be known as missing too.

Unless the "person" did kill Her there and was able to hide Her little body (should be quite easy on those woods) nearby returning very fast to their "original place" so that the person wouldn't be considered as "suspect"/missing.

This does happen many times on this sort of crime/missing children killed by nearby predators.

And I did never ruled out as well other options like wild animal attack if little Inga did went too far on those woods.
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Unless the "person" did kill Her there and was able to hide Her little body (should be quite easy on those woods) nearby returning very fast to their "original place" so that the person wouldn't be considered as "suspect"/missing.

This does happen many times on this sort of crime/missing children killed by nearby predators.

And I did never ruled out as well other options like wild animal attack if little Inga did went too far on those woods.

I don't see as whomever would just kill her, and then hide the body without all the people searching finding something, like her clothes, not saying I'm right hear, but if Motive was abuse, then death can follow, as in many cases,
It's rare that someone would kill for no reason
The only way the Christian B connection would make any sense if there was collaboration between him and the person he knows at Wilhelmshof. But I believe there is no evidence of that either. And I am sure the BKA will look at that very closely.

Let's face it. Nothing really makes sense here. At 5 years old, Inga was too old to really lose orientation and get lost in the forest. At the time it seemed the most likely explanation in the absence of any other likely explanation. That's why that avenue was pursued first. If this had been the case, she should have been found (though stranger things have happened).

Wilhelmshof is in a God-forsaken place. A crime of opportunity by a passer-by seems extremely unlikely due to the remote location. And it's not as if Inga was by the road.

So, the most likely explanation, having excluded the accident/getting lost explanation, has to be that someone connected to Wilhelmshof (visitor, patient or employee) used an opportunity that unexpectedly and suddenly presented itself. In a very brazen way. Patients can't leave so they are the least likely. Most likely someone who knew they would be out of there before police arrive.
Patients can't leave so they are the least likely.

Quote RSBM.
Do you happen to have a link to anything about the visitor policy at the time? (Who was allowed to visit? Do they have to provide I.D? Anything along those lines.)
So you believe patients definitely couldn't have been outdoors, for example to smoke?

I wonder just a little if she did become very lost in the woods. Or I guess I don't want to rule it out 100%. There are many cases of that happening to people of all ages.
But sadly it does seem like LE believes she was probably abducted.
I don't know the visitor policy but I am sure others can chime in on that. But I am sure patients were allowed outside, I would be surprised otherwise. But again, others may know more. I am inclined to put patients as the least likely connection because it is one thing to lure Inga but then they would not be able to leave with her. They would therefore need to be able to conceal her.

Yes, part of me also thinks she might be lost in the woods and wasn't found. It doesn't seem very likely after all the searching but it is not impossible. As you say, there are many cases of this happening. What do we know about the search efforts? Did the search and rescue dogs ever pick up her scent?
Poor little Inge -I wish they wouldn't call her The 'German Maddie', she had an identity of her own.
It's an insult to her and her parents IMO

MADELEINE McCann suspect Christian B has been ruled out of a missing girl probe in a hammer blow to investigators.

''Police investigations have been conducted but they have not produced any facts to suggest that Christian B. could have abducted, abused or killed Inga. Therefore, even after this additional research, there was no initial suspicion against Chrisitan B., so that the preliminary proceedings
were discontinued.''

Madeleine McCann suspect CLEARED of abducting 'German Maddie’, 5, near his lair
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Thanks very much for posting this, @tedthink I do appreciate it greatly.

I do hate as well that the press call "German Maddie" to Little Inga but at least it's now on the press what I was stating from the moment I joined WS.

Ruling CB out leaves all the other possibilities still open (regarding of what might had happened to Inga). That for me is very good. Again, thanks for posting.
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Thanks very much for posting this, @tedthink I do appreciate it greatly.

I do hate as well that the press call "German Maddie" to Little Inga but at least it's now on the press what I was stating from the moment I joined WS.

Ruling CB out leaves all the other possibilities still open (regarding of what might had happened to Inga). That for me is very good. Again, thanks for posting.
First of all, I really feel bad for Inga's family, that it seems that the investigation of what happened to their daughter seems closed.
CB was the only lead, as far as I understood that Inga's family tried to pursue, into finding out what happened on that day.This must be hard to digest for them.

Let's face it. Nothing really makes sense here. At 5 years old, Inga was too old to really lose orientation and get lost in the forest.
I don't agree that a 5 year is too old to really loose orientation. Even adults get lost in the woods. Inga didn't visit the area frequently, I do believe it was a yearly event.

At that age, I got lost a lot, even on the beach, in the Netherlands we even got signs on a pole so that families and children have a landmark.
Poor little Inge -I wish they wouldn't call her The 'German Maddie', she had an identity of her own.
It's an insult to her and her parents IMO

MADELEINE McCann suspect Christian B has been ruled out of a missing girl probe in a hammer blow to investigators.

''Police investigations have been conducted but they have not produced any facts to suggest that Christian B. could have abducted, abused or killed Inga. Therefore, even after this additional research, there was no initial suspicion against Chrisitan B., so that the preliminary proceedings
were discontinued.''

Madeleine McCann suspect CLEARED of abducting 'German Maddie’, 5, near his lair

Also hate it when other kids are called “ German “ or “ Russian “... or whatever ...Maddies .
Hope Inga case does not fade and the answers are found .

If today’s news reports correct ...imo not too surprising it seems there is not much evidence of anything regarding Inga’s disappearance and HCW has always said that there is a time limit on how long resources are put into a case that is not going anywhere .

As far as CB being involved with Inga..for me it’s still as likely as any other theory right no evidence he’s not involved involved ...just no evidence of anything..IMO least as far as publicly known anyway .

HCW has even said MM case could be closed ...even with having evidence ...if it’s not enough to press charges. This doesn’t mean CB not involved with MM disappearance .

So would hope if they do in future link CB ..or some other Inga , that the case will progress accordingly .
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To reply to the most dedicated posters here, my point of view, about what I think what happened, that faitful day, minutes that Inga vanished. Got to warn you, that I do think, that Inga's family is right, there are too many coincidences..

I posted this link before and will re post it again..
After Inga's parents noticed, that Inga did not return with the other children,6.55pme, they started to search, went into the forest, calling her name, but there was no sign.
At 7.40.PM, Inga was reported missing to the police, a police helicopter from Brandenburg was used in the search, it had a thermal imaging camera, but it only picked up, images of deer, wild bear and rabbits - so Imo, that wild lives, like wolves snatched her, is BS.
I know, that Germany is a country, where a lot of hunting goes on, even the Dutch hunts there, wolves are known to fear humans.
From what I read, is that, while collecting wood for the fire, the children took turns, while playing on the playground, they played, collecting wood, returned to the playground, taking turns to collect wood.
Around that time, they felt comfortable in the area. just a group of children, without adults.
Back to the police search, with dogs that were used, they could not find Inga's scent, however the dogs alerted to a lane, along the motorway to Berliner Ringland from there to Halle-Dresden. I also did read/saw a map that the playground, where Inga was headed/ last seen by the other children close to a road/lane.

For a time, I was very active in the MM thread, and sometimes I do read the post there, but I never got it clear about the drugs dealer Julia in Berlin and CB.
Just to say it bold, yes I do think, the search, even though, time has gone bye, a lot of evidence is destroyed, lost, I think CB has, in the roaming years, a circle that runs very deep.
Pedophile, drug users, criminals are very well connected.
The first searches was focused on getting lost in the forest, as far as I could read..
Inga Gehricke
First of all CB was ruled out from the Inga case not only by StA Stendal but also by BKA/HCW. If you check the latest Discovery+ documentary you will find out this. So why would someone so interested in getting CB for all possible crimes that they can link to him to just exclude him from the Inga case ? Do you think that it was just because of phone pings ? If BKA were not so sure they would simply leave him as suspect like they did with all the other cases and this would be helpful for them. Maybe at least a piece of evidence that they have to help incriminating CB over MM by itself excludes him for good from Inga ? Who knows ...;) They simply can't tell you a thing that they will use against CB later on other crimes, but hopefully time will tell.

Regarding that "rumor" of Inga to be last seen near the road, etc ...

"Ich dachte: Sie finden mein Kind bestimmt"

This is from 2017 on 2 year aniversary of missing Inga. Last ones to see Inga were 2 children that saw Her place the bottles of water on the bq area. That makes the "mark" on the official missing Inga site map acurate. That places Inga father on a window with visibility to the place where Inga went + places Inga on the visible range of the other children.

Now check the WH area back on 2015 by using for example stored google images of that time. Don't use recent images, check how WH was back on may 2015.

Regarding other cases of missing children found dead, how many do you know that ended up been victims of "organized" pedo networks, etc ? (I don't know any) How many do you know that were killed by local child killers ? (I do know many). When you have a serial child killer like MN you have multiple victims as well. This would apply to a "external" criminal hunting children on WH for example.

Do you think that police force and rescue teams would search the woods for days and start by saying it was not a crime on the press if it was reported that Inga was on the playground and run away to the road ? They would consider it a crime right away.

Regarding wolfs not attacking children/people :

List of wolf attacks in North America

(just to talk for example in North America)

Also this :

List of wolf attacks

(check fatal attacks/children)

I hope it was not a crime because I do care for little Inga (VERY MUCH) BUT if it was a crime the person who did the crime could move from the inside and could be seen and not be reported later. This means that the one who did the crime have to be someone that could be talking with any of the children/adults and not be reported as a "stranger".

Do you think that someone from the "outside" could hide in a way to see the children and Inga on the BQ place without getting spoted by Inga father and people inside the guest house ? Also he would have to place himself on a spot where the other children were not able to see him as well.

To finalize for me is one of 2 options, either little Inga did went to far in the woods and was attacked somehow by wild animal (check first post on this thread - "The weather has been mild but wolves do inhabit the forest, which is in a fairly remote and sparsely populated region.") or did end up on a place inacessible to the search teams or she was killed by someone that "belong" to WH and/or group.
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What "friend's house" are they talking about in the article from Stern? Again later they say she was doing her way to "the house", but she never got there. What's this mystery house and how they support she never got there? By father's witnessing or someone else's statement?

One question, if children or adults in the area needed a toilet where would they go?
What "friend's house" are they talking about in the article from Stern? Again later they say she was doing her way to "the house", but she never got there. What's this mystery house and how they support she never got there? By father's witnessing or someone else's statement?

One question, if children or adults in the area needed a toilet where would they go?

This :


(photo from the link posted below)

"Friends House" is the house where Inga father and mother were preparing the meal. It's marked on the map as Mitarbeiter-Wohnheume. So Inga went to pick the 2 bottles of water, the father saw Inga leave to the Grillplatz, then 2 children (boys) saw inga place the 2 bottles on the ground and leave to the path, the Inga father have the sensation that saw Inga returning but she never arrive the house. He could clear saw the path between the 2 tress.

Here you have a photo of the place on the time Inga went missing :



(image from google earth/google maps back on 2015)

Inga parents were in one of those 3 houses on the top.

If they needed a toilet most likely they would go to the same guest's houses where the parents were ?

Also little Inga did ask permission to go and collect wood, the parents allow but stated that they wanted for her to be just on the edge of the forest. She didn't ask permission to go anywhere else. So that "going to the playground" is just another "theory" placed many days later without solid witness ground. Same as this :

Fall Inga bei „Aktenzeichen XY... ungelöst“: Verschwand sie schon vom Grillplatz?

Now the Soko “Wald” is pursuing a further investigation: Inga could have been kidnapped directly from the barbecue area and not in the forest .

Regarding the sniffer dogs, they were unable to pick up the trace of Inga even on the BQ area and both father and children saw Her there for sure. Dogs don't work many times. If the dogs couldn't pick up the trace on places where Inga was known for sure to be what would be the relevance of some barkings on some highway far away ? On majority of cases Dogs simply fail to find te missing person even when the body/person is found later.

Goes without saying that I don't believe that little Inga was taken from the BQ area as well because for that all the children there should be able to see the kidnapping.

Timeline :

It is Saturday May 2nd, 2015

- at 6 p.m. Ms. G is in the kitchen, making bread for dinner / grilling.
She has the feeling that she has to look after Inga, the thought of something happening to her child during the preparation comes over her.

- Inga carries 2 1.5 liter water bottles to the barbecue area, her father sees them on the footpath between the house and the barbecue area

- Inga puts down the water bottles and goes back to the house of the hosts.
It is 100 meters between the barbecue area and the house

- the boys see them putting down the bottles and walking back until the path leads through the trees. It is around 18:30.

- the host's grown daughter is looking for Inga and comes without her back 18:45

- the mother runs towards the barbecue area, looks for her daughter in the forest, but does not find her.
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Many thanks, Vermisst.

Sniffer dogs are useless in my opinion if they don't find the target. Worst still if they don't find the scent and then run a journey to Berlin...

Is there any information on the path little Inga took from Grillplatz to friend's house? From those informative pics you added it seems she might either follow along house's front path or along the rear through forest.

You say father had "the sensation that saw Inga returning". I though he was sure. Can a source be offered for him not being sure?

Who guaranteed Inga never arrived at home?

That moment she was last seen is crucial and hope LE reconstructed it with all people in places they were likely to be at the moment.

As I understand it, little Inga was doing repetitive paths carrying things between house and Grillplatz, which would make her whereabouts quite predicable as long as carrying things lasted. Her last sightseeing also makes kidnapping place known as it had to be between Grillplatz and house.
I don't have any further information on the path. Most likely little Inga did walk on the front path so She could be seen by Her father.

As you might imagine it would be close to impossible to kidnapp little Inga on that exact spot UNLESS the person involved on the crime was someone from there that later wouldn't be reported as a stranger to LEA. So most likley She did wander on the woods to start with. If She was killed on the woods resulting from getting lost in the first place one could as well imagine that it would be close to impossible as well for a "stranger" to be there waiting for a child to get lost for kidnapping. It would need as well to be someone from the WH, etc...
Yes, of course it was close to impossible to kidnap little Inga on that exact spot.

Which gives very few possibilities to start with and that's why focusing on the moment she was last seen is so crucial.

Under such scenario the only plausible theory, however creepy it can be, is a stranger helped by an insider. Otherwise it might be some unconnected stranger skimming through the area. But once this is such a low probability event, that stranger had to do that for days and days until the opportunity came. Hard to believe no one would notice such a stranger.

The only thing here that would help either kidnapper (with or without an insider) is that she was doing an unattended round track between friend's house and Grillplatz.

All this is just my humble opinion if that's not clear from context.
There are some other "options" like little Inga enter the guest house and be "intercepted" at the entry but goes without saying that the person doing that would be a person that could enter/exit the guest house and be seen and not be declared suspect later on.

An insider wouldn't use a "stranger" as help because all was un-planned.

Last time little Inga visited WH she was 4 yo acording to VG interview. Inga birthday is in August so at least 9 months did pass sinse Inga was at WH for the last time. Even staying for dinner was un-planned. They most likely would leave before 6 PM so there is no margin of time for a suspect to call for external help.

If it was a crime it was someone who took the oportunity to intercept Inga very fast and return to their original place without suspicion.

If She went too far in the woods there are also other possibilities like someone who had a reason to be there (NOT an outsider for sure) to have killed her.
That's correct, Vermisst.

But look, an insider excludes it was unplanned. Anyway, at this time we can't assume whether little Inga's disappearance was planned or unplanned until case is solved.

She was carrying things between friend's house and Grillplatz. Going too far in the woods would be unlikely then.

Someone intercepting her, and she was intercepted somewhere almost for sure, couldn't return to original place without suspicion and kidnap little Inga at the same time.

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