Gilbert Attorney: Escort's Affidavit Implicates James Burke in GB Murders

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He did.. said he was tom cannings neighbor and he discussed a bunch of people connected to oak beach. Feingold, strittkoff, bellone, hackett, brewer, burke. I missed the first 20 mins or so of the show so didnt catch all of it but it was definitely worth a listen.
Sorry. I misunderstood. Someone mentioned Scalise was a guest. I thought he was a guest on the forum.
My phone memory is almost full with podcasts I've saved on LISK! The more the merrier :)

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I see your from the UK. Did you see Americas Serial Killer? It was one of the better Documentaries. It was on youtube. It was pulled. You can probably pull it up in the UK.
No, the website was SeekingArrangement with the user/profile name 'best daddy yet'.

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His constituents had the right to know. Now they do.
Let him go back to practicing law. Im sure he'll hear from perverts that need representation.
I see your from the UK. Did you see Americas Serial Killer? It was one of the better Documentaries. It was on youtube. It was pulled. You can probably pull it up in the UK.

I don't believe I've seen that one. I'll try to find "Americas Serial Killer" pronto.

I was first aware of this case back in 2011 IIRC. There was ether a BBC or a Channel 4 documentary. Ch4 loves to do expose's on taboo subjects such as sex work etc. But the BBC are better placed for investigation documentaries abroad, with the BBC name having more credibility than Ch4. It was on air while I was working Vice, so considered it a bit of research. My years in Vice were from 2010 to 2015.

It interviewed Ambers sister quite extensively.

When I watched the Killing Season I was upset by seeing the sister clearly the worse for wear. Things have deteriorated in this woman's life and I believe her search for justice has taken her to some very dark places, personally and professionally. She was eloquent and confident all those years ago but is obviously struggling now.

I'm also a bit frustrated with the Killing Season going off at a tangent and looking at truck stops. I feel that's another story altogether. However it does support the theory that there may be a connection which includes someone who travels frequently for work which opens up a massive can of worms. Yet when I've spoken to some friends about the killing season they seem to think the case is about truckers... hence my frustration.

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What did LH call himself? Best daddy ever? This reminded me of the interview Commis Dormer gave. He was talking about the LISK case. I found it a litttle odd that he brought up college students hooking up with sugar daddys to pay tuition. That topic seemed so unrelated to this case. It makes you wonder what he
may have known.

Whoa! That is weird for sure. You don't happen to have a link to that interview, do you?
Whoa! That is weird for sure. You don't happen to have a link to that interview, do you?

Could it have been his interview for CBS's '48 Hours Mystery' where he dismisses Shannan's behaviour and seems to suggest that her jeans jus 'came off' while she kept running? I understand he got himself into trouble for revealing too much information pertinent to their investigation.


Will update again if I find the interview

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Dormer was identified as a VP for Arrow. In the 7 Episodes you have the Arrow logo on the screen. Dormer was the police commissioner at the time when the bodies were discovered. Now he is trying to benefit from the tragedies by commercializing them. No doubt in my mind Dormer has a pretty good idea what is behind all of this.
Dormer was identified as a VP for Arrow. In the 7 Episodes you have the Arrow logo on the screen. Dormer was the police commissioner at the time when the bodies were discovered. Now he is trying to benefit from the tragedies by commercializing them. No doubt in my mind Dormer has a pretty good idea what is behind all of this.
I agree that he likely knows based on him saying shann an drowned.

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His constituents had the right to know. Now they do.
Let him go back to practicing law. Im sure he'll hear from perverts that need representation.

He didn't renew his license. He's practicing illegally.

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I see your from the UK. Did you see Americas Serial Killer? It was one of the better Documentaries. It was on youtube. It was pulled. You can probably pull it up in the UK.

I was mistooken, DeeDee. That was the one I saw, so must have been 2012 rather then 2011. My memory isn't as good as I'd like it to be!

Is available on the Channel 4 app if anyone else with access to Ch4 wants to see it.

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Dopey Fitola should have kept his big mouth shut. Dopey LH never should have engaged in pillow talk.
This is their fault.

Fitola or detective portela? I've never heard of a fitola so that's why I ask.

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So I am just now catching up from back in December 2016 whenLeann did the press conference and this thread was first started. Hate to have been gone so long on this casebut had some personal stuff going on but so glad to be back… that being said,the press conference was incredible and I don’t know what to say but that allthis is making so much since and how hard would it be to believe that these menare capable of murder. Just because there are different kinds of killings heredoesn’t mean that it isn’t a group of men. The murders that involve thedismemberment would so fit the doctor. He lost a limb which I feel like to somepeople would be very tramatic and with him medical background the dismembermentwould be fitting. Maybe Burke and he hada murder club or something. With all the things that these police officers aredealing with on a daily basis it is not unreasonable to think that they couldbe getting together and taking out these aggressions and frustrations on thesepoor women. And from everything I have researched and have heard and read aboutBurke he is obviously show deviant behavior his entire life and what I can tellpeople have been covering up and not holding him accountable for this behaviorwhich IMO would lead to him testing his boundaries just to see what he can getaway with. And I believe it escalated to murder. Leann coming forward I feelwas very brave but very scary. These guys are dangerous and we don’t know howfar up this really goes. I just hope that she will keep herself safe. And aboutthe detective who outed her to the POI what was the point? Was the detectivetold to do that or does he know more? I mean why tell a POI in a murder casethat someone they know called in… Isn’t that what CONFIDENTIAL means! And wasanything ever done about that.
As for what DQN posted on jan 8 when it was said thathe(Burke) didn’t want the FBI involved and basically blocked them and thatBurke has anger issues that may be a reason that Burke blocked the FBI. Killingthat is done in anger and not planned mistakes are often made and maybe theBurke was afraid that the FBI would be smarter than him. Although he wouldnever admit that because he thought he was above getting caught and I thinkthat he
I agree with DeeDee21 about the fact that Peaches was partof this and not just something that happened. If not why was her body all overthe place and the baby somewhere totally different.
OntheCase27 post got it completely right I think that ifBurke and the doctor are the pair then as I have stated before thedismemberment with Jessica Taylor, Peaches and the Jane Does I would attributeto Hackett and the others the GB4 to Burke. These are just my theories ofcourse and opinions and I am still working this out in my mind too.
I agree with the fact that DeeDee brought up as far as yesSG was bipolar and a drug addict but I am a recovering addict and also havebipolar disorder and no matter how many drugs I have ever done including everythingfrom cocaine to heroine I have never called the police or ran outside into thenight because of it. As a matter of fact it is completely the opposite youdon’t want to be anywhere close to the police, you would absolutely have to bein dire danger and the phone call and her words said that to call that number.The only way that she would’ve maybe acted erratically like that as far asdrugs go would be if someone had slipped her something like LSD or acid and soI think that is the only got messed up and went into a marsh theory.
Tugela u posted on 4/11 that mentally unstable ran in her SGfamily and then about the fact that the sister killed the mother, that doesn’tsound at all like bipolar but maybe some kind of other mental illness thatinvolves that kind of behavior. Bipolar just doesn’t. Like Schizophrenia orsomething like that.
I will definitely read the book “A Criminal Injustice: ATrue Crime and a False Confession, and the Fight to Free Marty Tankleff” at thesuggestion of RayofHope and Hawk because I find all this so crazy that all thisinformation is out here for the public and for the government to read and noone is doing a damn thing about it!!! It infuriates me that this has gone onand on and on and now that the documentary hype is over the only people stillcaring about these poor people are the people on this site and very few others,because it’s obvious that LAW ENFORCEMENT is not caring at all in fact it goesbeyond that it is that they are covering up and hurting people and killingthem!!!!
SherwoodForest post on 5/8 I had totally not thought of the angle that Hackett or Burke or one oftheir people because even though those are the only names I have mentioned Ibelieve there were others involved, one may have fathered peaches child and thatcould’ve been the reason for the difference in those 2 as far as a child beingkilled, maybe she came around after having a previous encounter with one orboth of them and came around saying they were the father and she wanted moneyand that is what caused her and the baby to be killed.
I really wish thatthe Killing Season should do another season and I disagree about them making itall about one set of murders. Maybe they should have done different seasons ondifferent murders because God only knows there are unfortunately so many ofthese things that happen every min of everyday but it all needs to be exposed.The Neil Falls case was 40 mins away from my house and the lifestyle I used tobe involved with although I have never engaged in prostitution thank God itdidn’t get to that point but had and still have many friends that do and thatcould’ve been any number of people I knew. I have been a victim of a man that Iknow in my heart and soul that was a serial murderer I was taken for 3 days andbrutalized by him when I was 16 years old and was taken from a mall in themiddle of the day and was not on drugs or engaging in any risqué behavior otherthan going to the bathroom in a public mall. These kinds of things need to bebrought to light and people cannot stay silent.
Just got to the post about Burke having been found withdrugs in prison. Wow this guy is a whole trip.
I started this postlast night and I have literally been thinking and talking about this case andthese women all day to anyone that will listen. I don’t know what to do and Ithink that I have this figured out. So this is just one theory and my opinionso maybe the girls had been going to Oak Beach to the “parties” such as theones that Leann attended. Oak Beach is right around the corner from where allthe bodies were found and these parties may have just been a cover for darkerthings that have been going on. They didn’t plan on SG running out and callingattention to their playground. I believe that Hackett did have Shannan when hecalled her mother and the reason that he got the number was from Shannansphone. I think he thought if he called it would buy some time and then when hecalled and said that she ran away I think he thought that was putting distancebetween him and her being with him. I think that Joe Brewer called Hackett tohead Shannan off or that Pak chased her right to Hackett’s door. I know that’sa lot of maybe and ifs but I just really want to figure out why all of us onWebsleuthes can see whats going on but the people who are supposed toprofessional SUPPOSEDLY cant…
Just getting to the end of these threads and I am now goingto be doing my digging on LH and see what I can find it sounds like thatAnixetykiller and Hawk know what they are talking about and I had no clue thatanyone knew who the original tip that leann called in about was on. Glad thatshe is being protected and I guess I better be careful about what I say andabout whom but honestly I thought thatis what these boards are for and I have definitely thought many times that thekiller/killers would absolutely monitor these posts. Thanks anxietykiller forpointing me in another direction to check out as I am just going down thisrabbit hole and it certainly is that!!! And just looking at that weird profileon BEST DADDY YET ?! I mean come on now. It was said that these girl werepromised large sums of money form the last date they left with well a guy whoputs all his financial specs on a website is a little much. Most people are notthat open to talk about their income and is this guy really worth this amountof money?
I know that people have gotten a little fired up about thistopic as am I, but everyone is entitled to their opinion and I respecteveryones on here. I just hope that all of this comes justice for these womenand their families.

This killer is bold, but cowardly when forced into the light. Fear not. I don't.

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