Germany Germany - Ingolstadt/Bavaria, Boy, 5-6,110 cm tall, 15kg, brown hair and blood type O, spent time outside Germany, found in Danube River, May'22

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Posters have now been distributed along the Danube to advance the investigation.
I wonder if the posters included an image (drawn or otherwise) of how the body looked when first found. Previous descriptions have been a bit vague. Male, aged 4-6, wrapped in plastic. That's all. "Wrapped in plastic," to me, makes it sound like he was wrapped in the clear stuff you use to cover food or protect suitcases. But it could easily be black garbage bags, white shopping bags, or a tarpaulin as well. Maybe some specificity was lost in translation.

(edited because I hit the "Post" button too early)
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I wonder if the posters included an image (drawn or otherwise) of how the body looked when first found. Previous descriptions have been a bit vague. Male, aged 4-6, wrapped in plastic. That's all. "Wrapped in plastic," to me, makes it sound like he was wrapped in the clear stuff you use to cover food or protect suitcases. But it could easily be black garbage bags, white shopping bags, or a tarpaulin as well. Maybe some specificity was lost in translation.

(edited because I hit the "Post" button too early)

No they don't. The Police keep the details to themselves, obviously. The description is very general : Call for witnesses, who may have noticed something in the area.



Verpackte Kinder-Leiche in der Donau bei Vohburg: Zum Stand der Ermittlungen
Kinderleiche in der Donau: „Wir wollen dem Jungen ein Gesicht geben“

"We want to give the boy a face"


Ingolstadt - The death of the little boy from the Donau river has also left its mark on the investigators. CID officer Silke Poller, who heads the "Fluvius" investigation team, speaks to BILD.

"I would have to lie if I said that this case did not touch the investigators and also me. Deaths of children evoke deeper emotions in all police officers as they do in adults," Poller says.

Review: On 19 May, a dead boy was found in the Donau near Vohburg. The body was wrapped in a plastic bag. Missing person searches and tips have had no success so far.

Poller has been with the Ingolstadt police department for 13 years. First as a case officer, now as the boss. She told BILD: "I have not had and do not know of any comparable case like this. My colleagues feel the same way."

The investigators are bracing themselves for a long investigation.

"In crime films or crime novels, the corpse is identified within a very short time, usually on the basis of DNA or fingerprints, and the perpetrator is found almost as if by 'pressing a button'. In reality, and especially in our case, it is something completely different," Poller says. Forensic examinations will now have to clarify how the boy lost his life.

Poller: "The circumstances in which the boy was found were more than unusual." Expert opinions are to bring certainty as to where the boy was thrown into the river Donau.

"Objects that are brought into a flowing body of water are subject to a wide variety of factors, such as surface currents, underwater currents, wind speeds and wind directions. But the temperatures of the surroundings and the water also play a role, as does the nature of the river bed," Poller explains.

What is the investigators' drive to solve this case?

Poller: "No member of the public wants to walk through a cemetery and read 'unknown boy' on the gravestone. And that is what we want to achieve with our work. To give the boy a name, a face and a story."

Toter Bub in Donau bei Vohburg: Polizei tappt weiter im Dunkeln

For months, the police have been investigating the case of the dead boy who was found in the river Donau near Vohburg in May. But the officials are still operating in the dark. As the spokesman of the Ingolstadt Criminal Investigation Department, Michael Graf, told our newspaper on Thursday, there are currently no new findings on the identity of the four to six-year-old boy. The Institute of Forensic Medicine at the University of Munich is currently carrying out intensive examinations on the corpse, Graf informed. However, it is not yet possible to say when these will be completed.


If this boy had been reported missing, most likely the Police would have been aware of it by now. They don't seem to be.
Obligatory schooling starts at age 6 in Germany. If the boy was registered in Germany, his absence may be noticed once he turns 6 and does not go to school. Fingers crossed, but there's a fat chance that he wasn't registered at all IMO.
Kinderleiche gibt weiter Rätsel auf

Facial recognition should bring new insights

The case of an unknown child's body found in the river Donau near Vohburg could soon start to move. The Donaukurier reports that investigators are waiting for the results of a so-called facial reconstruction. In this process, the face is reconstructed by specialists in order to get one step closer to identifying the boy. The dead boy, aged 4 to 6, was found wrapped up in the river Donau by a canoeist in mid-May. The police are investigating under high pressure with posters, interviews with walkers, search operations with divers and appeals for witnesses. In addition, missing persons cases - also from other countries - are being investigated.


This report dates from October 8. Apparently it somehow escaped my search words ;)
There appears to be no further news about the facial reconstruction.

This boy has a reconstruction now.
- He was between 3 and 7 years old
- 110 cm tall
- 15 kg weight
- He had blue eyes and dark-blonde hair
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View attachment 381201
from the same report:

10,000 euro reward

Anyone who recognises the child in the picture is asked to call the Ingolstadt police on 0841-93430.

They have also published a photo of the paving stone from the tiver Donau. It measures 40 by 20 by six centimetres and is sold under the brand name Diephaus, type "Natura Vigo". Anyone who can provide information on how this concrete stone ended up in the river Donau is also asked to contact the police.

This paving stone was used to weigh down the body in the Donau.


A reward of 10,000 euros has been offered for information leading to the identification of the child, to the clarification of the circumstances of death and thus possibly to the apprehension of a perpetrator.

This sweet little guy, Maxim
K, could match, but you’d think he will have been checked

This sweet little guy, Maxim
K, could match, but you’d think he will have been checked

That is a possible family abduction because he was supposed to be put into social services custody/foster.
Maxim is also too old. The stats of the uid boy match a 3-5 year old child. My 4 year old daughter is very slim and has the same height and weight as him.
That is a possible family abduction because he was supposed to be put into social services custody/foster.
Maxim is also too old. The stats of the uid boy match a 3-5 year old child. My 4 year old daughter is very slim and has the same height and weight as him.
Did you find an article where his hight & weight were posted? I had trouble finding this without his last name. The reason i thought police mentioned the age range up until seven years is that he might have looked small/thin or manouriged for his age.

I work with kids & i (i can imagine you all are) am devastated that there are kids that “nobody misses” (don’t get search efforts or don’t get mentioned online).

On the other hand i can assure you i see plenty of kids every day that don’t fit the weight or height of their age range, same as the differences in puberty (hair, hips, breasts,…). Their age would definately be guessed wrong by law enforcement. So i take that with a grain of salt and dare too read into kids a bit younger or older. But that’s purely MOO.
Well, it isn't him. Hard to believe that the German Police in NRW would put a child on their missings persons website for all the world to see and another part of the German Police in Bavaria would forget to take a look during their search for the identification of a located unknown child. All while LE in NRW would forget to inform them too.

Young Max from Mönchengladbach is not a child that nobody misses, and the unknown Bub from Vohburg is being investigated thoroughly.
Kinder-Leiche in der Donau bei Vohburg: Wahrscheinlich ein Gewalt-Verbrechen

"Up to now, we have been unable to clarify the identity of the boy," the police headquarters of Upper Bavaria North announced today, Friday. The investigators are now hoping for new information from the public. According to the latest information, the boy was between three and seven years old, 110 centimetres tall and weighed about 15 kilograms. According to the police, he had blue eyes and dark blond to brown hair.

On behalf of the public prosecutor's office in Ingolstadt, the child's face has been reconstructed by forensic experts. "Scientific findings allow well-founded conclusions to be drawn, based on the individual head shape, about the actual appearance during the child's lifetime," it was explained. The results are now available (see photos). The staff of the investigation group set up to solve the case hope that the publication of the photos will provide new clues to the identity of the dead boy.

The investigators ask specifically:

Who knows the child found in the Donau and can provide information on his identity?
Who remembers a boy matching the above description and has not seen him since the beginning of this year?

In addition, the Criminal Investigation Department in Ingolstadt is asking for information about the stone also shown (see photo at the bottom), with which the wrapped corpse had been weighed down.
According to the police, this paving stone, measuring 40 centimetres by 20 centimetres by six centimetres, is sold under the brand name Diephaus (type "Natura Vigo").

Information can be obtained from the Ingolstadt police on telephone number (08 41) 93 43 0. "A reward of 10,000 euros has been offered for information leading to the identification of the child, to the clarification of the circumstances of the death and thus possibly to the apprehension of a perpetrator, and this reward will be paid without recourse to legal action," the police headquarters of Upper Bavaria North explained further today.

"The body was presumably in the water for several weeks," our editorial staff had already been told in June in an extensive interview about the case from the police headquarters of Upper Bavaria North. Today, a spokesperson explained on request that it was assumed that the child's body had also entered the river Donau in the area of Großmehring.

Furthermore, it has now been explained for the first time that the corpse was not only packed but also weighted down with the above mentioned stone.

The investigation team had already initiated many expert opinions in connection with the case. One of them has now led to the reconstruction of the face. Initially, it was stated that all directions were being investigated and that a homicide could not be ruled out. Today, a spokesperson told our editorial office that the investigators assume that there is a high probability of a violent crime. However, no further details were given on the circumstances of the death or the cause of death.

As reported several times, the investigation group called Fluvius has focused on numerous cases of missing children in Germany and abroad. In Germany alone, more than 100 missing persons cases had been reviewed at times. "In most of these cases, some of which date back a long time, time-consuming investigations have to be carried out," it was explained. But this was the only way to ensure that no relevant details were overlooked.

It was reported early on that there were no known unsolved missing persons cases in the area of responsibility of the Ingolstadt-based police headquarters of Upper Bavaria North that could be linked to the discovery of the body. The national and nationwide investigation of missing persons cases has not yet led to a clarification of the identity of the dead boy.
"The Europe-wide investigations are still ongoing,"
a police spokesperson said today.


The 'area of Großmehring' is located roughly between the bridge where Motorway 9 crosses the river Donau and Vohburg.
Totes Kind aus der Donau: Ermittler hoffen auf "Aktenzeichen xy... ungelöst"

For one thing, the case will be shown on "Aktenzeichen xy... ungelöst" on ZDF. The next programme will be broadcast on 7 December. The reconstructed face of the child, whom no one seems to be missing, will also be shown. The picture, which was modelled on the basis of the facial bones, was published by the police last Friday. Over the weekend, according to Andreas Aichele, spokesman for the police headquarters of Upper Bavaria North in Ingolstadt, a double-digit number of tips were received about the case.

These will now be processed one by one and then it will also become clear whether one of them could possibly mean the decisive breakthrough in the investigation.

Furthermore, technical investigations into the case are still ongoing. In particular, it is still not known when exactly and where the boy, whose body was wrapped, entered the river. The forensic department's work is also made more difficult by the fact that the corpse was that of a young child. At this age, teeth and bones do not give as many clues about the life and origin of a person as is the case with adults.

Kinderleiche aus der Donau bei Vohburg: Neue Spur nach "Aktenzeichen XY"

Update from 09.12.2022, 11.30 a.m.: Several tips following "Aktenzeichen XY".

After the TV broadcast about the discovery of a child's body in the river Donau near Ingolstadt, the criminal investigation department has received more than two dozen new tips. In the ZDF programme "Aktenzeichen XY... ungelöst" on Wednesday evening, the case of the unknown boy was presented. The boy's body was discovered in the river in May, wrapped and weighted down with a stone.

A spokesman for the Ingolstadt police headquarters said on Thursday that a total of 27 tips had been received after the programme. These tips will now first be evaluated, he added. According to him, one caller gave a very concrete clue about the paving stone used to sink the body in the Danube.

The programme also initially reported that, based on the facial reconstruction of the dead boy, there had been precise indications of certain children with the mention of possible names. However, the police spokesperson did not confirm this on Thursday. The police did confirm that several calls had been received regarding the possible origin of the child.

Case of dead boy from the Donau remains unsolved - search for witnesses throughout Germany
Fall um toten Jungen aus der Donau weiter ungelöst - Zeugensuche in ganz Deutschland

Ingolstadt - In May, a paddler found a child's body in the Donau near Ingolstadt. More than half a year later, the case still poses many questions.

The identity of the child has not yet been clarified. On behalf of the Ingolstadt public prosecutor's office, the child's face was reconstructed by forensic experts. "Scientific findings allow well-founded conclusions to be drawn, based on the individual head shape, about the actual appearance during the child's lifetime," the November press release stated.

The investigators also provided a description at the time:

between 3 and 7 years old
110 cm tall
weighs about 15 kg
blue eyes
dark blond to brown hair

In December, the case was shown on the ZDF programme "Aktenzeichen XY...ungelöst", and numerous tips were received afterwards. Now the investigators are receiving support from the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA). Starting on Thursday, 5 January, digital information screens (such as those at railway stations) will be used throughout Germany for the case. This is reported by the Bayerischer Rundfunk. In addition, the BKA's media will be used to draw attention to the case again. This means, among other things, the homepage and the social media of the authority.


Child's body in the river Donau: tips from all over Germany

After three quarters of a year, the murder of a little boy remains unsolved. The body was discovered in the Donau River in the Ingolstadt area. The child has not been reported missing anywhere. The police are looking for a needle in a haystack.

Nine months after the discovery of a child's body in the Donau, the Ingolstadt Criminal Investigation Department continues to process several tips from the public. Most recently, the investigators, together with the Federal Criminal Police Office, had published the reconstructed picture of the dead boy on information screens all over Germany and asked for tips.

There had also been quite a number of tips from all over Germany after the action, said police spokesman Andreas Aichele. "But there wasn't one that would have helped us in leaps and bounds right away." Instead, he said, there were small investigative leads that were being followed up. "We are currently working with many files and interrogations."

The body of the preschool-aged boy was found on 19 May 2022 by a canoeist at a barrage near Vohburg on the Donau (Pfaffenhofen district). The identity and the cause of death are still unclear - despite a large-scale search for clues. It is suspected that the child was murdered, because the dead boy had been wrapped and dumped in the river with a stone. The body lay in the water for a long time.

In autumn, a specialised forensic pathologist had reconstructed the face of the unknown boy. The case was presented in detail in the ZDF programme "Aktenzeichen XY... unsolved". According to the investigation, the child was between three and seven years old, 110 centimetres tall, weighed about 15 kilos and had blue eyes and dark blond to brown hair.

The police spokesman stressed that the case is still being worked on intensively. "We are still digging up the haystack properly - looking for the pin." So far, however, there are no indications that witnesses have directly recognised the boy. Rather, tips had been received about children who had not been seen for a long time.

The criminal investigation department assumes that the dead child comes from another area. "We are relatively sure that the child does not come directly from the region," said Aichele. In Bavaria, he said, early detection and school enrolment examinations are also compulsory, and the boy should have been at these. "The child would not fall through the cracks there."

Currently, the Ingolstadt Criminal Investigation Department's investigation team is searching Europe-wide for the perpetrator. One theory is that the wrapped child's body could have been thrown into the river from a bridge on the busy A9 motorway. However, there are no concrete traces of this, for example injuries on the corpse. "We can't prove it," the police spokesperson says about the thesis.


Young children in Germany get two thorough examinations to monitor their mental and physical development and to establish if they are ready for school. The first one, called U-9, is done when a child is around 5 years of age, the second one, SchoolStart Examination (or S1 or SEU) takes place in the months before the child starts school for the first time in the autumn.
The examinations are compulsory in all the Länder of Germany.

Of course the system only works if the child is registered, and not living off the radar.
I wonder if this boy could be from Ukraine? There were a lot of people from Ukraine on the move in Eastern and Central Europe last spring (and still are of course), in rather chaotic conditions. Many children were orphaned, or simply sent out of the country to stay at a safer place without their parents, so it could be that he has not been reported missing because only the perp(s) would know that he is missing.

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