Getting the random grey box/can't post or edit posts thing... again

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves


Sep 16, 2010
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This issue resolved for a while, but I've noticed its return around the same time as the new ads started invading half the screen etc.

Doesn't happen on any other site, so it's gotta be a WS issue. I'm in Australia, in case that might be a factor, re servers or whatnot. It is completely random, as far as I can tell. For example, I can post this, and edit this post. 5 mins ago, I couldn't post in any thread. Then I could post, but not edit the post. This happens on and off all day every day.

It makes posting a bit of a nightmare most days. Some help with that would be appreciated. I have no idea how it resolved last time, but I was very grateful when it happened.
If ads are "invading" half of your screen, then you should adust your resolution. Perhaps set your browser to zoom in only the text on a web page.

What kind of device are you using?
I have the exact same thing happen all the time. Sometimes can't even like a comment. It is only ws but I think it has to do with tap talk as well.
first things first.

You get to choose how many ads you are served. Want to see less ads, choose less posts per page. If you want more posts per page and can handle the ads, jack it up to 100.

In regards to your posting/edit problems. I have to assume that is on your end. It is certainly not related to the ads which were done 4 days ago.
I have the exact same thing happen all the time. Sometimes can't even like a comment. It is only ws but I think it has to do with tap talk as well.

The thank you button issue which has been discussed to death is not the "exact same thing" as some unknown grey boxes that will not let you post or edit. Sure there is the empty js popup, but not related in any way.
I was actually talking about that one day where the ads that popped up and took up half the screen were in place.. they were only there for a day as far as I know.

Anyway, that's when the grey screen thing started back up also. It only happens with WS, I've cleared my cache, etc, still happens.

Last time I just ended up putting up with it until it went away, of what accord I don't know. I believe I'm not the only poster having this issue. Several other Aussie posters mentioned it last time, but I can't recall who.
Hi, please don't take this as nagging? But the grey box thing is making it pretty difficult for me to participate in the forum. So I'm wondering what's happening, if there's any solution in sight? Has the problem been identified? Anything?

Just to recap, for clarity:

-- This is only happening at WS, nowhere else. So it's not my end.

-- I'm NOT complaining about the ads. I pointed out that this problem started up again, around the time the new ad displays came into being. I offer this as a possible insight into what might be happening, that's all!

-- I'm not the only person affected by this. I've noticed several other users from Australia are currently having this problem, as was the case last time it happened. Again, I offer this as a possible clue to what's going on.

-- Clearing cookies/cache doesn't help. Tried it, nada. Same as last time.

-- If I refresh the page anywhere from 3-12 times, sometimes that helps. It did for this post, after 6 refreshes. Sometimes it doesn't help. Pot luck.

-- I'm not switching to IE, a/ I hate it, b/ so does my computer.

--I'm not demanding this be fixed right now! I'm just hoping for a response that acknowledges this IS actually a problem users are having, and perhaps some hope it might stop soon?
I have not seen any posts of others having this grey box. It is not that I am not believing you, the problem is I have no idea what grey box you are talking about. If others complained as well I could cross check info and narrow it down.

In short, I need more info. Please post a screen shot so I can have a visual.
Hello Dave,

Sorry it took me so long to find this, I haven't been here much lately. Another user with this issue (there's others but I'll have to post them as I find them again):

The issue cleared up today before I thought to grab a screenshot. I'll do so the next time I'm on and it plays up. If it helps in the meantime, the box into which I type a message goes pale grey and no text can be entered. Posts cannot be edited, either, I get the same grey, empty box.

Sometimes hitting 'go advanced helps', bit I'm not sure if that's just because the screen refreshes, which also helps - if I refresh a lot, sooner or later a clear posting screen will appear.
Is this grey box in the quick reply area? if yes, only the quick reply area?

to verify you are not using IE?
Grey box of Doom:


Mostly in the quick reply box, though I think it's happened in advanced as well. I know hitting 'go advanced' hasn't always worked, so it must've. I think the fact 'go afvanced' refreshes the screen is probably why that works. Refreshing numerous times seems to get rid of it, but it's very annoying to have to do so.

Not using IE, my system hates it for some reason. And so do I.

Using FF, as always. I haven't had this issue for quite a while, but it has come up previously - again, mostly with Aussie posters, I noticed. Or maybe I just noticed the Aussie ones, idk.
Hi guys,
on the Australian William Tyrell pages and havnt been able to use quick reply, just stays unresponsive, so have to use advanced....thankyou
*advertiser censored*
I have also been in PM with a user that has been having this issue. I will C & P what I told him

I am trying to solve this issue, I do not expect any changes you made on your end to be a long term problem solver. I consider this to be a problem within the core of vbulletin and am trying to track down what other webmasters and seemingly vbulletin themselves cannot.

With that in mind could you please share as much info as you can.

Browser and version?
extensions and versions?
JavaScript fully enabled?
Using an ?
Cookies allowed?

This may or may not assist you when you run into the problem, but some webmasters have been able to initiate the editor text box by dragging the lower right corner of the text box to expand it.

Edited to add: I am trying to avoid doing the real trouble shooting myself. In this case it would REALLY be helpful to find somebody someplace that has experienced this and solved it. To trouble shoot this I will be required to set the forum back to as it was "straight out of the box" no (semi)pretty templates, no plugins such as thank you box and other functions, then I have to rebuild bit by bit until I find it. Not the way I want to do it, but the only way VBulletin will even suggest. And in the end it could end up just being a browser problem (my belief)
I thought I posted, but don't see it. So, I'll try again. My problem is with the West Memphis Three Forum. I seldom post elsewhere. I use Firefox, Windows Vista and a laptop. When I go to the forum, the threads are all there, but, when you open one, all you can see is the first page of posts and you can no longer see the page numbers on the main forum page. I can reply and see my reply briefly, but, when I refresh the page or go back to the main forum page, I can't see posts past page one unless I go to "display" and choose threaded mode. Then, as I'm sure you know, I can go through the posts one at a time. I appreciate your help with this issue.
I am currently having the GREY BOX OF DOOM s well. Never had it until the last day or so.

I copied your questions, Dave:

I am trying to solve this issue, I do not expect any changes you made on your end to be a long term problem solver. I consider this to be a problem within the core of vbulletin and am trying to track down what other webmasters and seemingly vbulletin themselves cannot.

With that in mind could you please share as much info as you can.

Browser and version?
extensions and versions?
JavaScript fully enabled?
Using an ?
Cookies allowed?

But being a bit of an idiot when it comes to this, I cannot answer all of them.

I am on a MacPro book, with Safari version 6.05 2013

I did not know what extensions were until I just clicked on it in the top corner---wow, COOL stuff I have never tried yet.

No .

Cookies are allowed.

I don't know if Javascript is enabled. If my son or hubby were home I could answer more fully. :wink:
Hi there, I wasn't on websleuths much between the beginning of the year and now. I didn't use to have this issue but now I very often will get a grey box instead of a post/edit/reply box no matter how many times i refresh. I have a popup blocker installed so I do not get any popups and don't know anything about that, and that has nothing to do with the grey box issue.

My machine is an HP running Windows 8, and my browser is Firefox.
I do very often go ahead and shut off adobe flash player and then websleuths runs much much faster in general BUT it has no affect whatsoever on the grey box issue.

Sometimes just refreshing will make it work, but rebooting never makes any difference at all.

Usually when I get the greyed out box, the way it will work is that for a split second it will be normal and if I click the x to stop the loading of the page I can usually halt it there and go ahead and post, but if I wait for the page to get done loading then the normal posting area will become plain white and then turn to hte grey box as the page finishes loading, then stays that way.

I understand newer browsers are /have eliminated support for adobe flash player because it is antiquated and buggy as a rule, and I've considered switching to Chrome because of this but I dislike new things so have held off. If others say they switched and it now works fine here, I'll make the switch as well.

I have a degree in webmastering so if there's anything I can do on my end to help troubleshoot by testing various methods then I feel comfortable doing that (not from a webmastering point of view just from an educated user point of view, obviously).

FWIW, closing all other apps and tabs has no effect either.
I was trying to edit that but it wouldn't. then tried to reply to it but couldn't. tried to post a new plain reply and couldnt. finally got a white box and managed to hit the x to stop the page from loading in time to type this. I just wanted to add that I'm not in australia, I'm in upstate NY. and I don't have an just popups are blocked. FWIW this is a hybrid touch screen/laptop device.

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