Germany Germany - Inga Gehricke, 5, Stendal, Sachsen-Anhalt, 2 May 2015

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Bumping up. Sadly not much about Inga in MSM over the last few years.

Inga's mother -- desperate appeal:

"Seit acht Jahren verschwunden
Inga, wo bist du? Mutter "fühlt", dass vermisste Tochter noch lebt"

"Inga disappeared on a family trip in a forest in Uchtspringe near Stendal - that was eight years ago. But mother Gehricke does not give up hope. On a new, specially set up page, she is now addressing the public: "Please get in touch if, for whatever reason, you can only now see an observation or a fact in connection with Inga's disappearance. Help us to finally solve the case.”

~So sad... Inga disappeared 8 yrs ago,when she was just ....5 years old..!!~
The search goes on -Time to speak up!

"February 08, 2023
CID liv
On February 12, 2023, Attorney Tzschoppe will provide information about the concern and the goal of the efforts as part of the MDR program "kripo live". The show starts at 7:50 p.m."


"If you made an observation around the Wilhelmshof on May 2nd, 2015, which perhaps did not seem relevant to you at the time, then you are welcome to let us know by telephone, letter or Kontakt Or you can contact us directly here . Information can also be treated confidentially if desired.

At the time, several witnesses spoke of seeing a vehicle near Wilhelmshof. Did you have a similar perception? Perhaps on an adjacent forest path?

The search dogs used by the police showed increased reporting behavior in the vicinity of the solar park in Staats/Börgitz. Did you notice people or vehicles there or nearby that seemed suspicious to you, that just didn't belong there? Maybe days before or after...?

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Offene Fragen
"Es sollte im Fall Inga noch einmal alles umgekrempelt werden"

"Everything should be turned inside out in the Inga case"

Lawyer Petra Küllmei on the investigations and the personal hope of one day being able to provide her client with certainty.

Ms Küllmei, you have been Inga's mother's lawyer for years. How is she doing at the moment?

My client is doing well under the circumstances. There are days when she feels bad and has to take a deep breath, and days when she can cope with everyday life. She has developed strategies for herself to be there for her other children despite the uncertainty about what happened to Inga.

You have been involved with the case for years. Do you still have hope that it will be solved?

As they say, hope dies last. I am actually firmly convinced that the case will be solved one day. Again and again, we hear about cases that are solved many years later; be it because witnesses come forward years later, new techniques make it possible to evaluate traces, or the [so called] Inspector Chance contributes to it.

What is your hypothesis?

I believe that on the day in question Inga was lured away or abducted by surprise by a person she knew. My conviction is that the person stayed on the premises in Wilhelmshof, because the time window in which Inga disappeared without a trace is very small. If you think of a perpetrator from the outside, then in my opinion he would have had to have a connection to Wilhelmshof or have had something to do on the grounds - but at least in the vicinity - because you don't pass by these grounds by chance.

A few years ago you already criticised the poor police work or the work of the public prosecutor's office, has anything changed in the meantime?

Not really. Everything is going very slowly. Even if the prosecution follows up on the leads I send them, it takes a very long time and they don't process them completely. I am particularly critical of the fact that there is only one-sided communication. By that I mean that no results are made known if one does not ask, although one has given the impulse. That's why there is always a latent dissatisfaction, because you have the feeling that no work is being done.

What is your personal hope?

First of all, of course, that the case is solved as soon as possible, so that my client knows what happened to her little girl; what happened on 2 May 2015.

I would also like the investigation to be handed over to a special investigation team that can devote itself exclusively and with all its strength and competence to this one case. Everything should be reviewed once again from top to bottom and from right to left. But this cannot be done on the side - alongside the daily tasks.


As long as little children disappear,the search for questions will never vanish.

I do hope,that active members,who also feel - that way..will search,post,bump and discuss,as long as it takes!

She was just 5 years old,and her family,as so many families,…will never give up,searching,pleading .. in finding answers.

It is too bad,that it has been almost 8 years and some WS members aren’t active anymore,and urls are archived.

If anyone has some oversight and a good TL,much appreciated,if it will be post here on WS.

Inga's mother -- desperate appeal:

"Seit acht Jahren verschwunden
Inga, wo bist du? Mutter "fühlt", dass vermisste Tochter noch lebt"

"Inga disappeared on a family trip in a forest in Uchtspringe near Stendal - that was eight years ago. But mother Gehricke does not give up hope. On a new, specially set up page, she is now addressing the public: "Please get in touch if, for whatever reason, you can only now see an observation or a fact in connection with Inga's disappearance. Help us to finally solve the case.”

~So sad... Inga disappeared 8 yrs ago,when she was just ....5 years old..!!~
The search goes on -Time to speak up!

"February 08, 2023
CID liv
On February 12, 2023, Attorney Tzschoppe will provide information about the concern and the goal of the efforts as part of the MDR program "kripo live". The show starts at 7:50 p.m."


"If you made an observation around the Wilhelmshof on May 2nd, 2015, which perhaps did not seem relevant to you at the time, then you are welcome to let us know by telephone, letter or Kontakt Or you can contact us directly here . Information can also be treated confidentially if desired.

At the time, several witnesses spoke of seeing a vehicle near Wilhelmshof. Did you have a similar perception? Perhaps on an adjacent forest path?

The search dogs used by the police showed increased reporting behavior in the vicinity of the solar park in Staats/Börgitz. Did you notice people or vehicles there or nearby that seemed suspicious to you, that just didn't belong there? Maybe days before or after...?

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Can someone stream this ,the link to Kripo live?

The car was a dark colored one!!
I did posted it,before Post in thread 'Germany - Inga Gehricke, 5, Stendal, Sachsen-Anhalt, 2 May 2015' Germany - Germany - Inga Gehricke, 5, Stendal, Sachsen-Anhalt, 2 May 2015

Also it was on MM doc 60 min.
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Every detail is quite important IMO, WW.

I read that they played football but I imagined boys only as girls don't use to play football a lot. But since they were only 9 maybe they needed boys and girls to play.
Just a little correction, from what I just read:

"Arnold remembers that he had seen the girl on the day that Inga disappeared. "She watched us play football and played with dandelions." In the late afternoon he withdrew and Inga's family alone with their acquaintances, who previously had good connections to the facility."

Translated from:
" An dem Tag, als Inga verschwand, hatte er das Mädchen noch gesehen, erinnert sich Arnold. "Sie hat uns beim Fußballspielen beobachtet und mit Pusteblumen gespielt." Am späten Nachmittag habe er sich dann zurückgezogen und Ingas Familie mit ihren Bekannten, die zuvor schon gute Verbindungen zur Einrichtung hatten, allein."

Joachim Arnold: "Wir beten jeden Tag für Inga"

Could be nothing, but if she was seen, playing with dandelions and watching others play football, there could be more bystanders, who took notice of the family and Inga, small talks is an easy gain trust..
This is the biggest inconsistency in poor Inga's case:

Inga was last seen by 6.30pm BARD, according to an interview by parents to Stern in 2017. Inga was last, seen by 2 children, returning to building after she carried 2 bottles of water and no one knows what happened after that. Not a single more sight after that moment.

Inga trug zwei großen Wasserflaschen, sie wollte mithelfen bei den Vorbereitungen für ein Grillfest. Kurz darauf wurde sie noch einmal von zwei anderen Kindern beobachtet, als sie sich auf den Rückweg Richtung Haus machte. Das war gegen 18.30 Uhr. Was dann passierte, weiß bis heute niemand.

"Ich dachte: Sie finden mein Kind bestimmt"

Stendal police is called at 8.13pm BARD, which is too late for that, as I'll try to show.

Am Samstag, den 2. Mai 2015 um 20.13 Uhr ging ein Notruf bei der Polizei Stendal ein. Was darauf folgte, hielt das Land wochenlang in Atem.

Verzweifelte Suche: Sollte Inga leben, wäre sie jetzt sechs Jahre alt - WELT

6.30pm can be wrong say by some 15min (6.15-6.45). It wouldn't take 15min at most for Inga to be find lost as she never arrived at building as expected (if she had arrived, the last testimony wouldn't be by those 2 children, but from someone in the building). Imagine desperate parents running all around again and again for nothing and taking them more than 15-20min at most to call LE for help. No parent would care if they called too early for their lost 5YO child who was found before LE came. Imagine yourself under such scenario.

So, by 7.13pm Inga would be known lost and searched enough for despair and need for urgent help. Yet, 8.13pm is 1H later after all that! This is absolutely incredible! Unless one thing happened. Unless parents had someone giving them hope after hope so that they should try another search again and again before rushing for a call. Thus precious time would be gained before alerting Stendal police.

This is not the only inconsistency in poor Inga's case, but it's the greatest IMHO and it's worth clarifying to the finest detail.
Think this is new, saying having a meeting in march. Sachsen-Anhalt: Mädchen Inga seit acht Jahren vermisst
Thanks Lilly,I completely missed that…was more distracted (myself) about the huge gaps in the timeline.
There are so many articles,about the circumstances when Inga disappeared.
Statement in previous post/articles that it highly unlikely that a perp accidentally came across little Inga by accident,in that area,wich is very remote.
Found it very disturbing that the WH staff,was only notified,the day after Inga disappeared.
She was seen by an ,playing with dandelions,at/during a football match,by at least an employer.

Joachim Arnold: "Wir beten jeden Tag für Inga"

Also here,it is said by Criminologist Bettina Goetze:
“From my point of view, the perpetrator comes from the social environment. In other words: The probability that he has a strong local reference is much higher than that a stranger accidentally came across his victim in this area of all places.”

”So I would assume that it is a man, probably 40 to 55 years old, employed….”
Kriminologin spricht über den Fall Inga
From your link:
”Auf Antrag von SPD und Linke sollen die Vorwürfe in der Sitzung des Innenausschusses am 9. März diskutiert werden.”

^I do hope,that Wilhemshof and all the questions about it,will be answered for the Gehricke family.^

It is jaw dropping,how and where Inga disappeared.
This is the biggest inconsistency in poor Inga's case:

Inga was last seen by 6.30pm BARD, according to an interview by parents to Stern in 2017. Inga was last, seen by 2 children, returning to building after she carried 2 bottles of water and no one knows what happened after that. Not a single more sight after that moment.

"Ich dachte: Sie finden mein Kind bestimmt"

Stendal police is called at 8.13pm BARD, which is too late for that, as I'll try to show.

Verzweifelte Suche: Sollte Inga leben, wäre sie jetzt sechs Jahre alt - WELT

6.30pm can be wrong say by some 15min (6.15-6.45). It wouldn't take 15min at most for Inga to be find lost as she never arrived at building as expected (if she had arrived, the last testimony wouldn't be by those 2 children, but from someone in the building). Imagine desperate parents running all around again and again for nothing and taking them more than 15-20min at most to call LE for help. No parent would care if they called too early for their lost 5YO child who was found before LE came. Imagine yourself under such scenario.

So, by 7.13pm Inga would be known lost and searched enough for despair and need for urgent help. Yet, 8.13pm is 1H later after all that! This is absolutely incredible! Unless one thing happened. Unless parents had someone giving them hope after hope so that they should try another search again and again before rushing for a call. Thus precious time would be gained before alerting Stendal police.

This is not the only inconsistency in poor Inga's case, but it's the greatest IMHO and it's worth clarifying to the finest detail.
A member from Allmystery who lives nearby Wilhemsoft visited the area and posted it yesterday. By coincidence they had a 5YO son with them.

Main conclusions:

- The place is very small and buildings are very close to each other, contrary to impression from pictures
- Place looks so peaceful any adult, visitor member included, would find it safe to leave a child alone
- An alien can walk freely there
- No child would ever enter forest alone

So, neither the way from Grillplatz to buildings leads to forest nor would poor Inga ever enter forest alone, even if lost.

So, parents lost upwards of 1 hour with useless searches in the forest for one and only one possible reason, however scaring that can be:

Parents were side by side with a perpetrator connection who could control them and discreetly lead operations.

If parents were alone, they would frantically search thoroughout built area, not forest, and hopelessly call Stendal police at 7.13pm, instead of 8.13pm as they did.
As I have seen, the surrounding forest is coniferous, and it seems to me very difficult to hide from there and kidnap a little girl, also I agree with @MENDEL, that too much time has been lost, (for what reason it might be) before the police were alerted.

Also very disturbing that the WH employees/residents <modsnip: no source link> were only informed the next day that a small girl has disappeared without a trace….

There is no clear TL,what the family did,during their stay at WH,and I do think that German police should reconsider their investigation,according to the wishes of Inga’s family and their lawyers.

Its Europe,wide open borders,so a small child can be trafficked ,it about 3 hours drive from Stendal to Poland…just saying..
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Thanks Lilly,I completely missed that…was more distracted (myself) about the huge gaps in the timeline.
There are so many articles,about the circumstances when Inga disappeared.
Statement in previous post/articles that it highly unlikely that a perp accidentally came across little Inga by accident,in that area,wich is very remote.
Found it very disturbing that the WH staff,was only notified,the day after Inga disappeared.
She was seen by an ,playing with dandelions,at/during a football match,by at least an employer.

Joachim Arnold: "Wir beten jeden Tag für Inga"

Also here,it is said by Criminologist Bettina Goetze:
“From my point of view, the perpetrator comes from the social environment. In other words: The probability that he has a strong local reference is much higher than that a stranger accidentally came across his victim in this area of all places.”

”So I would assume that it is a man, probably 40 to 55 years old, employed….”
Kriminologin spricht über den Fall Inga
From your link:
”Auf Antrag von SPD und Linke sollen die Vorwürfe in der Sitzung des Innenausschusses am 9. März diskutiert werden.”

^I do hope,that Wilhemshof and all the questions about it,will be answered for the Gehricke family.^

It is jaw dropping,how and where Inga disappeared.
Also from Criminologist Bettina Goetze's interview:
  • [Ich] die Vermisstenmeldung in den Abendstunden im Radio hörte [...]
  • I heard the missing person report on the radio in the evening hours
Of course, she's talking about evening hours on day 0 almost for sure.

So it's really disturbing indeed how DW staff, Director included, only learned next day about a large scale search for a missing child that was taking place outdoors.

Also from Criminologist:
  • Mich würde es nicht wundern, wenn sogar der Name des Täters schon in den Akten steht, und sei es nur, weil man ihn damals als Zeuge vernommen hat und er einfach durch das Raster fiel
  • It wouldn't surprise me if the name of the perpetrator is already in the files, if only because he was questioned as a witness at the time and he just fell through the cracks
Also from Criminologist Bettina Goetze's interview:
  • [Ich] die Vermisstenmeldung in den Abendstunden im Radio hörte [...]
  • I heard the missing person report on the radio in the evening hours
Of course, she's talking about evening hours on day 0 almost for sure.

So it's really disturbing indeed how DW staff, Director included, only learned next day about a large scale search for a missing child that was taking place outdoors.

Also from Criminologist:
  • Mich würde es nicht wundern, wenn sogar der Name des Täters schon in den Akten steht, und sei es nur, weil man ihn damals als Zeuge vernommen hat und er einfach durch das Raster fiel
  • It wouldn't surprise me if the name of the perpetrator is already in the files, if only because he was questioned as a witness at the time and he just fell through the cracks
Just like Nicky Verstappen,the perp was also in the files.

Jeroen Severs (RIP)
Key role for fallen soldier. Jeroen Severs is one of the alert Marechaussees who in 1998 notes the name of the later suspect in the murder of Nicky Verstappen.

Sleutelrol voor gesneuvelde militair in zaak-Nicky Verstappen

Time to get an European Commission,or what ever!
Even before Inga had disappeared, mother Victoria had a bad premonition - when she was in the kitchen preparing for a barbecue and Inga was playing outside: "I tried not to drive myself crazy, but it went so far that I thought: You're making rolls now, while something might be happening to your child."

  • Schon, als Inga noch nicht verschwunden war, hatte Mutter Victoria eine böse Vorahnung – als sie gerade für die Vorbereitungen eines Grillfestes in der Küche stand und Inga draußen spielte: „Ich versuchte, mich nicht verrückt zu machen, aber trotzdem ging das so weit, dass ich dachte: Du schmierst jetzt Brötchen, während vielleicht gerade deinem Kind etwas passiert.“

Father Jens-Uwe in an interview: “I still have this distrust when it comes to the Wilhelmshof and its residents. This feeling that something is wrong has never gone away for me.”

  • Vater Jens-Uwe im Interview: „Bei mir besteht dieses Misstrauen, was den Wilhelmshof und seine Bewohner anbelangt, bis heute. Dieses Gefühl, da stimmt irgendetwas nicht, ist bei mir nie weggegangen.“
Vor zwei Jahren verschwand das Mädchen im Wald - Polizei gibt Inga auf
Searched for more articles, from criminologist Dr Bettina Goetze, who works for the Institute for Forensics in Magdeburg.
It's an article, four yrs, after Inga disappeared.
I think, it should be done, to rule out, if she ever left the area.

What could be done to solve the case?

"I remember the murder of ten-year-old Stefanie from Weimar. The case was successfully resolved by a specially founded Soko for old cases - and that after 27 years. There are also special departments for "cold cases" in Austria. That would also be a consideration for Saxony-Anhalt. Administrative assistance from Croatia would also be conceivable. There are Belgian Shepherd Dogs that are specialized in finding buried bodies even after many years. So that the whole huge area around the Wilhelmshof was searched again with dogs."

Murderer of Stephanie Drews in 1991, Hans-Joachim G. was arrested in Berlin in March 2018. He had been arrested before in 1996 for other crimes and sentenced to 6.5Y in jail, which he served in a Psychiatric facility until 2013. So, he was free from 2013 to 2018. During this period, an unidentified man tried to attract children with candies in Jena and Weimar in October 2013 and again in Stendal in September 2014. Is there any connection between HJG and Wilhemshof? Which Psychiatric facility did he attend? There's a Forensic one in Uchtspringe. Kriminaloberkommissarin Carolin Böhme, who reopened cold case Stephanie Drews, did a listing with 6 suspects headed by HJG. Maybe all those suspects might be investigated to check if any of them was a possibility in Wilhemshof on 2 May 2015.

Fremder wollte in Thüringen wiederholt Kinder in sein Auto locken

Mann lockt Kind mit Süßigkeiten

Truck driver accused of abusing and murdering girl 27 years ago
As I have seen, the surrounding forest is coniferous, and it seems to me very difficult to hide from there and kidnap a little girl, also I agree with @MENDEL, that too much time has been lost, (for what reason it might be) before the police were alerted.

Also very disturbing that the WH employees/residents <modsnip: no source link> were only informed the next day that a small girl has disappeared without a trace….

There is no clear TL,what the family did,during their stay at WH,and I do think that German police should reconsider their investigation,according to the wishes of Inga’s family and their lawyers.

Its Europe,wide open borders,so a small child can be trafficked ,it about 3 hours drive from Stendal to Poland…just saying..

<modsnip: quoted post was snipped>

IMO the most likely perpetrator is someone who came to visit for the day and on their way back, by car, they saw little Inga and grabbed her. I may be wrong, but for now, I fail to see how a mentally handicapped person living on the premises would manage to get away with a crime of this scale without being noticed or leaving a trace.
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