Gilgo Beach LISK Serial Killer, Rex Heuermann, charged with 3 murders, July 2023 #2

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Seems logical that every single search query prosecutors decided to share publicly was done so for a reason, because they try to hold back as much as they can. Many of these search queries, including searching for children, have no obvious direct link to the case of the three women he's accused of murdering. So these details are being shared for ancillary reasons. To generate tips? To let him know they have many more murders yet to pin on him to pressure him to enter plea negotiations? To repulse his wife and daughter in order to get them to cooperate? Just speculating on reasons, but it will become more apparent why they shared what they did as time goes on.
I wish NY had the death penalty. It would make a plea deal much more compelling for him to cooperate.
Well, he IS a sloppy guy. I mean, come on! Who calls their burner phone with their own registered cellphone?! If it weren't so sad, it would be funny.

Speaking of that, just watching CNN where they were reporting on Rex H. They said the new leader of the Suffolk County PD brought in the FBI team (CAST) that specializes in retrieving and compiling cell phone data. It was a key part of the investigation (and many others) to be able to go through a massive pile of data and make sense of it.

What a week!
First and foremost, a huge kudos to SCPD and our new DA for a job well done.
And to their predecessors a huge @#$& &$# for halting the investigation and delaying closure for the families to cover their own behinds and illegal activities for so many years. these families have been living a nightmare and deserved answers.

So much to unpack with this . But I am stuck on the doll in the cabinet because I do remember discussion of time out dolls left at the memorial sites. Went back to older threads and found mention. Coincidence?

I have a gut feeling he will be responsible for other horrible crimes. Earlier, later and in between. Here, there and everywhere. IMO someone who dismembers and spreads remains, googles his own crimes, taunts family members and continues to contact/frequent sex workers is active.

Waiting anxiously for the search docs to be released. I think they will reveal a lot.
I think there's something to the doll collected from his house and to the victims. LE wouldn't take it into evidence for no reason. I wouldn't be shocked if the doll in the case is a shrine of the girls possibly has their jewlery on or in the case or some sort of "memento" relating to each girl. I think you're right I think he's connected to more cases. I watched criminal minds last night, it's crazy to go back when that was released seeing the "time-out dolls" and now knowing the alleged suspect.
He called it multiple times.
Well you would keep ringing it while checking whether it was this place or that.
If it didn't ring in one place, you'd ring again in another place you'd been. And another til you found it.

I recently had to ring my main phone several times in my house. It turned out that it was under my pillow and not in the living room where I thought it might be.
If he wasn't an architect in Manhatten I would think the family was just not financially able to keep up the house, but since they both had good jobs it's a bit odd to me.
I would nag my husband to repair the house or threaten to leave, but that's just me.
We also don't know how he treats her. A simple request could turn into her being battered.
Well you would keep ringing it while checking whether it was this place or that.
If it didn't ring in one place, you'd ring again in another place you'd been. And another til you found it.

I recently had to ring my main phone several times in my house. It turned out that it was under my pillow and not in the living room where I thought it might be.
Been there, done that. :)
We also don't know how he treats her. A simple request could turn into her being battered.
Or, simply ignore the request. I've seen that happen in families, where one simply discounts the requests of the rest of the family and they "make do" to either avoid the dominate figure and/or because they've learned to discount their own needs. It's a form of aggression, imo, though we don't know yet precisely why their home was in a run-down state.

I find the idea of time out dolls not that funny.
Like it's supposed to be cute and funny to humilate and shame a little child by making them stand in a corner.
I thought Time Out was the brand name. I didn't know until this morning reading the thread what they actually are. Not funny at all! jmo
It might be that the killer purchased the camo burlap solely for the purpose of making the corpse less visible, and therefore less likely to be discovered; perhaps having nothing to do with duck hunting at all.
Yes, he doesn't strike me as a hunter. He had lots of guns, but no long guns, which I thought was really weird. It made me wonder if he could have been flipping the guns for money.
Discussing the display of the Time-Out Dolls -- doesn't it seem LE has access to his credit card info from the time of the Memorials and dolls being displayed? If so, doesn't it make sense they would check his charges to see if RH purchased any dolls . . . ? This is just the beginning, folks. So much more to come.
I can’t recall what thread it was on but a sleuth found Google Earth images of the 105 First Ave address (RH home in Massapequa) and I believe noticed that work was done on the garage in the period after Gilgo 4 went missing. Amazing catch btw. Immediately my mind went to serial killer Joel Rifkin from Long Island who also targeted sex workers. Joel lived with his mother and sister and his garage/bedroom were his “man caves” and mom and sis never ever went in there. Needless to say his garage was a blood bath when cops finally busted him. His bedroom was also filled with “trophies”. Jewelry from victims, personal diaries, and ID cards. He even kept a bottle of HIV medication from one of his victims. Joel was a sloppy and nervous killer, who admitted to his kills/drew a map of where to find victims shortly after his arrest. RH is a cocky MFer. He truly never thought he’d get caught and most likely has gone to pain staking lengths to cover his tracks. SCPD is currently searching a storage facility in Amityville belonging to RH. This man had access to building all over the NY metro area, and god only knows what trophies he may have kept.
I wonder if part of the reason the place was run down was because he didn't want anyone coming to the house, even if it was to do some jobs that he couldn't. There may have been things he didn't want anyone to see.

And the fact that he seemingly only painted as far as he could reach tells me that he wasn't up to doing any more than that, without having to climb up higher.

He doesn't look very fit at all.
We also don't know how he treats her. A simple request could turn into her being battered.
I rather think, he subordinated himself, as he perhaps had to do, when he was a 11yo, living with his widowed mama, who was a single parent. So he had his peace and could concentrate on important things, that means p**n and his evil "holiday adventures", when his family was traveling.
Maybe, you are right and I am completely wrong. :)
Yes, he doesn't strike me as a hunter. He had lots of guns, but no long guns, which I thought was really weird. It made me wonder if he could have been flipping the guns for money.

There were a couple photos of long guns. A couple looked like antiques or replicas. The guns below aren't shotguns, but its possible he had one.

That said, he doesn't seem like the outdoors type who would sit in a freezing cold duck blind for hours.

An interesting post from back in 2012. The duck burlap?? Hunting club? I wonder if anything came of this persons tips.
I thought the same thing, which was also briefly mentioned in Killing Season. In watching last night, they also were discussing the FL kills as potentially 2 brothers. It got me thinking about his brother in South Carolina...speculation and thinking outloud MOO
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